39 research outputs found

    Making sense of the past trauma in narratives of the self: moral space of self-interpretation

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    This paper applies modern interdisciplinary methodologies to sociological data in order to enhance our understanding of the silences and distortions inherent in post-traumatic narratives of the self, and the mechanisms behind them, by placing these narratives in historical, as well as psychological, perspective. In particular, we use a narrative psycholo-gy approach. In addition, we use gender analysis, as the study is based on a corpus of oral data collected through a series of interviews with divorced men. Our research demonstrates that post-traumatic self-narratives are shaped not only by the attempts of the respondents to conceal their moral failures by creating an alternative version of self in personal terms, but also by their desire to adhere to the norms and standards including gender stereotypes of their historical time and social strata

    Desenvolvimento de conteúdos de programas educativos de formação complementar para composição de professores na organização de serviços educativos de formação com deficiência

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    Guided by the results of the experimental work, the authors came to the conclusion that the use of the electronic educational and methodical complex in mathematics on the basis of modular qualification training technology is essential. The current stage in the development of educational systems is characterized by the emergence and practical introduction of inclusive education for children with disabilities in general education organizations. Inclusion in the educational process of children with disabilities is dictated not only by modern normative documents, but also by the social need for inclusive education. One of the conditions for the preparation of children with disabilities in the educational environment is the quality and special training of teachers who must possess certain knowledge and skills to work with children with disabilities. Therefore, this study aimed to address the problem of training teachers in additional vocational education to work with children with disabilities. We conducted a training experiment, in which the professors of the university participated. The purpose of the pilot work was to improve the quality of teacher training in additional professional education to create an inclusive educational environment in the university. The legislative concepts of the Russian Federation are justified. One of the priority directions for the education of children with mental retardation (intellectual disabilities) along with general education is to give them a real opportunity to obtain a profession. The requirements for the results of the development of the complementary education program for children reflect the set of individual, public and state needs. The article gives an example of the developed program of additional professional education for the teaching staff and gives an example of the subject matter of the taught modules. Applying the teacher's professional skills training technology in additional education, additional education courses have been developed for the teaching staff of the university. An example is given of the opening of a resource center at the K. Minin University, which allows solving the main tasks of vocational training for children with disabilities.Guiados por los resultados del trabajo experimental, los autores llegaron a la conclusión de que el uso del complejo educativo y metódico electrónico en matemáticas sobre la base de la tecnología de capacitación de calificación modular es esencial. La etapa actual en el desarrollo de los sistemas educativos se caracteriza por el surgimiento y la introducción en la práctica de la educación inclusiva de los niños con discapacidades en las organizaciones de educación general. La inclusión en el proceso educativo de los niños con discapacidades está dictada no solo por los documentos normativos modernos, sino también por la necesidad social de una educación inclusiva. Una de las condiciones para la preparación de niños con discapacidades en el entorno educativo es la calidad y la capacitación especial de los maestros que deben poseer ciertos conocimientos y habilidades para trabajar con niños con discapacidades. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo abordar el problema de la capacitación de maestros en educación vocacional adicional para trabajar con niños discapacitados. Realizamos un experimento formativo, en el que participaron los profesores de la universidad. El propósito del trabajo piloto fue mejorar la calidad de la capacitación de los maestros en la educación profesional adicional para crear un ambiente educativo inclusivo en la universidad. Los conceptos a nivel legislativo de la Federación de Rusia están justificados. Una de las direcciones prioritarias para la educación de los niños con retraso mental (discapacidades intelectuales) junto con la educación general es brindarles una oportunidad real de obtener una profesión. Los requisitos para los resultados del desarrollo del programa de educación complementaria para niños reflejan el conjunto de necesidades individuales, públicas y estatales. El artículo da un ejemplo del programa desarrollado de educación profesional adicional para el personal docente y se da un ejemplo de la materia de los módulos enseñados. Aplicando la tecnología de formación de competencias profesionales del docente en la educación adicional, se han desarrollado cursos de educación adicionales para el personal docente de la universidad. Se da un ejemplo de la apertura de un centro de recursos en la Universidad K. Minin, que permite resolver las tareas principales de la formación profesional para niños con discapacidades.Guiados pelos resultados do trabalho experimental, os autores chegaram à conclusão de que o uso do complexo educacional e metódico eletrônico em matemática com base na tecnologia de treinamento modular de qualificação é essencial. O estágio atual no desenvolvimento de sistemas educacionais é caracterizado pelo surgimento e introdução prática da educação inclusiva para crianças com deficiência em organizações de educação geral. A inclusão no processo educacional das crianças com deficiência é ditada não apenas pelos documentos normativos modernos, mas também pela necessidade social de educação inclusiva. Uma das condições para a preparação de crianças com deficiência no ambiente educacional é a qualidade e treinamento especial de professores que devem possuir certos conhecimentos e habilidades para trabalhar com crianças com deficiência. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo abordar o problema da formação de professores em educação profissional adicional para trabalhar com crianças com deficiência. Realizamos um experimento de treinamento, no qual participaram os professores da universidade. O objetivo do trabalho piloto foi melhorar a qualidade da formação de professores em educação profissional adicional para criar um ambiente educacional inclusivo na universidade. Os conceitos legislativos da Federação Russa são justificados. Uma das direções prioritárias para a educação de crianças com retardo mental (deficiência intelectual), juntamente com a educação geral, é dar-lhes uma oportunidade real de obter uma profissão. Os requisitos para os resultados do desenvolvimento do programa de educação complementar para crianças refletem o conjunto de necessidades individuais, públicas e estatais. O artigo dá um exemplo do programa desenvolvido de formação profissional adicional para o corpo docente e dá um exemplo do assunto dos módulos ensinados. Aplicando a tecnologia de treinamento de habilidades profissionais do professor em educação adicional, foram desenvolvidos cursos de educação adicionais para o corpo docente da universidade. Um exemplo é dado da abertura de um centro de recursos na Universidade K. Minin, que permite resolver as principais tarefas de formação profissional para crianças com deficiência

    Biotehnološka primjena kvasca Yarrowia lipolytica uzgojenog u uvjetima nedostatka tiamina

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    During the cultivation of a thiamine-auxotrophic yeast strain Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2412 on ethanol, the growth limitation by thiamine leads to the production of α-ketoglutaric acid. The α-ketoglutaric acid synthesis has been studied in dependence on pH, oxygen supply and ethanol, zinc and iron concentrations. Under optimal conditions, Y. lipolytica produced 88.7 g/L of α-ketoglutaric acid. The culture broth containing α-ketoglutaric acid was subjected to chemical treatment with hydrogen peroxide, which led to the formation of succinic acid in significant quantities (71.7 g/L). Further direct esterification of succinic acid with excess absolute ethanol yielded diethyl succinate. Biomass of Y. lipolytica, a superproducer of α-ketoglutaric acid, was characterized by a high content of protein and essential amino acids, free amino acids, and unusually large amount of γ-aminobutyric acid. The unique amino acid composition of the producer makes it possible to use this biomass as a component of parenteral nutrition mixtures and as a basis for neuroleptics.Auksotrofni kvasac Yarrowia lipolytica VKM Y-2412 uzgojen je na podlozi s etanolom u uvjetima nedostatka tiamina, što je dovelo do nastajanja α-ketoglutarne kiseline. Ispitana je ovisnost njezine sinteze o pH-vrijednosti, opskrbljenosti kisikom i etanolom, te koncentracijama cinka i željeza. U optimalnim je uvjetima kvasac Y. lipolytica proizveo 88,7 g/L α-ketoglutarne kiseline. Podloga za uzgoj koja je sadržavala α-ketoglutarnu kiselinu kemijski je obrađena vodikovim peroksidom, što je dovelo do nastajanja značajne koncentracije sukcinske kiseline (71,7 g/L). Daljnjom izravnom esterifikacijom sukcinske kiseline uz suvišak apsolutnog etanola dobiven je dietil sukcinat. Biomasu kvasca Y. lipolytica, koji proizvodi velike količine α-ketoglutarne kiseline, karakterizira veliki udjel proteina i esencijalnih aminokiselina, slobodnih aminokiselina i neuobičajeno velika količina γ-aminomaslačne kiseline. Jedinstveni aminokiselinski sastav kvasca omogućuje njegovu primjenu u intravenoznoj prehrani i pri liječenju pacijenata antipsihoticima

    El desarrollo de la cultura de gestión ambiental en estudiantes de secundaria en educación no formal con enfoque cultural y ecológico

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    The purpose of the article is to develop the educational paradigm of the culture of environmental management for advanced education aimed at sustainable development. The methodological foundations of the research are established, presented by cultural-ecological, axiological, personal-activity, integral-situational methodological approaches. The key research methods are defined: system-structural analysis, generalization, systematization, design, and pedagogical experiment. Criteria, indicators and methods for diagnosing the formation of the components of the culture of nature management are revealed. Because of the research, a methodology for the formation of a culture of environmental management in the context of non-formal education was developed, including the goal, content, stages and technology of culturally oriented integral situations. To implement this methodology in educational practice, a program of activities for school “green teams” was developed: “We are in the cultural landscape of estates of our native land”, its purpose, content is revealed, the interconnection of the sections of the program with the technology of culturally oriented integral situations is shown. The results of a pedagogical experiment organized at the experimental sites of Minin University are presented. The results of the experiment, in which 360 high school students took part, made it possible to draw a conclusion about the effectiveness of the formation of a culture of environmental management among students in the context of non-formal education of cultural and ecological orientation.El propósito del artículo es desarrollar el paradigma educativo de la cultura de la gestión ambiental para una educación avanzada orientada al desarrollo sostenible. Se establecen los fundamentos metodológicos de la investigación, presentados por enfoques metodológicos culturales-ecológicos, axiológicos, de actividad personal, integrales-situacionales. Se definen los principales métodos de investigación: análisis sistémico-estructural, generalización, sistematización, diseño y experimentación pedagógica. Se revelan los criterios, indicadores y métodos para diagnosticar la formación de los componentes de la cultura de gestión de la naturaleza. A partir de la investigación se desarrolló una metodología para la formación de una cultura de gestión ambiental en el contexto de la educación no formal, que incluye el objetivo, el contenido, las etapas y la tecnología de las situaciones integrales de orientación cultural. Para implementar esta metodología en la práctica educativa, se desarrolló un programa de actividades para “equipos verdes” escolares: “Estamos en el paisaje cultural de las fincas de nuestra tierra natal”, se revela su objetivo, contenido, se muestra la interconexión de las secciones del programa con la tecnología de situaciones integrales culturalmente orientadas. Se presentan los resultados de un experimento pedagógico organizado en los sitios experimentales de la Universidad de Minin. Los resultados del experimento, en el que participaron 360 estudiantes de secundaria, permitieron sacar una conclusión sobre la eficacia de la formación de una cultura de gestión ambiental entre los estudiantes en el contexto de la educación no formal de orientación cultural y ecológica

    Стабильные и мобильные элементы авторского стиля А.К. Глазунова (на примере скерцо ранних симфоний)

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    Thanks to A. Ossovskiy, Glazunov acquired the role of the one who ended the traditions of the “Mighty Handful”, which is of no doubt. However, it is clear that the composer’s creative work is not limited only by the “Procrustean bed” of the epic symphonic style. This is confirmed by a significant reevaluation of his work carried out in a number of studies in recent decades. On the material of scherzos of the early symphonies of Glazunov this article identifies components of the author’s style that, on the one hand, firmly linked the composer’s creative work with the traditions of the Russian symphonic school and, on the other hand, determined the extreme mobility of the author’s style, his aspiration for the future. The methodology of this study is based on the conjugation of scientific and analytical apparatus of the humanities disciplines related to the musicologyС легкой руки А. Оссовского за Глазуновым закрепилась роль завершителя традиций «Могучей кучки», что ни в коей мере не может подвергаться сомнению. Тем не менее совершенно очевидно, что творчество композитора отнюдь не укладывается «в прокрустово ложе» эпического симфонизма и только. Подтверждением тому является существенная переоценка его творчества, предпринятая в ряде исследований последних десятилетий. В данной статье на материале скерцо ранних симфоний Глазунова выявлены составляющие авторского стиля, которые, с одной стороны, прочно связали творчество композитора с традициями русской симфонической школы, с другой – предопределили чрезвычайную мобильность авторского стиля, его устремленность в будущее. Методология данного исследования основывается на сопряжении научно-аналитического аппарата смежных с музыковедением гуманитарных дисципли

    Орнаментальные свойства музыкальной фактуры (на примере фортепианных миниатюр А.К. Лядова)

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    The author analyzes the musical texture of pianoforte miniatures written by the Russian composer, A.K. Lyadov: “Prelude” op. 42 no.2 H-dur, “Prelude” op. 27 no. 2 H-dur, “Prelude” op. 11 no.1 h-mol, “Birulki” op.2, piece no.1, aiming at finding the elements of ornamental compositions. The sympathy in compositional methods of musical texture and ornaments, their graphical similarity once again prove universal features of the language means of the art and synthetism of the composer’s artistic thinking. This very type of thinking appeared to be of the most immediate interest by the representatives of the Russian artistic culture in the Silver Age. This work is conducted under the studies of extrapolation of the principle of plastic arts into the musicВ статье рассматривается музыкальная фактура фортепианных миниатюр русского композитора А.К. Лядова – «Прелюдии» соч. 42 № 2 H- dur, «Прелюдии» соч.27 № 2 H-dur, «Прелюдии» соч.11 № 1 h-mol «Бирюльки» ор.2, пьеса № 1 с точки зрения выявления в ней приемов орнаментальной композиции. Обнаружение общности композиционных приемов музыкальной фактуры и орнамента, графического сходства между ними выступает свидетельством известного универсализма языковых средств искусства, а также синтетизма лядовского композиторского мышления. Именно такой тип мышления оказался чрезвычайно востребованным представителями русской художественной культуры серебряного века. Данная работа выполнена в рамках исследования экстраполяции в музыку принципов пластических искусст

    Economics, Culture, Education: Gender Aspect

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    This article examines the close relationship between culture and economics, with a particular emphasis on the gender aspect. It analyzes the role of art education in the development of Russian humanitarian sphere and the levelling of gender inequality. The article promotes the idea that it is the cultural progression that determines economic development, and discusses the current state of affairs, in which the cultural sphere remains a non-priority, and therefore financially lagging, non-prestigious and suffering from gender imbalances, as proven by our own sociological surveys, presented in the article. The study was carried out in 2018–2019 in five cities of the Russian Federation, where students from 14 higher educational institutions were interviewed. These surveys were designed to determine the level of interest of Russian youth in the cultural sphere, demonstrating the plans and intentions of young Russians regarding their professional future and career choice. At the same time, the respondents' answers were analyzed according to a number of parameters, including gender. Based on the results of the surveys, as well as on the analysis of existing literature and statistics, conclusions are drawn about the role of public policy and the need for changes — not only in the field of financing culture, but also in relation to the tasks of art education, responsible primarily for the spiritual state of society, both in the present and (due to its educational function) and in the future. The methodology of our work is defined by its interdisciplinarity, which involves subjects ranging from sociology and economics to cultural studies and pedagogics

    The role of literature and humanities education in socio-economic behaviour of Russian youth

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    The article aims to trace the cultural continuity of generations in Russian context by studying the interaction between literary preferences of modern students and their moral choice. Special attention is paid to the role of humanitarian education in forming both literary taste and moral values of young people. Our approach includes both sociological and cultural methods. The article analyzes the results of a sociological study conducted in 2019, where the semiotics of behaviour in hypothetical conditions of setting up one's own business by young specialists is superimposed on the literary priorities of the respondents. Our hypothesis is that, despite the processes of globalization, national cultural and moral values that originated in the XIth century in the ideas of Metropolitan Hilarion, who proclaimed the internal law above the external, continue to live and largely shape the worldview of modern Russian youth. This philosophical heritage is transmitted, in particular, through humanitarian education and especially through the works of classical Russian literature, as shown by the analysis of the results of our sociological research. The article also outlines directions for further development of the topic we have studied