54 research outputs found

    Zymogenic Bacillus sp. revealed in Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale

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    The dƩminƩralisation experiments are aimed at preparing native sedimentary organic matter concentrates, consisting mainly of insoluble kerogen. Initial desilicification experiments of three Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale samples were carried out with the help of Bacillus circulons J ordan. The process was followed by pH measurement and determination of the number of microorganisms. DƩminƩralisation efficiency was evaluated based on the ratio of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents in the substrates before and after the experiments. Surprisingly, in all experiments much better desilicification was observed in control tests compared to inoculated substrates. Discovery of a zymogenic culture in all three oil shale samples explained the apparent anomaly. Based on physiological, biochemical and taxonomic characteristics, the isolated zymogenic culture was identified as Bacillus sp

    Zymogenic Bacillus sp. revealed in Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale

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    The dƩminƩralisation experiments are aimed at preparing native sedimentary organic matter concentrates, consisting mainly of insoluble kerogen. Initial desilicification experiments of three Aleksinac (Serbia) oil shale samples were carried out with the help of Bacillus circulons J ordan. The process was followed by pH measurement and determination of the number of microorganisms. DƩminƩralisation efficiency was evaluated based on the ratio of SiO2, Al2O3 and Fe2O3 contents in the substrates before and after the experiments. Surprisingly, in all experiments much better desilicification was observed in control tests compared to inoculated substrates. Discovery of a zymogenic culture in all three oil shale samples explained the apparent anomaly. Based on physiological, biochemical and taxonomic characteristics, the isolated zymogenic culture was identified as Bacillus sp

    Study of sepiolite from Goles (Kosovo, Yugoslavia). I. Sorption capacity

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    The sorption of molecules of different size and polarity (water. n-hexane. isooctane, benzene. toluene, cyclohexane, carbon tetrachloride, isopropanol, isobutanol, methanol, ethanol) by sepiolite from Gores. i.e. from the biggest to-date known Yugoslav deposit, was studied in this work. The BET surface area observed with different sorbates varied from 227 to 314 m(2)/g. due to only partial migration of sorbate molecules into the pores or to imperfect packing of the sorbate molecules. The value of the outer surface area suggested that the average thickness of the fibers of Gores sepiolite was approximately 15 nm

    Pripremanje koncentrata organske supstance primenom mikrobioloŔkih metoda

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    Investigation on combined bacterial demineralization of sediments i.e. removal of silicates (desilicification) by Bacillus circulans and removal of pyrite (depyritization) by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans are reviewed in this paper. These methods represent a new approach in solving one of important organic geochemical problems, isolation of native organic matter (kerogen) concentrate from sediments. Using the oil shale from Aleksinac as substrate, the most important aspect of bacterial demineralization was examined: the question of whether or to what extent do the applied bacteria affect the composition and structure of kerogen. High efficiency of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was observed in depyritization experiments (ca 91%). On the other hand, in 30-day-leaching period noticeable elimination of silicates by Bacillus circulans (ca 40%) was achieved. For detailed analyses prior to and after bacterial demineralization, besides standard methods (such as i.r. spectroscopy, elemental microanalysis, micropetrographic analysis), modern analytical instrumental methods were also used (e.g., P-GC and P-GC-MS). The observed results suggested that during these processes the sedimentary organic matter remained native. Thus, the advantage of bacterial vs. chemical demineralization process was demonstrated.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja bakterijske demineralizacije, izdvajanja silikata (desilicifikacije) pomoću B.C. i izdvajanja pirita (depiritizacija) pomoću A. ferrooxidan. Predložene metode su novi pristup reÅ”avanju jednog od veoma važnih geohemijskih problema, izolovanja organske supstance (kerogena) iz sedimenata. Upotrebom uljnog Å”kriljca iz Aleksinca, kao model supstrata, proučavana su dva najvažnija aspekta bakterijske demineralizacije: dali i kom stepenu deluje upotrebljena bakterija na sastav i strukturu kerogena. U eksperimentima depiritizacije pomoću A. ferrooxidans postignuta je visoka efikasnost (91%) udaljavanja pirita. Znatna eliminacija silikata (40%) ustanovljena je posle 30-dnevnog perioda luženja silikata pomoću B.C. Jordan. Za detaljnu analizu pre i posle bakterijske demineralizacije. pored standardnih uobičajenih metoda (kao npr. IR spektroskopija. elementarna mikroanaliza, mikropetrografska analiza) primenjene su i druge analitičke metode (kao npr. P-GC P-GC-MS). Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da organska materija sedimenata ostaje nativna tokom ovih procesa. Ovim rezultatima je pokazana prednost bakterijske u odnosu na hemijsku demineralizaciju

    Karakterizacija kerogena tipa III Tirolskog Ŕkriljca (Hahntennjoch, Austrija) zasnovana na njegovim oksidacionim proizvodima

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    A 29-step alkaline permanganate degradation of type III kerogen from Tyrolean (Hahntennjoch, Austria) oil shale was performed. A high yield of oxidation products was obtained (93.7 % relative to the original kerogen): 0.5 % neutrals and bases, 19.5 % ether-soluble acids and 58.9 % of precipitated (PA). A substantial amount of kerogen carbon (14.8 %) was oxidized into carbon dioxide. The organic residue remaining after the final oxidation step was 6.9 %. The PA components were further oxidized and the total yields relative to original PA were 1.0 % neutrals and bases and 59.0 % ether-soluble acids, the non-degraded residue being 29.3 %. Detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of all oxidation products suggested the Tyrolean shale kerogen to be a heterogeneous macromolecular substance consisting of three types of structures differing in composition and susceptibility towards alkaline permanganate: the first, resistant, presumably composed of aromatic structures linked by resorcinol ethereal bonds; the second, combined in nature, the aliphatic part comprising methyl-substituents and short cross-links, both easily oxidized into CO2, water and low molecular weight acids and aromatic structures yielding aromatic diand tri-carboxylic acids as oxidation products; finally the third, composed of aliphatic cross-links and substituents, alicyclic (and/or heterocyclic) and some aromatic structures, bound into units moderately resistant towards oxidation. The overall yields of kerogen and PA oxidation products lead towards a balance between aromatic, alkane monoand dicarboxylic and alkanepolycarboxylic acids, suggesting a shift of the structure of Tyrolean shale kerogen from typical aromatic reference type III towards a heterogeneous aromatic-aliphaticalicyclic type structure.Stupnjevitom degradacijom kerogena tirolskog Å”kriljca pomoću alkalnog permanganata dobijeni su visoki prinosi oksidacionih proizvoda. Dobijene nerastvorne kiseline naknadno su degradovane u 8 stupnjeva. Detaljna GC-MS analiza kiselina rastvornih u etru, dobijenih degradacijom kerogena, potom intermedijarnih nerastvornih kiselina, pokazala je da je kerogen tirolskog Å”kriljca heterogena makromolekularna supstanca i da se sastoji iz tri tipa strukture, različitog sastava i različite osetljivosti na primenjeno oksidaciono sredstvo. Prvi tip je aromatične prirode sa rezorcinolnim etarskim umreženjem, otporan prema alkalnom permanganatu. Drugi se vrlo lako oksiduje, a sastoji se od aromatičnih struktura umreženih kratkim alifatičnim nizovima i sa većim udelom metil-supstituenata. Ovaj tip strukture je pri oksidaciji dao visok prinos SO2, alifatične kiseline malih molekulskih masa i aromatične dii trikarboksilne kiseline u visokom prinosu. Treći tip strukture je srednje osetljivosti na permanganat, a sastoji se od alicikličnih i/ili heterocikličnih i aromatičnih jezgara povezanih alifatičnim nizovima srednjih dužina. Kvantitativan odnos alifatičnih, aromatičnih i alkan-polikarboksilnih kiselina u oksidacionim proizvodima pokazao je da struktura kerogena tirolskog Å”kriljca odstupa od tipskih, dominantno aromatičnih struktura tipa III, kojima pripada po svom H/C-O/C atomskom odnosu, i da je pomerena ka heterogenim, aromatično-alifatično-alicikličnim strukturama tipa II

    Zeszyty Naukowe Towarzystwa DoktorantĆ³w Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. Nauki Ścisłe

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    The paper presents the results of the organic geochemical investigation of crude oil and oil-gas fields of the southeastern part of the Pannonian Basin in Serbia (22 fields and 88 crude oil samples). The observed bulk and specific correlation parameters are discussed. Based on the analyses of biological markers (n-alkanes and polycyclic alkanes of the sterane and terpane type), the investigated oils were classified according to origin. Three genetic types of Serbian crude oils were also geologically interpreted. An attempt was made to contribute to a more efficient planning of further investigations (on the basis of geochemical-geological analyses of crude oils) within the entire Basin.U radu su nafte jugoistočnog dela Panonskog basena na teritoriji Srbije (22 naftna i naftno-gasna polja i 88 uzoraka sirovih nafti) klasifikovane u genetske tipove na osnovu grupnih i specifičnih organsko-geohemijskih korelacionih, parametara. Za procenu porekla nafti od najveće koristi bili su rezultati analize bioloÅ”kih markera tipa n-alkana i policikličnih alkana tipa sterana i triterpana. Postojanje tri genetska tipa nafte na teritoriji Srbije tumačeno je i sa geoloÅ”kog aspekta. Učinjen je pokuÅ”aj da se na osnovu geohemijsko-geoloÅ”kog tumačenja sirovih nafti iz već pronađenih aktivnih, buÅ”otina doprinese efikasnijem planiranju daljeg istraživanja celog basena

    Organsko-geohemijska korelacija nekih nafti depresije Drmno (južni deo panonskog basena, Jugoslavija)

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    The results of an investigation of crude oils originating from the Sirakovo and Bradarac-Maljurevac localities (southern part of the Pannonian Basin) are reported in this paper. The aim was to estimate the organic geochemical similarity of the crude oils fi om the DI mno (Kostolac) depression oil fields. The nine selected samples originated from reservoir. rocks of various depths. Reliable source and organic geochemical maturation parameters served as the basis for the correlation studies. The similar origin of the investigated DI mno depression crude oils was corroborated, characterized by a significant participation of terrestrial precursor biomass. They were shown to be of relatively low maturity and to have been formed during the earlier stages of the diagenet- ic-catagenetic sequence of processes leading to the formation of crude oils, most probably in source rocks of Tertiary age, corresponding to vitrinite reflectances between Ro = 0.70 % and Ro = 0.80%. The crude oils from Bradarac-Maljurevac seemed to be somewhat less homogeneous with respect to organic geochemical parameters compared to Sirakovo crude oils.U ovom radu ispitivani su uzorci sirovih nafti depresije Drmno (Kostolac) sa lokaliteta Sirakovo i Bradarac-Maljurevac. Cilj rada bio je da se proceni organsko-geohemijska ujednačenost nafti naftnih polja depresije Drmno. Izabrani su uzorci koji potiču iz rezervoarskih stena sa različitih dubina i u njima su određeni grupni i specifični izvorni i maturacioni organsko-geohemijski parametri. Potvrđeno je da ispitivani uzorci depresije Drmno imaju slično poreklo koje karakteriÅ”e veći udeo terestrijalne prekursorske biomase. Ispitivane nafte su neÅ”to nižeg stepena maturisanosti i nastale su u ranijim fazama dijagenetsko-katagenetske sekvencije formiranja nafte kojima odgovaraju vrednosti refleksije vitrinita između Ro = 0,70 % i Ro = 0,80 %. Najverovatnije su nastale u izvornim stenama tercijarne starosti. Nafte sa lokaliteta Bradarac-Maljurevac karakteriÅ”e neÅ”to niži nivo organsko-geohemijske homogenosti nego nafte sa lokaliteta Sirakovo

    Pripremanje koncentrata organske supstance primenom mikrobioloŔkih metoda

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    Investigation on combined bacterial demineralization of sediments i.e. removal of silicates (desilicification) by Bacillus circulans and removal of pyrite (depyritization) by Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans are reviewed in this paper. These methods represent a new approach in solving one of important organic geochemical problems, isolation of native organic matter (kerogen) concentrate from sediments. Using the oil shale from Aleksinac as substrate, the most important aspect of bacterial demineralization was examined: the question of whether or to what extent do the applied bacteria affect the composition and structure of kerogen. High efficiency of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans was observed in depyritization experiments (ca 91%). On the other hand, in 30-day-leaching period noticeable elimination of silicates by Bacillus circulans (ca 40%) was achieved. For detailed analyses prior to and after bacterial demineralization, besides standard methods (such as i.r. spectroscopy, elemental microanalysis, micropetrographic analysis), modern analytical instrumental methods were also used (e.g., P-GC and P-GC-MS). The observed results suggested that during these processes the sedimentary organic matter remained native. Thus, the advantage of bacterial vs. chemical demineralization process was demonstrated.U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati proučavanja bakterijske demineralizacije, izdvajanja silikata (desilicifikacije) pomoću B.C. i izdvajanja pirita (depiritizacija) pomoću A. ferrooxidan. Predložene metode su novi pristup reÅ”avanju jednog od veoma važnih geohemijskih problema, izolovanja organske supstance (kerogena) iz sedimenata. Upotrebom uljnog Å”kriljca iz Aleksinca, kao model supstrata, proučavana su dva najvažnija aspekta bakterijske demineralizacije: dali i kom stepenu deluje upotrebljena bakterija na sastav i strukturu kerogena. U eksperimentima depiritizacije pomoću A. ferrooxidans postignuta je visoka efikasnost (91%) udaljavanja pirita. Znatna eliminacija silikata (40%) ustanovljena je posle 30-dnevnog perioda luženja silikata pomoću B.C. Jordan. Za detaljnu analizu pre i posle bakterijske demineralizacije. pored standardnih uobičajenih metoda (kao npr. IR spektroskopija. elementarna mikroanaliza, mikropetrografska analiza) primenjene su i druge analitičke metode (kao npr. P-GC P-GC-MS). Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da organska materija sedimenata ostaje nativna tokom ovih procesa. Ovim rezultatima je pokazana prednost bakterijske u odnosu na hemijsku demineralizaciju

    Evaluation of the effects of native minerals on the organic matter of Aleksinac oil shale based on the composition of free and bound bitumens

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    In order to evaluate the adsorption and catalytic effects of indigenous carbonates and silicates on the organic matter of Aleksinac oil shale, the free and the bound bitumens were isolated and analyzed by organic geochemical methods. The differences in the gross compositions indicated an adsorption effect of both the carbonates and silicates in the examined oil shale. The maturation parameters, based on n-alkanes and isoprenoid alkanes pristane and phytane, indicated that bitumen 3 was of the highest, and bitumen 1 of the lowest, apparent maturity. The silicates were shown to have had a thermocatalytic effect on the organic matter of this sediment. Clay minerals had a catalytic effect primarily on sterane aromatization, rearrangement of steranes into diasteranes and their (20R) ā†’ (20S) isomerization. All evidence obtained by analysis of steranes and aromatic steroids suggested that the differences in bitumen compositions should be explained by the effect of clay minerals rather than by variations in the origin of the precursor biomass. Ā© 1992

    Correlative geochemical study of crude oils from southeastern and southern parts of the Pannonian Basin

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    Several crude oils from the southeastern Yugoslav part of the Pannonian Basin are correlated for the first time on the basis of many bulk and specific parameters. The investigations involved 15 oils from oil-gas fields A and B and oil field C from the Banat depression and oil field D from South Bačka depression, and four oils from recently discovered oil shows E (the Kostolac depression). On the basis of structural group analysis and other bulk parameters such as API gravity, contents of asphaltenes and sulfur, as well as content of n-alkanes and pristane to phytane ratio, the examined oils are classified into four groups. However, the distributions and relative abundances of n-alkanes, isoprenoids (C19, C20), steranes, tricyclic terpanes and pentacyclic triterpanes, obtained by capillary GC and computerized GC-MS analysis, suggest classification of the examined oils into only two genetic types: A-D and E1-E4. The oils are of relatively high maturity. They are not biodegraded, except for both oils from field D and the oil A9. Ā© 1987
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