2,520 research outputs found

    Email fraud classifier using machine learning

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2020, Director: Jordi José Bazán[en] Email is one of the most common methods of communication nowadays. Programs known as malware detection are essential to assist and protect users from the agents that are usually responsible for cyberattacks. This paper focuses on using machine learning algorithms to detect any possible email attacks by analyzing datasets of whitelists and blacklists. This document also includes other methods that try to solve this problem

    Macroeconomic effects of fiscal consolidations in a DSGE model for the Euro Area: does composition matter?

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    We develop a new-Keynesian DSGE model with an extended fiscal policy block to assess the conditions for expansionary fiscal consolidations. In addition to several taxes, we consider public employment expenditures and government spending, which may have different degrees of productivity. We calibrate the model for the Euro Area and use it to simulate alternative fiscal consolidations with changes in the budget composition. Among the main conclusions we find that: (i) if conducted with a cut in weaklyproductive spending and a symmetric increase in highly-productive spending, fiscal consolidations have expansionary effects on investment and output; (ii) if consolidation is pursued through a pure reduction in weaklyproductive public employment, the effects on output decrease with the degree of labor market competition and turn out to be positive under perfect competition.fiscal policy, fiscal consolidation, new-Keynesian DSGE model

    Religious Tourism & The Azorean Diaspora in the USA

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    The article focuses on the Azorean diaspora in North America in historic and cultural terms. The analysis of official tourist reports and inquiries, newspaper articles and Online sources allow us to perceive which generations preserve the religious factor as pivotal for the attendance of the events, and which one/s already reveal shifting trends. Religion is still an important element to summon the Azorean diaspora spread across the USA. The Ecce Homo procession is celebrated in towns like Fall River (Massachusetts) and Half Moon Bay (California), although Ponta Delgada (São Miguel island) still remains the devotional core – the former and the latter have been sister cities for decades. Also the Holy Ghost festival is pivotal both in Fall River and across Terceira island (Leal, 2005). Observation shows that while the older generations maintain their religious and emotional bonds to the family core in the Azores, the younger ones present a different tourist behaviour in terms of travel and accommodation patterns (ORT/CESTUR, 2009)

    Education, development and new learning in Europe: the portuguese case

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    Actualmente, Portugal enfrenta numerosos desafios e está a apostar, segundo as directrizes europeias, na formação dos recursos humanos, novas tecnologias e inovação como ingredientes essenciais para enfrentar e integrar a economia global. Isto implica, invariavelmente, alterações significativas na educação, formação e ensino, e uma remodelação das aprendizagens rumo à ambicionada sociedade do conhecimento.Actually Portugal has been confronting many challenges according to European Board rules tied to the formation of the human resource, the new technolo-gies and the innovations, as essentials tools to face and to integrate a global economy. This has been involving significant reformulations in education, teacher formation and teaching as well as a reformulation in the learning in the direction to an ambitious society of Knowledge

    Information and knowledge society in the European Union: priorities of the Lisbon Strategy

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    Actualmente, vivemos na era da "Revolução Digital". Na verdade, os últimos dez anos têm assistido a uma difusão, sem precedentes, das Tecnologias da Informação e da Comunicação (TIC). Perante a globalização e a celeridade das mudanças tecnológicas, a União Europeia lançou a Estratégia de Lisboa, em 2000, com um objectivo estratégico: «transformar a Europa na economia baseada no conhecimento mais dinâmica e competitiva do mundo». Neste contexto, a Estratégia de Lisboa reconhece a importância das TIC no estímulo à competitividade, à inovação, na sociedade da informação e do conhecimento, e na economia baseada no conhecimento.Nowadays we live in 'Digital Revolution' era. In fact, the last ten years has witnessed an unprecedented diffusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Facing globalisation and faster technological change, European Union has launched the Lisbon Strategy, in 2000, who aim a strategic goal: «to become the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world». In this context, the Lisbon Strategy rightly recognises and values the importance of ICT in stimulating competitiveness and innovation and in the information and knowledge-based economy and society

    Values in health education and vocational training

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    O presente estudo traçou como objetivo geral, analisar o efeito da formação na aquisição de valores em Educação em Saúde dos estudantes do Curso de Enfermagem de Vila Real, comparando com outros cursos. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, comparativo e transversal. Participaram na pesquisa 709 estudantes de sete cursos superiores, tendo-se procurado incluir atores que intervêm no processo de Educação em Saúde, aos quais foi aplicado um questionário de auto-preenchimento. A maioria dos participantes (86,5%), considera que a Educação em Saúde tem valores a promover, sendo a “responsabilidade” o valor mais indicado, por 19,2% dos estudantes. O estudo demonstrou que é nos cursos de enfermagem que ocorre a maior evolução nos valores, existindo diferenças altamente significativas (p≤ 0,001), sendo a média do 4º superior à do 1º ano. Estes resultados evidenciam a necessidade de, nestes cursos, se trabalhar os valores subjacentes a este processo, tão necessários no desempenho destas profissões.The aim of the present study was to analyze the training effects in the acquisition of Health Education values of the students of the Vila Real Nursing College, comparing with others courses. This is a cross, comparative, and descriptive study. They participated in the research 709 students of seven upper courses, having found include actors that intervene in the trial of Health Education, which was applied a questionnaire of auto-filling. The majority of the participants (86,5%), considers that the Health Education has values to promote, being to "responsibility" the appropriate value, for 19.2% of the students. The study showed that is us courses of nursing that occurs the bigger evolution in the values, existing highly significant differences (p≤ 0,001), being the average of the 4th over the 1st year. These results show up the need of itself work in these courses, the underlying values to this trial, so necessary in the performance of these professions.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - CIEC - Centro de Investigação em Estudos da Criança, U

    Food and leisure habits among young people of Douro Region (Portugal)

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    This is an descriptive and transversal study whose purpose is to characterize the life style of young people of a sample constituted for high school students (School A) and professional school students (School B), both placed in Douro Region. Some study objectives are: (i) to know the food habits of study sample; (ii) to characterize the leisure activities; (iii) to classify the type of physical exercise practised; (iv) to identify thematics that need to be worked in health education. The data was collected by a questionnaire self-conducted on line, drew to the effect and the anonymity guaranteed. To data treatment we turned to a statistical package (SPSS). They answered to a questionnaire 95 students, 57,9% of school A and 42,1 % of school B. School A: sex - 55,0% feminine and 45,0% masculine; age average – 11,5 ± 1,34 years. School B: sex – 56,4 % feminine and 43,6% masculine; age average – 17,76 ± 1,83 years. In the school A, students make the first meal between 7.15 a.m. and 00.30 p.m., that in large majority is the breakfast (90%). They have breakfast all days (85,0%) and all students have lunch and dinner. The students that live more far from school are whose that have breakfast many times (Kruskal Wallis: p=0,033). However, only, 25,0% and 20,0% ingest, respectively, fruits and vegetables. We classified like thin 40% of the students. Only 5,0% practice physical exercise, 2 days a week. The leisure activity, almost exclusive, is watch TV (90,0%). In the school B, the students have the first meal between 6.30 a.m. and 1.20 p.m., that for 94,5% is the breakfast. Have all days a week breakfast, lunch and dinner, respectively, 67,3%, 83,6% and 80,0% of students and only 21,8% and 10,9% ingest, respectively, fruits and vegetables all days: The boys ingest many times a week vegetables than the girls (Mann Whitney: p=0,019). In sample B, 60,0% practice physical exercise, predominantly (29,1%), 2 days a week. The boys practice many times than the girls (2: p= 0,014). The leisure activities are more diversificated: 81,8% watch TV and 74,5% meet friends. There are 12,7 of students with excess of weight. We conclude about our study subjects that it’s necessary to insist on the importance of have a breakfast and a consumption of fruits and vegetables all days a week and to practice physical exercise with regularity, whose will contribute for a adequate weight and a healthy life.Fundação para Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) - LIBEC/CIFPEC - unidade de investigação (16/644

    Risk situations for health in children’s and young people of Douro Region (Portugal) : a comparative study about addictive behaviours and sexual behaviour

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    It is intended with this study to know and to characterize the habits of health of children and juvenile population (6-18 years) of the Douro region, relating to tobacco consumption, alcoholic drinking, illicit drugs and sexual behaviour. This is a descriptive and transversal study. The data was collected by a questionnaire self-conducted on line, drew to the effect and the anonymity guaranteed. To data treatment we turned to a statistical package (SPSS). The sample was constituted by students of a school of basic teaching - School A, and for students of a professional school - School B, both placed in rural zone and in the area of the Douro. School A: School A: sex = 55.0%(22) feminine; 45.0%(18) masculine; average of ages: 11.50 ± 1.34 years; School B: sex = 56.4%(31) feminine; 43.6%(24) masculine; average of ages:17.76 ± 1.83 years. RESULTS: In School A: - 15% of the and 5,0% of the already consumed alcoholic drinks; - the medium age of initiation was 10.5 ± 1.60 years; - in the last 30 days they consumed once a month, being wine the consumed drink; - 10,0% of the already consumed tobacco; - the medium age of initiation was 13 ± 1.15 years; - in the last 30 days they smoked once a month; - they never consumed illicit drugs and they never had sexual relationships. In School B: 43,6% of the and 54,5% of the already consumed alcoholic drinks; - the medium age of initiation was 14.54 ± 1.41 years; - in the last 30 days 38.9% consumed once a month, 22.2% once a weekend, 14.8% twice a month and 11.1% twice a week, and the most consumed drink was beer (67.3%), followed by white drinks (25.0%) and wine (7.7%); - 77,8% of the youths were already drunk; 30,9% of the and 40,0% of the already consumed tobacco; - - the medium age of initiation was 14.54 ± 1.60 years; - in the last 30 days, 25.7% smoked everyday, 10.3% at the weekend, and 7.7% twice a month; - 14,5% of the and 12,7% of the already consumed illicit drugs; - the medium age of initiation was 15.47 ± 1.68 years; - in the last 30 days, 42.9% consumed once a month, 14.3% twice a month and 7.1% at the weekend, being cannabis the consumed substance; 27,3% of the and 21,8% of the already had sexual relationships; 33.2% of the youth didn't use measures of protection in the sexual relationships. CONCLUSIONS This study is the necessary starting point, so that a community intervention in terms of promotion/education for health can have success, and in order that the students can increase their literacy for health.LIBEC/CIFPEC - Unidade de Investigação (16/644) da FC

    Integrated solution of a back office system for serious games targeted at physiotherapy

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    Serious games targeted at physiotherapy can be a solution to help the physical therapy professionals. However, the entire game management, in its various aspects, is under the professional's responsibility. One way to reduce the professional management work will be to integrate a Back Office system in the game. Following this trend, the purpose of this paper is to present a modular Back Office system for centralized management of one or more games targeted at physical therapy.This work has been supported by Fundac ¸˜ ao para a Ci ˆ encia e Tecnologia (FCT) in the scope of the project: UID/CEC/ 00319/2013. The authors are also grateful to the Portuguese Foundation (FCT) for funding through SFRH/BD/74852/ 2010Ph.D.scholarship.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An overall view of physical exercise prescription and training monitoring for heart failure patients

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    Physical training for chronic heart failure (CHF) patients is well known in the scientific realm, although there are many different methods of physical exercise prescribed and different ways of monitoring such training. The object of this review is to discuss prescription and monitoring methods of physical exercise for CHF patients. (Cardiol J 2010; 17, 6: 644-649