178 research outputs found

    Dynamic Response of 2 Piles in Series and Parallel Arrangement

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    In the present study, dynamic analysis of laterally loaded vertical pile group is carried out by keeping in the mind the three dimensional nature of the soil-pile system. Piles and soil are modelled using three-dimensional finite element techniques treating them as linear elastic. The interface of soil and pile under the lateral load has been accounted for by incorporating interface elements in the modelling. The special type of transmitting boundary using Kelvin element is used to transfer the propagating waves from near field to the far field. Group of two piles in series and parallel configuration have been considered for present study. Individual piles are considered monolithic with pile cap. Parametric studies have been performed to examine the effects of pile spacing and soil modulus on the response of pile group

    Steganography and Steganalysis : Different Approaches

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    Steganography is the technique of hiding confidential information within any media. Steganography is often confused with cryptography because the two are similar in the way that they both are used to protect confidential information. The difference between the two is in the appearance in the processed output; the output of steganography operation is not apparently visible but in cryptography the output is scrambled so that it can draw attention. Steganlysis is process to detect of presence of steganography. In this article we have tried to elucidate the different approaches towards implementation of steganography using ‘multimedia’ file (text, static image, audio and video) and Network IP datagram as cover. Also some methods of steganalysis will be discussed

    Isolation of Enterobacteriaceae and non-fermenting Gram-negative bacilli (NFGNB) from Dental Unit Water Lines (DUWL) in a tertiary care institutional setup

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    Background: The quality of dental unit water lines (DUWL) is of considerable importance since patients and dental staff are regularly exposed to water and aerosols generated from dental units which thereby influence the individual patient outcome and health-care associated morbidity. The aim of the present study was to determine the microbiological quality of water used, presence of biofilms and also the potential of isolated bacterial species in producing biofilms within DUWL. Methods: Thirty DUWL samples were collected from various departments of Manipal College of Dental Sciences, Mangalore. Bacteriological analysis was done for the presence of various bacterial contaminants. Presence of biofilms on DUWLs and potential of bacterial isolates to form biofilm were also determined. Results: Seven of 30 samples (23.3%), were found to be of unsatisfactory quality (coliform count > 200 CFU/ml), most frequently from air/water syringes. A total of 45 strains were isolated from 14 water samples. Genera isolated were Escherichia spp., Enterobacter spp., Klebsiella spp., Pseudomonas spp. and Acinetobacter spp. Four of 10 samples from DUWL tubing showed presence of biofilms (40%), formed mostly by Acinetobacter spp. and Pseudomonas spp. Out of 45 strains that were isolated, 19 strains displayed ability to form biofilms. Maximum number (10) isolates formed biofilms with 48 hours. Conclusion: Exposure to contaminated water from DUWL poses threat to the well-being of the patient and the health care personnel as well. Hence, measures should be initiated to ensure the optimum quality of DUWL water. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.131977

    Resolving Star Formation on Sub-Kiloparsec Scales in the High-Redshift Galaxy SDP.11 Using Gravitational Lensing

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    We investigate the properties of the interstellar medium, star formation, and the current-day stellar population in the strongly-lensed star-forming galaxy H-ATLAS J091043.1-000321 (SDP.11), at z = 1.7830, using new Herschel and ALMA observations of far-infrared fine-structure lines of carbon, oxygen and nitrogen. We report detections of the [O III] 52 um, [N III] 57 um, and [O I] 63 um lines from Herschel/PACS, and present high-resolution imaging of the [C II] 158 um line, and underlying continuum, using ALMA. We resolve the [C II] line emission into two spatially-offset Einstein rings, tracing the red- and blue-velocity components of the line, in the ALMA/Band-9 observations at 0.2" resolution. The values seen in the [C II]/FIR ratio map, as low as ~ 0.02% at the peak of the dust continuum, are similar to those of local ULIRGs, suggesting an intense starburst in this source. This is consistent with the high intrinsic FIR luminosity (~ 3 x 10^12 Lo), ~ 16 Myr gas depletion timescale, and < 8 Myr timescale since the last starburst episode, estimated from the hardness of the UV radiation field. By applying gravitational lensing models to the visibilities in the uv-plane, we find that the lensing magnification factor varies by a factor of two across SDP.11, affecting the observed line profiles. After correcting for the effects of differential lensing, a symmetric line profile is recovered, suggesting that the starburst present here may not be the result of a major merger, as is the case for local ULIRGs, but instead could be powered by star-formation activity spread across a 3-5 kpc rotating disk.Comment: 17 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    CO-Dark Star Formation and Black Hole Activity in 3C 368 at z = 1.131: Coeval Growth of Stellar and Supermassive Black Hole Masses

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    We present the detection of four far-infrared fine-structure oxygen lines, as well as strong upper limits for the CO(2-1) and [N II] 205 um lines, in 3C 368, a well-studied radio-loud galaxy at z = 1.131. These new oxygen lines, taken in conjunction with previously observed neon and carbon fine-structure lines, suggest a powerful active galactic nucleus (AGN), accompanied by vigorous and extended star formation. A starburst dominated by O8 stars, with an age of ~6.5 Myr, provides a good fit to the fine-structure line data. This estimated age of the starburst makes it nearly concurrent with the latest episode of AGN activity, suggesting a link between the growth of the supermassive black hole and stellar population in this source. We do not detect the CO(2-1) line, down to a level twelve times lower than the expected value for star forming galaxies. This lack of CO line emission is consistent with recent star formation activity if the star-forming molecular gas has low metallicity, is highly fractionated (such that CO is photodissociated through much of the clouds), or is chemically very young (such that CO has not yet had time to form). It is also possible, though we argue unlikely, that the ensemble of fine structure lines are emitted from the region heated by the AGN.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Small Molecule Drug Release Form in Situ Forming Degradable Scaffolds Incorporating Hydrogels and Bioceramic Microparticles

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    The present invention relates to an injectable system combining a hydrogel, a bioceramic and a degradable matrix that provides for sustained drug delivery and structural support to recovering tissue, such as bone and the periodontium

    Bioactive Components of Magical Velvet Beans

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    The plant Mucuna is an annual climbing shrub with long vines that can reach over fifteen meters in length. About 100–150 Mucuna species are found in the tropic and subtropic regions of both hemispheres of the earth. The genus Mucuna belongs to the family Leguminosae. It is commonly known as Kewanch, velvet bean, cowhage and kappikachhu and is found widely in India as a hardy, herbaceous, vigorous, twining annual plant. The size and dimension of the Mucuna seeds, pods, platelets and leaves change from species to species. The hair present on pods is anthelmintic, which causes itching. People are seeking great attention towards Mucuna due to its several medicinal properties, including L-DOPA (L-3, 4-dihydroxyphenylalanine) along with supplementary antioxidants that are used for treating Parkinson’s disease and many neurodegenerative diseases. Thus it is being used in about 200 medicinal formulations. The current chapter outlines the work that determines the influence of different nutritional, anti-nutritional and medicinal values and bioactive agents from different parts of the Mucuna species present in India and its importance in medicine
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