3 research outputs found


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    Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis and to identify the epidemiological and clinical features of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme borreliosis as a mono- and coinfections in St. Petersburg. Materials and methods. 718 cases of TBE, 4353 cases of Lyme borreliosis and 127 combined diseases registered by the St. Petersburg epidemiological bureau in 2006-2017 were studied. Identification of combined diseases was carried out by a special software that allows to identify co-morbid diseases from the array of monoinfections. To identify clinical and epidemiological features, 144 cases of TBE, 286 Lyme borreliosis, and 43 cases of co-infection were studied. Age and sex characteristics, places of human contagion, infection rates of ticks, clinical forms of mono- and associated diseases, morbidity dynamics changes and patients’ IgM seropositivity were studied. Results. The long-term dynamics of TBE and Lyme borreliosis incidence had did not have significant upward or downward trends, it was characterized by synchronous fluctuations. The priority of the incidence of men over women is revealed. 61–69% cases of TBE and Lyme borreliosis occurred in Leningrad region, 19–30% – in the adjacent territories of Russia, 5,7–6,7% of cases were imported from other countries. High tick infection rates of TBE virus and Borrelia was revealed. Borrelia аnd virus of TBE and were detected in 81,6–87,5% of the examined ticks removed from patients with a later established diagnosis. Seasonal distribution of Lyme borreliosis was shifted by a month to the right in comparison with TBE. The clinical forms of both diseases did not differ in their structure from the country data, however after 2012 subclinical forms were more common in women. The proportion of non-erythematous forms of Lyme borreliosis in 2011–2015 compared with the 2006–2010 observation period increased almost 1,5-fold mainly forms, including those with co-infection. The IgM seropositivity rate in the dynamics of the disease testifies to the incomplete rehabilitation of patients. Conclusion. The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of TBE, Lyme borreliosis and combined infection in the North-West region of Russia, with the example of St. Petersburg, have certain distinctive features. The reasons for the revealed features need further study.Цель: провести сравнительный эпидемиологический анализ и выявить эпидемиологические и клинические особенности клещевого энцефалита и боррелиоза как моно- , так и одновременного сочетания этих инфекций у больных в Санкт-Петербурге. Материалы и методы: ретроспективно изучено 718 случаев клещевого энцефалита, 4353 случая клещевого боррелиоза и 127 сочетанных заболеваний, зарегистрированных в отделе учета и регистрации инфекционных и паразитарных заболеваний Центра гигиены и эпидемиологии Санкт-Петербурга за 2006–2017 гг. Идентификация сочетанных заболеваний происходила с помощью специальной программы, позволяющей выявлять сочетанные заболевания из массива моноинфекций. Для выявления клинико-эпидемиологических особенностей изучено 144 истории болезни клещевым энцефалитом, 286 – клещевым боррелиозом и 43 истории болезни в случаях сочетания этих инфекций. Проанализированы возрастно-половые характеристики, места заражения людей, вирусо- и борелиафорность клещей, клинические формы моно- и сочетанных заболеваний, изменения, происходящие во времени. Коэффициент серопозитивности IgM у больных оценивался в динамике обследования пациентов. Результаты: многолетняя динамика заболеваемости клещевым энцефалитом и клещевым боррелиозом не имела выраженных тенденций к росту или снижению и характеризовалась синхронными колебаниями. Выявлен приоритет заболеваемости мужчин над женщинами. Заражения клещевым энцефалитом и боррелиозами в 61–69% случаев происходили в Ленинградской области, в 19–30% – на сопредельных территориях России, в 5,7–6,7% – в странах ближнего и дальнего зарубежья. Выявлена высокая инфицированность клещей вирусом клещевого энцефалита и боррелиями. Боррелии и вирус клещевого энцефалита выявлены у 81,6 и 87,5% исследованных переносчиков, снятых с больных с позднее установленным диагнозом. Сезонное распределение заболеваний боррелиозом было сдвинуто на месяц вправо по сравнению с клещевым энцефалитом. Клинические формы как клещевого энцефалита, так и боррелиоза по своей структуре не отличались от литературных данных по стране, однако субклинические формы чаще встречались у женщин в период после 2012 г. Доля безэритемных форм боррелиоза в 2011–2015 гг. по сравнению с 2006–2010 гг. наблюдения увеличилась почти в 1,5 раза, в том числе и при сочетанной инфекции. Коэффициент серопозитивности IgM в динамике болезни свидетельствует о неполном выздоровлении больных. Заключение: клинико-эпидемиологическая картина клещевого энцефалита, клещевого боррелиоза и сочетания этих инфекций в Северо-Западном регионе России на примере Санкт-Петербурга имеет определенные отличительные особенности. Причины выявленных особенностей нуждаются в дальнейшем изучении

    Rear‐edge populations are important for understanding climate change risk and adaptation potential of threatened species

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    This article was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) and the Open Access Publication Fund of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.Climate change disproportionately threatens alpine species, by reducing available habitat and by isolating their populations. These pressures are particularly relevant for rear-edge populations, which typically occupy more marginal habitat compared to populations at the core of species' ranges. We studied Caucasian grouse Lyrurus mlokosiewiczi in the Caucasus ecoregion, a global biodiversity hotspot where this species is endemic, to understand potential climate change impacts on the species. Specifically, we assessed how climate change impacts rear-edge populations and how important these populations are for understanding range shifts and adaptive capacity under climate change. We used maximum entropy modeling to assess changes in the distribution of climatically suitable habitat under present and 2070 climate conditions for the representative concentration pathways 8.5 (RCP8.5). Our results revealed that ignoring rear-edge populations leads to a significant underestimation of the future range (by about 14,700 km2). Rear-edge populations were better adapted to warmer climates compared to core populations, and ignoring them, therefore, also underestimates adaptive capacity. Preventing the loss of rear-edge populations should, therefore, be a priority for conservation planning in the face of climate change. Because the Caucasian grouse is associated with alpine mountain tops, conservation should focus on establishing connectivity between rear-edge and core populations (e.g., via transboundary corridors or assisted colonizations). Our study reveals how species distribution modeling can highlight the importance of rear-edge populations for mitigating climate change impacts on species of conservation concern.Peer Reviewe

    Urgent natural foci infections transmitted by ticks in Saint-Petersburg

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    Purpose: to conduct a comparative analysis and to identify the epidemiological and clinical features of tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) and Lyme borreliosis as a mono- and coinfections in St. Petersburg. Materials and methods. 718 cases of TBE, 4353 cases of Lyme borreliosis and 127 combined diseases registered by the St. Petersburg epidemiological bureau in 2006-2017 were studied. Identification of combined diseases was carried out by a special software that allows to identify co-morbid diseases from the array of monoinfections. To identify clinical and epidemiological features, 144 cases of TBE, 286 Lyme borreliosis, and 43 cases of co-infection were studied. Age and sex characteristics, places of human contagion, infection rates of ticks, clinical forms of mono- and associated diseases, morbidity dynamics changes and patients’ IgM seropositivity were studied. Results. The long-term dynamics of TBE and Lyme borreliosis incidence had did not have significant upward or downward trends, it was characterized by synchronous fluctuations. The priority of the incidence of men over women is revealed. 61–69% cases of TBE and Lyme borreliosis occurred in Leningrad region, 19–30% – in the adjacent territories of Russia, 5,7–6,7% of cases were imported from other countries. High tick infection rates of TBE virus and Borrelia was revealed. Borrelia аnd virus of TBE and were detected in 81,6–87,5% of the examined ticks removed from patients with a later established diagnosis. Seasonal distribution of Lyme borreliosis was shifted by a month to the right in comparison with TBE. The clinical forms of both diseases did not differ in their structure from the country data, however after 2012 subclinical forms were more common in women. The proportion of non-erythematous forms of Lyme borreliosis in 2011–2015 compared with the 2006–2010 observation period increased almost 1,5-fold mainly forms, including those with co-infection. The IgM seropositivity rate in the dynamics of the disease testifies to the incomplete rehabilitation of patients. Conclusion. The clinical and epidemiological characteristics of TBE, Lyme borreliosis and combined infection in the North-West region of Russia, with the example of St. Petersburg, have certain distinctive features. The reasons for the revealed features need further study