69 research outputs found

    Interpretation of the Pattern in Rate Ratios Across Strata

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    The pattern in the ratio of disease rates over strata is a summary statistic used to describe the changing risk of disease in one group relative to another. While patterns of the ratios of disease rates over strata appear to correspond to specific changes in disease rates, plots of the disease rates over strata seem to contradict the information yielded by the ratios. For example, if disease rates from populations A and B have identical rates of decline (parallel lines), the difference in the rates (A - B) at each strata remains constant, while the ratio of the rates (AIB) increases over strata. Through simple algebraic manipulation, one can show that the pattern of the rate ratio is a function of the rate difference relative to the endemic disease rate. Thus, rather than describing the behavior of the disease rates, ratio patterns reflect the importance of exposure relative to the disease rate in the unexposed population

    The Abnormal Measures of Iron Homeostasis in Pediatric Obesity Are Associated with the Inflammation of Obesity

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    Objectives. To determine if the low iron state described in obese children is associated with the chronic inflammatory state seen in obesity. Study Design. Obese children age from 2 to 19 years seen at a weight management clinic were studied prospectively. Data were collected on age, gender, BMI, BMI z-score, serum iron, ferritin, transferrin saturation, free erythrocyte protoporphyrin, high sensitivity creactive protein (hs-crp), and hemoglobin concentration. Results. 107 subjects were studied. Hs-crp levels correlated positively with BMI (P < .001) and BMI z-score (P = .005) and negatively with serum iron (P = .002). 11.2% of subjects had low serum iron. Median serum iron was significantly lower for subjects with American Heart Association high risk hs-crp values (>3 mg/L) compared to those with low risk hs-crp (<1 mg/L), (65 mcg/dL versus 96 mcg/dL, P = .016). After adjusting for age, gender, and BMI z-score, serum iron was still negatively associated with hs-crp (P = .048). Conclusions. We conclude that the chronic inflammation of obesity results in the low iron state previously reported in obese children, similar to what is seen in other inflammatory diseases

    Reverse Engineering Gene Networks with ANN: Variability in Network Inference Algorithms

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    Motivation :Reconstructing the topology of a gene regulatory network is one of the key tasks in systems biology. Despite of the wide variety of proposed methods, very little work has been dedicated to the assessment of their stability properties. Here we present a methodical comparison of the performance of a novel method (RegnANN) for gene network inference based on multilayer perceptrons with three reference algorithms (ARACNE, CLR, KELLER), focussing our analysis on the prediction variability induced by both the network intrinsic structure and the available data. Results: The extensive evaluation on both synthetic data and a selection of gene modules of "Escherichia coli" indicates that all the algorithms suffer of instability and variability issues with regards to the reconstruction of the topology of the network. This instability makes objectively very hard the task of establishing which method performs best. Nevertheless, RegnANN shows MCC scores that compare very favorably with all the other inference methods tested. Availability: The software for the RegnANN inference algorithm is distributed under GPL3 and it is available at the corresponding author home page (http://mpba.fbk.eu/grimaldi/regnann-supmat

    Percepção de risco à saúde, atitudes e práticas dos trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados nos Centros de Saúde de Porto Alegre

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    Os trabalhadores de serviço de limpeza são profissionais indispensáveis para a promoção do bem-estar nos diversos ambientes frequentados por todos, evidenciando que a mão de obra desses agentes é imprescindível à saúde da população. Nos ambientes de assistência à saúde a execução das atividades de limpeza é de extrema necessidade, porque estes espaços são vistos como reservatórios de microrganismos, sobretudo os multirresistentes, e a presença de matéria orgânica oportunizam o aparecimento de insetos, roedores, formigas e outros, possibilitando veicular microrganismos nos serviços de saúde. Para que a limpeza nos ambientes de assistência à saúde seja realizada com qualidade, a equipe de serviços de limpeza precisa de capacitação e treinamento para o desenvolvimento das atividades, e compreensão dos riscos a que se expõe no local de trabalho. Foi realizada uma pesquisa para identificar a percepção de risco à saúde, atitudes e práticas no trabalho dos auxiliares de limpeza terceirizados nos Centros de Saúde municipais de Porto Alegre. Tratou-se de um estudo observacional descritivo do tipo transversal, de caráter quantitativo, o qual foi utilizado um instrumento de coleta de dados estruturado. Os locais foram cinco Centros de Saúde municipal de Porto Alegre. As entrevistas foram aplicadas em forma de censo, individualmente, e em local privado. Com base nos dados obtidos, 51 trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados aceitaram participar do estudo e desses, 42 eram do sexo feminino, e 9 do sexo masculino, ressaltando a influência do gênero no trabalho de higiene e limpeza. A idade entre eles variou de 22 a 74 anos. A autodeclaração da cor branca dos trabalhadores de limpeza foi de 67%. Os anos de estudos na média foram de 7 anos, que equivalem ao ensino fundamental incompleto. Os trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados dos cinco Centros de Saúde pesquisados são todos moradores de bairros de Porto Alegre. Verificou-se que 45 dos 51 trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados entrevistados, não haviam recebido nenhuma forma de capacitação para atuar em ambientes de assistência à saúde, potencializando o risco ocupacional. O estudo colaborou para a reflexão acerca da importância do trabalhador de limpeza em ambientes de assistência à saúde.The cleaning service workers are indispensable professionals for the promotion of well-being in the diverse environments frequented by all, evidencing that the workmanship of these agents is essential to the health of the population. In health care environments, cleaning activities are of extreme necessity because these spaces are seen as reservoirs of microorganisms, especially multiresistants, and the presence of organic matter makes it possible for insects, rodents, ants and others to appear. micro-organisms in health services. For cleanliness in health care environments to be performed with quality, the cleaning services team needs training and training to develop activities, and understanding the risks to which it is exposed in the workplace. A survey was conducted to identify the perception of health risk, attitudes and practices in the work of outsourced cleaning aids in the Municipal Health Centers of Porto Alegre. It was a descriptive, cross-sectional observational study of a quantitative nature, using a structured data collection instrument. The sites were five Municipal Health Centers of Porto Alegre. The interviews were applied in the form of a census, individually, and in a private place. Based on the data obtained, 51 outsourced cleaning workers accepted to participate in the study, of which 42 were female, and 9 were male, emphasizing the influence of gender in hygiene and cleaning work. Their ages ranged from 22 to 74 years. The self-declaration of the white color of cleaning workers was 67%. The average years of studies were 7 years, which are equivalent to incomplete primary education. Outsourced cleaning workers from the five Health Centers surveyed are all residents of Porto Alegre neighborhoods. It was verified that 45 of the 51 outsourced cleaning workers interviewed had not received any form of training to work in health care environments, increasing occupational risk. The study collaborated to reflect on the importance of the cleaning worker in health care environments

    Percepção de risco à saúde, atitudes e práticas dos trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados nos Centros de Saúde de Porto Alegre

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    Os trabalhadores de serviço de limpeza são profissionais indispensáveis para a promoção do bem-estar nos diversos ambientes frequentados por todos, evidenciando que a mão de obra desses agentes é imprescindível à saúde da população. Nos ambientes de assistência à saúde a execução das atividades de limpeza é de extrema necessidade, porque estes espaços são vistos como reservatórios de microrganismos, sobretudo os multirresistentes, e a presença de matéria orgânica oportunizam o aparecimento de insetos, roedores, formigas e outros, possibilitando veicular microrganismos nos serviços de saúde. Para que a limpeza nos ambientes de assistência à saúde seja realizada com qualidade, a equipe de serviços de limpeza precisa de capacitação e treinamento para o desenvolvimento das atividades, e compreensão dos riscos a que se expõe no local de trabalho. Foi realizada uma pesquisa para identificar a percepção de risco à saúde, atitudes e práticas no trabalho dos auxiliares de limpeza terceirizados nos Centros de Saúde municipais de Porto Alegre. Tratou-se de um estudo observacional descritivo do tipo transversal, de caráter quantitativo, o qual foi utilizado um instrumento de coleta de dados estruturado. Os locais foram cinco Centros de Saúde municipal de Porto Alegre. As entrevistas foram aplicadas em forma de censo, individualmente, e em local privado. Com base nos dados obtidos, 51 trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados aceitaram participar do estudo e desses, 42 eram do sexo feminino, e 9 do sexo masculino, ressaltando a influência do gênero no trabalho de higiene e limpeza. A idade entre eles variou de 22 a 74 anos. A autodeclaração da cor branca dos trabalhadores de limpeza foi de 67%. Os anos de estudos na média foram de 7 anos, que equivalem ao ensino fundamental incompleto. Os trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados dos cinco Centros de Saúde pesquisados são todos moradores de bairros de Porto Alegre. Verificou-se que 45 dos 51 trabalhadores de limpeza terceirizados entrevistados, não haviam recebido nenhuma forma de capacitação para atuar em ambientes de assistência à saúde, potencializando o risco ocupacional. O estudo colaborou para a reflexão acerca da importância do trabalhador de limpeza em ambientes de assistência à saúde.The cleaning service workers are indispensable professionals for the promotion of well-being in the diverse environments frequented by all, evidencing that the workmanship of these agents is essential to the health of the population. In health care environments, cleaning activities are of extreme necessity because these spaces are seen as reservoirs of microorganisms, especially multiresistants, and the presence of organic matter makes it possible for insects, rodents, ants and others to appear. micro-organisms in health services. For cleanliness in health care environments to be performed with quality, the cleaning services team needs training and training to develop activities, and understanding the risks to which it is exposed in the workplace. A survey was conducted to identify the perception of health risk, attitudes and practices in the work of outsourced cleaning aids in the Municipal Health Centers of Porto Alegre. It was a descriptive, cross-sectional observational study of a quantitative nature, using a structured data collection instrument. The sites were five Municipal Health Centers of Porto Alegre. The interviews were applied in the form of a census, individually, and in a private place. Based on the data obtained, 51 outsourced cleaning workers accepted to participate in the study, of which 42 were female, and 9 were male, emphasizing the influence of gender in hygiene and cleaning work. Their ages ranged from 22 to 74 years. The self-declaration of the white color of cleaning workers was 67%. The average years of studies were 7 years, which are equivalent to incomplete primary education. Outsourced cleaning workers from the five Health Centers surveyed are all residents of Porto Alegre neighborhoods. It was verified that 45 of the 51 outsourced cleaning workers interviewed had not received any form of training to work in health care environments, increasing occupational risk. The study collaborated to reflect on the importance of the cleaning worker in health care environments

    SAMPICC: Stata module to compute sample size for an intra-class correlation (ICC)

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    sampicc computes the sample size or, alternatively, the power required to test an ICC (p1) against a null value (p0). In addition, the program will compute the sample size for a specified width of a confidence interval for the ICC.intra-class correlation, sample size, power

    ICCCONF: Stata module to compute a confidence interval for an intraclass correlation (ICC)

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    iccconf is an immediate command that computes a confidence interval for a single intraclass correlation (ICC). The procedure is based on Rosner's approach using the F-test.intra-class correlation, confidence interval