75 research outputs found

    Higher education and equality of opportunity in Italy

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    This paper proposes a definition of equality of educational opportunities. Then, it develops a comprehensive model that allows to test for the existence of equality of opportunity in a given distribution and to rank distributions according to equality of opportunity. Finally, it provides an empirical analysis of equality of opportunity for higher education in Italy.Equality of Opportunity, Higher Education, Stochastic Dominance

    Ex ante versus ex post equality of opportunity

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    We study the difference between the ex post and the ex ante perspectives in equality of opportunity (EOp), and the possibility of a clash between them. We argue that ex ante EOp is a potential trap because someone motivated by ex post EOp may be led to believe that ex ante EOp is another natural embodiment of the same idea. As we show, it is not. Moreover, we explore the relationship between the ex post/ex ante tension and the well documented clash between the "compensation principle" and various "reward principles": we show that the tension between reward and compensation only exists if one endorses an ex post view of EOp; on the contrary, it vanishes if one adopts an ex ante view of equality of opportunity.equality of opportunity, ex ante/ex post, compensation, reward

    On Preference, Freedom and Diversity

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    We study the problem of ranking sets of options in terms of freedom of choice. We propose a framework in which both the diversity of the options and the preferences of the agent over the options do play a role. We formulate some axioms that reflect these two aspects of freedom and we study their logical implications. Two diifferent criteria for ranking sets are characterized, which generalize some of the rankings proposed so far in the literatureRanking Sets; Freedom of Choice; Diversity relations

    Measuring long-term inequality of opportunity

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    In this paper, we introduce and apply a general framework for evaluating long-term income distributions according to the Equality of Opportunity principle. Our framework allows for both an exante and an ex-post approach to EOp. Our ex-post approach relies on a permanent income measure defined as the minimum annual expenditure an individual would need in order to be as well off as he could be by undertaking inter-period income transfers. There is long-term ex-post inequality of opportunity if individuals who exert the same effort have different permanent incomes. In comparison, the ex-ante approach focuses on the expected permanent income for individuals with identical circumstances. Hence, the ex-ante approach pays attention to inequalities in expected permanent income between different types of individuals. To demonstrate the empirical relevance of a long-run perspective on EOp, we exploit a unique panel data from Norway on individuals’ incomes over their working lifespan.equality of opportunity, social welfare, inequality, permanent income, intertemporal choice, ex-ante, ex-post.

    Poverty rankings of opportunity profiles

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    We address the problem of ranking distributions of opportunity sets in terms of poverty. In order to accomplish this task, we identify a suitable notion of ‘multidimensional poverty line’ and we characterize axiomatically several poverty rankings of opportunity profiles. Among them, the Head-Count and the Opportunity-Gap poverty rankings, which are the natural counterparts of the most widely used income poverty indices.Poverty, opportunity sets, head-count, poverty-gap.

    Fair and unfair income inequalities in Europe

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    This paper analyses the extent of income inequality and opportunity inequality in 25 European countries. The present work contributes to understanding the origin of standard income inequality, helping to identify potential institutional setups that are associated to opportunity inequality. We distinguish between ex-ante and ex-post opportunity inequality. We find that ex-ante equality of opportunity exhibits positive correlation with public expenditure in education, whereas ex-post equality of opportunity is also positively associated to union presence and to fiscal redistribution.Inequality of opportunity, income inequality.

    Poverty Rankings of Opportunity Profiles

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    We address the problem of ranking distributions of opportunity sets in terms of poverty. In order to accomplish this task, we identify a suitable notion of `multidimensional poverty line', extend the most widely used income poverty criteria to opportunity profiles, and provide characterizations of a few poverty rankings that rely on such criteria.Poverty, opportunity sets, head-count, poverty-gap.

    Fairness in education: The Italian university before and after the reform

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    In 2001 the Italian tertiary education system embarked in a broad process of reform. The main novelty brought by the reform was a reduction of the length of study to get a first level degree together with the introduction of a 2-years, second level, master degree. This paper aims at studying the effects of the reform in terms of fairness in educational opportunity. In order to do so we first define fairness criteria following a well-developed responsibility sensitive egalitarian literature, we then discuss existing inequality of opportunity measures consistent with these criteria, we show their relationship, and we adapt them to the educational framework. We finally employ this set of measures to show the evolution of fairness in the access to university in Italy before and after the reform.Equality of opportunity, higher education.

    The Economic effects of a Local Minimum Income Support Program

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    Since Reddito Minimo d'Inserimento pilot experiment ended, a number of papers have attempted to study minimum income policies in Italy. Contributions have aimed at providing insight for possible future program implementations. In this paper we present a case study as an applied contribution to this debate. We analyze a minimum income support program implemented in a small town in the South of Italy, Mola di Bari, by using a new dataset which has been designed and collected for the purpose. With respect to the program, we describe the policy intervention and we analyze such issues as (i) the eligibility criteria, (ii) the targeting choices and results, (iii) the distributive and the welfare effects on the beneficiaries and on the overall town population (iv) the incentive effects, i.e. the effects on the labour market partecipation.minimum income; policy evaluation; poverty trap

    Equality of opportunity: theory, measurement and policy implications

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    In this report we present the Equality of opportunity approach, clarifying its theoretical foundations and empirical implications, and develop policy implications especially in the area of human capital investment. According to the equality of opportunity (EOp) approach, a primary goal of public policies is to insure that individuals develop their lives in a context where the playfield is levelled. The main idea behind EOp is that inequality in outcomes (e.g., income, wealth, human capital/education and health) is acceptable to the extent that it reflects the result of individual choices taken by individuals that share the same opportunities. According to the “equality of opportunities principle”, inequalities that are due to variables beyond individual’s control, called circumstances, (e.g. family socioeconomic and cultural background, ethnic origin, gender, age etc.), should be eliminated or compensated for by public intervention. Only those variables within the sphere of individual’s autonomy, called effort, (e.g., number of hours devoted to study or work, quality of the work supplied, occupational choices etc.) can justify a difference in the relevant outcome variable. This implies that the equality of opportunity approach is consistent with the notion of fair inequality, as long as it originates from effort.JRC.B.4-Human Capital and Employmen