9 research outputs found

    Physical Model Tests on Spar Buoy for Offshore Floating Wind Energy Conversion

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    ABSTRACT: The present paper describes the experiences gained from the design methodology and operation of a 3D physical modelexperiment aimed to investigate the dynamic behaviour of a spar buoy floating offshore wind turbine. The physical model consists in a Froude-scaled NREL 5MW reference wind turbine (RWT) supported on the OC3-Hywind floating platform. Experimental tests have been performed at Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) offshore wave basin within the European Union-Hydralab+ Initiative, in April 2019. The floating wind turbine model has been subjected to a combination of regular and irregular wave attacks and different wind loads. Measurements of displacements, rotations, accelerations, forces response of the floating model and at the mooring lines have been carried out. First, free decay tests have been analysed to obtain the natural frequency and the modal damping ratios of each degree of freedom governing the offshore. Then, the results concerning regular waves, with orthogonal incidence to the structure, are presented. The results show that most of longitudinal dynamic response occurs at the wave frequency and most of lateral dynamic response occurs at rigid-body frequencies.This project has received funding from the European Union鈥檚 Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654110, HYDRALAB+

    CFD code comparison, verification and validation for a FOWT semi-submersible floater (OC4 Phase II)

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    With the advancement of high-performance computation capabilities in recent years, high-fidelity modelling tools such as Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) are becoming increasingly popular in the offshore renewable sector. In order to justify the credibility of the numerical simulations, thorough verification and validation is essential. In this work, decay tests for a freely floating cylinder and alinearly moored floating offshore wind turbine (FOWT) model of the OC4 (Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Continuation) phase II semi-submersible platform are simulated. Two different viscous flow CFD codes are used: OpenFOAM (open-source), and ReFRESCO (community basedopen-usage). Their results are compared against each other and with water tank experiments. The data from experimental and numerical tests is made freely available on the web hosting platformGitHub 1, inviting other researchers to join the code comparison and build a reference validation casefor floating offshore wind turbines.<br/

    CFD code comparison, verification and validation for decay tests of a FOWT semi-submersible floater

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    With the advancement of high-performance computation capabilities in recent years, high-fidelity modelling tools such ascomputational fluid dynamics are becoming increasingly popular in the offshore renewable sector. To justify the credibilityof the numerical simulations, thorough verification and validation is essential. In this work, preparatory heave decay tests fora freely floating single cylinder are modelled. Subsequently, the surge and sway decays of a linearly moored floating offshorewind turbine model of the OC4 (Offshore Code Comparison Collaboration Continuation) phase II semi-submersible platformare simulated. Two different viscous-flow CFD codes are used: OpenFOAM (open-source), and ReFRESCO (communitybasedopen-usage). Their results are compared against each other and with water tank experiments. For the single-cylinderdecay simulations, it is found that the natural period is accurately modelled compared to the experimental results. Regardingthe damping, both CFD codes are overly dissipative. Differences and their potential explanations become apparent in theanalysis of the flow field data. Meanwhile, large numerical uncertainties especially in later oscillations make a distinctconclusion difficult. For the OC4 semi-submersible decay simulations, a better agreement in damping can be achieved,however discrepancies in results are observed when restricting the degrees of freedom of the platform. Flow field data againreveals differences between the CFD codes. Meanwhile, through the effort to use similar numerical settings and quantifythe numerical uncertainties of the CFD simulations, this work represents a stepping stone towards fairer and more accuratecomparison between CFD and experimental results

    ABIBA Airfoil and Slat Measurement Data

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    Dataset for the ABIBA experiments. The data was collected at the Delft University of Technology's Low Turbulence Tunnel in summer of 2020. Data includes: 路 Report summarizing results 路 Geometry and pressure tap locations for the base airfoil (DU-00 W2-401) 路 Geometry and pressure tap locations for custom slat profile 路 Final experimental polars 路 Cp data for slat and profile for each testing configuration Pictures of measurement setup Measurement is conducted at a Re: 1.5 x 106 and 2.0 x 106 The base airfoil is measured in three configurations; clean, tripped, and with vortex generators. There are 9 different slat configurations as discussed in the included report. Each are measured in clean and tripped conditions. </p

    ABIBA Airfoil and Slat Measurement Data

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    Dataset for the ABIBA experiments. The data was collected at the Delft University of Technology's Low Turbulence Tunnel in summer of 2020. Data includes: 路 Report summarizing results 路 Geometry and pressure tap locations for the base airfoil (DU-00 W2-401) 路 Geometry and pressure tap locations for custom slat profile 路 Final experimental polars 路 Cp data for slat and profile for each testing configuration Pictures of measurement setup Measurement is conducted at a Re: 1.5 x 106 and 2.0 x 106 The base airfoil is measured in three configurations; clean, tripped, and with vortex generators. There are 9 different slat configurations as discussed in the included report. Each are measured in clean and tripped conditions. </p

    ABIBA Airfoil and Slat Measurement Data

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    Dataset for the ABIBA experiments. The data was collected at the Delft University of Technology's Low Turbulence Tunnel in summer of 2020. Data includes: 路 Report summarizing results 路 Geometry and pressure tap locations for the base airfoil (DU-00 W2-401) 路 Geometry and pressure tap locations for custom slat profile 路 Final experimental polars 路 Cp data for slat and profile for each testing configuration Pictures of measurement setup Measurement is conducted at a Re: 1.5 x 106 and 2.0 x 106 The base airfoil is measured in three configurations; clean, tripped, and with vortex generators. There are 9 different slat configurations as discussed in the included report. Each are measured in clean and tripped conditions. </p

    SparBOFWEC Spar Buoy for Offshore Floating Wind Energy Conversion - Data Storage Report

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    The present work describes the experiences gained from the design methodology and operation of a 3D physical model experiment aimed to investigate the dynamic behaviour of a spar buoy (SB) off-shore floating wind turbine (WT) under different wind and wave conditions. The physical model tests have been performed at Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI) off-shore wave basin within the European Union-Hydralab+ Initiative, in April 2019. The floating WT model has been subjected to a combination of regular and irregular wave attacks and wind loads