25 research outputs found

    Myiasis During Adventure Sports Race

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    Travelers who have visited tropical areas may exhibit aggressive forms of obligatory myiases, in which the larvae (maggots) invasively feed on living tissue. The risk of a traveler’s acquiring a screwworm infestation has been considered negligible, but with the increasing popularity of adventure sports and wildlife travel, this risk may need to be reassessed

    Vastine edelliseen : turvapaikanhakijoiden terveyspalveluista

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    Vastine Juha Tuomisen et al. kommenttiin Duodecim 132(8):752, 2016Non peer reviewe

    Risk factors for death from invasive pneumococcal disease, europe, 2010

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    We studied the possible association between patient age and sex, clinical presentation, Streptococcus pneumoniae serotype, antimicrobial resistance, and death in invasive pneumococcal disease cases reported by 17 European countries during 2010. The study sample comprised 2,921 patients, of whom 56.8% were men and 38.2% were >65 years of age. Meningitis occurred in 18.5% of cases. Death was reported in 264 (9.0%) cases. Older age, meningitis, and nonsusceptibility to penicillin were signifcantly asso ciated with death. Non-pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) serotypes among children 65 years of age, risk did not differ by serotype. These fndings highlight differences in case-fatality rates between sero types and age; thus, continued epidemiologic surveillance across all ages is crucial to monitor the long-term effects of PCVs

    MRSA: lisämäärärahalla lisää tulosta

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    Mikä muuttui tartun­ta­tau­ti­laissa? [Tiedepääkirjoitus]

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    Uu­si tartun­ta­tau­ti­laki tu­li voi­maan maa­liskuun alussa, ase­tukset pa­ri viik­koa myö­hemmin. Lain ta­voite on tor­jua tart­tuvia tau­teja ja nii­den leviä­mistä – ei enempää ei­kä vä­hempää. Käytän­nössä tä­mä tar­koittaa mahdol­li­simman teho­kasta tartun­tojen ja tau­tien eh­käisyä, ku­ten rokot­ta­mista ja käsi­hy­gieniaa, var­haista tau­tien totea­mista ja no­peaa hoi­toa, jot­ta tau­dit ei­vät le­viä

    MRSA:n tunnistus

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