74 research outputs found

    New Tools to Help in the Recruitment Process

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    AbstractThe recruitment process is demanding, especially when there are many good candidates. Failure in this process can be expensive. Typically interviews and different psychological tests are used to help in the selection. The problem is that interviews and tests are costly. Here a new, partly automated approach is presented. The new approach was tested in the Tenure Track process at the Tampere University of Technology. The new approach consisted of two parts. Firstly, the candidates used the on-line Evolute Helix application [1]. They responded to 237 claims and gave their degree of agreement with each claim. This part produced data measuring commitment. Secondly, the gathered data, i.e. profiles of commitment, were analyzed to find clusters of similar candidates. These clusters were checked against the desired profile. These two parts were automated. The test data were based on the Tenure Track process at the Tampere University of Technology. Recruitment to universities nowadays largely follows the same principles as the normal recruitment process in companies and other organizations. Universities have started to play a global game in their recruitment and try to find the best possible candidates internationally for their universities. In this case example we show how an organizational commitment application that has been developed could help the recruitment process, in which 55 candidates were applying for two tenure track positions. The application used, Evolute Helix, was useful in the recruitment process and helped in the interviews as well as the selection of applicants for the shortlist. The shortlist consisted of six candidates, who were finally interviewed. The two winners were selected from among these candidates. Commitment can reveal many personal characteristics and also the future aspirations and motivations of applicants. The tested application can also be used afterwards, as the tenure track of the chosen person continues in the university. Automatic preprocessing is a great aid when sifting out desired candidates from multiple applicants

    Context Awareness in Human-Computer Interaction

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    Assessing the Feasibility of Self Organizing Maps for Data Mining Financial Information

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    Analyzing financial performance in today’s information-rich society can be a daunting task. With the evolution of the Internet, access to massive amounts of financial data, typically in the form of financial statements, is widespread. Managers and stakeholders are in need of a data-mining tool allowing them to quickly and accurately analyze this data. An emerging technique that may be suited for this application is the self-organizing map. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of self-organizing maps for analyzing financial performance of international pulp and paper companies. For the study, financial data, in the form of seven financial ratios, was collected, using the Internet as the primary source of information. A total of 77 companies, and six regional averages, were included in the study. The time frame of the study was the period 1995-00. An example analysis was performed, and the results analyzed based on information contained in the annual reports. The results of the study indicate that self-organizing maps can be feasible tools for the financial analysis of large amounts of financial data

    Valkoposkihanhi pääkaupunkiseudulla

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    Valkoposkihanhesta on tullut vajaassa parissa kymmenessä vuodessa pääkaupunkiseudun nurmikoita ja rantoja näkyvästi hallitseva laji. Ilmiö ei ole irrallaan samanlaisesta kehityksestä koko Itämeren piirissä. Valkoposkihanhi on asettunut jäädäkseen alueen linnustoon. Tämän julkaisun tarkoitus on koota yhteen Helsingin yliopiston metsäekologian laitoksen tekemän ja ohjaaman valkoposkihanhen seurannan tulokset ja kokemukset erilaisista menetelmistä niiden aiheuttamien haittojen torjunnassa. Tarkoitus on ollut hakea lintudirektiivin tarkoittamaa muuta tyydyttävää ratkaisua sen sijaan, että ongelmia ratkaistaisiin poikkeamalla valkoposkihanhea koskevista rauhoitussäännöksistä. Ennaltaehkäisyn keinoja tulisikin ottaa käyttöön ja kehittää niitä edelleen

    Uusia mittausmenetelmiä

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    Erfarenhet från simulering av nyare metoder av sidframställning

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