15 research outputs found

    Application of average volume assured pressure support (AVAPS) and ultrasound assessment in COVID-19 infection: real-life observation.

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    BACKGROUND: ARDS in COVID-19 patients admitted to Emergency Departments (ED) is characterized by reduced diaphragm motility and increased work of breathing (WOB) by accessory respiratory muscles. Reduced perfusion of compliant lungs as consequence of vascular abnormalities has been highlighted as possible explanation of typical hypoxemia. Non-invasive mechanical ventilation (NIMV) has been proposed to treat ARDS. AVAPS is a hybrid modality of NIMV combining features of pressure and volume ventilation. METHODS: we enrolled 38 patients with COVID-19 ARDS to whom we applied NIMV with AVAPS modality. We assessed Tidal Volume (TV), diaphragm excursion (DE) and PaO2/FiO2 before starting NIMV and after three (T3) and six hours (T6) of ventilation. RESULTS: Admissions to ICU were avoided in 68% of our patients. TV (627±147.6 vs. 747.1±226 mL, P<0.00005) and DE (21.8±5.4 vs. 17.9±6.1 mm, P<0.00005) already improved after three hours of AVAPS. TV (521.5±120 mL, P<0.00005), DE (25.8±6.9 mm, P<0.00005) and PaO2/FiO2 (197.3±75.3 vs. 158±67.7, P<0.005) significantly improved in our cohort of patients after six hours. CONCLUSIONS: NIMV with AVAPS modality can be confidently used in the clinical management of COVID-19 patients with ARDS, since AVAPS has positive effects on ventilation-perfusion matching and WOB. We recommend low PEEP value and ultrasound assessment of diaphragm motility and lung characteristics, although further studies are needed to individuate clinical features of NIMV best-responder patients

    Covid-19 Symptomatic Patients with Oral Lesions: Clinical and Histopathological Study on 123 Cases of the University Hospital Policlinic of Bari with a Purpose of a New Classification

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    The aim of this study is to report on the oral lesions detected in 123 patients diagnosed at the University Hospital of Bari from October 2020 to December 2020, focusing on the correlation of clinical and pathological features in order to purpose a new classification. Methods. General and specialistic anamnesis were achieved and oral examination was performed. The following data were collected: age/gender, general symptoms and form of Covid-19, presence and features of taste disorders, day of appearance of the oral lesions, type and features of oral lesions and day of beginning of therapies. If ulcerative lesions did not heal, biopsy was performed. Results. Many types of oral lesions were found and classified into four groups considering the timing of appearance and the start of the therapies. Early lesions in the initial stages of Covid-19 before the start of therapies was observed in 65.9% of the patients. In the histopathological analysis of four early lesions, thrombosis of small and middle size vessels was always noticed with necrosis of superficial tissues. Conclusion. The presence of oral lesions in early stages of Covid-19 could represent an initial sign of peripheral thrombosis, a warning sign of possible evolution to severe illness. This suggests that anticoagulant therapies should start as soon as possible

    Short-Term Variations in Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte and Urea-to-Creatinine Ratios Anticipate Intensive Care Unit Admission of COVID-19 Patients in the Emergency Department

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    Background: Timely assessment of COVID-19 severity is crucial for the rapid provision of appropriate treatments. Definitive criteria for the early identification of severe COVID-19 cases that require intensive care unit admission are lacking. Methods: This was a single-center, retrospective case-control study of 95 consecutive adults admitted to the intensive care unit (cases) or a medical ward (controls) for laboratory-confirmed COVID-19. Clinical data were collected and changes in laboratory test results were calculated between presentation at the emergency department and admission. Univariate and multivariable logistic regression was performed to calculate odds ratios for intensive care unit admission according to changes in laboratory variables. Results: Of the 95 adults with COVID-19, 25 were admitted to intensive care and 70 to a medical ward after a median 6 h stay in the emergency department. During this interval, neutrophil counts increased in cases and decreased in controls (median, 934 vs. −295 × 106/L; P = 0.006), while lymphocyte counts decreased in cases and increased in controls (median, −184 vs. 109 × 106/L; P < 0.001). In cases, the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio increased 6-fold and the urea-to-creatinine ratio increased 20-fold during the emergency department stay, but these ratios did not change in controls (P < 0.001 for both comparisons). By multivariable logistic regression, short-term increases in the neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio (OR = 1.43; 95% CI, 1.16–1.76) and urea-to-creatinine ratio (OR = 1.72; 95% CI, 1.20–2.66) were independent predictors of intensive care unit admission. Conclusion: Short-time changes in neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio and urea-to-creatinine ratio emerged as stand-alone parameters able to identify patients with aggressive disease at an early stage

    End-tidal arterial CO2 partial pressure gradient in patients with severe hypercapnia undergoing noninvasive ventilation

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    BACKGROUND: Patients with severe hypercapnia represent a particularly serious condition in an emergency department (ED), requiring immediate attention. Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) is an integral part of the treatment for acute respiratory failure. The present study aimed to validate the measurement of end-tidal CO(2) (EtCO(2)) as a noninvasive technique to evaluate the effectiveness of NIV in acute hypercapnic respiratory failure. METHODS: Twenty consecutive patients admitted to the ED with severe dyspnea were enrolled in the study. NIV by means of bilevel positive airway pressure, was applied to the patients simultaneously with standard medical therapy and continued for 12 hours; the arterial blood gases and side-stream nasal/oral EtCO(2) were measured at subsequent times: T0 (admission to the ED), T1h (after 1 hour), T6h (after 6 hours), and T12h (after 12 hours) during NIV treatment. RESULTS: The arterial CO(2) partial pressure (PaCO(2))–EtCO(2) gradient decreased progressively, reaching at T6h and T12h values lower than baseline (P < 0.001), while arterial pH increased during the observation period (P < 0.001). A positive correlation was found between EtCO(2) and PaCO(2) values (r = 0.89, P < 0.001) at the end of the observation period. CONCLUSION: In our hypercapnic patients, the effectiveness of the NIV was evidenced by the progressive reduction of the PaCO(2)–EtCO(2) gradient. The measurement of the CO(2) gradient could be a reliable method in monitoring the effectiveness of NIV in acute hypercapnic respiratory failure in the ED

    Analysis of the Introduction in Clinical Practice of New Oral Anticoagulants in Local Health Agency BT: Translation of the Clinical Trial Data to a Local Health Care Area

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    The commercial release of the New Oral Anticoagulants (NOACs) has been the most significant change in anticoagulant therapy in recent years. The work aimed to evaluate the economic and health impact for the Local Health Agency Barletta-Andria-Trani (BT). Through the Regional Information System data about naïve patients on NOAC treatment and patients on anti-vitamin-k (VKA), treatments were extrapolated. We assessed therapeutic continuity, pharmaceutical expenditure, hospitalizations, and deaths in 2017 and 2018. Therapeutic continuity was similar in the two groups. The number and the average cost of hospitalizations for a patient treated with VKAs were almost constant, while those of patients treated with NOACs decreased. The treatment of adult-aged naïve patients with NOACs, compared to VKAs therapy, involves an increase in expenditure of about 100€ for a patient, but the reduced hospitalizations could generate, in the long term, saving for the Health System. Clinical data, according to the Real-World Data, confirmed the safety and effectiveness of these drugs. However, attention to the special population is necessary to improve the safety and effectiveness of NOACs. Innovative formulations for pediatric patients are being developed. The challenge for Health Systems is the appropriate use of available resources through health interventions with transversal competences

    Rapid serological and SARS-CoV-2 RT-PCR assays: comparison performed simultaneously in symptomatic COVID-19 patients

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    RT-PCR testing for the identification of viral nucleic acid is the current standard diagnostic method for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection but technical reasons limit its utilization for large-scale screening. Serological IgM/IgG testing has been proposed as a useful tool to detect SARS-CoV-2 exposure

    The Light and Shadow of Rapid Serological Tests for SARS-CoV-2 Infection: Results from a Study in a Large Emergency Department

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    A critical point in the management of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is the need to promptly identify the greatest number of infected people and to implement strict public health measures. In this study, the performance of a rapid serological test in a clinical setting was evaluated. Samples from 819 consecutive patients (with or without respiratory symptoms) admitted to a large Emergency Department were tested between 23 March and 21 April 2020. Patient samples were tested in a real-time PCR assay and a serological assay. In total, 148/819 patients (18.1%) tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by real-time PCR. The serological test revealed that 70/819 patients (8.5%) had anti-SARS-CoV-2 IgM and/or IgG. The prevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies was significantly higher in patients with respiratory symptoms lasting for &gt;7 days than in those with respiratory symptoms lasting for 0–7 days (p &lt; 0.001). The serological assay had an overall sensitivity of 35.1% and an overall specificity of 97.3%. A high negative predictive value (96.7%) was reported for patients without respiratory symptoms. The results confirm that rapid serological assays alone are not sufficient for diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection but can be incorporated into large-scale screening programs during periods in which the virus circulation is low

    Hyperacute hemodynamic effects of bipap noninvasive ventilation in patients with acute heart failure and left ventricular systolic dysfunction in emergency department

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    Background: Acute heart failure (AHF) is one of the leading causes of admission to emergency department (ED); severe hypoxemic AHF may be treated with noninvasive ventilation (NIV). Despite the demonstrated clinical efficacy of NIV in relieving symptoms of AHF, less is known about the hyperacute effects of bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) ventilation on hemodynamics of patients admitted to ED for AHF. We therefore aimed to assess the effect of BiPAP ventilation on principal hemodynamic, respiratory, pulse oximetry, and microcirculation indexes in patients admitted to ED for AHF, needing NIV. Methods: Twenty consecutive patients admitted to ED for AHF and left ventricular systolic dysfunction, needing NIV, were enrolled in the study; all patients were treated with NIV in BiPAP mode. The following parameters were measured at admission to ED (T0, baseline before treatment), 3 hours after admission and initiation of BiPAP NIV (T1), and after 6 hours (T2): arterial blood oxygenation (pH, partial pressure of oxygen in the alveoli/fraction of inspired oxygen ratio, PaCO2, lactate concentration, HCO3), hemodynamics (tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion, transpulmonary gradient, transaortic gradient, inferior vena cava diameter, brain natriuretic peptide [BNP] levels), microcirculation perfusion (end-tidal CO2[ETCO 2], peripheral venous oxygen saturation [SpvO2]). Results: All evaluated indexes significantly improved over time (analysis of variance, P &lt; .001 in quite all cases.). Conclusions: The BiPAP NIV may rapidly ameliorate several hemodynamic, arterial blood gas, and microcirculation indexes in patients with AHF and left ventricular systolic dysfunction