80 research outputs found

    Recommender system for surplus stock clearance

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    Accumulation of the stock had been a major concern for retail shop owners. Surplus stock could be minimized if the system could continuously monitor the accumulated stock and recommend the stock which requires clearance. Recommender Systems computes the data, shadowing the manual work and give efficient recommendations to overcome stock accumulation, creating space for new stock for sale to enhance the profit in business. An intelligent recommender system was built that could work with the data and help the shop owners to overcome the issue of surplus stock in a remarkable way. An item-item collaborative filtering technique with Pearson similarity metric was used to draw the similarity between the items and accordingly give recommendations. The results obtained on the dataset highlighted the top-N items using the Pearson similarity and the Cosine similarity. The items having the highest rank had the highest accumulation and required attention to be cleared. The comparison is drawn for the precision and recall obtained by the similarity metrics used. The evaluation of the existing work was done using precision and recall, where the precision obtained was remarkable, while the recall has the scope of increment but in turn, it would reduce the value of precision. Thus, there lies a scope of reducing the stock accumulation with the help of a recommender system and overcome losses to maximize profi

    Prevalence and risk factors of varicose veins, skin trophic changes, and venous symptoms among northern Indian population

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    Background: Chronic venous disorders are an important cause of disease and disability worldwide. These disorders have substantial medical and economic consequences. The cost to society is also enormous. Despite the gravity of the problem, little effort has been made to meritoriously prevent such chronic disorders. Aim- This study was planned to analyze and ascertain prevalence and risk factors of varicose veins, skin trophic changes, and venous symptoms among northern Indian population.Methods: The present study was undertaken among the residents of adopted population by a tertiary care center of Uttar Pradesh. Sampling frame was selected from four villages falling within a radius of two kilometers from the tertiary care health center. Inclusion criteria were a person aged 18 years or older, falling in the sampling frame and willing to participate in the study. A total of 1012 eligible study subjects were contacted and interviewed. Detailed enquiry about venous symptoms, skin trophic changes, history of thromboembolic disease, family history of varicose veins, exercise activities, occupation etc was also made. Senior resident of Surgery department clinically evaluated the presence of varicose veins, edema and skin trophic changes in the legs.Results: 46.7% of females and 27.8% of males were found to be having varicose veins whereas 49.3% of females and 18.9% of males were having venous symptoms. Skin trophic changes were observed in 18.9% females and 5.2% of males respectively. History of varicose veins in first-degree relatives (OR 3.85, p=0.046) and age (OR 1.06, p=0.021) were significant important risk factors for varicose veins in both sexes. Age (OR 1.14, p=0.002), history of thromboembolic disease (OR 3.95, p=0.063) and pitting edema (OR 7.42, p=0.016) were three significant important risk factors for skin trophic changes among subjects with varicose veins.Conclusions: High prevalence of chronic venous disorders of the lower limbs was observed in residents of studied region. Results of this study calls for planning and initiation of serious efforts to prevent such chronic disorders.

    An evaluation of the clinical utility of mangled extremity severity score in severely injured lower limbs

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    Background: The management of severe lower limb injury is one of the most controversial subjects in the field of Orthopedic surgery. While the advancement of sophisticated microsurgical reconstruction technique has created the possibility of successful limb salvage in even the most extreme cases, it has become painfully obvious that the technical possibilities are double-edged swords. The aim of study was to analyze and ascertain the clinical utility of mangled extremity severity score (MESS) in severely injured lower limbs.Methods: The current study was undertaken in the Department of Orthopedics among 50 patients who sustained high-energy injuries and approached a tertiary care center to seek care. The study design included both retrospective and prospective evaluation. Retrospectively 25 and prospectively 25 lower limbs in 54 patients with high-energy injuries were evaluated using mangled extremity severity score to assist in the decision-making process for the care of patients with such injuries. MESS served as study tool. Differences between the mean MESS scores for amputated and salvaged limbs were explored.Results: Crush injury of leg with fracture of tibia and fibula was observed in 78% of injured limbs. The most common mechanism of injury was high-energy trauma. Road traffic accidents accounted for 72% of patients. Mean hospitalization for primary amputation was 19.3 (8-26) days and for delayed amputation limbs was 36.6 (15-62) days and for salvaged limbs was 45.5 (14-128) days. In the prospective study, out of 7 injured limbs with a MESS score of equal or more than 7, 6 limbs were amputated and 1 limb was salvaged. Out of the remaining 18 injured limbs with a MESS score of less than 7, 17 limbs were successfully salvaged and one limb was amputated. In the retrospective study, 10 injured limbs with a MESS score of equal or more than 7 were amputated (mean score 8.4 with range of 10-8) and the remaining 15 injured limbs with a MESS score of less than 7 were salvaged (mean score 4.57 with range of (4-6)); suggesting a significant difference in the mean scores.Conclusions: MESS is a cost-effective, relatively simple and readily available scoring system, which assists the surgeon to identify variables that may ultimately influence the outcome of a severely traumatized extremity with arterial compromise due to high-energy injury.

    An evaluation of merits of total hip arthroplasty done for traumatic and non-traumatic displaced fracture neck of femur

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    Background: There is ongoing controversy about the relative merits of different types of arthroplasty among specific groups of patients. Paucity of quality data provides an opportunity for extension of this debate. The aim of this study was planned to evaluate merits (outcomes and complications) of total hip arthroplasty done for traumatic and non traumatic displaced fracture neck of femur.Methods: A comparative evaluation was undertaken among 50 patients who underwent total hip replacement at a tertiary care center. A retrospective cohort of fifty patients treated with total hip replacement for traumatic causes of displaced fracture neck of femur (25 patients) and non-traumatic causes of displaced fracture neck of femur (25 patients) were included in this study. The inclusion criteria’s for the traumatic group were acute displaced fracture neck of femur above 50 years and fracture neck with fracture head with dislocation above 50 years. Patients having nonunion fracture neck of femur, failed cancellous screw fixation, intertrochantric fractures and associated acetabulum fractures were excluded from this study.Results: On clinical and functional evaluation, patients scored 84% excellent/good in non-traumatic group whereas 68% excellent/good score in traumatic group. 12% and 16% patients scored poor in non-traumatic group and in traumatic group respectively. In non-traumatic group, following complications were observed. Dislocation rate of 4% (one hip), 4% incidence of aseptic acetabular loosening (one hip), and 16% incidence of heterotrophic ossification (four hips). In traumatic group, we observed 2 (8%) dislocations, 4 (16%) heterotopic ossifications. Loosening of acetabulum and subsidence were observed in two (8%) patients.Conclusions: There are higher chances of dislocation among patients undergoing total hip replacement for a traumatic indications as compared to their non-traumatic indications. Chances of dislocation can be curtailed by keeping known factors in mind along with careful patient selection, adherence to postoperative protocol and use of a lateral approach with large head in high risk patients.

    Drainage in primary cemented total knee arthroplasty required or not? A comparative study among northern Indian subjects

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    Background: Although there is no established evidence to support the use of drains in total knee arthroplasty (TKA), they are thought to reduce the formation of a haematoma and the incidence of deep infection. The aim of the study was planned to assess the need for drainage after total knee arthroplasty.Methods: For this comparative evaluation, a total of 100 patients were recruited into two groups. Group A consisted of 50 knees, in which drain was not used after TKA and a control group, group B with 50 knees, in which drain was inserted after TKA. Thus group A was study/ no drain group whereas group B was control/drain group. Pain intensity and analgesic intake were assessed as primary outcome factors. Visual analog scale (VAS) assessed pain intensity. Intake of analgesics was determined. Requirement for dressing reinforcement and the length of hospital stay were also evaluated.Results: Patients in the study group required approximately three times less opioids than patients in the control group (mean analgesia request amounted 0.16 and 0.45/patient, respectively). Overall mean pain score was higher in group B than in group A. In the study group every patient needed the dressing to be changed at an average 4.6±1.2 times during hospitalization compared with 5.3±1.2 times in the control group. Regarding differences in the pattern in the range of motion and length of hospital stay between the groups, there was no much difference. All the study subjects achieved full extension of the operated knee at discharge.Conclusions: On the basis of empirical evidences of this study it can be concluded that there is no rationale for the use of drain after primary cemented total knee arthroplasty. Use of drains in after primary cemented total knee arthroplasty has not much to offer

    Automatic Billing using RFID Module

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    Our motive is to develop a system that can be used in shopping complex s to resolve the challenge of being standing and waiting in the queue. There has been an emerging demand for quick and easy payment of bills in supermarkets. This project describes how to build an automated and time saving system for the world of retail which will make shopping experience impetuous, customer friendly and secure. In this paper, smart cart is proposed that will be capable of generating a bill from the cart itself. The customer will make the payment in no time through a rechargeable credit card which will help to maintain database and introduce schemes and offers in stores accordingly. The smart cart uses RFID technology for purchasing and fee, AVR microcontroller for peripheral interfacing and inventory control. This revolutionary device will assist the stores to look a rise of their income together with delighting customers

    Feasibility Study for a Curriculum Comparison in Vocational Education and Training. Intermediary Report I: The 20 Top Performers

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    Despite improved access to all educational levels, many countries around the world struggle with integrating young people into the labor market. The 2007 economic crisis exacerbated the problem, but not all countries were affected in the same way. This led to a vivid debate about how education and employment systems can and should be linked. Countries with well-developed vocational education and training (VET) systems seem to be better off in terms of their youth labor market situations. This raises the question of how countries should organize and design their VET curricula so that their youth make a smooth transition from education to employment. The Center on International Education Benchmarking (CIEB) has set the goal to analyze the world's most successful education systems. The objective is to compare the top-performing countries' instructional systems and identify their different approaches to education. Against this backdrop, the CIEB is supporting a comparative study of VET curricula, which are one fundamental component of any education system. However, such an international comparison of VET curricula faces many challenges, resulting mainly from the large variation in how national education systems train vocational and technical qualifications. In addition, VET curricula are not fully comparable due to different national political, economic, cultural, and institutional frameworks. Consequently, the CIEB mandated the KOF Swiss Economic Institute at the ETH Zurich to conduct a Feasibility Study that first defines a common strategy for tack-ling these challenges. Hence, this Feasibility Study aims to reduce the comparability problem to the furthest possible extent. The feasibility study consists of three phases, of which this intermediary report is the product of the first. This first phase addresses the following question: "Which countries can be identified as top-performing countries that should be included in the VET curricula comparison?" This report presents our findings on four main topics essential for achieving the goal of a feasibility study for the comparison of VET curricula. The first section explains our theoretical and conceptual approaches to the problem. These form the foundation of our strategy for identifying 20 top-performing countries with regard to VET, which is addressed in the second section. The third section presents the selected top-performing countries in brief portraits, which highlight not only their performance but also provide background information on VET governance. Finally, we compare and discuss these top-performing countries with regard to our performance criteria. Finally, this intermediary report concludes with the important findings for the second phase of the project
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