207 research outputs found

    Carcinoma uroteliale in cisti pielogena

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    Urothelial carcinoma in a pyelocaliceal cyst Renal complex cysts are lesions whose nature can be either benign or malignant. Depending on the presence of septa, solid components, enhancement or calcifications, they are distinguished according to the Bosniak classi- fication based on CT findings, as well as MRI and ETG. We report a rare case of urothelial carcinoma, originating over a pyelocalyceal cyst in a 50-year-old man, and classified as Bosniak IIF by CT and MRI investigations

    Compliance to therapy with Dapoxetine in comparison to a conventional selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (Citalopram) in 118 patients with premature ejaculation.

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    Premature Ejaculation (PE) is a sexual dysfunction that concern 20-30% of the male population. Dapoxetine is a new serotonine re-uptake inhibitor (SSRI)specific for PE treatment.Aim of the study is to assess compliance and effectiveness of the treatment with dapoxetine compared to the treatment with citalopram (a classic SSRI used to treat PE)


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    LOWER RESPONSE TO INTRAVESICAL ADJUVANT THERAPY IN HIGH-RISK BLADDER CANCER COULD BE RELATED TO THE UROTHELIAL EXPRESSION OF EGFR Cristina Scalici Gesolfo1, Sebastiano Billone1, Alessio Guarneri1, Marco Vella1, Alessandro Perez2, Graziella Cangemi2, Antonio Russo2, Alchiede Simonato1,Vincenzo Serretta1 and GSTU Foundation3 1Section of Urology, Department of Surgical, Oncological and Stomatological Sciences, University of Palermo, Palermo, Palermo, Italy; 2Section of Medical Oncology, Department of Surgical, Oncological and Stomatological Sciences, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy; 3Palermo, Italy Introduction: Studies on the role of EGFR in non-muscleinvasive bladder cancer (non-MIBC) are lacking. EGFR expression has been determined mainly in tissue specimens of MIBC and its overexpression has been associated with worse prognosis and shorter survival. Urothelial EGFR status after transurethral resection (TUR) of non-MIBC could indicate the risk of recurrence and progression. We investigated the feasibility of EGFR measurement in bladder washings of patients undergoing intravesical adjuvant therapy for non-MIBC and its usefulness in identifying risk subgroups. Patients and Methods: Our prospective study included patients after TUR of non-MIBC and healthy controls. Samples of bladder washings were centrifuged at 4˚C for 10 minutes at 1500 rpm, washed in cold phosphate buffer saline solution and centrifuged again obtaining a cellular pellet stored at −80˚C until RNA extraction was performed by miRNeasy Mini Kit (QiagenR). A Nanodrop ND-2000 spectrophotometer was used to check for good quality of RNA. RNA criteria to proceed with reverse transcription to cDNA: minimum 500 ng/ml, protein (260/280) solvents and organic compounds (260/230), contamination ratio 1.7-2.5. The cDNA obtained from RNA by High Capacity cDNA Reverse Transcription Kit (Life TechnologiesR) was used to perform a gene expression analysis by a real-time PCR, according to the method of the comparative quantification (ΔΔCt) with an endogenous control (cyclophilin). Every reaction was set in triplicate as a further guarantee of quality. The patients were grouped for EAU risk class and maintained in follow-up. EGFR expressions were statistically analyzed according to EAU risk groups and to patients’ outcomes. EGFR gene expression values were expressed in folds of change compared to healthy controls (EGFR=1). Results: Fifty-eight patients and 21 healthy age-matched controls were entered. An adequate cellular pellet was obtained in 50 patients (86.2%) showing a median EGFR expression of 2.0-fold (IQR=0.6-4.3-fold, p=0.0004). The median level of EGFR varied considerably among the EAU risk classes. After TUR and adjuvant intravesical therapy, in 22 (55%) out of 40 high-risk patients, EGFR decreased to 1.3-fold (IQR=0.9-1.5-fold), while 18 (45%) showed elevated EGFR, median=4.7-fold (IQR=4.1-11.6-fold). At 25 months median follow-up (IQR=19.0-34.8 months), 20 (40%) patients experienced recurrence and six (12%) progression. Among patients with and those without EGFR gene increase, disease in nine (22.5%) and five (12.5%) recurred and in five (12.5%) and one (2.5%) progressed, respectively. Conclusion: In our experience EGFR expression measurement was feasible in more than 85% of patients and was related to EAU risk classes for recurrence and progression, showing different behavior during intravesical therapy. It was possible to identify a subgroup of high-risk patients overexpressing EGFR in spite of intravesical adjuvant therapy. EGFR evaluation in bladder washing could represent a repeatable and useful tool to identify a subgroup of patients at risk for progression predicted as not being responsive to intravesical adjuvant therapy and candidates for early radical cystectomy. We wish to thank GSTU Foundation for data and statistical management


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    INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Up to day, EGFR expression has been determined mainly in tissue specimens of muscleinvasive bladder cancer and its overexpression has been associated with worse prognosis and shorter survival. Urothelial EGFR status after NMIBC transurethral resection (TUR) could indicate the risk of recurrence and progression. We investigated the feasibility of EGFR measurement in bladder washings of patients undergoing intravesical adjuvant therapy for NMIBC and its usefulness in identifying risk subgroups. METHODS: Our prospective study included patients after TUR of NMIBC and healthy controls. A cellular pellet was obtained from bladder washing, and RNA extraction performed by miRNeasy Mini Kit (Qiagen). Good quality of RNA was checked. The cDNA obtained from RNA was used to perform a gene expression analysis by a Real Time PCR, according to the method of the comparative quantification (DDCt) with an endogenous control (Cyclophilin). Every reaction was set in triplicate as a guarantee of quality. Patients were grouped for EAU risk class and maintained in follow-up. The EGFR expressions were statistically analyzed according to EAU risk groups and to patients0 outcome. EGFR gene expression values were expressed in FOLDs of change compared to healthy controls (EGFR¼1). RESULTS: Fifty-eight patients and 21 healthy age-matched controls were entered. An adequate cellular pellet was obtained in 50 patients (86.2%) showing a median EGFR expression of 2.0 folds (IQR 0.6-4.3, p¼0.0004). After TUR and adjuvant intravesical therapy, 22 (55%) out of 40 high-risk patients, showed EGFR decrease to 1.3 folds (IQR 0.9-1.5), while 18 (45%) showed elevated EGFR, median 4.7 (IQR 4.1-11.6). At 25 months median follow-up (IQR 19.0-34.8), 20 (40%) patients recurred and 6 (12%) progressed. Among patients with or without EGFR gene increase, 9 (22.5%) and 5 (12.5%) recurred and 5 (12.5%) and 1 (2.5%) progressed, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: In our experience EGFR expression measurement was feasible in more than 85% of patients and resulted related to EAU risk classes for recurrence and progression, showing different behavior during intravesical therapy. It was possible to identify a subgroup of high risk patients overexpressing EGFR in spite of intravesical adjuvant therapy. EGFR evaluation in bladder washing could represent a repeatable and useful tool to identify a subgroup of patients at risk for progression unresponsive to intravesical adjuvant therapy and candidate to early radical cystectom

    Hypofractionated postoperative helical tomotherapy in prostate cancer: a mono-institutional report of toxicity and clinical outcomes

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    Purpose: This is a mono-institutional study of acute and late toxicities and early biochemical control of a retrospective series of 75 prostate cancer patients treated with moderate postoperative hypofractionation delivered by helical tomotherapy (HT).Patients and methods: From April 2013 to June 2017, 75 patients received adjuvant (n=37) or salvage (n=38) treatment, delivering to prostate bed a total dose of 63.8 Gy (equivalent dose in 2-Gy fraction..67.4 Gy) using 2.2 Gy fractions. Whole-pelvis irradiation was performed in 63% of cases (median dose, 49.3 Gy; range, 48-55.1 Gy). Concurrent hormonal therapy was administered in 46% of cases. Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (version 4.0) was adopted for acute and late genitourinary (GU) and gastrointestinal (GI) toxicity evaluations. Biochemical progression was defined as PSA level increase of >= 0.2 or more above the postoperative radiotherapy (RT) nadir.Results: Acute GU toxicities were as follows: G1 in 46% and G2 in 4%, detecting no G >= 3 events. For GI toxicity, we recorded G1 in 36% and G2 in 18%. With a median follow-up of 30 months (range, 12-58 months), we found late toxicity G2 GI in 6.6% and G >= 2 GU in 5.3%, including two patients who underwent surgical incontinence correction. Acute toxicity and diabetes were found to be predictive of late GI >= 2 toxicity (P=0.04 and P=0.0019). Actuarial 2- and 3-year biochemical recurrence-free survivals were 88% and 73%, respectively, for the entire population.Conclusion: In our experience, moderate hypofractionated postoperative RT with HT was feasible and safe, with reports of low incidence of toxicity and promising biochemical control rates


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    Introduction: Communication between doctors is traditionally conducted by written clinical charts. Mobile health is becoming an integral part of modern medical systems, improving accessibility and quality of medical care. Recent papers suggest that an increasing number of doctors are using in their clinical practice mobile tools to communicate clinical informations (1, 2). The aim of our study was to verify the adoption of WhatsApp Messenger in everyday clinical practice to obtain a real-time multidisciplinary collaboration among medical centers located in different areas of the city. Materials and Methods: In January 2016 a WhatsApp Messenger group was created among 25 specialists: 9 urologists, 9 oncologists, 3 urology residents, 3 radiotherapists and 1 general practitioner. A general coordinator and a group coordinator for each specialty was monthly appointed. The participants were invited to interact within the group clinical cases of genitourinary tumors of particular complexity requiring a multidisciplinary approach. All the chats were registered. A preliminary analysis of the activity of the group was planned after the first 10 entered patients. An evaluation questionnaire was sent after 6 months to evaluate the level of appreciation. The questionnaire was composed of a first section investigating the appreciation among the members of the group and a second section analyzing the impact in their everyday clinical practice of whatsapp multidisciplinary consultation. Results: In 10 (91%) out of 11 patients the WhatsApp consultation was completed, one case was not of oncological interest. An average of 8 (range=2-13) specialists joined the chat for each patient. An average of 17.6 (range: 4-43) interventions for each clinical case was recorded. On the average, 27%, 54% and 19% of the interventions for each clinical case were provided by oncologists, urologists and radiotherapists respectively. In 9 (81.8%) cases a final agreement on the patient's management was reached. At the evaluation questionnaire in a scale 1-10, the average rating score of appreciation was 7.8 (range=4-10). Relevant suggestions to improve the Whatsapp Messenger consultation were obtained and will be considered for future application the ameliorate the tool. Discussion: WhatsApp is a useful alternative and powerful complementary communication tool because of its capability to rapidly transfer large amount of clinical and radiological data. In our experience this new approach for multidisciplinary consultations improved collaboration among different specialist in different areas of the city through an easier and more informal change of opinions. In difficult and complex cases a rapid multidisciplinary approach allowed to offer the patient a personalized and tailored therapy management. GSTU Foundation. 1Sidhoum N, Dast S, Abdulshakoor A, Assaf N, Herlin C and Sinna R: WhatsApp: Improvement tool for surgical team communication. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg 69: 1562-1563, 2016. 2 Gould G and Nilforooshan R: WhatsApp Doc? BMJ Innov 2(3): 109-110, 201

    Multicentre International Study for the Prevention with iAluRil of Radio-induced Cystitis (MISTIC) : A Randomised Controlled Study

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    Radiation-induced cystitis is a common side effect of radiotherapy (RT) to the pelvic area. Hyaluronic acid (HA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) are components of the urothelial mucosa and positive results have been obtained for intravesical HA/CS instillations for the treatment of urinary tract infections and bladder pain syndrome. HA/CS may also have a protective effect against RT bladder toxicity. To investigate whether HA and CS protect the urothelium during RT, alleviate lower urinary tract symptoms, and improve quality of life. This multicentre randomised controlled trial was conducted across seven centres in four countries. Male patients aged ≥18 yr scheduled to undergo primary intensity-modulated radiotherapy for localised prostate cancer were enrolled. Patients were randomised to intravesical HA/CS plus an oral formulation of curcumin, quercetin, HA, and CS (group A) or no treatment (group B). The primary endpoint was absolute changes from baseline to follow-up in urinary domain scores for the Expanded Prostate Cancer Index Composite (EPIC), the International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (ICIQ-MLUTS), and the EuroQol Group EQ-5D-5L questionnaire. Data analysis for efficacy and safety outcomes was performed using an intention-to-treat (ITT) approach; the ITT population was defined as all randomised patients. Of 57 patients screened, 49 were enrolled and randomly assigned to either active treatment (group A, n = 25) or the control (group B, n = 24). Three patients in the control group withdrew after randomisation. Changes from baseline to 12 mo were worse in the control group for subtotal scores for urinary symptoms and impact of symptoms on quality of life and for the total score (p = 0.05, p = 0.003, and p = 0.008, respectively). There was a significant time × group interaction in favour of active treatment for the incontinence symptom score (p = 0.011) and bother score (p = 0.017). The absence of a sham procedure and/or placebo is the main limitation. Our results suggest that intravesical HA/CS in combination with an oral formulation may reduce urinary symptoms and improve QoL at short-term (1 yr) follow-up. We investigated whether hyaluronic acid (HA) and chondroitin sulfate (CS) have a protective effect against the bladder toxicity of radiotherapy for prostate cancer. HA/CS used for weekly bladder irrigation for 6 wk and given orally with curcumin and quercetin for 12 wk reduced urinary incontinence symptoms and bother measured at 1-year follow-up. This may hold promise as a preventive treatment if the results are confirmed in further trials. Our findings show a beneficial effect of intravesical hyaluronic acid (HA)/chondroitin sulfate (SC) plus the oral combination of curcumin, quercetin, HA, and CS for prevention of acute and late (1 yr) radiation-induced cystitis and improvement in quality of life. The current strategy may have a place among treatment options for the prevention of radiation-induced bladder complications, which until now have been limited to symptom-relieving and temporary modalities
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