56 research outputs found

    Anàlisi i classificació estacional de les carreteres catalanes

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    Aquesta tesina planteja l’anàlisi i quantificació del comportament estacional del trànsit a les vies catalanes per a poder establir una classificació de la xarxa, agrupant aquelles carreteres que segueixin pautes de variació de la circulació similars, de forma que els resultats obtinguts siguin aplicables al model de previsió de demanda futura del trànsit del SIMCAT. A partir de les intensitats horàries proporcionades pels aforaments permanents del país, es defineixen i calculen una sèrie d’indicadors amb els quals s’avaluen les variacions temporals del trànsit, ja siguin de períodes diari, setmanal o anual. Mitjançant l’aplicació de certs mètodes d’anàlisis multivariant sobre aquests indicadors, es pot obtenir la classificació final. La importància d’aquests mètodes radica en què ells mateixos constitueixen la justificació necessària per a garantir la idoneïtat dels resultats finals. Un cop obtinguda la classificació, s’analitza la mateixa per a caracteritzar els comportaments estacionals dels diferents tipus de vies que es poden presentar i extreure els valors representatius de cadascun que seran útils per al model de demanda. Finalment, també es calculen, com a caracteritzacions addicionals, per una banda, la corba característica d’intensitats horàries de cada un dels grups establerts i, per una altra, uns coeficients de relació directa entre aforaments de cobertura i permanents

    Chiral coherent control of electronic population transfer: towards all-optical and highly enantioselective photochemistry

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    Recent experiments have demonstrated highly enantioselective population transfer among rotational states using microwave fields with non-coplanar polarizations, a milestone in our ability to control chiral molecules. Extending this ability to the optical domain would open the door to all-optical enantioselective photochemistry, the next milestone in this direction. Here we show that the spatial variation of the field presents a major challenge along this route, limiting the interaction region to a thin layer with a thickness of the order of a wavelength. We provide a solution to this restriction by carefully designing the quantum pathways leading to the excited state. Our simulations reveal that the proposed scheme can result in differences of up to 19% in the excited state populations of R and S carvone. This is a major improvement over what is possible with circularly polarized light (~0.01%) and brings all-optical enantioselective photochemistry within reach for practical applications.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Design, simulation and implementation of a PMSM drive system

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    Field oriented control (FOC) of permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is one of the widely used methods for the speed control of the motor. A PMSM drive system based on FOC is designed, simulated and implemented. The whole drive system is simulated in Matlab/Simulink based on the mathematical model of the system devices including PMSM and inverter. The aim of the drive system is to have speed control over wide speed range. Simulation results show that the speed controller has a good dynamic response. A lab setup is designed and implemented based on a six-pole 2 kW PMSM. The measurement devices, voltage transducers, current transducers and resolver, are explained in this report. For the system control dSpace is used and Matlab/Simulink is used for the program development and implementation. Experimental results show that the drive system has a good dynamic response in terms of speed response and torque ripple. The drive system will be extended to serve as an isolated high power battery charger. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________El proyecto pretende diseñar un método de control de velocidad para dicho motor, llevar a cabo simulaciones en ordenador para comprobar la validez del método seleccionado y finalmente implementar en el laboratorio un sistema formado por motor, convertidor, diversos sensores y software controlador, con el cual realizar los ensayos oportunos para verificar el funcionamiento práctico del montaje. Para este fin se eligió el control de velocidad por orientación de flujo (en inglés, Flux Oriented Control o FOC). La máquina eléctrica diseñada para el proyecto es un motor síncrono de imanes permanentes (en inglés, Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine o PMSM) de 2 kW, 6 polos y rotor liso. La peculiaridad de este motor es su doble devanado estatórico. Este nos permite, por medio de una serie de relés capaces de cambiar la configuración eléctrica de los devanados, conectar ambos como uno único para el modo de tracción y separarlos en dos devanados aislados (a modo de transformador) en modo de carga. Para este proyecto, se conectaron como un único devanado en forma de estrella, ya que su uso solo requiere del modo tracción.Ingeniería Industria

    Origen de las dolomías en la zona de Riópar (SE España): implicaciones sobre la geología de la Zona Prebética

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    In the present study a petrographic description and C-O stable isotope data of dolostone occurrences at the Riópar area (Mesozoic Prebetic Zone) are presented. Results constrain the origin and dolomitization processes for each dolomitic unit providing new insights on the geology of the Prebetic. Dolostones are grouped in: i) large seismicscale stratabound dolostones hosted in limestones of Lower Jurassic, Middle Jurassic and Upper Cretaceous ages; and ii) stratabound and patchy dolostones hosted in a carbonatic sequence of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous age. Two dolomitizing origins have been distinguished: i) a low-temperature dolomitization originated from seawater (seismicscale stratabound dolomitized limestones); ii) a hydrothermal dolomitization originated by high temperature brines (stratabound and patchy dolomitized limestones). Results of this study can be used as a guide for other poorly known dolomitic areas in the Prebetic Zone.En este estudio se presenta la descripción petrográfica y los datos isotópicos de C y O de distintos cuerpos de dolomías en la zona de Riópar (Zona Mesozoica del Prebético). Los resultados obtenidos permiten acotar el origen de cada miembro dolomítico, aportando nuevos datos geológicos en el Prebético. Dichos cuerpos se agrupan en: i) dolomías estratiformes de gran extensión hospedadas en calizas del Jurásico Inferior y Medio, así como del Cretácico Superior; ii) dolomías de tipo estratiforme y en forma de parches hospedadas en una secuencia carbonatada del Jurásico Superior al Cretácico inferior. El origen de estas dolomitizaciones se atribuye a: i) interacción con agua marina presumiblemente a baja temperatura (dolomías estratiformes de gran extensión); ii) presencia de salmueras hidrotermales de alta temperatura (dolomías estratiformes y parcheadas). Estos resultados pueden servir de guía para otras áreas dolomitizadas poco estudiadas en la zona del Prebético.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO)pu

    C and O isotopes of the Riópar Non-Sulfide Zn Ores (Albacete, SE Spain)

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    Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasFALSEEspaña. Ministerio de Economía y Competitividadpu

    Sulfur and lead isotope systematics: Implications for the genesis of the Riópar Zn-(Fe-Pb) carbonate-hosted deposit (Prebetic Zone, SE Spain)

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    The Zn-(Fe-Pb) deposits of the Riópar area (Prebetic Zone, SE Spain) are hosted by dolostones that replace Berriasian to Valanginian (Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous) limestones. Mineralization consists of hypogene sphalerite, marcasite and galena, and supergene calamine zones. The hypogene ores are associated with a saddle dolomite gangue. The ore bodies occur as discordant and stratiform lenses, ore-cemented breccias, cm- to mm-wide veins and veinlets, disseminations and stylolite porosity filling within the host dolomites. The main ore controls include stratigraphy and/or lithology, tectonics (faults, fractures and breccias) and availability of metals and sulfur. The morphologies and epigenetic character of the hypogene ore bodies are consistent with the classification of this mineralization as a Mississippi Valley-type (MVT) deposit. The Ga/Ge geothermometer in sphalerite yielded a temperature range of 194-252ºC, which represents the temperature of the source region of the ore solution. This value is comparable to the temperature obtained in the ore deposition site, 159±15ºC from the Δ34S geothermometer in sphalerite galena pairs. This similitude points to a hydrothermal fluid that did not cool down significantly during flow from the fluid reservoir area to the precipitation site. δ34S values of base-metal sulfides (-7.5 to +3.5 ¿) are consistent with thermochemical reduction of Triassic sulfate (seawater and/or derived from dissolution of evaporites) by interaction with organic compounds (e.g., hydrocarbons, methane), which reduced sulfate to sulfide in the deposition site. The lead isotope ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.736-18.762; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.629-15.660; 208Pb/204Pb = 38.496-38.595) of galena suggest that Pb, and probably other metals as Zn, is derived from continental crustal rocks. On the other hand, these relations points to an unique metal source probably derived from the Paleozoic basement rocks. The relationship between bedding-parallel stylolites, dolomitization, sulfide precipitation and Alpine tectonic affecting the MVT ore, suggests a relative timing range for the mineralization in the Riópar area of 95 to 20 Ma (Upper Cretaceous-Tertiary). The sulfide mineralization and the associated dolomitization are thus explained by the contribution of two fluids that mixed in different proportions during dolomitization and mineralization: i) a fluid probably derived from Cretaceous seawater saturating Mesozoic sediments (Fluid A), characterized by being dilute and initially low temperature, which should have contained organic rich compounds in the ore deposition site (e.g., hydrocarbons and CH4 dissolved gas); and ii) a high salinity hydrothermal brine (Fluid B) rich in both metals and sulfate, circulated through the Paleozoic basement. During the pre-ore dolomitizing stage the fluid phase was dominated by the diluted fluid (Fluid A > Fluid B), whereas in a later fluid pulse, the proportion of the high salinity fluid increased (Fluid A < Fluid B) which allowed sulfide precipitation. MVT exploration in the Prebetic Zone should focus towards the SW of the Riópar mines, in the vicinity of the Alto Guadalquivir-San Jorge fault

    Petrography and geochemistry of fault-controlled hydrothermal dolomites in the Riópar area (Prebetic Zone, SE Spain)

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    The present paper reports the first detailed petrographical and geochemical studies of hydrothermal dolomites related to MVT Zn-(Fe-Pb) deposits in the Riópar area (Mesozoic Prebetic Basin, SE Spain), constraining the nature, origin and evolution of dolomitizing and ore-forming fluids. Mapping and stratigraphic studies revealed two stratabound dolostone geobodies connected by other patchy bodies, which replace carbonate units of Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous ages. These dolostones are associated to the W-E trending San Jorge fault, indicating a main tectonic control for fluid flow. Seven different dolomite types were identified: i) matrix-replacive planar-s (ReD-I); ii) matrix-replacive planar-e (ReD-II); iii) planar-e sucrosic cement (SuD); iv) non-planar grey saddle dolomite cement (SaD-I) pre-dating Zn-(Fe-Pb) sulfides; v) non-planar milky to pinkish saddle dolomite cement (SaD-II) post-dating Zn-(Fe-Pb) ores; vi) ore-replacive planar-e porphyrotopic (PoD); and vii) planar-s cloudy cement (CeD). Meteoric calcite types were also recognized. The different dolomite types are isotopically characterized by: i) depleted δ18O (from +25.1 to +27.6¿ V-SMOW) and δ13C (from -2.3 to +0.9¿ V-PDB) values compared to Upper Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous limestone signature (δ18O: +27.6 to +30.9¿ V-SMOW; δ13C: +0.5 to +3.2¿ V-PDB); and ii) 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the main dolomitization phases (ReD and SuD: 0.70736-0.70773) close to the Jurassic and Cretaceous carbonate values (0.70723-0.70731) whereas more radiogenic values (0.70741-0.70830) for saddle dolomites (SaD) related to the Zn-(Fe-Pb) sulfide mineralization prevailed after fluid interaction with Rb-bearing minerals. Microthermometrical studies on two-phase liquid and vapor fluid inclusion populations in planar and non-planar dolomites and sphalerite show homogenization temperatures between 150 and 250ºC. These data indicate that both planar and non-planar dolomite textures formed at high-temperatures under hydrothermal conditions in deep-burial diagenetic environments. The main dolomitizing phase (ReD-I/ReD-II and SaD-I) shows low to moderate fluid inclusions salinity (5 to 14 wt.% eq. NaCl), whereas the dolomitization related to ore precipitation (sphalerite and SaD-II) spreads to higher salinity values (5 to 25 wt.% eq. NaCl). These data may respond to a mixing between a low salinity fluid (fluid A, less than 5 wt.% eq. NaCl) and a more saline brine (fluid B, more than 25 wt.% eq. NaCl) at different fluid proportions

    CIBA2008, an experimental campaign on the atmospheric boundary layer: preliminary nocturnal results

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    Durante junio de 2008 se desarrolló una campaña de medidas en la Capa Límite Atmosférica en el CIBA (Centro de Investigaciones de la Baja Atmósfera), que se encuentra sobre un extenso páramo de la meseta norte (41º49’ N, 4º56’ W) de características de terreno homogéneo. Se ha dispuesto de instrumentación sobre una nueva torre meteorológica de 10 m, que incluye en varios niveles sensores de temperatura y humedad, anemómetros de cazoletas y veletas, así como un anemómetro sónico. Se disponía de dos microbarómetros con tecnología de cuarzo en los niveles de 50 y 100m sobre la torre principal (100 m) del CIBA. Además, tres microbarómetros adicionales se situaron en una disposición triangular de unos 200 m de lado en la superficie. Por otra parte, se utilizó un globo cautivo para la determinación de perfiles verticales de temperatura, viento y humedad hasta 1000 m de altura. Finalmente, un monitor de partículas GRIMM (MODELO 365), que permite la medida simultánea y continua de PM10, PM2.5 y PM1 cada 6 segundos, se instaló a 1.5m del suelo. Este trabajo mostrará algunos resultados preliminares de la campaña CIBA2008, analizando los principales procesos físicos presentes en la Capa Límite Nocturna (NBL), los diferentes periodos de estabilidad observados y los correspondientes parámetros turbulentos, así como las estructuras coherentes detectadas. Las perturbaciones de presión medidas en los diferentes microbarómetros permiten estudiar los principales parámetros ondulatorios a través de transformadas wavelet, y comparar dichas estructuras con las detectadas en los registros de viento y de partículas.This research has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (projects CGL 2006-12474-C03-03 and CGL2009-12797-C03-03). GR58/08 program (supported by BSCH and UCM) has also partially financed this work through the Research Group “Micrometeorology and Climate Variability” (nº 910437)

    Dolomitization Related to Zn-(Pb) Deposits in the Río Mundo Area (Riópar, Albacete)

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    España. Ministerio de Economía y CompetitividadDepto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu