1,203 research outputs found

    Struttura sociale e diseguaglianze interne

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    Questo introduce alcuni elementi di descrizione sociale dell’Alto milanese, con particolare attenzione alla città di Legnano. Al fine di iniziare ad illustrare alcuni dei tratti di questa “piccola città”, se ne discute inizialmente la dinamica demografica. Si vede, così, la forza del processo di urbanizzazione anche negli anni più recenti, e la capacità di attrarre nuova popolazione non solo immigrata, ma anche dai Comuni limitrofi. Il processo di urbanizzazione viene in seguito messo in connessione con la dinamica di de-industrializzazione, ristrutturazione e conversione industriale. Vengono, poi, illustrati i principali caratteri della stratificazione sociale, le categorie socio-professionali, i titoli di godimento delle abitazioni e la loro ripartizione nelle diverse “contrade” della città, con il fine di capire se vi siano diseguaglianze strutturate fra i diversi quartieri. Infine, per completare la conoscenza sociale della città, si discutono alcuni dati di base sulla articolazione della società civile locale, nonché i suoi principali tratti di cultura civica

    Upper limits to surface force disturbances on LISA proof masses and the possibility of observing galactic binaries

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    We report on the measurement of parasitic surface force noise on a hollow replica of a LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna for the observation of gravitational waves) proof mass surrounded by a faithful representation of its in flight surroundings, namely the capacitive sensor used to detect proof-mass motion. Parasitic forces are detected through the corresponding torque exerted on the proof mass and measured with a torsion pendulum in the frequency range 0.1 30 mHz. The sensor electrodes, electrode housing and associated readout electronics have the same nominal design as for the flight hardware, including 4 mm gaps around the proof mass along the sensitive laser interferometry axis. We show that the measured upper limit for surface forces would allow detection of a number of galactic binaries signals with signal to noise ratio up to approximately 40 for 1 year integration. We also discuss how the flight test under development, LISA Pathfinder, will substantially improve this limit, approaching the performance required for LISA.Comment: 3 Figures. Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Influence of the listening context on the perceived realism of binaural recordings

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    Binaural recordings and audio are becoming an interesting resource for composers, live performances and augmented reality. This paper focuses on the acceptance and the perceived quality by the audience of such spatial recordings. We present the results of a preliminary study of psychoacoustic perception where N=26 listeners had to report on the realism and the quality of different couples of sounds taken from two different rooms with peculiar reverb. Sounds are recorded with a self-made dummy head. The stimuli are grouped into classes with respects to some characteristics highlighted as potentially important for the task. Listening condition is fixed with headphones. Participants are divided into musically trained and naive subjects. Results show that there exists differences between the two groups of participants and that the “semantic relevance” of a sound plays a central role

    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cell differentiation toward myogenic lineages: Facts and perspectives

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    Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells (BM-MSCs) are valuable platforms for new therapies based on regenerative medicine. BM-MSCs era is coming of age since the potential of these cells is increasingly demonstrated. In fact, these cells give origin to osteoblasts, chondroblasts, and adipocyte precursors in vitro, and they can also differentiate versus other mesodermal cell types like skeletal muscle precursors and cardiomyocytes. In our short review, we focus on the more recent manipulations of BM-MSCs toward skeletal and heart muscle differentiation, a growing field of obvious relevance considering the toll of muscle disease (i.e., muscular dystrophies), the heavier toll of heart disease in developed countries, and the still not completely understood mechanisms of muscle differentiation and repair

    Artículo 79 : Homicidio Simple, El secreto de sus ojos

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    Mediante el ejemplo de la película El secreto de sus ojos (2009) se analiza la aplicación del Artículo 79 del Código Penal.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    Art. 80 inc. 10 : Homicidio agravado de un superior militar

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    Mediante el ejemplo de la película Operación Walquiria (2008), se analiza la aplicación del Artículo 80, inciso 10 del Código Penal.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale


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    Viene presentata la sperimentazione effettuata dal Settore Cartografico del Servizio Geologico d’Italia nell’applicazione delle linee guida per la Carta Idrogeologica alla scala 1: 50.000 (Quaderno n. 5 del 1995). Essa è effettuata su aree caratterizzate da differenti situazioni geologiche ed idrogeologiche. Sono presentati alcuni risultati cartografici ritenuti significativi ottenuti con l’ausilio di GIS. Lo scopo è quello di mantenere elevata la qualità cartografica attesa da un Organo Cartografico di Stato legge 2/2/60 n. 68.We present the experimentation realized by the Cartographic Sector of the Geologic Survey of Italy on the application of the “Hydrogeological Map with a scale of 1 : 50 000” guidelines (Quaderno n. 5 del 1995). The experimentation was conducted on areas with different geological and hydrological situations. Some significant cartographic outcomes are displayed obtained with the support of GIS. The goal is to keep a high cartographic quality which is supposed to be achieved by the National Cartographic body – Law n. 68, February 2, 1960