2 research outputs found

    Cognitive load estimation in VR flight simulator

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    This paper discusses the design and development of a low-cost virtual reality (VR) based flight simulator with cognitive load estimation feature using ocular and EEG signals.  Focus is on exploring methods to evaluate pilot’s interactions with aircraft by means of quantifying pilot’s perceived cognitive load under different task scenarios. Realistic target tracking and context of the battlefield is designed in VR. Head mounted eye gaze tracker and EEG headset are used for acquiring pupil diameter, gaze fixation, gaze direction and EEG theta, alpha, and beta band power data in real time. We developed an AI agent model in VR and created scenarios of interactions with the piloted aircraft. To estimate the pilot’s cognitive load, we used low-frequency pupil diameter variations, fixation rate, gaze distribution pattern, EEG signal-based task load index and EEG task engagement index. We compared the physiological measures of workload with the standard user’s inceptor control-based workload metrics. Results of the piloted simulation study indicate that the metrics discussed in the paper have strong association with pilot’s perceived task difficulty

    An eclectic review on dicarboxylic acid production through yeast cell factories and its industrial prominence

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    Dicarboxylic acid (DCA) is a multifaceted chemical intermediate, recoursed to produce many industrially important products such as adhesives, plasticizers, lubricants, polymers, etc. To bypass the shortcomings of the chemical methods of synthesis of DCA and to reduce fossil fuel footprints, bio-based synthesis is gaining attention. In pursuit of an eco-friendly sustainable alternative method of DCA production, microbial cell factories, and renewable organic resources are gaining popularity. Among the plethora of microbial communities, yeast is being favored industrially compared to bacterial fermentation due to its hyperosmotic and low pH tolerance and flexibility for gene manipulations. By application of rapidly evolving genetic manipulation techniques, the bio-based DCA production could be made more precise and economical. To bridge the gap between supply and demand of DCA, many strategies are employed to improve the fermentation. This review briefly outlines the advancements in DCA production using yeast cell factories with the exemplification of strain improvement strategies