30 research outputs found


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    The article considers and substantiates the structure of arable lands of such leguminous crops as yellow and blue lupine, field and green pea, soya, and perennial leguminous crops – red clover and eastern galega. The results of the research on creation of new varieties and samples of yellow and blue lupine, soya, red clover and eastern galega are described.Рассмотрена и обоснована структура посевных площадей таких высокобелковых зернобобовых культур, как люпин желтый и узколистный, горох посевной и полевой, соя и др., а также многолетних бобовых культур – клевера лугового и галеги восточной. Приведены результаты многолетних исследований по созданию новых сортов и образцов люпина желтого, узколистного и сои, клевера лугового и галеги восточной

    I–II Loop Structural Determinants in the Gating and Surface Expression of Low Voltage-Activated Calcium Channels

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    The intracellular loops that interlink the four transmembrane domains of Ca2+- and Na+-channels (Cav, Nav) have critical roles in numerous forms of channel regulation. In particular, the intracellular loop that joins repeats I and II (I–II loop) in high voltage-activated (HVA) Ca2+ channels possesses the binding site for Cavβ subunits and plays significant roles in channel function, including trafficking the α1 subunits of HVA channels to the plasma membrane and channel gating. Although there is considerable divergence in the primary sequence of the I–II loop of Cav1/Cav2 HVA channels and Cav3 LVA/T-type channels, evidence for a regulatory role of the I–II loop in T-channel function has recently emerged for Cav3.2 channels. In order to provide a comprehensive view of the role this intracellular region may play in the gating and surface expression in Cav3 channels, we have performed a structure-function analysis of the I–II loop in Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 channels using selective deletion mutants. Here we show the first 60 amino acids of the loop (post IS6) are involved in Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 channel gating and kinetics, which establishes a conserved property of this locus for all Cav3 channels. In contrast to findings in Cav3.2, deletion of the central region of the I–II loop in Cav3.1 and Cav3.3 yielded a modest increase (+30%) and a reduction (−30%) in current density and surface expression, respectively. These experiments enrich our understanding of the structural determinants involved in Cav3 function by highlighting the unique role played by the intracellular I–II loop in Cav3.2 channel trafficking, and illustrating the prominent role of the gating brake in setting the slow and distinctive slow activation kinetics of Cav3.3

    Исследование влияния проводимости металлических электродов на СВЧ-свойства магнонных кристаллов

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    Theoretical model for the ferrite spin-wave magnonic crystals has been developed. A considered magnonic crystal has a construction of periodically metallized thin ferrite film. An influence of various magnonic crystal parameters on its transmission-loss characteristic was analyzed. It is shown that a developed model described with high accuracy the microwave transmission-loss characteristics.Разработана теоретическая модель, описывающая распространение спиновых волн в магнонных кристаллах, представляющих периодически металлизированные ферритовые пленки. В разработанной модели учтена конечная проводимость металлизации. Проанализировано влияние различных параметров магнонного кристалла на его передаточные СВЧ-характеристики. Разработанная теория с высокой точностью описывает результаты эксперимента

    Bulk properties of multidimensional objects

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    Investigation of spin waves in metallized magnonic crystal

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    Theoretical model for the ferrite spin-wave magnonic crystals has been developed. A considered magnonic crystal has a construction of periodically metallized thin ferrite film. An influence of various magnonic crystal parameters on its transmission-loss characteristic was analyzed. It is shown that a developed model described with high accuracy the microwave transmission-loss characteristics

    Parameters for evaluating the main indicators of coloproctological care in the adult population in the subjects of the far Eastern Federal District in 2016–2018

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    Aim. To work out the unified model for description of coloproctological service at the level of federal district.Material and methods. The study is the summary analysis of data from the annual statistical observation “The Report of the Chief Coloproctologist of the Russian Federal District” in 2016–2018. The analysis included the following stages: the estimation of staff situation; the assessment of the main parameters of out- and inpatient coloproctological care in 2018 in the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) and in its federal subjects.Results. Staff number of doctors in federal subjects of the FEFD did not change significantly in 2016-2018, it was 0.7 per 100 thousand population. An extremely low availability of outpatient consultation of coloproctologist in all federal subjects of FEFD was found (550.2 per 100 thousand population vs 3000 per 100 thousand population in Russian Federation). The incidence of colonoscopy is the lowest among all Federal Districts of Russia as well – 5.5%. A mean number of endoscopists is above 7.0 per 100 thousand population, which can be considered as the minimal threshold parameter. The total average staffing of endoscopists in the far Eastern Federal district was 86.0% in 2016, 87.3% – in 2017, 85.8% – in 2018. The staffing situation improved in Khabarovsk Territory and in Sakhalin Region while other federal subjects showed negative trend.Conclusion. The analyzed parameters can be considered as an objective tool for the assessment of coloproctological care efficacy. In the FEFD it needs further development

    Оценка параметров основных показателей колопроктологической помощи, оказанной взрослому населению субъектов Дальневосточного федерального округа за 2016-2018 годы

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    Aim. To work out the unified model for description of coloproctological service at the level of federal district.Material and methods. The study is the summary analysis of data from the annual statistical observation “The Report of the Chief Coloproctologist of the Russian Federal District” in 2016–2018. The analysis included the following stages: the estimation of staff situation; the assessment of the main parameters of out- and inpatient coloproctological care in 2018 in the Far Eastern Federal District (FEFD) and in its federal subjects.Results. Staff number of doctors in federal subjects of the FEFD did not change significantly in 2016-2018, it was 0.7 per 100 thousand population. An extremely low availability of outpatient consultation of coloproctologist in all federal subjects of FEFD was found (550.2 per 100 thousand population vs 3000 per 100 thousand population in Russian Federation). The incidence of colonoscopy is the lowest among all Federal Districts of Russia as well – 5.5%. A mean number of endoscopists is above 7.0 per 100 thousand population, which can be considered as the minimal threshold parameter. The total average staffing of endoscopists in the far Eastern Federal district was 86.0% in 2016, 87.3% – in 2017, 85.8% – in 2018. The staffing situation improved in Khabarovsk Territory and in Sakhalin Region while other federal subjects showed negative trend.Conclusion. The analyzed parameters can be considered as an objective tool for the assessment of coloproctological care efficacy. In the FEFD it needs further development.Цель. Разработка унифицированной модели описания основных параметров функционирования колопроктологической службы на уровне федерального округа.Материалы и методы. Проведен анализ сводных данных по основным колопроктологическим заболеваниям, отраженным в годовом отчете главного внештатного специалиста-колопроктолога за 2016–2018 гг. Анализ включал следующие этапы: оценка показателей кадрового обеспечения; оценка состояния эндоскопической службы; определение основных параметров оценки амбулаторного приема врача-колопроктолога и стационарного этапа оказания колопроктологической помощи за 2018 г. в целом по Дальневосточному федеральному округу (ДФО) и отдельно по субъектам.Результаты. Штатная численность врачей-колопроктологов в субъектах ДФО стабильна и не претерпевала значительных изменений в 2016–2018 гг., составив 0,7 на 100 тыс. населения. Выявлена крайне низкая доступность приема врача-колопроктолога (550,2 на 100 тыс. населения, в то время как по РФ – 3000 на 100 тыс. населения). Доля выполнения колоноскопий – 5,5% (самая низкая среди всех федеральных округов). Средняя обеспеченность врачами-эндоскопистами в регионах ДФО составила около 7,0 специалистов на 100 тыс. населения, что можно считать минимальным пороговым параметром. Общая средняя укомплектованность эндоскопистами в ДФО составила в 2016 г. 86,0%, в 2017 г. – 87,3%, в 2018 г. – 85,8%. В 2016–2018 гг. улучшилась кадровая ситуация по данному показателю в Хабаровском крае и Сахалинской обл., а в остальных регионах отмечается отрицательная динамика.Заключение. Исследованные параметры можно рассматривать как инструмент объективной оценки эффективности функционирования колопроктологической службы. В ДФО колопроктологическая служба нуждается в дальнейшем развитии и модернизации