157 research outputs found

    Thermal bulk polymerization of cholesteryl acrylate

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    The thermal bulk polymerization of cholesteryl acrylate was carried out in the solid phase, the mesomorphic phase, and the liquid phase to study the effect of monomer ordering on polymerization rate and polymer properties. The rate increased with decreasing ordering (or enhanced mobility) of the monomer. Formation of inhibitive by-products during the polymerization limited conversions to 35%. The sedimentation constant S0 = 6.2 S was the same for the polymers obtained in the three phases. The weight-average molecular weight (w) was 480,000 as determined by ultracentrifugation. Poly-(cholesteryl acrylate) formed in bulk is randomly coiled when dissolved in tetrahydrofuran. The thermal properties of the monomer are given

    Stress-reactivity in the Dutch hypertension and offspring study : an epidemiological approach to the psychophysiology of early hypertension

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    Blood pressure is constantly and carefully regulated to maintain perfusion of organs and tissues under different conditions. Since the beginning of this century, many mechanisms have been discovered which detect and maintain tissue blood flow and arterial pressure at levels that are optimal for survival during conditions ranging from sleep to exercise. The complexity and the number of the control systems results in a large number of opportunities for dysregulation, which may cause a temporary or sustained uncontrolled rise in blood pressure. Yet, in a majority of hypertensive subjects the cause is still unknown and hypertension is therefore called essential or primary. The pathogenesis of primary hypertension is generally accepted to be based on genetic as well as enviromnental factors and the interaction of genetic susceptibility with environmental factors. Evidence for influences of environmental factors can be found in the relation of blood pressure with diet, obesity, fitness and behavioral stress

    ‘Wanneer mag of moet ik een medisch dossier vernietigen?'

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    FdR – Publicaties niet-programma gebonde

    Гігієнічні аспекти відновлення відкритих техногенних бедлендів із застосуванням осадів міських стічних вод

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    Зростання індивідуального водоспоживання у великих містах породжує проблему утворення і розміщення на території населених пунктів значної кількості осадів стічних вод. Часто вони представляють епідемічну небезпеку для людини і с джерелом потрапляння у довкілля техногенних хімічних речовин. На основі санітарно-гігієнічної оцінки осадів комунальних стічних вод м. Кривого Рогу розглядається можливість і даються рекомендації для її безпечного використання при створенні вторинних природних ландшафтів у місцях «місячних поверхонь» після відкритого видобутку залізної руди.Рост индивидуального водопотребления в крупных городах порождает проблему образования и размещения на территории населенных пунктов значительного количества осадков сточных вод. Часто они представляют эпидемическую опасность для человека и являются источником поступления в окружающую среду техногенных химических веществ. На основе санитарно-гигиенической оценки осадков коммунальных сточных вод г. Кривого Рога рассматривается возможность и даются рекомендации для их безопасного использования при создании вторичных природных ландшафтов в местах «лунных поверхностей» после открытой добычи железной руды.Growth of individual water consumption in large cities generates a problem of formation and placing of a considerable quantity of deposits of sewage. Often they represent epidemic danger to the person and are a receipt source in environment of technogenic chemical substances. On the basis of a sanitary-and-hygienic estimation of deposits of sewage in a city* of Krivoi Rig consider possibility and definition of the recommendation for safe use of deposits at creation of secondary natural landscapes in places of open-pit mining of iron ore

    Back to the basics of ovarian aging: A population-based study on longitudinal anti-Müllerian hormone decline

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    Background: Anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is currently used as an ovarian reserve marker for individualized fertility counseling, but very little is known of individual AMH decline in women. This study assessed whether the decline trajectory of AMH is uniform for all women, and whether baseline age-specific AMH levels remain consistently high or low during this trajectory. Methods: A total of 3326 female participants from the population-based Doetinchem Cohort Study were followed with five visits over a 20-year period. Baseline age was 40±10years with a range of 20-59 years. AMH was measured in 12,929 stored plasma samples using the picoAMH assay (AnshLabs). Decline trajectories of AMH were studied with both chronological age and reproductive age, i.e., time to menopause. Multivariable linear mixed effects models characterized the individual AMH decline trajectories. Results: The overall rate of AMH decline accelerated after 40years of age. Mixed models with varying age-specific AMH levels and decline rates provided the significantly best fit to the data, indicating that the fall in AMH levels over time does not follow a fixed pattern for individual women. AMH levels remained consistent along individual trajectories of age, with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.87. The ICC of 0.32 for AMH trajectories with time to menopause expressed the large variation in AMH levels at a given time before the menopause. The differences between low and high age-specific AMH levels remained distinguishable, but became increasingly smaller with increasing chronological and reproductive age. Conclusions: This is the first study to characterize individual AMH decline over a long time period and broad age range. The varying AMH decline rates do not support the premise of a uniform AMH decline trajectory. Although age-specific AMH levels remain consistently high or low with increasing age, the converging trajectories and variance of AMH levels at a given time before menopause shed doubt on the added value of AMH to represent individualized reproductive age