16 research outputs found

    Genome of Herbaspirillum seropedicae Strain SmR1, a Specialized Diazotrophic Endophyte of Tropical Grasses

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    The molecular mechanisms of plant recognition, colonization, and nutrient exchange between diazotrophic endophytes and plants are scarcely known. Herbaspirillum seropedicae is an endophytic bacterium capable of colonizing intercellular spaces of grasses such as rice and sugar cane. The genome of H. seropedicae strain SmR1 was sequenced and annotated by The Paraná State Genome Programme—GENOPAR. The genome is composed of a circular chromosome of 5,513,887 bp and contains a total of 4,804 genes. The genome sequence revealed that H. seropedicae is a highly versatile microorganism with capacity to metabolize a wide range of carbon and nitrogen sources and with possession of four distinct terminal oxidases. The genome contains a multitude of protein secretion systems, including type I, type II, type III, type V, and type VI secretion systems, and type IV pili, suggesting a high potential to interact with host plants. H. seropedicae is able to synthesize indole acetic acid as reflected by the four IAA biosynthetic pathways present. A gene coding for ACC deaminase, which may be involved in modulating the associated plant ethylene-signaling pathway, is also present. Genes for hemagglutinins/hemolysins/adhesins were found and may play a role in plant cell surface adhesion. These features may endow H. seropedicae with the ability to establish an endophytic life-style in a large number of plant species

    Establishment of a bioprocess for the proliferation of human adipose-derived mesenchymal stromal cells in a bioreactor

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    O emprego das CEM (células estromais mesenquimais multipotentes) tem sido considerado uma alternativa terapêutica potencialmente promissora em diversos estudos pré-clínicos e clínicos. O grande interesse das CEM para a terapia celular deve-se a uma série de características, tais como, facilidade de obtenção a partir de diversos tecidos e baixa imunogenicidade, podendo ser empregadas em transplantes alogênicos. Diversos órgãos e tecidos são apontados como fontes potenciais das CTM, destacando-se mais recentemente o tecido adiposo. Em função destes aspectos, busca-se com este projeto a proposição de uma metodologia para proliferação de CEM de tecido adiposo humano em biorreator tipo tanque agitado, visando estabelecer um sistema de proliferação robusto que concilie a eficiência no rendimento celular com um menor prejuízo à qualidade genética do cultivo. Para isso foram conduzidos experimentos em cultura estática, e suspensão de menor escala (frasco spinner) e larga escala (biorreator). Os resultados demonstraram a ausência de influência do volume de meio de cultura sobre o rendimento do cultivo celular em cultura estática. No desenvolvimento de um protocolo de cultivo em frasco spinner os resultados definiram a concentração celular inicial de 30:1 (2,4 x 104 células/mL), regime de adesão celular intermitente a 70 rpm, 10% de SFB no meio de cultura com renovação de 50% do meio a cada 72 h, microcarregador Cultispher-S em 1 g/L e velocidade de agitação de 50 rpm na fase proliferativa. A seguir foi otimizado o cultivo em larga escala em biorreator, que após um delineamento gradual de cada variável do bioprocesso ficou definido como sendo com: concentração celular inicial de 15:1 (1,2 x 104 células/mL), regime de adesão celular intermitente a 70 rpm, 10% de SFB no meio de cultura com renovação de 25% do meio a cada 48 h, velocidade de agitação de 50 rpm na fase proliferativa, pH 7,3, temperatura a 36,5° C, microcarregador Cultispher-S em 1 g/L e concentração de oxigênio dissolvido crescente de 20 a 40% (72 h para intervalo de ajuste). Os cultivos em biorreator também foram avaliados quanto a sua integridade genômica através do ensaio cometa que demonstrou senescência progressiva das células em cultivo e do teste do micronúcleo que foi similar a situação controle do início do cultivo. O trabalho demonstra que avaliações da integridade genômica do cultivo de CEM devem se tornar corriqueiras, para assim atestar confiabilidade à utilização das células proliferadas em larga escala para terapia celular.The use of MSC (multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells) has been considered a potentially promising therapeutic alternative in several preclinical and clinical studies. The great interest of MSC for cell therapy is due to a series of characteristics, such as ease of obtaining from different tissues and low immunogenicity, which can be used in allogeneic transplants. Several organs and tissues are identified as potential sources of MSC, with more emphasis on adipose tissue. In view of these aspects, this project seeks to propose a methodology for the proliferation of MSC of human adipose tissue in a stirring-tank bioreactor, aiming to establish a robust proliferation system that reconciles the efficiency in cell yield with a lesser loss to quality cultivation genetics. For this, experiments were conducted in static culture, and suspension of a smaller scale (spinner flask) and large scale (bioreactor). The results demonstrated the absence of influence of the volume of culture medium on the yield of cell culture in static culture. In the development of a spinner flask culture protocol, the results defined the initial cell concentration of 30:1 (2.4 x 104 cells/mL), intermittent cell adhesion regime at 70 rpm, 10% FBS in the culture medium with 50% renewal of the medium every 72 h, Cultispher-S microcarrier at 1 g/L and 50 rpm agitation speed in the proliferative phase. Next, large-scale cultivation in a bioreactor was optimized, which after a gradual design of each bioprocess variable was defined as: initial cell concentration of 15: 1 (1.2 x 104 cells/mL), cell adhesion regime intermittent at 70 rpm, 10% FBS in the culture medium with 25% renewal of the medium every 48 h, shaking speed of 50 rpm in the proliferative phase, pH 7.3, temperature at 36.5 ° C, Cultispher-S microcarrier at 1 g/L and dissolved oxygen concentration increasing from 20 to 40% (72 h for adjustment interval). Cultures in a bioreactor were also evaluated for their genomic integrity through the comet assay that demonstrated progressive senescence of the cells under cultivation and the micronucleus test that was similar to the control situation at the beginning of the cultivation. The work demonstrates that assessments of the genomic integrity of the MSC culture must become commonplace, in order to attest to the reliability of the large-scale use of proliferated cells for cell therapy

    Assessment of estrous cycle, ovarian and uterine tissue and fetal parameters of Wistar rats treated with Topiramate

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    Topiramate (TPM) is included in the newer generation of antiepileptic drugs and is known to have multiple mechanisms of action. The drug has also been used for reducing body weight. Its effect on reproductive tissues and estrous cycle deserve greater attention. Then, this study aimed to investigate possible effects of the drug on ovarian and uterine tissues, estrous cycle and some fetal parameters of non-epileptic Wistar rats. In Experiment I, females received tap water (C - Control group; n=8) or Topiramate (TPM group; 100 mg/kg; n=8), orally for 6 weeks. The estrous cycle and food consumption were monitored. Ovarian and uterine sections were examined under light microscopy. In Experiment II, pregnant rats of C and TPM groups received treatments during the pre-implantation, implantation or organogenesis period. In females of Experiment I, TPM had no effect on the food consumption, final body weight, weekly body weight and estrous cycle. Ovarian and uterine weight was similar in both groups. The kinetics of folliculogenesis was unaffected by treatment with the drug. There was a significant (p<0.05) decrease in endometrial thickness of TPM-group. In Experiment II, fetal weight was decreased (p<0.05) in all periods of TPM exposure. There was no effect of treatment on fetal external morphology. In conclusion, the findings indicate that TPM promotes discrete alterations in the uterine tissue, and causes decrease on the fetus weight after exposure in different gestational periods

    A busca pelo corpo perfeito vale a pena?: uma abordagem geral

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    Anabolic steroids are synthetic hormones used indiscriminately by young people motivated by gain of muscle mass and aesthetics. Similarly, the appetite suppressant has aroused interest, especially the women young, in the quest for reducing or maintaining body weight. In this search for the “perfect body”, adolescents often make use of such substances, without the knowledge of side effects that can promote health. Thus, the study evaluated through data collection, knowledge that students from public and private high school in the city of Assis-SP have about anabolic steroids and appetite suppressants. The results showed that there is little knowledge among adolescents on issues, as for example, what are these substances and the side effects that promote in the body, among others. It was concluded that there is a need for more in-depth educational approaches and present in the school environment and family experiences of these students, as well as awareness of the real importance of conquer the "perfect body" at all costs.Anabolizantes são hormônios sintéticos utilizados de forma indiscriminada por jovens motivados pelo ganho de massa muscular e pela estética. Da mesma forma, os moderadores de apetite tem despertado o interesse, principalmente das jovens, na busca pela redução ou manutenção do peso corpóreo. Nesta busca pelo “corpo perfeito”, os adolescentes muitas vezes fazem o uso de tais substâncias, sem o conhecimento dos efeitos colaterais que possam promover na saúde. Desta forma, o trabalho avaliou, por meio de levantamento de dados, o conhecimento que os alunos do Ensino Médio Público e Privado da cidade de Assis-SP têm sobre os anabolizantes e moderadores de apetite. Os resultados mostraram que há pouco conhecimento por parte dos adolescentes quanto às questões como, por exemplo, o que são estas substâncias e que efeitos colaterais promovem no organismo, entre outras. Concluiu-se que há a necessidade de abordagens educativas mais aprofundadas e presentes no contexto escolar e familiar desses alunos, além da conscientização da real importância de se conquistar o “corpo perfeito” a qualquer custo

    Melatonin Regulates the Daily Levels of Plasma Amino Acids, Acylcarnitines, Biogenic Amines, Sphingomyelins, and Hexoses in a Xenograft Model of Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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    Metabolic dysregulation as a reflection of specific metabolite production and its utilization is a common feature of many human neoplasms. Melatonin, an indoleamine that is highly available during darkness, has a variety of metabolic functions in solid tumors. Because plasma metabolites undergo circadian changes, we investigated the role of melatonin on the profile of amino acids (AAs), biogenic amines, carnitines, sphingolipids, and hexoses present in the plasma of mice bearing xenograft triple negative breast cancer (MDA-MB-231 cells) over 24 h. Plasma concentrations of nine AAs were reduced by melatonin, especially during the light phase, with a profile closer to that of non-breast cancer (BC) animals. With respect to acylcarnitine levels, melatonin reduced 12 out of 24 molecules in BC-bearing animals compared to their controls, especially at 06:00 h and 15:00 h. Importantly, melatonin reduced the concentrations of asymmetric dimethylarginine, carnosine, histamine, kynurenine, methionine sulfoxide, putrescine, spermidine, spermine, and symmetric dimethylarginine, which are associated with the BC metabolite sets. Melatonin also led to reduced levels of sphingomyelins and hexoses, which showed distinct daily variations over 24 h. These results highlight the role of melatonin in controlling the levels of plasma metabolites in human BC xenografts, which may impact cancer bioenergetics, in addition to emphasizing the need for a more accurate examination of its metabolomic changes at different time points

    Ativa Parkinson: benefícios da atividade física na qualidade de vida de pessoas com doença de Parkinson

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    Parkinson's disease (PD) is characterized from the dysfunction or death of dopamine-generating cells. Physical activity is used in the treatment of people with PD combined with dopaminergic medication treatment to improve the quality of life for this population and reduce disease progression. Thus, the aim of this study is to verify the effects of physical activity performed in ATIVA PARKINSON program on quality of life in people with PD. Ten people with PD participated in the study. The individuals have performed exercise twice a week, with one hour per session. Participants were evaluated after 4 months of exercise through a questionnaire that evaluated the benefits of exercise in quality of life. The results showed that physical activity program (ATIVA PARKINSON) improved the quality of life of people with PD. It was concluded that the ATIVA PARKINSON - Physical Activity Program for people with Parkinson's disease is able to improve the quality of life in individuals with PD, specially motor (signs/symptoms of disease and components of functional capacity) and non-motor (cognition, motivation, mood, etc) aspects.A doença de Parkinson (DP) é caracterizada pela disfunção ou morte dos neurônios produtores da dopamina. O exercício físico tem sido utilizado frequentemente como parte do tratamento de pessoas com DP combinado com o tratamento farmacológico para melhorar a qualidade de vida desta população e diminuir a progressão da doença. Com isso, o objetivo deste estudo é verificar os efeitos da atividade física desenvolvida no ATIVA PARKINSON na qualidade de vida das pessoas com DP. Participaram do estudo 10 pessoas com DP. Os participantes realizaram atividades por duas vezes na semana, com duração de uma hora por sessão. Os participantes foram avaliados após 4 meses de atividade física através de questionários que verificou os benefícios da qualidade de vida causadas pelo programa de exercício físico. Os resultados mostraram que o programa de atividade física melhorou a qualidade de vida das pessoas com DP. A partir dos resultados pode-se concluir que o ATIVA PARKINSON – Programa de Atividade Física para pessoas com Doença de Parkinson é capaz de melhorar a qualidade de vida de pessoas com DP, melhorando aspectos motores (sinais/sintomas da DP e componentes da capacidade física) e não motores (cognição, motivação, disposição, etc)

    Núcleos de Ensino da Unesp: artigos 2010: volume 7: tecnologias da informação e comunicação e material pedagógico

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    Molecular mechanisms probably involved in plant colonization and plant growth promotion identified in the <i>H. seropedicae</i> SmR1 genome.

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    <p>Plant signals can modulate the expression of bacterial genes coding for adhesins, type IV <i>pili</i> and enzymes of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) synthesis, triggering bacterial attachment to root surfaces. The molecular communication involves bacterial protein secretion and phytohormones to stimulate plant growth and modulate plant defense response. In addition, modulation of plant ethylene levels by ACC deaminase may contribute to plant growth promotion. The success of the endophytic association depends on a compatible genetic background that leads to benefits for both organisms.</p

    General features of the genome of <i>Herbaspirillum seropedicae</i> SmR1.

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    <p>General features of the genome of <i>Herbaspirillum seropedicae</i> SmR1.</p