235 research outputs found

    Groundwater quality evaluation and its suitability for domestic and irrigation use in the hard rock terrain of Olakkur block, Tamilnadu, India

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    Ground water is the main source of water for agriculture and domestic use in the study area. This study was aimed to evaluate the groundwater quality for domestic and irrigational purposes. Groundwater samples were collected from twenty five locations in both pre-monsoon and post-monsoon months and examined for various physico-chemical parameters such as pH, total dissolved solids, total hardness, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, bicarbonate, sulphate, Nitrate and chloride. To assess the domestic suitability of groundwater, all these parameters were compared with the standards of World Health Organization and Indian standards. Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR) and US salinity diagram were used to evaluate the groundwater for irrigation suitability. At some locations sodium and potassium values were higher than the prescribed limits. The SAR values were less than 10. Based on United States Salinity Laboratory Staff (USSL) diagram the dominant categories were C2-S1, C3-S1, C2-S1, C3-S1, C3-S2 in both pre and post-monsoon. Groundwater samples were classified as Na-HCO3 and Na-Cl water type in pre-monsoon and Ca-Na-HCO3 and Na-Cl types in post-monsoon. The geochemical analysis revealed that the groundwater samples were fit for domestic purpose. The irrigation quality assessment based on Sodium Adsorption ratio and US Salinity diagram suggested that, most of the groundwater samples were fit for irrigational activities except in certain locations where sodium and salinity values were high. Based on Piper water classification, mixing process and evaporation were the dominant geochemical process in the study area

    Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: a rare cause of breathlessness

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    A 24-year-old female presented with complaints of cough with scanty expectoration, breathlessness on exertion and chest pain for the last three years. These symptoms had appeared during the 12th week of her third pregnancy. She was given anti-tuberculosis treatment at another hospital for nine months without any improvement in symptoms. Four years ago she had been diagnosed to have leprosy of borderline variety for which she had received treatment. On examination, she was tachypnoeic with a respiratory rate of 33 breaths per minute. She had clubbing and small, discrete and firm lymph nodes in the anterior cervical region. Chest examination revealed wheezing with bibasilar end-inspiratory crepitations

    Intel HEXL: Accelerating Homomorphic Encryption with Intel AVX512-IFMA52

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    Modern implementations of homomorphic encryption (HE) rely heavily on polynomial arithmetic over a finite field. This is particularly true of the CKKS, BFV, and BGV HE schemes. Two of the biggest performance bottlenecks in HE primitives and applications are polynomial modular multiplication and the forward and inverse number-theoretic transform (NTT). Here, we introduce Intel Homomorphic Encryption Acceleration Library (Intel HEXL), a C++ library which provides optimized implementations of polynomial arithmetic for Intel processors. Intel HEXL takes advantage of the recent Intel Advanced Vector Extensions 512 (Intel AVX512) instruction set to provide state-of-the-art implementations of the NTT and modular multiplication. On the forward and inverse NTT, Intel HEXL provides up to 7.2x and 6.7x speedup, respectively, over a native C++ implementation. Intel HEXL also provides up to 6.0x speedup on the element-wise vector-vector modular multiplication, and 1.7x speedup on the element-wise vector-scalar modular multiplication. Intel HEXL is available open-source at https://github.com/intel/hexl under the Apache 2.0 license and has been adopted by the Microsoft SEAL and PALISADE homomorphic encryption libraries

    Isolation and screening of microorganisms from a gari fermentation process for starter culture development

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    Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz), is used for the production of a variety of West African foods and ranks fourth in the list of major crops in developing countries after rice, wheat and maize. Gari is one of the most popular foods produced from cassava. Cassava may contain high levels of linamarin, a cyanogenic glucoside, which in its natural state is toxic to man. Therefore, some processing methods that can enhance the  detoxification of cassava and lead to the improvement of the quality and hygienic safety of the food are vitally important for less toxic products to be obtained. Quality, safety and acceptability of traditional fermented  foods may be improved through the use of starter cultures. There has been a trend recently to isolate wild-type strains from traditional products for use as starter cultures in food fermentation. A total of 74 bacterial strains and 21 yeast strains were isolated from a cassava mash fermentation process in a rural village in Benin, West Africa. These strains were assessed, together with 26 strains isolated at the Council for Scientific and  Industrial Research (CSIR) from cassava samples sent from Benin previously, for phenotypic and  technological properties. 24 presumptive lactic acid bacteria (LAB) were selected for further phenotypic,  genotypic and technological characterization.Key words: Lactic acid bacteria, gari, cassava, fermentation

    Sleep loss drives acetylcholine- and somatostatin interneuron-mediated gating of hippocampal activity to inhibit memory consolidation

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    Sleep loss disrupts consolidation of hippocampus-dependent memory. To characterize effects of learning and sleep loss, we quantified activity-dependent phosphorylation of ribosomal protein S6 (pS6) across the dorsal hippocampus of mice. We find that pS6 is enhanced in dentate gyrus (DG) following single-trial contextual fear conditioning (CFC) but is reduced throughout the hippocampus after brief sleep deprivation (SD; which disrupts contextual fear memory [CFM] consolidation). To characterize neuronal populations affected by SD, we used translating ribosome affinity purification sequencing to identify cell type-specific transcripts on pS6 ribosomes (pS6-TRAP). Cell type-specific enrichment analysis revealed that SD selectively activated hippocampal somatostatin-expressing (Sst+) interneurons and cholinergic and orexinergic hippocampal inputs. To understand the functional consequences of SD-elevated Sst+ interneuron activity, we used pharmacogenetics to activate or inhibit hippocampal Sst+ interneurons or cholinergic input from the medial septum. The activation of either cell population was sufficient to disrupt sleep-dependent CFM consolidation by gating activity in granule cells. The inhibition of either cell population during sleep promoted CFM consolidation and increased S6 phosphorylation among DG granule cells, suggesting their disinhibition by these manipulations. The inhibition of either population across post-CFC SD was insufficient to fully rescue CFM deficits, suggesting that additional features of sleeping brain activity are required for consolidation. Together, our data suggest that state-dependent gating of DG activity may be mediated by cholinergic input and local Sst+ interneurons. This mechanism could act as a sleep loss-driven inhibitory gate on hippocampal information processing.</p

    Genetic Contributors of Incident Stroke in 10,700 African Americans with Hypertension: A Meta-Analysis from the Genetics of Hypertension Associated Treatments and Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke Studies

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    Background: African Americans (AAs) suffer a higher stroke burden due to hypertension. Identifying genetic contributors to stroke among AAs with hypertension is critical to understanding the genetic basis of the disease, as well as detecting at-risk individuals. Methods: In a population comprising over 10,700 AAs treated for hypertension from the Genetics of Hypertension Associated Treatments (GenHAT) and Reasons for Geographic and Racial Differences in Stroke (REGARDS) studies, we performed an inverse variance-weighted meta-analysis of incident stroke. Additionally, we tested the predictive accuracy of a polygenic risk score (PRS) derived from a European ancestral population in both GenHAT and REGARDS AAs aiming to evaluate cross-ethnic performance. Results: We identified 10 statistically significant (p \u3c 5.00E-08) and 90 additional suggestive (p \u3c 1.00E-06) variants associated with incident stroke in the meta-analysis. Six of the top 10 variants were located in an intergenic region on chromosome 18 (LINC01443-LOC644669). Additional variants of interest were located in or near the COL12A1, SNTG1, PCDH7, TMTC1, and NTM genes. Replication was conducted in the Warfarin Pharmacogenomics Cohort (WPC), and while none of the variants were directly validated, seven intronic variants of NTM proximal to our target variants, had a p-value \u3c5.00E-04 in the WPC. The inclusion of the PRS did not improve the prediction accuracy compared to a reference model adjusting for age, sex, and genetic ancestry in either study and had lower predictive accuracy compared to models accounting for established stroke risk factors. These results demonstrate the necessity for PRS derivation in AAs, particularly for diseases that affect AAs disproportionately. Conclusion: This study highlights biologically plausible genetic determinants for incident stroke in hypertensive AAs. Ultimately, a better understanding of genetic risk factors for stroke in AAs may give new insight into stroke burden and potential clinical tools for those among the highest at risk

    Bacterial foraging-optimized PID control of a two-wheeled machine with a two-directional handling mechanism

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    This paper presents the performance of utilizing a bacterial foraging optimization algorithm on a PID control scheme for controlling a five DOF two-wheeled robotic machine with two-directional handling mechanism. The system under investigation provides solutions for industrial robotic applications that require a limited-space working environment. The system nonlinear mathematical model, derived using Lagrangian modeling approach, is simulated in MATLAB/Simulink(®) environment. Bacterial foraging-optimized PID control with decoupled nature is designed and implemented. Various working scenarios with multiple initial conditions are used to test the robustness and the system performance. Simulation results revealed the effectiveness of the bacterial foraging-optimized PID control method in improving the system performance compared to the PID control scheme

    Expression of Intratumoral IGF-II Is Regulated by the Gene Imprinting Status in Triple Negative Breast Cancer from Vietnamese Patients

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    African American women suffer higher incidence and mortality of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) than Caucasian women. TNBC is very aggressive, causing the worst clinical outcome. We previously demonstrated that tumors from these patients express high IGF-II and exhibit high activation of the IGF signaling pathways. IGF-II gene expression is imprinted (monoallelic), promotes tumor progression, and metastasis and regulates Survivin, a TNBC prognostic marker. Since BC mortality has increased among young Vietnamese women, we analyzed 48 (paired) TNBC samples from Vietnamese patients to assess IGF-II expression. We analyzed all samples by qrtPCR for identification of IGF-II heterozygosity and to determine allelic expression of the IGF-II gene. We also analyzed the tissues for proIGF-II and Survivin by RT-PCR and Western blotting. A total of 28 samples displayed IGF-II heterozygosity of which 78% were biallelic. Tumors with biallelic IGF-II gene expression exhibited the highest levels of proIGF-II and Survivin. Although 100% of these tissues corresponding normal samples were biallelic, they expressed significantly lower levels of or no proIGF-II and Survivin. Thus, IGF-II biallelic gene expression is differentially regulated in normal versus tumor tissues. We propose that intratumoral proIGF-II is dependent on the IGF-II gene imprinting status and it will promote a more aggressive TNBC

    An Exome-Wide Sequencing Study of Lipid Response to High-Fat Meal and Fenofibrate in Caucasians from the GOLDN Cohort

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    Our understanding of genetic influences on the response of lipids to specific interventions is limited. In this study, we sought to elucidate effects of rare genetic variants on lipid response to a high-fat meal challenge and fenofibrate (FFB) therapy in the Genetics of Lipid Lowering Drugs and Diet Network (GOLDN) cohort using an exome-wide sequencing-based association study. Our results showed that the rare coding variants in ITGA7, SIPA1L2, and CEP72 are significantly associated with fasting LDL cholesterol response to FFB (P = 1.24E-07), triglyceride postprandial area under the increase (AUI) (P = 2.31E-06), and triglyceride postprandial AUI response to FFB (P = 1.88E-06), respectively. We sought to replicate the association for SIPA1L2 in the Heredity and Phenotype Intervention (HAPI) Heart Study, which included a high-fat meal challenge but not FFB treatment. The associated rare variants in GOLDN were not observed in the HAPI Heart study, and thus the gene-based result was not replicated. For functional validation, we found that gene transcript level of SIPA1L2 is associated with triglyceride postprandial AUI (P \u3c 0.05) in GOLDN. Our study suggests unique genetic mechanisms contributing to the lipid response to the high-fat meal challenge and FFB therapy