3,129 research outputs found

    A semi-Lagrangian scheme for the game pp-Laplacian via pp-averaging

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    We present and analyze an approximation scheme for the two-dimensional game pp-Laplacian in the framework of viscosity solutions. The approximation is based on a semi-Lagrangian scheme which exploits the idea of pp-averages. We study the properties of the scheme and prove that it converges, in particular cases, to the viscosity solution of the game pp-Laplacian. We also present a numerical implementation of the scheme for different values of pp; the numerical tests show that the scheme is accurate.Comment: 34 pages, 3 figures. To appear on Applied Numerical Mathematic

    Who Helps Public Schools? Public Education Support Organizations in 2010

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    There were more than 19,000 nonprofit organizations devoted to supporting public education in the United States in 2007. These organizations include booster clubs, parent-teacher groups, public education funds, scholarship funds, high school alumni associations, and others. While most of these organizations are small, together they spent roughly $4.3 billion in support of public education in 2007.This report assesses the current status of education support organizations in the United States; provides details on the activities, capacities, and resources of public education funds; and compares Public Education Network (PEN) member organizations with other types of education funds. On the basis of a survey of public education funds and an analysis of the latest data available from the National Center for Charitable Statistics, the report identifies key similarities and differences among the groups.Public education funds are dedicated to assisting public schools and school districts by raising money to support programs for teacher training and support, after-school programs, and school supplies and by promoting community support for public schools. The project was commissioned by PEN in Washington, D.C

    Implementation Evaluation Jampersal At Mataram

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    Background: Jampersal program launched in 2011 aims to reduce maternal and infant mortality. West Nusa Tenggara (NTB) Province one the province that contribute the highest maternal mortality rate (MMR) in Indonesia. The study isaimed to evaluating Jampersal in the city of Mataram. Method: This study was conducted in 2012. The design was crosssectional. The locations were two health centres in Mataram City such as: Karang Taliwang and Karang Pule. The samples Jampersal targets such as: expectant mothers, maternal, and postpartum. The sampling was based on cohort data of mothers from selected health centres started from October 2011 to April 2012. The samples were randomly selected from70 people in each selected health centres (survey method formulation was applied). Results: Most of the 82.9% of usersutilize Jampersal Jampersal program for pregnancy checks 79.3%, 45.7% delivery assistance, postpartum examination and inspection 37.9% 32.9% new borns. A total of 59.4% of users Jampersal antenatal care at health centers, 34.9% and 2.8% Polindes gynecologist's office. Almost all users Jampersal health service to health professionals, yet still found 10% who do deliveries to non-health personnel. Samples not Jampersal most users 50% did not aid deliveries in health facilities. Conclusions: Program Jampersal public acclaim Mataram especially the poor. Most of the 62.9% of the sample knew Jampersal program as a guarantee given for free delivery. Even if the implementation is still not all perform at health facilities and health workers due to cultural factors still play a role, especially during childbirth because they still have powerto non-health

    Pergerakan Program Penanggulangan Daerah Bermasalah Kesehatan (PDBK) dan Indikator Mutlak Kesehatan di Kabupaten Sampang

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    Latar belakang: Program Penanggulangan Daerah Bermasalah Kesehatan (PDBK) diharapkan sebagai upaya terobosan (extra ordinary) untuk memecah kebuntuan (debottlenecking) dalam penyelenggaraan pelayanan kesehatan di kabupaten Sampang yang berdasarkan ranking Indeks Pembangunan Kesehatan Masyarakat (IPKM) tahun 2011 berada pada urutan ke 426. Model pendampingan tersebut dimulai dengan mengadakan suatu ‘Kalakarya' yang berkaitan dengan pencapaian indikator mutlak IPKM di kabupaten Sampang. Dari kalakarya menghasilkan aksi nyata berupa“ Operasi Timbang Balita”. Metode: Penelitian dilakukan dari September, 2011 sampai November, 2012 di tujuh Puskesmas terpilih yaitu: Banyuanyar, Kamoning, Sreseh, Kedundung, Camplong dan Robatal. Desain penelitian berupa riset operasional dengan cara pengamatan secara berkala selama pendampingan berlangsung. Pendekatan yang digunakan adalah pendekatankuantitatif dan pendekatan kualitatif. Penilaian cakupan indikator mutlak kesehatan dilihat berdasarkan cakupan Balita yang ditimbang, tingkat partisipasi masyarakat (D/S), kasus Balita gizi buruk, dan upaya pelayanan kesehatan yang meliputi: cakupan kunjungan bayi (KN1), kunjungan pemeriksaan kehamilan (K1 & K4), dan cakupan pertolongan persalinan dengan tenaga kesehatan. Hasil: Operasi Timbang Balita berhasil mendongkrak tingkat partisipasi masyarakat (D/S) menjadi 80%, sekaligus menjaring kasus Balita gizi buruk sebanyak 12.100 Balita. Hasil cakupan kunjungan neonatus dan pemeriksaan kehamilan sudah mencapai > 90%, walaupun untuk cakupan kunjungan pemeriksaan kehamilan ke-4 (K4) baru mencapai 70%. Demikian juga dengan cakupan pertolongan persalinan sudah meningkat menjadi 90%. Hasil lain yang diperoleh adalah terjadinya replikasi Kalakarya di tingkat Puskesmas yang dilanjutkan ke tingkat Posyandu. Saran: Perlu diciptakan sistim pemantauan dan evaluasi program berkelanjutan yang disesuaikan dengan kondisi geografi s, topografi s dan kondisi spesifik masing-masing wilayah di kabupaten Sampang

    The Role of Ex-Migrant Worker Enterprise Toward Local Economic Development and Factors That Influence Income of Ex-Migrant Enterprise in Sumatera Utara Province

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    The objective of research are: to analyze the role of the small scale enterprise of the ex-migrant workers towards the development of job opportunities and the empowerment of local economy as well as to analyze several factors that influence ex-migrant workers enterprise income. The research was carried out in North Sumatera Province. Thedescriptive analysis and the multiple linear regression analysis are used to analyze the data. The result of the research shows the small scale enterprise of the ex-migrant workers have important role for creating job opportunities. With assumption - every ex-migrant workers run a business and recruit minimum one worker - so the unemployment decrease as many as 123.226 people or 20,53% of the total unemployment in North Sumatera. The ex-migrant workers also have a role in the empowerment of the people economy. They work in the micro, small, medium enterprise which is the pillar of the national economy. The result of the research also shows that capital and the number of workers employed influence the income of ex-migrant enterprise. The addition capital of Rp1,000,000,00 will raise as much as Rp201,000.00 of income, and the addition of 1 worker will raise income as much as Rp44,757.562. Education, technical supporting and advance supporting done by government did not influence the income of ex-migrant enterprise. The implication is, government need to initiate the new model of technical supporting and advance supporting for exmigrantenterprise

    Formation of Consumption Properties of Sweet Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) Sauce

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    The aim of the study is to form consumption properties of a green sweet pepper sauce with a balanced content of macro- and microelements. Due to the use of Xanthium strumarium and chitosan a new product has high organoleptic properties that attract a consumer and increase its competitiveness at the market.Sweet green pepper that relates to most valuable vegetable cultures as to food value and taste was chosen as a main component of a sauce. For giving it a necessary consistence and for decreasing a time of thermal processing, there was used chitosan. According to results of the conducted studies, it was established, that among studied types of chitosan, advantages as to forming a consistence belongs to food acid-soluble chitosan with particle sizes up to 0,5 mm in amount 0,5 %.For preserving the natural green color, pepper fruits were preliminarily processed in 1 % decoction of Xanthium strumarium at temperature 75ºС during 15 min. For increasing its food value, the recipe was added with spicy-aromatic vegetable raw materials: garlic, dill, parsley, celery.The sauce quality was formed by mathematical modeling using general criteria of optimization of organoleptic parameters. There were also determined specific criteria of optimization of the recipe composition taking into account their daily need. As a result of the conducted studies the composition of recipe components for the sauce was optimized: sweet pepper 80 %, garlic leaves – 5 %, parsley leaves,dill – 5 %, celery leaves – 5 %, salt – 1,5 %, sugar – 0,5 %, chitosan – 0,5 %.There were studied organoleptic parameters of the developed sauce, characterized by a pleasant bright-green color, homogenous paste-like consistence, pleasant taste and smell. The used stabilizing factors allowed to get the sauce with the increased content of essential factors of nutrition. They participate in the increase of protective forces of the organism, so allow to recommend them in prophylactic, child and dietary nutrition

    Respon Karakter Fisiologis Kedelai (Glycine Max L.) Verietas Grobogan Terhadap Cekaman Genangan

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    Kedelai (Glycine max L.) mempunyai arti penting untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan dalam rangka perbaikan gizi masyarakat, karena kandungan nutrisinya yang banyak dan merupakan sumber protein nabati yang ekonomis. Kendala dalam produksi kedelai adalah faktor lingkungan, salah satunya adalah curah hujan. Curah hujan dapat mengakibatkan genangan (waterlogging). Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah mengetahui respon karakter fisiologis kedelai varietas Grobogan dan toleransinya terhadap genangan. Penelitian cekaman genangan dilakukan pada stadia vegetatif dengan taraf genangan 100%, 150%, 200% dan kontrol sebagai pembanding. Berdasarkan data didapatkan hasil bahwa nitrogen daun tertinggi terdapat pada perlakuan kontrol dengan 2,45% dan menurun seiring dengan peningkatan taraf genangan. Kadar klorofil, berat basah dan berat kering juga mengalami penurunan. Penurunan berat kering mencapai 60,41%. Tanaman kontrol dan perlakuan genangan mengalami perbedaan dalam alokasi fotosintat. Perlakuan genangan lebih tinggi rasio akarnya dibandingkan dengan tajuk, sebaliknya pada perlakuan genangan rasio tajuk lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan akar. Konsentrasi etilen akar mengalami peningkatan pada konsentrasi genangan 200% yaitu mencapai 14,878 pp