54 research outputs found

    A Local Signature of LTP-Like Plasticity Induced by Repetitive Paired Associative Stimulation

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    Repetitive paired associative stimulation (rPAS) repeatedly pairs electrical nerve stimulation (ENS) with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the contralateral motor hand area (M1) at 5 Hz frequency. So far, there are only few studies concerning the effects of PAS on the modulation of EEG power. Hence, aim of the present study was to investigate rPAS long term after-effects on cortical excitability looking at EEG power spectra. In four experimental sessions, separated by 2 weeks interval, 12 awake subjects received rPAS of the right median nerve and left M1 at a fixed interval (ISI) of 25 ms (real condition), 5 Hz-TMS on left M1, 5 Hz-ENS, of the right median nerve, and rPAS with changing ISI (sham condition). We measured peak-to-peak MEP amplitude, evoked from the target muscle (right abductor pollicis brevis muscle) at rest and the absolute power (POW) in four frequency bands: \u3b1 (8-12 Hz), \u3b2 (13-30), \u3b8 (4-7) and \u3b4 (1-3), under rest conditions. All these parameters were evaluated in three detection blocks: baseline, immediately after and after 30' from the end of the conditioning protocol. Real rPAS induced a long-lasting homotopic cortical excitability modulation, as indexed by MEP amplitude increase, that was paralleled by a long-lasting reduction of \u3b1/\u3b2-POW and by a widespread \u3b8-\u3b4-POW modulation. rPAS applied over the sensory-motor cortex induced an LTP-like plasticity, as indexed by a robust reduction in the \u3b1/\u3b2 POW positively correlated with the MEP amplitude increase. rPAS25ms may be a useful tool for motor neurorehabilitation promoting a sensory-motor coupling within \u3b2 oscillations

    Use of nutritional supplement to improve performance in professional soccer players: A case report

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    The aim of the study was to investigate the intake percentage and the satisfaction level of some nutritional supplements used by professional soccer players. Twenty-nine professional soccer players (age: 24.6 ± 5.2 years, body weight: 79.2 ± 4.9 kg, body height: 1.83 ± 0.05 m) belonging to a team of Serie A were interviewed on: frequency of use, tolerability, and acceptance of the supplements (creatine, β-alanine, whey protein, nitrates, vitamin D3, caffeine) proposed by the nutritionist team. This survey revealed a great inter-individual variability on the intake of the proposed supplements. All respondents (n = 29) said they take cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), 17 out of 29 creatine, 14 out of 29 whey protein, and 10 out of 29 dietary nitrates. No participants declared to assume β-alanine or caffeine anhydrous. Cholecalciferol resulted the most accepted supplement, followed by creatine and whey protein. Study participants prefer to take dietary nitrates through the consumption of vegetable juices, primarily from fennel and celery juice, and only two out of twenty-nine regularly taking concentrated beet juice. Since none of the twenty-nine participants interviewed uses β-alanine and caffeine in anhydrous form, the daily contribution of caffeine is mainly guaranteed by the consumption of coffee

    Wild-type transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis is not rare in elderly subjects: the CATCH screening study

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    Background: Wild-type transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis (ATTRwt-CA) affects older adults and is currently considered as a rare disorder. Objective: We investigated for the first time the prevalence of ATTRwt-CA in elderly individuals from the general population. Methods: General practitioners from Pisa, Italy, proposed a screening for ATTRwt-CA to all their patients aged 65-90 years, until 1,000 accepted. The following red flags were searched: interventricular septal thickness ≥12 mm, any echocardiographic, ECG or clinical hallmark of CA, or high sensitivity-troponin T ≥14 ng/L. Individuals with at least one red flag (n=346) were asked to undergo the search for a monoclonal protein and bone scintigraphy, and 216 accepted. Results: Four patients received a non-invasive diagnosis of ATTRwt-CA. All complained of dyspnea on moderate effort. A woman and a man aged 79 and 85 years, respectively, showed an intense cardiac tracer uptake (grade 3), left ventricular (LV) wall thickening, grade 2 to 3 diastolic dysfunction, and N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) >1,000 ng/L. Two other patients (a man aged 74 years and a woman aged 83 years) showed a grade 2 uptake, an increased LV septal thickness, but preserved diastolic function, and NT-proBNP <300 ng/L. The prevalence of ATTR-CA in subjects ≥65 years was calculated as 0.46% (i.e., 4 out of the 870 subjects completing the screening, namely 654 not meeting the criteria for Step 2 and 216 progressing to Step 2). Conclusions: ATTRwt-CA is uncommon in elderly subjects from the general population, but more frequent than expected for a rare disease

    Role of Imaging in Cardiomyopathies

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    Imaging has a central role in the diagnosis, classification, and clinical management of cardiomyopathies. While echocardiography is the first-line technique, given its wide availability and safety, advanced imaging, including cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), nuclear medicine and CT, is increasingly needed to refine the diagnosis or guide therapeutic decision-making. In selected cases, such as in transthyretin-related cardiac amyloidosis or in arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, the demonstration of histological features of the disease can be avoided when typical findings are observed at bone-tracer scintigraphy or CMR, respectively. Findings from imaging techniques should always be integrated with data from the clinical, electrocardiographic, biomarker, genetic and functional evaluation to pursue an individualised approach to patients with cardiomyopathy

    The Role of Scintigraphy with Bone Radiotracers in Cardiac Amyloidosis

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    : Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is caused by the myocardial deposition of misfolded proteins, either amyloid transthyretin (ATTR) or immunoglobulin light chains (AL). The paradigm of this condition has transformed, since CA is increasingly recognized as a relatively prevalent cause of heart failure. Cardiac scintigraphy with bone tracers is the unique noninvasive technique able to confirm CA without performing tissue biopsy or advanced imaging tests. A moderate-to-intense myocardial uptake (Perugini grade ≥2) associated with the absence of a monoclonal component is greater than 99% specific for ATTR-CA, while AL-CA confirmation requires tissue biopsy

    Tissue Characterization in Cardiac Amyloidosis

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    : Cardiac amyloidosis (CA) has long been considered a rare disease, but recent advancements in diagnostic tools have led to a reconsideration of the epidemiology of CA. Amyloid light-chain (AL) and transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidoses are the most common forms of cardiac amyloidosis. Due to the distinct treatments and the different prognoses, amyloid typing is crucial. Although a non-biopsy diagnosis can be obtained in ATTR amyloidosis when certain diagnostic criteria are fulfilled, tissue characterization still represents the gold standard for the diagnosis and typing of CA, particularly in AL amyloidosis. The present review focuses on the status of tissue characterization in cardiac amyloidosis, from histochemistry to immunohistochemistry and mass spectrometry, as well as on its future directions

    Regional Characterization of the Gottingen Minipig Brain by [18 F]FDG Dynamic Pet Modeling.

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    Purpose: To determine the best kinetic model to be applied on dynamic brain [18 F]FDG PET images by characterizing the regional brain glucose metabolism of normal Göttingen minipigs. Methods: Nine Göttingen minipigs were scanned with a clinical PET/CT tomograph, starting from the injection of an intravenous bolus of [18 F]FDG, for about 25 min. Dynamic images were reconstructed and nine brain regions of interest (ROI), plus a vascular region, were defined and time-activity curves (TAC) were determined. Three kinetic models were considered for fitting with experimental TACs: one-tissue compartment model 1TC, two-tissue irreversible compartment model 2TCi and two-tissue reversible model 2TC. Akaike Information Criterion was considered to evaluate the goodness of each model fitting. Regional and global kinetic parameter values were evaluated, in addition to the partition coefficient, net influx rate and retention index (RI). Results: Both 2TCi and 2TC models turned out to be good choices for the next analysis. Parameter values were very similar between the different brain regions, with similar values to when the brain as a whole is considered (kinetic parameters mean values, from 2TCi model: K1 = 1.0 ml/g/min, k2 = 0.49 min− 1, k3 = 0.034 min− 1, K1/k2 = 2.14ml/g, Ki =0.069 ml/g/min; from 2TC model: K1 = 1.10 ml/g/min, k2 = 0.54 min− 1, k3 = 0.058 min− 1, k4 = 0.039 min− 1, K1/k2 = 2.18 ml/g, Ki = 0.10 ml/g/min; RI mean ± sd: 0.147 ± 0.037 min− 1), with the exception of the cerebellum (mean values from the 2TCi model: K1 = 0.52 ml/g/min, k2 = 0.56 min− 1, k3 = 0.025 min− 1, K1/k2 = 0.98ml/g, Ki=0.022 ml/g/min; from 2TC model: K1 = 0.54 ml/g/min, k2 = 0.61 min− 1, k3 = 0.044 min− 1, k4 = 0.038 min− 1, K1/k2 = 0.95ml/g, Ki=0.032 ml/g/min; RI mean ± sd: 0.071 ± 0.018 min− 1). Conclusion: The two-tissue model is able to describe the regional brain metabolism in Göttingen minipigs. Compared to the 2TCi model, in the 2TC model the k4 micro-parameter was also evaluated. This led to adjustments of the other microparameters, especially k3 and consequently the net influx rate Ki. For healthy minipigs, the glucose metabolism was similar in all of the brain regions analyzed, with the exception of the cerebellum, where the FDG uptake was lower

    Interobserver variability of clinical target volume delineation in soft-tissue sarcomas

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    The present observational study reports the results of a multi-institutional dummy-run designed to estimate the consistency of interobserver variability in clinical target volume delineation in two different cases of soft-tissue sarcomas in which postoperative and preoperative radiotherapy were prescribed, respectively. The purpose of this work was to quantify interobserver variability in routine clinical practice