33 research outputs found

    Barriers and opportunities of soil knowledge to address soil challenges: Stakeholders? perspectives across Europe

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    Climate-smart sustainable management of agricultural soil is critical to improve soil health, enhance food and water security, contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, biodiversity preservation, and improve human health and wellbeing. The European Joint Programme for Soil (EJP SOIL) started in 2020 with the aim to significantly improve soil management knowledge and create a sustainable and integrated European soil research system. EJP SOIL involves more than 350 scientists across 24 Countries and has been addressing multiple aspects associated with soil management across different European agroecosystems. This study summarizes the key findings of stakeholder consultations conducted at the national level across 20 countries with the aim to identify important barriers and challenges currently affecting soil knowledge but also assess opportunities to overcome these obstacles. Our findings demonstrate that there is significant room for improvement in terms of knowledge production, dissemination and adoption. Among the most important barriers identified by consulted stakeholders are technical, political, social and economic obstacles, which strongly limit the development and full exploitation of the outcomes of soil research. The main soil challenge across consulted member states remains to improve soil organic matter and peat soil conservation while soil water storage capacity is a key challenge in Southern Europe. Findings from this study clearly suggest that going forward climate-smart sustainable soil management will benefit from (1) increases in research funding, (2) the maintenance and valorisation of long-term (field) ex-periments, (3) the creation of knowledge sharing networks and interlinked national and European in-frastructures, and (4) the development of regionally-tailored soil management strategies. All the above -mentioned interventions can contribute to the creation of healthy, resilient and sustainable soil ecosystems across Europe

    Sinergias y trade-offs del secuestro de carbono con otros servicios de los agroecosistemas: una síntesis de literatura global

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    Comunicación oral presentada en: XVI Congreso Nacional de la Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre. La Ecología en una biosfera humanizada. Almería, España. 16-20 octubre (2023)Las prácticas de manejo agrícola que incrementan el secuestro de carbono (C) promueven otros servicios de los agroecosistemas, como el mantenimiento de la estructura y la fertilidad del suelo o de la biodiversidad edáfica. Sin embargo, pueden incrementar la emisión de gases de efecto invernadero (GEIs) y la pérdida de nutrientes. Con el objetivo de revisar si las prácticas de secuestro de C muestran sinergias con la estructura y la biota edáficas, pero generan trade-offs en términos de emisión de CO2 y N2O o pérdidas de N y P, realizamos una síntesis de literatura global. Realizamos búsquedas sistemáticas de literatura para detectar artículos que evaluaran experimentalmente el efecto de minimizar la perturbación del suelo, diversificar los agroecosistemas y/o incrementar los aportes de materia orgánica frente a la utilización de prácticas convencionales. Detectamos 771 publicaciones, de las cuales incluimos 234 que analizaban 572 efectos en 228 sitios de 38 países. Las prácticas de manejo sostenible incrementaron el C en el suelo sin comprometer el rendimiento de los cultivos. El secuestro de C tuvo efectos positivos sobre la biota del suelo, más evidentes en términos de biomasa que de biodiversidad, así como sobre la agregación, porosidad, retención de agua y reducción de la compactación. Los efectos negativos del secuestro de C fueron en términos de emisión de CO2 y pérdida potencial de N. Discutiremos cómo estos efectos variaron entre prácticas de manejo, en el tiempo y el espacio, y revisaremos los principales vacíos de conocimiento detectados en la literatura

    Relationship between spring triticale physiological traits and productivity changes as affected by different N rates

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    There is still a lack of knowledge about the physiological traits of spring triticale (x Triticosecale Wittm.) and their relationship with grain yield and protein content under the conditions of the environmental Zone Nemoral 2. The objective of this study was to determine the relationships among the physiological indices, grain yield and protein content as affected by nitrogen (N) rates. The correlation among leaf area index (LAI), chlorophyll index (SPAD), canopy greenness index (CGI), leaf area duration (LAD) and grain yield as well as direct and indirect effects of those traits on the yield were investigated using a path analysis. Grain yield, protein content and physiological indices were significantly (P ≤ .01) affected by N fertilization. N90 level was the best compromise for the yield and physiological indices. The interaction of all physiological indices influenced the grain yield by 27–39%, protein by 42–44%. SPAD and LAI had greater influence on grain yield and grain protein than CGI and LAD. SPAD had positive direct dominant (the highest) effect on the yield only at BBCH 59 and BBCH 69 (50% of the tested cases). LAI was responsible for 19–39% of the correlation between yield and physiological indices. The physiological indices can be used for spring triticale growth modelling and agronomic management for improved productivity and grain quality. SPAD and LAI values, established at BBCH 45–69, can be used for grain yield prediction and those estimated at BBCH 69 can be used for grain protein prediction. Abbreviations BBCH: Biologische Bundesantalt, Bundessortenamt und Chemische Industrie (decimal system for a uniform coding of phenologically similar growth stages of all mono- and dicotyledonous plant species); CGI: canopy greenness index; GS: growth stage; LAD: leaf area duration; LAI: leaf area index; SPAD: chlorophyll index (soil plant analysis development

    Comparative response of spring and winter triticale productivity and bioethanol yield to fertilisation intensity

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    Grains of triticale are one of the feedstocks suitable for bioethanol production because they are characterised by high starch and low protein contents. In the present study, spring and winter triticale were comparatively studied to evaluate the influence of N fertilisation intensity on the productivity and bioethanol yield, as well as to assess the relationship between the meteorological factors and ethanol yield. Six treatments of N – 0, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 kg ha−1 were compared in spring triticale and in winter triticale crops. The analysis of variance showed that nitrogen level (factor A), year (factor B) and their interaction (A × B) significantly (P ≤ .01) influenced grain yield, starch yield and bioethanol yield of both spring and winter triticale. Fertilisation was the main factor explaining 47.6% and 41.0% of the total variability of bioethanol yield of spring and winter triticale, respectively. Nitrogen fertiliser rates 120–180 kg ha−1 resulted in maximum bioethanol yield of spring triticale (2417–2480 l ha−1) and winter triticale (4311–4420 l ha−1). Bioethanol conversion efficiency of nitrogen-fertilised spring and winter triticale was similar 492 l t−1 and 508 l −1, respectively. Meteorological factors had a greater impact on grain productivity and bioethanol yield for winter triticale than for spring triticale. Both seasonal types of triticale could be good feedstocks for bioethanol production in the areas with congenial weather conditions for their cultivation

    Klausimai diskusijai

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    Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro filialas Žemdirbystės institutasLietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Žemdirbystės institutasLietuvos dirvožemininkų draugijaVilniaus universiteta

    Trend for Soil CO<sub>2</sub> Efflux in Grassland and Forest Land in Relation with Meteorological Conditions and Root Parameters

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    The key process in understanding carbon dynamics under different ecosystems is quantifying soil CO2 efflux. However, this process can change annually as it depends on environmental variables. The results of this paper present the effects of root network, soil temperature, and volumetric water content on soil CO2 efflux, which were investigated on Retisol of two types of land uses in Western Lithuania in 2017–2019: forest and grassland. It was determined that the average soil CO2 efflux in the grassland was 32% higher than in the forest land. The CO2 efflux, average across land uses, tended to increase in the following order: 2017 2 efflux increase by 14%. Soil temperature (up to 20 °C) and volumetric water content (up to 23–25%) had a positive effect on the soil CO2 efflux increase on Retisol. We established that the root’s activity plays one of the main roles in the CO2 production rate—in both land uses, the soil CO2 efflux was influenced by the root length density and the root volume

    Dirvožemio fizikinių savybių ir drėgmės įtaka vasarinių miežių ir žirnių produktyvumui skirtingai dirbant žemę

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    Du lauko bandymai 2004-2005 m. vykdyti Lietuvos žemdirbystės institute, lengvo priemolio rudžemyje (Endocalcari-Epihypogleyic Cambisol). Tyrimų tikslas - įvertinti skirtingų žemės dirbimo metodų įtaką dirvožemio fizikinėms savybėms ir drėgmės įtaką miežių bei žirnių derlingumui. Auginti vasariniai miežiai (Hordeum vulgare L.), 'Luokė' ir sėjamieji žirniai (Pisum sativum L.), 'Profi'. Trys tirtos žemės dirbimo sistemos - tradicinė (gilus rudeninis arimas 23-25 cm gyliu) (T), minimalizuota (seklus rudeninis arimas 14-16 cm gyliu) (S) ir beariminė (tiesioginė sėja) (M). Nustatyta, kad tiesioginė sėja drėgnais metais laidavo mažesnį, o sausais metais-didesnį drėdmės kiekį 0-20 cm dirvožemio sluoksnyje. Po vasarinių miežių sėjos visame armens sluoksnyje (0-20 cm) dirvožemio tankis M žemės dirvimo sistemoje buvo 13,0% didesnis negu T žemės dirbimo sistemoje ir 5,0% didesnis negu S žemės dirbimo sistemoje. Po žirnių sėjos visame armens sluoksnyje (0-20 cm) dirvožemio tankis M žemės dirbimo sistemoje buvo 12,0% didesnis negu T žemės dirbimo sistemoje ir 70% didesnis nei žemės dirbimo sistemoje S. Po vasarinių miežių sėjos, visame armens sluoksnyje (0-20 cm), dirvožemio kietumas žemės dirbimo sistemoje M buvo 73,0%didesnis negu T žemės dirbimo sistemoje ir 51,0% didesnis negu S žemės dirbimo sistemoje. Po žirnių sėjos visame armens sluoksnyje (0-20cm) dirvožemio kietumas M žemės dirbimo sistemoje buvo 78,0%didesnis negu T žemės dirbimo sistemoje ir 41,0% didesnis negu S žemės dirbimo sistemoje. Vasarinių miežių grūdų derlingumas giliai ariant dirvą siekė 6,38 t ha-¹ ir buvo 5,1% didesnis negu sekliai ariant dirvą, ir 15,6% didesnis negu sėjant miežius tiesiai į ražieną. Žirnių grūdų derlingumas giliai ariant dirvą siekė 3,38 t ha-¹ ir buvo 34,7% didesnis negu sekliai ariant dirvą, ir 11,9% didesnis negu sėjant žirnius tiesiai į ražienąTwo field trials were set upat the Lthuanian Institute of Agriculture in 2004-2005 on loam Endocalcari-Epihypogleyic Cambisol. The goal of this experiment was to investigate the influence of different reduced tillage methods on soil physical properties and moisture content on yield of spring barley and peas. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) cv. 'Luokė' and peas (Pisum sativum L.) cv. 'Profi' were grown in a crop rotation. Three tillage systems : traditional (deep ploughing to 23-25 cm depth), minimized (shallow ploughingh to 14-16 cm depth) and no-tillage (direct drilling) have been investigated. It was revealed that during the wet period of the year dir ect drilling ensures a lower amount of water in plough soil layer, while in dry year it preserves soil water. After barley sowing, in treatment M in the whole arable layer (0-20cm) bulk density was by 13,0% greater than in the treatment T and by 5.0% greather than in the treatments S. After peas sowinf in direct drilled treatment M in the whole arable layer (0-20cm) bulk density was by 12,0% greater than in the treatment T and by 7.0% greather than in the treatments S. After barley sowing in direct drilled treatment M in the whole arable layer (0-20cm) penetration resistance was by 73.0% greater than in the treatment T and by 51.0% greater than in the treatments S. In direct drilled treatment M in the whole arable layer (0-20cm) after peas sowing penetration resistance was by 78.0% greater than in the treatment T and by 41.0% greater than in the treatments S. Spring barley grain yield in deep ploughed treatment amounted to 6.38 t ha-¹ and was by 5.1% greater than in the treatments S and by 15.6% greater than in the treatments M. The peas yield in deep ploughed treatment amounted to 3.38 t ha-¹ and was by 34.7% greater than in the treatments S and by 11.9% greater than in the treatments MVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Influence of tillage systems and straw incorporation on soil shear strength and penetration resistance

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    Tas pats latv. p. 221-223Lietuvos agrarinių ir miškų mokslų centro Žemdirbystės institutasVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij

    Impact of reduced land tillage on soil humidity and leaching of nitrate nitrogen

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    Straipsnyje aptarti dirvožemio vandens atsargų, nuotėkio, nitratų azoto išplovimo iš plotų, kuriuose taikomos sumažinto žemės dirbimo sistemos, tyrimų duomenys. Tyrimai atlikti Pikelių objekte, įrengtame Kėdainių r., LŽŪU VŪI Bandymų skyriaus laukuose, ir Dotnuvos objekte, įrengtame LŽI bandymų sklypuose. Lygintos tradicinė, sumažinto dirbimo, vėlyvojo arimo ir tiesioginės sėjos (vagutės, į kurias beriamos sėklos, purenamos sėjant) žemės dirbimo sistemos. Abiejuose objektuose buvo nustatomos dirvožemio vandens atsargos (svorio metodu). Pikelių objekte buvo matuojamas drenažo nuotėkis, gruntinio vandens lygis ir nustatoma nitratų azoto išplova. Abiejuose tyrimų objektuose ekstensyvesnėse žemės dirbimo sistemose paviršiniame (0–20 cm) dirvožemio sluoksnyje vandens atsargos buvo mažesnės. Sumažinto žemės dirbimo laukuose rudenį pakankamo ir nepakankamo drėgnumo metais vandens atsargos buvo 12,2 ir 5,7 % mažesnės negu tradicinio žemės dirbimo laukuose. Pakankamo drėgnumo metais nustatytas dirvožemio vandens atsargų skirtumas tarp variantų statistiškai patikimas (Ff >Ft). Dirvožemio vandens atsargų skirtumai pavasarį tarp variantų nedideli (2,0–2,7 mm) ir statistiškai nepatikimi (Ff Ft) pakankamo drėgnumo metais statistiškai patikimas. Dirvožemio vandens atsargos sumažinto žemės dirbimo variante 15,1 % mažesnės negu tradicinio žemės dirbimo variante. Pakankamo drėgnumo metais visais metų laikotarpiais didesnis drenažo nuotėkis buvo sumažinto žemės dirbimo laukuose. Rudens ir žiemos laikotarpiais drenažo nuotėkis pakankamo drėgnumo metais sudarė 64,5–66,2 %, nepakankamo – 82,9– 86 % metinio drenažo nuotėkioThe article discusses the research data of soil humidity, runoff and leaching of nitrate nitrogen from the areas in which the systems of reduced land tillage are used. The experiments were carried out in Pikeliai site established in the fields of the Field Experiment Department of WMI of LUA, Kėdainiai district and in Dotnuva site, established in the plots of LIA. The traditional, reduced tillage, late ploughing and direct drilling (rows into which seeds are incorporated are loosened during drilling) systems were investigated. In both sites soil humidity was determined (by weight method). Drainage runoff was measured and nitrate nitrogen leaching was determined in Pikeliai site. In the majority of cases of changing the traditional soil tillage system with more extensive land tillage systems the soil humidity was lower. In the surface (0–20 cm) layer of Dotnuva site statistically reliable difference (Ff >Ft) was established in autumn and in Pikeliai site the same was established in summer and autumn. The nitrate runoff during the year of insufficient humidity was slightly higher compared with the year of sufficient humidity – 10,6–20,3 and 8,1–18,1 kg ha-1 respectively. The mean runoff reduction in the year of insufficient humidity during the research period was 33 % (p-0,05) (traditional and reduced land tillage variants compared)Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŽemės ūkio akademij