29 research outputs found

    Estimation of biogas produced by the landfill of Palermo, applying a Gaussian model

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    In this work, a procedure is suggested to assess the rate of biogas emitted by the Bellolampo landfill (Palermo, Italy), starting from the data acquired by two of the stations for monitoring meteorological parameters and polluting gases. The data used refer to the period November 2005–July 2006. The methane concentration, measured in the CEP suburb of Palermo, has been analysed together with the meteorological data collected by the station situated inside the landfill area. In the present study, the methane has been chosen as a tracer of the atmospheric pollutants produced by the dump. The data used for assessing the biogas emission refer to night time periods characterized by weak wind blowing from the hill toward the city. The methane rate emitted by the Bellolampo dump has been evaluated using a Gaussian model and considering the landfill both as a single point source and as a multiple point one. The comparison of the results shows that for a first approximation it is sufficient to consider the landfill of Palermo as a single point source. Starting from the monthly percentage composition of the biogas, estimated for the study period, the rate of biogas produced by the dump was evaluated. The total biogas produced by the landfill, obtained as the sum of the emitted component and the recovered one, ranged from 7519.97 to 10,153.7 m 3 /h. For the study period the average monthly estimations of biogas emissions into the atmosphere amount to about 60% of the total biogas produced by the landfill, a little higher than the one estimated by the com- pany responsible for the biogas recovery plant at the landfill

    Bioaccumulation of dioxin-like substances and selected brominated flame retardant congeners in the fat and livers of black pigs farmed within the Nebrodi Regional Park of Sicily.

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    An observational study was designed to assess the bioaccumulation of polychlorodibenzodioxins (PCDD) and polychlorodibenzofurans (PCDF), dioxin-like polychlorobiphenyls (DL-PCB), and 13 selected polybromodiphenylethers (PBDE) in autochthonous pigs reared in the Nebrodi Park of Sicily (Italy). Perirenal fat and liver samples were drawn from animals representative of three different outdoor farming systems and from wild pigs and then analyzed for the chemicals mentioned previously. The highest concentrations of PCDD + PCDF and DL-PCB were detected in the fat (0.45 and 0.35 pg World Health Organization toxicity equivalents [WHO-TE] per g of fat base [FB], respectively) and livers (12.7 and 3.28 pg WHO-TE per g FB) of the wild group, whereas the free-ranging group showed the lowest levels (0.05 and 0.03 pg WHO-TE per g FB in fat and 0.78 and 0.27 pg WHO-TE per g FB in livers). The sum of PBDE congeners was highest in wild pigs (0.52 ng/g FB in fat and 5.64 ng/g FB in livers) and lowest in the farmed group (0.14 ng/g FB in fat and 0.28 ng/g FB in livers). The contamination levels in fat and livers of outdoor pigs had mean concentration values lower than those levels reported for intensively indoor-farmed animals. In wild pigs, bioaccumulation was associated with their free grazing in areas characterized by bush fires. The results of this study aid to emphasize the quality of the environment as a factor to guarantee food safety in typical processed pig meat products, specifically from outdoor and extensive Nebrodi farming systems

    Adaptation to flood risk: Results of international paired flood event studies

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    As flood impacts are increasing in large parts of the world, understanding the primary drivers of changes in risk is essential for effective adaptation. To gain more knowledge on the basis of empirical case studies, we analyze eight paired floods, that is, consecutive flood events that occurred in the same region, with the second flood causing significantly lower damage. These success stories of risk reduction were selected across different socioeconomic and hydro-climatic contexts. The potential of societies to adapt is uncovered by describing triggered societal changes, as well as formal measures and spontaneous processes that reduced flood risk. This novel approach has the potential to build the basis for an international data collection and analysis effort to better understand and attribute changes in risk due to hydrological extremes in the framework of the IAHSs Panta Rhei initiative. Across all case studies, we find that lower damage caused by the second event was mainly due to significant reductions in vulnerability, for example, via raised risk awareness, preparedness, and improvements of organizational emergency management. Thus, vulnerability reduction plays an essential role for successful adaptation. Our work shows that there is a high potential to adapt, but there remains the challenge to stimulate measures that reduce vulnerability and risk in periods in which extreme events do not occur

    Adaptation to flood risk - results of international paired flood event studies

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    As flood impacts are increasing in large parts of the world, understanding the primary drivers of changes in risk is essential for effective adaptation. To gain more knowledge on the basis of empirical case studies, we analyze eight paired floods, that is, consecutive flood events that occurred in the same region, with the second flood causing significantly lower damage. These success stories of risk reduction were selected across different socioeconomic and hydro‐climatic contexts. The potential of societies to adapt is uncovered by describing triggered societal changes, as well as formal measures and spontaneous processes that reduced flood risk. This novel approach has the potential to build the basis for an international data collection and analysis effort to better understand and attribute changes in risk due to hydrological extremes in the framework of the IAHSs Panta Rhei initiative. Across all case studies, we find that lower damage caused by the second event was mainly due to significant reductions in vulnerability, for example, via raised risk awareness, preparedness, and improvements of organizational emergency management. Thus, vulnerability reduction plays an essential role for successful adaptation. Our work shows that there is a high potential to adapt, but there remains the challenge to stimulate measures that reduce vulnerability and risk in periods in which extreme events do not occur

    Relazione tecnica sulle attività della campagna oceanografica “Evatir 2015”

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    La campagna oceanografica “EVATIR 2015”, condotta a bordo della N/O “G. Dallaporta”, è la quinta campagna di valutazione acustica della biomassa pelagica nelle acque del Tirreno condotta dall’IAMC-CNR. La campagna è parte integrante del Progetto "Estensione della Campagna acustica Medias (Mediterranean International Acoustic Survey) nelle sub aree geografiche (GSA) 9 (Mar Ligure e Mar Tirreno settentrionale) e 10 (Mar Tirreno centrale e meridionale)" (CUP n. J52I15002440006), finanziato dal Mipaaf nell'ambito del Fondo Europeo per gli Affari Marittimi e la Pesca (FEAMP). Infatti, il FEAMP prevede un sostegno per le attività di raccolta e gestione e utilizzo dei dati, così come previsto all’art. 25, parr. 1 e 2, del Reg. (UE) 1380/2013 e ulteriormente specificato nel Reg. (CE) 199/2008. Le ricerche condotte in tale periodo sono state finalizzate principalmente alla valutazione della biomassa e della distribuzione spaziale delle popolazioni di piccoli pelagici ed allo studio delle relative condizioni ambientali. Le specie target del progetto sono l’acciuga europea (Engraulis encrasicolus) e la sardina (Sardina pilchardus), specie chiave sia a livello commerciale che ecologico. Le specie ittiche di piccoli pelagici, come sardine e acciughe, rappresentano uno dei prodotti sbarcati più importanti dalle marinerie del Mediterraneo e siciliane. Purtroppo, la gestione di queste risorse è abbastanza complicata poiché si tratta di specie a breve ciclo di vita, caratterizzate da ampie oscillazioni interannuali nella abbondanza dello stock dovuta principalmente al fallimento del reclutamento annuale. La variabilità nel reclutamento e le conseguenti oscillazioni di biomassa sono principalmente legate alla variabilità di habitat e in misura minore allo sforzo di pesca. L’obiettivo principale dei piani di monitoraggio di queste risorse si basa sulla possibilità di valutare di anno in anno le fluttuazioni di abbondanza dello stock e il conseguente livello di reclutamento, al fine di una della gestione sostenibile della pesca delle risorse stesse

    Circulating β-endorphin, adrenocorticotrophic hormone and cortisol levels of stallions before and after short road transport: stress effect of different distances

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since transport evokes physiological adjustments that include endocrine responses, the objective of this study was to examine the responses of circulating β-endorphin, adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) and cortisol levels to transport stress in stallions.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty-two healthy Thoroughbred and crossbred stallions were studied before and after road transport over distances of 100, 200 and 300 km. Blood samples were collected from the jugular vein: first in a single box immediately before loading (pre-samples), then immediately after transport and unloading on arrival at the breeding stations (post-samples).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An increase in circulating β-endorphin levels after transport of 100 km (<it>P </it>< 0.01), compared to basal values was observed. Circulating ACTH levels showed significant increases after transport of 100 km (<it>P </it>< 0.001) and 200 km (<it>P </it>< 0.001). Circulating cortisol levels showed significant increases after road transport over distances of 100, 200 and 300 km (<it>P </it>< 0.001). An effect of transport on β-endorphin, ACTH and cortisol variations was therefore evident for the different distances studied. No significant differences (<it>P </it>> 0.05) between horses of different ages and different breeds were observed for β-endorphin, ACTH and cortisol levels.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The results obtained for short term transportation of stallions showed a very strong reaction of the adrenocortical system. The lack of response of β-endorphin after transport of 200–300 km and of ACTH after transport of 300 km seems to suggest a soothing effect of negative feedback of ACTH and cortisol levels.</p

    ANN (Artificial Neural Network) model for daily prediction of Methane concentration

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    According to the protocols for the reduction of the production of the gases responsible of the greenhouse effect, it makes necessary to develop systems able to forecast and to evaluate such gases. The dump of Bellolampo, situated in proximity of the urban area in Palermo, is a source of CO2 and CH4. It was officially created in the eighties and only some years later it was decided to convert it into a controlled landfill, soon becoming a catch basin of refuse for a large hinterland constituted by approximately 50 small towns. The city of Palermo has been equipped with a network of weather and air-quality stations far monitoring the main components that are responsible for atmospherlc pollution. The network consists of 10 fixed stations located both in peripheral and centrai parts of the city. The gases produced by the landfill, under particular meteorologica! conditions, reach the nearby inhabited centre, making to record many peak events, dangerous for the population health. The purpose of this research is to develop a pure predictive model, using an Artificial Neural Network (ANN), to forecast, with a lead time of a dai, the CH4 concentration in the site of Palermo and to help the administrations to rationalize the preventive intervention to reduce the occurrence of this pollutant. The mode! uses an available time series which was recorded by the network of monitoring stations, on the urban area of Palermo, far the period 2003-2004. This study has some important implications for health warning systems environmental management in places with high pollution concentratio

    Evaluation of concentrations in sites near the landfill of Palermo

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    In this paper a new method is presented for the evaluation of methane concentration near urban sites. The work is based on field measurements taken for a lon period of time on selected sites of the town of Palermo. The main finding of the work is that the landfill seriously affects the air quality of the town, at least around the selected site