8 research outputs found

    Terminų "vertinimas" ir "įvertinimas" sinonimiškumas ir vertimo problemos

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    Translation is a challenging activity and there are few difficulties that appear during translation Process so every language describes the world in the different way and has its own grammatical structure, grammar rules and syntax variance. Translated terms and definitions must be meaningful and appropriate not only for Lithuanian-speaking consumers but also for translators who must select equivalent terms and compose meaningful definitions in other languages. This paper deals with the problems of translation and definition of the terms evaluation and assessment. It provides a deep analysis of the phenomena referred to by the two terms under investigation and describes the different directions of terminology in the socio-economic development Process. The paper aims to define the meaning of the terms evaluation and assessment on the basis on the scientific literature, dictionaries and different juridical documents. The authors classify the meaning of the terms according to their translation found in different resources and make the final conclusions and suggestions °n their understanding. The authors of the paper point out that though the words vertinimas and įvertinimas are quite similar in their meanings, still they are not the same

    Įmonės krizinės situacijos konceptualizacija

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    The paper highlights theoretical construct of crisis situation in a company emphasizing the methodological positions of a social phenomenon. Applying systemic analysis of crisis situation in a company the paper discusses hardly spread social phenomenon, i.e. occurrence and expression of crisis situation in a company. On the basis of retrospective analysis of crisis situation, both crisis environment and bankruptcy features are presented and principal keywords defined with reference to crisis in a company as a social phenomenon and related to its environment: human, company-based, national and global. It shows the complexity of the scientific research object, that brings meaningful input into the analysis of crisis features in company life cycle. The paper aims at discussing and presenting critical reviews of crisis situation interpretations with emphasis on methodological positions of social phenomenon in different disciplines. The differences and links between crisis and crisis situation are also explained. Through explanation of logical construct of the paper, the authors specify crisis concept in a company: distinguishing negative changes in a company, that make the company staff apply crisis communication process and instrumentalities. In the above mentioned context the problem of crisis situation in a company remains significant from psychological, social and economic and managerial perspective

    Conceptualization of crisis situation in a company / Įmonės krizinės situacijos konceptualizacija

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    The paper highlights theoretical construct of crisis situation in a company emphasizing the methodological positions of a social phenomenon. Applying systemic analysis of crisis situation in a company the paper discusses hardly spread social phenomenon, i.e. occurrence and expression of crisis situation in a company. On the basis of retrospective analysis of crisis situation, both crisis environment and bankruptcy features are presented and principal keywords defined with reference to crisis in a company as a social phenomenon and related to its environment: human, company-based, national and global. It shows the complexity of the scientific research object, that brings meaningful input into the analysis of crisis features in company life cycle. The paper aims at discussing and presenting critical reviews of crisis situation interpretations with emphasis on methodological positions of social phenomenon in different disciplines. The differences and links between crisis and crisis situation are also explained. Through explanation of logical construct of the paper, the authors specify crisis concept in a company: distinguishing negative changes in a company, that make the company staff apply crisis communication process and instrumentalities. In the above mentioned context the problem of crisis situation in a company remains significant from psychological, social and economic and managerial perspectives. Santrauka Straipsnis skirtas krizinės situacijos įmonėje teorinio konstrukto analizei, išryškinant šio socialinio reiškinio metodologines pozicijas. Taikant sisteminę krizinės situacijos įmonėje analizę, straipsnyje aptariamas nepakankamai plačiai ištirtas socialinis reiškinys – krizinės situacijos raiškaįmonėje. Retrospektyviai analizuojant krizinę situaciją, atskleidžiami krizės aplinkos ir bankroto bruožai (iliustruojama tiriant kelias įmones) bei patvirtinami pagrindiniai moksliniai teiginiai. Jais remiantis, krizė įmonėje apibrėžiama kaip socialinis reiškinys, kurio raišką galima tyrinėti įvairiose aplinkose ir jos lygiuose: psichologinėje aplinkoje kaip individo, įmonės aplinkoje, valstybės ir globalios aplinkos atžvilgiu. Reikšminiai žodžiai: krizės konceptas, krizės lygiai, krizės indikatoriai, bankrota

    Theory of bankruptcy and practice

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    This article presents a closer look at bankruptcy problem in Lithuania. Many authors see bankruptcy as a very important economic phenomenon. Procedure of bankruptcy in Lithuania is ineffective and stipulates quite high social costs of bankruptcy. The authors summarize the theory of bankruptcy as a market share, point out the advantages of bankruptcy and crisis situations in all the stage of companies activities. Social bankruptcy is shown as related to unemployment growing. The analysis of Lithuanian statistical data showed advantages and disadvantages of bankruptcy in the market. It showed that the significant part of insolvent enterprise is neither rehabilitated nor reorganized ant liquidated (the decision hasn't been made). Such situation stipulates enhancing of liabilities which complicates the liquidation process of insolvent enterprises. Finally, the article gives conclusions and suggestions for the solution of the problems mentioned. Conclusions: 1. Bankruptcy's positive side related to the competition in the economics of market lets the survival of only the best enterprises. Crisis is the natural company's existence status. During the period of crisis an enterprise gets possibility to survive or to start the bankruptcy process. 2. Bankruptcy problem is very incisive in many postsoviet countries not excepting Lithuania. The main influence is done by these outside factors: changed conditions of economics, loss of the market, changed forms of properties and others.The inside factors are also important: personnel qualification, preparation for new work conditions. So bankruptcy process is retarding in many enterprises in Lithuania. The analysis of Lithuanian statistical data showed that significant part of insolvent enterprise (estimated 40 per sent) is neither rehabilitated or reorganized nor liquidated (the decision hasn't been made). Such situation stipulates enhancing of liabilities, which complicates the liquidation process of insolvent enterprises. 3. Lithuanian market crisis increased the number of insolvence enterprises. 1396 companies started bankruptcy procedure in 1993-2001, but only 432 companies have been liquidated. There are only some successful cases of companies' rehabilitation. Bankruptcy procedure rates are very slow, from 28 companies starting bankruptcy procedure in 1993-2001, 12 of them have not been liquidated yet. Though the number of bankruptcy cases has increased twice, (comparing 2000 and 2001 data), but capital value and the number of workers have not increased. 4. There are also a lot of internal and external reasons increasing chance of bankruptcy. A positive fact is the adopted new Law of Bankruptcy (2001). But there are some other unsolved problems: the same bankruptcy procedures are practiced for both small and big enterprises and this blocks the bankruptcy procedure of small companies. Lasting time of bankruptcy process is not indicated in Lithuanian Law of Bankruptc

    Bankroto kaip dinaminės įmonių krizės vystymosi alternatyvos teoriniai ir praktiniai sprendimai

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    The problems of company's alternative development, its bankruptcy and bankruptcy prediction have become very relevant in Lithuania during the last decades. According to the different authors, every bankruptcy is assessed as its local phenomenon as well as the macro economic appearance, which brings a lot of economic and social consequences for people who lose their jobs as well as for appropriate institutions. Theoretical results of research are often integrated into the process of company's administration, however the rising number of bankruptcies shows that bankruptcy pre-diction is not assessed properly in the practical level of company's management. The administration practice of failed companies in Lithuania shows that this process often determines negative results in the company and is very painful for its employees as well as for its creditors and owners. The changes of external conditions and the pressure that company experiences in the nowadays market economy often go the limits of the company's management competence. Working companies face the global transformation, which is very specific, so it is not always possible to apply the traditional means of crisis management in their administration. Bankruptcy, as one of crisis development alternative in the company, is possible to avoid properly estimating bankruptcy probability and applying prevention means in company's performance in time.When bankruptcy mechanism is late, to start new activities or to reorganize the company is often impossible because of the short company's re-serves. Bankruptcy prediction should be based on the continual observation and assessment of its financial state in order to notice the very first bankruptcy features, to define their reasons and to estimate their solution possibilities. The article deals with the theoretical dynamic alternatives of crisis development in a company. Bankruptcy features are analyzed applying discriminant analysis

    Lietuvos įmonių bankroto prognozė taikant diskriminantinę analizę

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    Signs of potential enterprise failure are evident months before the actual bankruptcy materializes. But accurate prediction of declining business activity that leads to bankruptcy allows time for managers and creditors to take corrective actions. Discriminant analysis of financial ratios is used in this report to create a model that would help to predict future financial insolvency in Lithuanian firms in different industries. Several financial ratios from the enterprise balance sheet are used as independent variables while solvency / insolvency is used as a dependent variable. A set of 5 solvent and 8 insolvent Lithuanian enterprises is used to perform the discriminant analysis (insolvency is defined here as legal bankruptcy). [...] Applying discriminant analysis to forecast enterprise bankruptcy reliability of this method was 70 per cent doing forecasts for the next two years and 84 per cent for the next year. Though discriminant analysis is less reliable comparing to unlinear complex methods of neural network, but it has the advantage of linear functions and their usage because they don't require any special programmes and are simple to use in practice

    Migracijos kaip demografinio pokyčio elemento Europos Sąjungos kontekste analizė

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    According to the demographic tendencies of the last decade the growth of population in the EU is mostly influenced by migration processes. Recently some publications have appeared dealing with the problems of the migration process and deviation from the demographic balance emphasizing some demographic development contravention. Considering that today's developed countries face with a new demographic problem - ageing of society as well as a higher living standard which determined unexplained phenomenon - decreasing birth rate, migration phenomenon can be analysed as the inevitable element of demographic changes because from the demographic aspect birth rate only increases population number whereas death rate only decreases it, consequently, migration will increase or will decrease population number in a particular place depending on the factors influencing it

    Bankroto diagnostikos galimybės tyrimas taikant neuronų tinklus

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    Šio tyrimo tikslas - įvertinti neuronų tinklų metodo taikymo įmonių bankroto diagnostikai tinkamumą remiantis mažo skaičiaus bankrutavusių ir sėkmingai veikiančių įmonių finansinės būklės duomenimis. Tyrimo objektas - neuronų tinklų metodo taikymo mažos imties įmonių bankroto diagnostikai ypatumai ir patikimumas. Tyrimo metodas -įmonių finansinės būklės lyginamoji analizė remiantis santykiniais rodikliais bei bankroto galimybės vertinimas taikant diskriminantinius modelius ir neuronų tinklus. Tyrimui panaudoti 5 bankrutavusių ir 8 sėkmingai Lietuvoje veikiančių įvairių gamybos šakų įmonių finansinių ataskaitų duomenys už 5 metus. Naudoti 4 įmonės finansinę būklę vertinantys grynojo turto pelningumo, trumpalaikio mokumo, įsiskolinimo ir greito likvidumo rodikliai. Nustatyta (1 lentelė), kad tos pačios įmonės šie santykiniai rodikliai kai kuriais metais labai skiriasi. Be to, kai kurių bankrutuojančių įmonių rodikliai būna panašūs į sėkmingai veikiančiųjų arba už juos netgi geresni. Sėkmingai veikiančių įmonių bankroto tikimybės nagrinėjamo laikotarpio pradžioje vertinimai kompleksiniais rodikliais (2 lentelė), gautais remiantis skirtingų autorių -Altmano (Altman, 1968), Taflerio ir Tisšovo (Taffler et al, 1977) ir Springate (Springate, 1978) "Z" tipo diskriminantiniais modeliais, taip pat yra skirtingi. [...] Išvados 1. Santykinių rodiklių, taip pat jų pagrindu sudaryti kompleksinių „Z" tipo modelių naudojimas bankroto diagnostikai yra komplikuotas. Juos taikant gaunami statiniai bankroto galimybės įverčiai, neatsižvelgiant į tų rodiklių kitimo tendencijas. 2. Remiantis mažos imties įmonių skaičiaus (8 veikiančių ir 5 bankrutuojančių) ir jų būklę charakterizuojančiais 4 santykiniais rodikliais apmokytų neuronų tinklu gauta, kad bendras teisingų prognozių skaičius sudarė 84%, o jų skaičių dirbtinai (pakartotinai įtraukus į sąrašą) padidinus daugiau nei 20 kartų, teisingų prognozių skaičius pasiekė 92%. Tai rodo, kad abiem tyrimo atvejais neuronų tinklai yra gana efektyvi bankroto diagnostikos priemonė.This paper analyses the possibilities of prediction of the enterprise bankruptcy, applying neural network. The prediction results of the failed enterprises are compared to the prediction results of the profitable enterprises. In this way we can see the peculiarities and reliability of neural network usage for the bankruptcy diagnosis. Lithuanian enterprises work in different conditions than other foreign enterprises, but all introduced models were based only on foreign enterprises, so their applicability for the diagnostics of bankruptcy remains disputable. Estimations of enterprises for the bankruptcy in definite time, calculated from "Z" scores of different authors, are different so they have to be analysed taking into account of their changing tendencies. This article discuses the application of neural networks to analyse the possibility of enterprise bankruptcy. The classification of neural networks, estimation of the number of hidden layers and their size, the methods of training are described in special scientific literature. Perceptrone neural network was constructed of 3 layers. To train it the backpropagation method was used. The algorithms of training and the programmes to implement them require a lot of samples of enterprises – over ten times more than inputs of the enterprise state. To train the network following indicators were used: the indicator of net profitability of assets, coefficient of short-term solvency; debt ratio; ratio of short-term liquidity of the years 1998-2001. The authors had data of 13 enterprises, so they increased the number by including the same enterprises in the list several times. In this way 284 enterprises were obtained: 161 failed and 123 profitable. By training various networks with different inputs it was researched what indicators of the enterprise were the best to forecast the bankruptcy. Therefore the neural network was trained in the optimisation mode. The programme used different combinations of inputs and checked 408 different versions of the neural networks. As a result, all the used inputs could forecast bankruptcy, except the profitability of assets of the year 2000 and the short-term liquidity ratio of the year 1998. According to the small amount of enterprises (8 profitable and 5 insolvent) and their 4 financial ratios used to train the neural network, the percentage of the right diagnosis is 84. But when increased the number of enterprises to 284 (written the same enterprises a few times in the same list), the results of right diagnosis rose to 92 per cents. It is good result of the method of the neural network prognosis. The research is being continue