117 research outputs found

    Linguistic and Cultural Knowledge Acquisition in Terms of the Multimodal Approach To EIL Studies

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    The problem of linguistic and cultural knowledge correlation in terms of English as an International Language learning deserves special attention as one of the topical issues in reference to the new methods of knowledge and skills acquisition, required in the present-day global society. Language learning determined by particular cultural and conceptual bases faces new challenges in the case of EIL, as culture should be discussed within different terms in this connection and serve to achieve different educational goals. Within this context, culture is referred to as both the subject of studies and the means of learning. It is used as the source of information for EIL learners and helps to create a multicultural environment to facilitate the process of intercultural professional communication. Culture can be learned both from the point of view of similarity and its difference, which correlates with the basic tendencies in semiosic systems development. The use of modern information technologies as well as the lifetime learning mode in which modern citizens live and work seeks new approaches and methods of knowledge acquisition. The multimodal approach to language and culture deserves special attention from the viewpoint of EIL learning as it implicates elaboration of certain methodology that covers the whole complex of modes based on the use of the human senses abilities as well as different semiotic systems including language. The approach in question seems to be used for the purpose of educational process optimization, especially with reference to the purposes of EIL studies and the role of culture in this concern. To analyze the problem in detail and to demonstrate the validity of cultural knowledge application within EIL learning and teaching, the survey that included 3 questionnaires has been carried out on the basis of the materials presented by 62 linguistic (English philology) and 60 non-linguistic (Social sciences) students. The answers contained in the questionnaire enabled the authors to come to the conclusions as referred to the validity of multimodal approach application with respect to cultural and linguistic skills and knowledge acquisition within the scope of EIL learning and teaching

    Imperfection of Entropy Principles in the Implementation of Supply Chain Strategy Measures to Promote Goods in the Media

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    The system of relations between the consumer and the seller has many factors that shape the dynamics of the market of goods and services based on the supply chain strategy. Supply chains satisfy customers by striving for delivering the right products to the right place at the right time, at the right quality and at the right quantity within an increasingly faster pace and lower cost. Theories of social entropy consider the system of social relations from the standpoint of the equilibrium of systems and their disproportion. The equilibrium state of the market of goods and services is possible only in theory. Market failures in every way prevent the emergence of an equilibrium state. Promotion of goods in modern conditions is considered the norm. However, advertising is increasingly faced with negative reviews of consumers of goods and services in the media space. A large number of advertising destroys this system, on the one hand, and on the other, transforms the sphere of information content in the media

    Contemporary Psychological Challenges of Educators Teaching L2 To Public Relations Students

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    The article deals with the psychological problems of the educators of the second language (L2) facing a sudden break with the traditional mode of teaching. The situation was caused by the COVID-19 pandemic which entailed the abrupt transition to distance education. Not all educators and learners were ready to respond to the new challenge instantaneously. The purpose ofthe research is to discover how to facilitate the psychological readiness of L2 educators in the sphere of public relations teaching to overcome the hindering forces preventing them from easily accepting the challenges of time. A study was conducted among L2 university educators who were offered a set of five questions to determine the major obstacles to their immediate acceptance of change. As a result, the article offers several recommendations on how to prepare L2 educators for the state ofpsychological readiness for changes. The procedure presupposes the detection of the reasons and ways of overcoming the psychological problems

    Philological knowledge and philological analysis as part of the Memory Studies research area

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    The purpose of the investigation is to establish the validity of the philological analysis methods application to the study of literary works in terms of its results expansion into the Memory Studies research field, with special attention to the social and historical significance of events that serve as an impetus for artistic text creatio

    Organization of professional mobile practice for students - Future social educators

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    The relevance of the investigated problem is due to the increasing social tension in society and the state, associated with the active manifestation of anti-social phenomena and the need for prompt resolution of these problems through the involvement of professional mobile social educators. The purpose of the article is to develop a new concept in the organization and carrying out practices that promote the professional development of a new generation of social educators with such developed personal and professional qualities as professional mobility. The leading study method of this problem is the system that allows to integrate the scientific, theoretical and practical components of the implementation process of this new concept. The article describes the concept of the organization and conducting professional mobile practice, which is also graphically depicted as the structural-functional model of the development of professional mobility in the future social educators, consisting of interconnected target, informative, technological, control and evaluation components. Article can be useful for organizers of practical training of professional educational institutions. © 2016 Iskhakov et al

    Linguistic and functional cognitive peculiarities of media language as the basis of interpretations in the communicative sphere

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    The study deals with linguistic and functional cognitive aspects of language use in the media with a focus on typical actualisation of linguistic units in continental European business and political press which contain borrowings from the English language alongside original words and collocations, vividly shown by the examples taken from French sources. In the course of communication, the problem of transferring and understanding information arises, thus involving pragmatic and functional cognitive aspects of research. This raises the problem of notions and concepts, particularly in differentiating between strict logical mental structures and formations possessing both logical and sub-logical bases that deal with emotional and evaluative characteristics subject to various interpretations, which is vividly shown in the analysis of the English examples