5,166 research outputs found

    Asymmetric Totally-corrective Boosting for Real-time Object Detection

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    Real-time object detection is one of the core problems in computer vision. The cascade boosting framework proposed by Viola and Jones has become the standard for this problem. In this framework, the learning goal for each node is asymmetric, which is required to achieve a high detection rate and a moderate false positive rate. We develop new boosting algorithms to address this asymmetric learning problem. We show that our methods explicitly optimize asymmetric loss objectives in a totally corrective fashion. The methods are totally corrective in the sense that the coefficients of all selected weak classifiers are updated at each iteration. In contract, conventional boosting like AdaBoost is stage-wise in that only the current weak classifier's coefficient is updated. At the heart of the totally corrective boosting is the column generation technique. Experiments on face detection show that our methods outperform the state-of-the-art asymmetric boosting methods.Comment: 14 pages, published in Asian Conf. Computer Vision 201

    Dynamic decoherence control of a solid-state nuclear quadrupole qubit

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    We report on the application of a dynamic decoherence control pulse sequence on a nuclear quadrupole transition in Pr3+:Y2SiO5Pr^{3+}:Y_2SiO_5 . Process tomography is used to analyse the effect of the pulse sequence. The pulse sequence was found to increase the decoherence time of the transition to over 30 seconds. Although the decoherence time was significantly increased, the population terms were found to rapidly decay on the application of the pulse sequence. The increase of this decay rate is attributed to inhomogeneity in the ensemble. Methods to circumvent this limit are discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Efficient decoupling schemes with bounded controls based on Eulerian orthogonal arrays

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    The task of decoupling, i.e., removing unwanted interactions in a system Hamiltonian and/or couplings with an environment (decoherence), plays an important role in controlling quantum systems. There are many efficient decoupling schemes based on combinatorial concepts like orthogonal arrays, difference schemes and Hadamard matrices. So far these (combinatorial) decoupling schemes have relied on the ability to effect sequences of instantaneous, arbitrarily strong control Hamiltonians (bang-bang controls). To overcome the shortcomings of bang-bang control Viola and Knill proposed a method called Eulerian decoupling that allows the use of bounded-strength controls for decoupling. However, their method was not directly designed to take advantage of the composite structure of multipartite quantum systems. In this paper we define a combinatorial structure called an Eulerian orthogonal array. It merges the desirable properties of orthogonal arrays and Eulerian cycles in Cayley graphs (that are the basis of Eulerian decoupling). We show that this structure gives rise to decoupling schemes with bounded-strength control Hamiltonians that can be applied to composite quantum systems with few body Hamiltonians and special couplings with the environment. Furthermore, we show how to construct Eulerian orthogonal arrays having good parameters in order to obtain efficient decoupling schemes.Comment: 8 pages, revte

    On Quantum Control via Encoded Dynamical Decoupling

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    I revisit the ideas underlying dynamical decoupling methods within the framework of quantum information processing, and examine their potential for direct implementations in terms of encoded rather than physical degrees of freedom. The usefulness of encoded decoupling schemes as a tool for engineering both closed- and open-system encoded evolutions is investigated based on simple examples.Comment: 12 pages, no figures; REVTeX style. This note collects various theoretical considerations complementing/motivated by the experimental demonstration of encoded control by Fortunato et a

    A space division multiplexed free-space-optical communication system that can auto-locate and fully self align with a remote transceiver

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    Free-Space Optical (FSO) systems offer the ability to distribute high speed digital links into remote and rural communities where terrain, installation cost or infrastructure security pose critical hurdles to deployment. A challenge in any point-to-point FSO system is initiating and maintaining optical alignment from the sender to the receiver. In this paper we propose and demonstrate a low-complexity self-aligning FSO prototype that can completely self-align with no requirement for initial manual positioning and could therefore form the opto-mechanical basis for a mesh network of optical transceivers. The prototype utilises off-the-shelf consumer electrical components and a bespoke alignment algorithm. We demonstrate an eight fibre spatially multiplexed link with a loss of 15 dB over 210 m

    Heating and decoherence suppression using decoupling techniques

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    We study the application of decoupling techniques to the case of a damped vibrational mode of a chain of trapped ions, which can be used as a quantum bus in linear ion trap quantum computers. We show that vibrational heating could be efficiently suppressed using appropriate ``parity kicks''. We also show that vibrational decoherence can be suppressed by this decoupling procedure, even though this is generally more difficult because the rate at which the parity kicks have to applied increases with the effective bath temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures. Typos corrected, references adde

    ESA personal communications and digital audio broadcasting systems based on non-geostationary satellites

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    Personal Communications and Digital Audio Broadcasting are two new services that the European Space Agency (ESA) is investigating for future European and Global Mobile Satellite systems. ESA is active in promoting these services in their various mission options including non-geostationary and geostationary satellite systems. A Medium Altitude Global Satellite System (MAGSS) for global personal communications at L and S-band, and a Multiregional Highly inclined Elliptical Orbit (M-HEO) system for multiregional digital audio broadcasting at L-band are described. Both systems are being investigated by ESA in the context of future programs, such as Archimedes, which are intended to demonstrate the new services and to develop the technology for future non-geostationary mobile communication and broadcasting satellites

    Generalized Coherent States as Preferred States of Open Quantum Systems

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    We investigate the connection between quasi-classical (pointer) states and generalized coherent states (GCSs) within an algebraic approach to Markovian quantum systems (including bosons, spins, and fermions). We establish conditions for the GCS set to become most robust by relating the rate of purity loss to an invariant measure of uncertainty derived from quantum Fisher information. We find that, for damped bosonic modes, the stability of canonical coherent states is confirmed in a variety of scenarios, while for systems described by (compact) Lie algebras stringent symmetry constraints must be obeyed for the GCS set to be preferred. The relationship between GCSs, minimum-uncertainty states, and decoherence-free subspaces is also elucidated.Comment: 5 pages, no figures; Significantly improved presentation, new derivation of invariant uncertainty measure via quantum Fisher information added

    Face Detection with Effective Feature Extraction

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    There is an abundant literature on face detection due to its important role in many vision applications. Since Viola and Jones proposed the first real-time AdaBoost based face detector, Haar-like features have been adopted as the method of choice for frontal face detection. In this work, we show that simple features other than Haar-like features can also be applied for training an effective face detector. Since, single feature is not discriminative enough to separate faces from difficult non-faces, we further improve the generalization performance of our simple features by introducing feature co-occurrences. We demonstrate that our proposed features yield a performance improvement compared to Haar-like features. In addition, our findings indicate that features play a crucial role in the ability of the system to generalize.Comment: 7 pages. Conference version published in Asian Conf. Comp. Vision 201

    Dynamical Decoupling Using Slow Pulses: Efficient Suppression of 1/f Noise

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    The application of dynamical decoupling pulses to a single qubit interacting with a linear harmonic oscillator bath with 1/f1/f spectral density is studied, and compared to the Ohmic case. Decoupling pulses that are slower than the fastest bath time-scale are shown to drastically reduce the decoherence rate in the 1/f1/f case. Contrary to conclusions drawn from previous studies, this shows that dynamical decoupling pulses do not always have to be ultra-fast. Our results explain a recent experiment in which dephasing due to 1/f1/f charge noise affecting a charge qubit in a small superconducting electrode was successfully suppressed using spin-echo-type gate-voltage pulses.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. v2: Many changes and update
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