115 research outputs found

    The use of behaviour patterns of larval schistosomes in assessing the bilharzia potential of non-endemic areas

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    Schistosoma mattheei Veglia & LeRoux, 1929, egg output from cattle in a highly endemic area in the eastern Transvaal

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    The results of 6-month estimations of S. mattheei faecal egg counts on 513 cattle in a highly endemic area of the eastern Transvaal over a 2-year period are given. After an initial high egg output of short duration the egg counts stabilized at a low level. The frequency of high egg counts in young cattle which died naturally was more than twice that of all other cattle, suggesting that S. mattheei egg counts in highly endemic areas is debatable, and it is suggested that egg counts in man might follow a similar pattern.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Schistosoma Weinland, 1858 from Hippopotamus amphibius Linnaeus, 1758 in the Kruger National Park

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    Adults of Schistosoma edwardiense Thurston, 1964, were recovered from Hippopotamus amphibius in the Kruger National Park. Small round to oval Schistosoma margrebowiei-like eggs, presumed to be those of S. edwardiense, were found fairly frequently in the faeces of infected hippopotami together with a few Schistosoma haematobium-like eggs the identity of which remains uncertain. Biomphalaria sp., exposed to the droppings of infected hippopotami, shed cercariae thought to be those of S. edwardiense. No evidence of schistosoma adults was found at necropsy in rodents exposed to these cercariae. The parasite appears to be host specific to the hippopotamus. Arguments, based on biological and anatomical characteristics are put forward regarding Schistosoma hippopotami Thurston, 1963 as synonymous with Schistosoma mansoni.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format

    Wesson's IMT with a Weylian bulk

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    The foundations of Wesson's induced matter theory are analyzed. It is shown that the 5D empty bulk must be regarded rather as a Weylian space than as a Riemannian one.The framework of a Weyl-Dirac version of Wesson's theory is elaborated and discussed. The bulk possesses in addition to the metric tensor a Weylian connection vector as well Dirac's gauge function; there are no sources (mass, current) in the bulk. On the 4D brane one obtains a geometrically based unified theory of gravitation and electromagnetism with mass, currents and equations induced by the 5D bulkComment: 29 page

    Характеристика загрязнения прибрежных вод у Карадагского заповедника по данным оптических измерений

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    На основе анализа данных оптических наблюдений в рамках комплексных океанографических экспедиций, проведенных сотрудниками ИнБЮМ НАНУ и МГИ НАНУ 22, 23 мая 2007 г. и 21, 22 июля 2009 г. в прибрежных водах Черного моря у Карадагского заповедника, выполнены оценки загрязнения рассматриваемой акватории растворенным органическим веществом искусственного происхождения и растворенными нефтепродуктами. Определены концентрации, источники и пути распространения суммарной взвеси и загрязняющих веществ. Зафиксирован рост степени загрязнения заповедной акватории в течение двух последних лет.На основі аналізу даних оптичних спостережень у рамках комплексних океанографічних експедицій, проведених співробітниками ІнБЮМ НАНУ та МГІ НАНУ 22, 23 травня 2007 р. та 21, 22 липня 2009 р. у прибережних водах Чорного моря біля Карадазького заповідника, виконано оцінки забруднення розглянутої акваторії розчиненою органічною речовиною штучного походження та розчиненими нафтопродуктами. Визначено концентрації, джерела та шляхи поширення сумарної зваженої речовини та забруднюючих речовин. Зафіксовано зростання ступеню забруднення заповідної акваторії протягом двох останніх років.On the base of analysis of optical observations’ data within the framework of complex oceanographic expeditions, undertaken by employers of IBSS and MHI of National academy of sciences of Ukraine on 22, 23 May 2007 and 21, July 22 2009 in the coastal waters of the Black sea beside the Karadag reserve, estimations of water borne contaminations with dissolved organic material by man made birth and dissolved oil are executed. The concentrations, sources and the ways of the total suspended matter and polluting material spreading are defined. Increase in pollution percentage in waters of the reserve is fixed for two last years

    Dynamic wormholes, anti-trapped surfaces, and energy conditions

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    Adapting and extending a suggestion due to Page, we define a wormhole throat to be a marginally anti-trapped surface, that is, a closed two-dimensional spatial hypersurface such that one of the two future-directed null geodesic congruences orthogonal to it is just beginning to diverge. Typically a dynamic wormhole will possess two such throats, corresponding to the two orthogonal null geodesic congruences, and these two throats will not coincide, (though they do coalesce into a single throat in the static limit). The divergence property of the null geodesics at the marginally anti-trapped surface generalizes the ``flare-out'' condition for an arbitrary wormhole. We derive theorems regarding violations of the null energy condition (NEC) at and near these throats and find that, even for wormholes with arbitrary time-dependence, the violation of the NEC is a generic property of wormhole throats. We also discuss wormhole throats in the presence of fully antisymmetric torsion and find that the energy condition violations cannot be dumped into the torsion degrees of freedom. Finally by means of a concrete example we demonstrate that even temporary suspension of energy-condition violations is incompatible with the flare-out property of dynamic throats.Comment: 32 pages in plain LaTex, no figures. Additional text and references adde

    The tegument of Schistosoma hippopotami from Hippopotamus amphibius in the Kruger National Park

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    Schistosoma hippopotami were collected from the right heart chambers and pulmonary arteries of Hippopotamus amphibius culled in the Kruger National Park. The schistosomes were subjected to scanning electron microscopy as well as optical microscopy. The results indicate that S. hippopotami is not conspecific to S. mansoni as suggested in the literature. On account of the morphology of certain tegumental structures of both male and female parasites, it is suggested that S. hippopotami is adapted to the pulmonary arterial circulation of its host.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.lmchunu2014mn201

    Relative immunocompetence of the newborn harbour seal, phoca vitulina

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    The immune system of many mammalian species is not fully developed at birth, with newborns obtaining temporary immunological protection from maternal antibodies. Little is known of the immune system of the harbour seal, and developmental aspects of its immune system have not been systematically studied. We collected blood and milk samples from nine free-ranging mother-pup pairs throughout the lactation period on Sable Island, Canada, in an effort to characterise developmental aspects of the immune system of this newborn pinniped. Pup lymphocytes responded stronger to the mitogens concanavalin A, phytohaemagglutinin, and pokeweed mitogen tha

    Notes on the occurrence of tubercular spines in Schistosoma margrebowiei and Schistosoma mattheei

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    Scanning electron microscopical (SEM) studies on tegument of the bovid schistosomes, Schistosoma margrebowiei and Schistosoma mattheei have yielded conflicting results; certain authors observed the tubercles on the tegument of these species to be spined, while others reported that they are spineless. The present study indicates that the protrusion of tubercular spines is subject to phenotypic plasticity regulated by external factors such as the identiy of the host species and whether or not the schistosome is paired.The articles have been scanned in colour with a HP Scanjet 5590; 600dpi. Adobe Acrobat XI Pro was used to OCR the text and also for the merging and conversion to the final presentation PDF-format.lmchunu2014mn201

    Classical confinement of test particles in higher-dimensional models: stability criteria and a new energy condition

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    We review the circumstances under which test particles can be localized around a spacetime section \Sigma_0 smoothly contained within a codimension-1 embedding space M. If such a confinement is possible, \Sigma_0 is said to be totally geodesic. Using three different methods, we derive a stability condition for trapped test particles in terms of intrinsic geometrical quantities on \Sigma_0 and M; namely, confined paths are stable against perturbations if the gravitational stress-energy density on M is larger than that on \Sigma_0, as measured by an observed travelling along the unperturbed trajectory. We confirm our general result explicitly in two different cases: the warped-product metric ansatz for (n+1)-dimensional Einstein spaces, and a known solution of the 5-dimensional vacuum field equation embedding certain 4-dimensional cosmologies. We conclude by defining a confinement energy condition that can be used to classify geometries incorporating totally geodesic submanifolds, such as those found in thick braneworld and other 5-dimensional scenarios.Comment: 9 pages, REVTeX4, in press in Phys. Rev.