14 research outputs found

    The Role of Water as a Non Traditional Security Challenge

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    Challenges such as climate change, water and environment or even food security were not considered under the traditional security paradigm. In 1994, the UN Human Development report brought to the forefront the need to shift focus to the concept of people‟s security and identified several essentials including economic, health and environment security. Water, which lies at the core of these essentials did not find adequate prominence and while „water wars‟ was under the subject of academic scrutiny, the concept of water security as a global challenge did not receive adequate attention. Currently, water and its inextricable relationship to energy, food and development, and political stability is placed at the core of every security debate. In 2015, leaders at the WEF in Davos ranked water as the No.1 risk to societies. The paper explores how a change in attitude is required from policy makers to the end user

    Diagnostic efficacy of dedicated MRI seizure protocol and standard protocol in evaluating seizures -A comparative study

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    Seizure episode is most common in males than in females in this study. Among the males, age group of 21-40 years is most affecting with seizures. Major occurrence of seizure is when the patient is in awake state. Most of the patient around 80% in this study presented with single episode of seizure. Generalized Tonic Clonic seizure is the most common form of seizure in this study. Infection and inflammation were most common cause of seizure. Neurocysticercosis is common cause of seizure under infectious cause of seizure, followed by tuberculomas. Ischemia is second most common cause of seizure in this study. Incidence of mesial temporal sclerosis is 17 % in this study. Mesial temporal sclerosis is more common in age group of 21- 40 years of age. From this study it is seen that there is an increase in diagnostic yield (23%) in finding epileptogenic lesions in patients who presented with seizure by adding “dedicated epilepsy protocol”. Standard protocol sequences failed to detect those 23% of the lesion that were diagnosed using epilepsy protocol. Standard protocol issued to predict all lesion types except for hippocampal sclerosis and cortical malformation.&nbsp


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    ABSTRACT Patients with pulmonary hypertension are at high risk for anaesthesia and surgery. Pulmonary hypertension was previously divided into primary and secondary categories; Primary pulmonary hypertension described an idiopathic hypertensive vasculopathy exclusively affecting pulmonary circulation, whereas secondary pulmonary hypertension was associated with a casual underlying disease process. However, identification of a gene responsible for the inherited forms of this disease has prompted a revised classification of pulmonary hypertension. New classification distinguishes conditions that directly affect pulmonary arterial tree from those primarily affecting the pulmonary venous system or respiratory structure and functions. The term primary pulmonary hypertension has now more accurately been replaced by idiopathic PAH, when supported by genetic etiology familial PAH; the term secondary pulmonary hypertension has been abandoned. PPH is a rare form of an unusually aggressive, a progressive and often fatal disease with female predominance in the ratio, female: male 1.7:1. As per the available literature the risks associated with primary pulmonary hypertension seems to be more frequent than those related to secondary pulmonary hypertension. Occasionally these patients may be presented for the anaesthesia for non cardiac surgeries. These patients are considered to be at high risk for anaesthesia due to high possibility of perioperative complications and mortality. The ideal anesthetic technique involves maintenance of stable pulmonary and systemic hemodynamic parameters with adequate venous return without reducing systemic vascular resistance. Anesthesia requires invasive cardiovascular monitoring. Here we present a case report of a 34 year old man with severe Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) who successfully underwent right sided inguinal hernioplasty under regional anesthesia technique, modified hernia block. Keywords: Primary Pulmonary Hypertension, Regional Anesthesia Technique, Hernia Block, Hernioplasty INTRODUCTION Primary pulmonary hypertension (PPH) also referred as idiopathic pulmonary hypertension is a rare progressive fatal disease associated with high mortality due to the stress of surgery and anesthesi

    Estimation of fetal gestational age by fetal kidney length measurement from 20-40th Weeks of gestation in healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancy

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    In the precise estimation of gestational age, fetal kidney length measurement by ultrasound proves to be an effective parameter from 20-40th weeks of gestation.To conduct an ultrasound examination for healthy women with uncomplicated pregnancy from 20 weeks to 40 weeks to determine the association between fetal kidney length and gestational age determined by the last menstrual period and other ultrasound parameters (such as biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference and length of the femur). Obtain a nomogram and estimate the gestational age of the fetus by the length of the fetal kidney measured by ultrasound. This study aims to validate the measurement of fetal kidney length as an additional morphological parameter with less variability for estimating fetal growth. This measurement can be included into the pregnancy dating model after 20 weeks of gestation as it is easy to perform, especially when the measurement of biparietal diameter and head circumference is difficult

    Investigations on voltages and currents in the lightning protection system of the Indian satellite launch pad-I during a stroke interception

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    A reliable protection against direct lightning hit is very essential for satellite launch pads. In view of this, suitable protection systems are generally employed. The evaluation of efficacy of the lightning protection schemes among others requires an accurate knowledge of the consequential potential rise at the struck point and the current injected into soil at the earth termination. The present work has made a detailed effort to deduce these quantities for the lightning protection scheme of the Indian satellite launch pad-I. A reduced scale model of the system with a frequency domain approach is employed for the experimental study. For further validation of the experimental approach, numerical simulations using numerical electromagnetic code-2 are also carried out on schemes involving single tower. The study results on the protection system show that the present design is quite safe with regard to top potential rise. It is shown that by connecting ground wires to the tower, its base current and, hence, the soil potential rise can be reduced. An evaluation of an alternate design philosophy involving insulated mast scheme is also made. The potential rise in that design is quantified and the possibility of a flashover to supporting tower is briefly looked into. The supporting tower is shown to have significant induced currents


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    Background. Metabolic syndrome (MS), a collection of cardiovascular risk factors, is a major worldwide public health problem. The gathered data prove that serum gamma-glutamyl transferase (γGT) activity is a true marker of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (CVD) and is of a prognostic importance as well as the high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP). Objectives. In the study, we sought to evaluate serum γGT activity, hs-CRP and insulin resistance in patients with MS. Methods. The study involved 50 persons with metabolic syndrome and 50 healthy age and sex matched controls. Fasting serum samples of all participants were investigated for γGT, hs-CRP, insulin, blood glucose, lipid profile and liver function tests. Anthropometric measurements and BMI were also calculated Results. In that case 50% showed significantly high γGT compared to the controls, 30% proved increased hs-CRP levels above >0.5 mmol/L, whereas 94% of the controls were within the reference range. 74% of cases revealed the presence of insulin resistance while 32% of the controls showed insulin resistance. High γGT levels were also observed in that case with deranged lipids levels and high BMI. Conclusions. The study suggests that the patients with MS have a higher serum γGT activity. This study also proves that hs-CRP and HOMA-IR, which are independent risk factors of CVD, are also associated with MS. The correlation between γGT and the components of MS are also found significant compared to hs-CRP. Thus, γGT can be considered as an inexpensive and authentic predictor of MS, which can be a manifestation of CVD in near future.Вступ. Метаболічний синдром (МС), як сукупність факторів ризику розвитку серцево-судинних захворювань (ССЗ), є важливою проблемою охорони здоров'я. Отримані дані свідчать про те, що активність сироваткової гамма-глютамілтрансферази (ГГТ), у якості маркера атеросклеротичного процесу при ССЗ, має прогностичне значення, як і показники високочутливого С-реактивного білка (вч-СРБ). Мета. Дослідити активність сироваткової ГГТ, вч-СРБ та інсулінорезистентність у пацієнтів з метаболічним синдромом. Методи. Дослідження включало 50 пацієнтів з МС та 50 здорових осіб. Зразки сироватки були взяті у всіх учасників натщесерце для дослідження активності ГГТ, рівня вч-СРБ, інсуліну, глюкози в крові, оцінки ліпідного профілю та проведення печінкових проб. Також були розраховані антропометричні показники та індекс маси тіла (ІМТ). Результати. У 50% досліджуваних з метаболічним синдромом активність ГГТ була достовірно вищою відносно контрольної групи, у 30% діагностовано підвищений рівень вч-СРБ (вище >0,5 ммоль/л), тоді як показники 94% осіб контрольної групи знаходилися в діапазоні норми. У 74% випадків виявлено наявність інсулінорезистентності у пацієнтів з метаболічним синдромом, тоді як у контрольній групі цей показник склав 32%. Висока активність ГГТ також спостерігалася при порушеннях ліпідного профілю та високому ІМТ. Висновок. Отримані нами дані свідчать, що у пацієнтів з метаболічним синдромом активність сироваткової гамма-глютамілтрансферази достовірно вища, порівняно з контрольною групою. Також нами встановлено, що показники високочутливого С-реактивного білка та рівень інсулінорезистентності, які є незалежними факторами ризику серцево-судинних захворювань, також асоціюються з метаболічним синдромом. Встановлено кореляційні зв’язки між активністю гамма-глютамілтрансферази та високочутливого С-реактивного білка. Таким чином, показники сироваткової гамма-глютамілтрансферази можна розглядати як економічно доступний та достовірний предиктор метаболічного синдрому, що може передувати появі серцево-судинних захворювань у найближчому майбутньому

    Cardioprotective effect of Elepahnopus scaber Linn. on the Isolated rat heart in Ischemia-Reperfusion induced myocardial damage

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    ABSTRACT The current study was carried out to determine the protective role of hydro-alcoholic extract of Elephantopus scaber Linn. (HAEES) on ischemia-reperfusion induced myocardial injury in rats. HAEES was screened for in-vitro antioxidant activity using standard methods, to investigate the free radicals scavenging activity which are produced by ischemia-reperfusion induced oxidative stress. Ischemia-reperfusion induced injury in isolated rat hearts by global no-flow ischemia (15 min) can be assessed by measuring the changes in Hemodynamic parameters of heart, level of cardiac marker enzymes in heart perfusate and HTH, antioxidant system and histological changes when compared to post-ischemic condition of ischemia-reperfusion control group. HAEES have shown good antioxidant activity in DPPH, nitric oxide, hydroxyl and superoxide radical methods. Pretreatment with HAEES and ischemia-reperfusion induced injury have shown good cardioprotective effect in terms of significant recovery in DT, changes in biochemical parameters in perfusate and HTH, antioxidants level and histological changes in isolated rat hearts

    Synthesis of benzoyl phenyl benzoates as effective inhibitors for phospholipase A2 and hyaluronidase enzymes

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    Benzoylation of (hydroxy phenyl) phenyl methanone 2a–g to benzoyl phenyl benzoates 4a–g, a benzophenone analogue, was achieved in good yield. All the newly synthesized compounds were evaluated for their phospholipase A2 E.C. and hyaluronidase E.C. enzyme inhibitory activity in snake venom as source and their structure–activity relationship with respect to different groups is reported for the first time. The in vitro PLA2 enzyme inhibitory activity and in vivo anti-inflammatory activity studies of benzoyl phenyl benzoates are illustrated

    A rare case of hepatocellular carcinoma with right atrial invasion

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    An elderly male came with h/o loss of appetite and weight loss since 3 months. On evaluation, prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT), and international normalized ratio (INR) values were high. Hepatitis B surface antigen (HbSAg) screening was reactive and serum alfa-fetoprotein (AFP) was raised. Ultrasound examination revealed a hepatic mass with inferior vena caval extension and direct invasion of the right atrium. Computed tomography (CT) scan of the lower thorax and abdomen was performed, which confirmed the ultrasound diagnosis. The patient had a brief stay in the hospital and got discharged against medical advice; he was not available for follow-up. Hepatocellular carcinomas (HCCs) commonly metastasizes to the lung, bone, brain, and adrenal glands. About 70% of the patients with HCCs have hepatic and portal vein invasions but encroachment into the right atrium is very rare. The most common symptoms of cardiac metastasis include asymptomatic cases, bilateral lower leg edema, and exertional dyspnea in that order. Typical complications of intravascular tumor extension lead to secondary Budd-Chiari syndrome, right heart insufficiency, or massive pulmonary embolism. The prognosis of HCC with atrial invasion is poor, with median survival ranging from 1 month to 4 months. HCC in these cases may be more aggressive, with a shorter doubling time. The risk for cardiopulmonary collapse is higher, with heart failure or sudden death. Surgical interventions as well as nonsurgical approaches have been used in the treatment of patients with symptomatic inferior vena cava (IVC)/right atrial tumor thrombi. There are few reports of en bloc hepatectomy and resection of the right atrial thrombus under cardiopulmonary bypass. Routine screening in patients with HCC, such as including chest imaging as part of surveillance computed tomographic scans, may facilitate earlier detection and treatment

    Synthesis and anti-inflammatory activity of 2-(2-aroylaroxy)-4,6-dimethoxy pyrimidines

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    Abstract-Reaction of 6a–f individually with 2-methylsulfonyl-4,6-dimethoxypyrimidine yielded 7a–f in excellent yield. The newly synthesized heterocycles were characterized by IR, 1H NMR, and mass spectral data. Compounds 7a–f was screened for their anti-inflammatory activity and were compared with standard drugs. Of the compounds studied, the compound 7e showed more potent activity than the standard drugs at all doses tested