5 research outputs found

    Engineering of a Synthetic Metabolic Pathway for the Assimilation of (d)‑Xylose into Value-Added Chemicals

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    A synthetic pathway for (d)-xylose assimilation was stoichiometrically evaluated and implemented in Escherichia coli strains. The pathway proceeds via isomerization of (d)-xylose to (d)-xylulose, phosphorylation of (d)-xylulose to obtain (d)-xylulose-1-phosphate (X1P), and aldolytic cleavage of the latter to yield glycolaldehyde and DHAP. Stoichiometric analyses showed that this pathway provides access to ethylene glycol with a theoretical molar yield of 1. Alternatively, both glycolaldehyde and DHAP can be converted to glycolic acid with a theoretical yield that is 20% higher than for the exclusive production of this acid via the glyoxylate shunt. Simultaneous expression of xylulose-1 kinase and X1P aldolase activities, provided by human ketohexokinase-C and human aldolase-B, respectively, restored growth of a (d)-xylulose-5-kinase mutant on xylose. This strain produced ethylene glycol as the major metabolic endproduct. Metabolic engineering provided strains that assimilated the entire C2 fraction into the central metabolism or that produced 4.3 g/L glycolic acid at a molar yield of 0.9 in shake flasks

    Total Synthesis and Structure Assignment of the Relacidine Lipopeptide Antibiotics and Preparation of Analogues with Enhanced Stability

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    The unabated rise of antibiotic resistance has raised the specter of a post-antibiotic era and underscored the importance of developing new classes of antibiotics. The relacidines are a recently discovered group of nonribosomal lipopeptide antibiotics that show promising activity against Gram-negative pathogens and share structural similarities with brevicidine and laterocidine. While the first reports of the relacidines indicated that they possess a C-terminal five-amino acid macrolactone, an N-terminal lipid tail, and an overall positive charge, no stereochemical configuration was assigned, thereby precluding a full structure determination. To address this issue, we here report a bioinformatics guided total synthesis of relacidine A and B and show that the authentic natural products match our predicted and synthesized structures. Following on this, we also synthesized an analogue of relacidine A wherein the ester linkage of the macrolactone was replaced by the corresponding amide. This analogue was found to possess enhanced hydrolytic stability while maintaining the antibacterial activity of the natural product in both in vitro and in vivo efficacy studies