13 research outputs found

    Settlement pottery from the Early Iron Age in Kras

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    V prispevku je obravnavano keramično gradivo s treh gradišč starejše železne dobe, kjer so potekale raziskave zadnjih trideset let in ki pomenijo izhodišče za vzpostavitev kronološke slike naselbinske keramike na Krasu. Poleg stratigrafskih podatkov predstavljamo ugotovitve makroskopske analize tehnologije keramike in primerjalne študije najdb z drugimi sočasnimi najdišči na prostoru Caput Adriae. Vzpostavljena kronološka slika naselbinske keramike je prvi tovrsten poskus pregleda keramike za obravnavani prostor.The article discusses pottery material from three Early Iron Age hillforts, where excavations have been carried out in the last 30 years. These present a starting point for the establishment of a chronological picture of settlement pot- tery in Kras region. In addition to stratigraphic data, macroscopic analysis of the pottery technology and comparative study of the finds with other contemporary sites in the area of Caput Adriae have been performed. The established chronological picture of the settlement pottery presents the first attempt of this kind to create a pottery overview for the discussed territory

    New research of hilltop settlements on the eastern fringes of Pohorje and the northern Slovenske gorice (NE Slovenia)

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    V prispevku so predstavljeni rezultati multidisciplinarnih raziskav širših območij arheoloških najdišč Poštela pri Mariboru in Novine/Bubenberg (ali Hoarachkogel) pri Šentilju. Obe ob utrjenem naselju sestavljajo še plana in gomilna grobišča ter ugreznjene poti, ki so pomembne za širše razumevanje vpetosti najdišč v njihovo okolico. Najdišči sta bili v starejši železni dobi regionalni središči med Alpami in Panonijo, v njihovi bližini pa so bile odkrite tudi druge naselbine, verjetno z drugačno funkcijo. Takšni sta Čreta pri Slivnici in Plački vrh/Platsch, ki sta prav tako vključeni v študijo. Nekatere raziskave so še v teku, zato pričujoči prispevek ne podaja zaključnih ugotovitev, kljub temu pa prinaša novosti, ki v nekaterih segmentih dopolnjujejo poznavanje starejše železne dobe v severovzhodni Sloveniji in v širšem kulturnem krogu. Za razumevanje gradišč so pomembna spoznanja o obsežnih zemeljskih delih zaradi preurejanja notranjosti naselbin. Predstavljamo tudi način, kako lahko s sodobnimi pristopi širjenje gomilnih grobišč raziskujemo brez izkopavanj. Odkriti sta bili dve novi plani grobišči in oblika pokopa, ki doslej na grobiščih v okolici gradišč še ni bila poznana – grob, obdan z jarkom brez nasutja v obliki gomile.This contribution presents the results of multidisciplinary investigations of the wider areas of the Poštela near Maribor and Novine/Bubenberg (or Hoarachkogel) near Šentilj archaeological sites. Both of them include a fortified settlement, cemeteries with flat graves and barrows, and sunken paths, which shed light on our understanding of the integration of the sites with their environment. During the Early Iron Age, Poštela and Novine/Bubenberg were two of the major regional centres between the Alps and the Pannonian Plain. Other settlements, probably of lower status, were discovered in their vicinity. Two of them are Čreta near Slivnica and Plački vrh/Platsch, and they are included in this study. This contribution does not summarize all the findings, since some investigations are still in progress. Nevertheless, it presents some innovations that complement our knowledge of certain segments of the Early Iron Age in the northeastern Slovenia and in a wider cultural circle. Our understanding of hillforts is aided by the new findings about the earthworks that transformed the interior of the settlements. It is presented how we can investigate barrow cemeteries and even their expansion with modern approaches, without having to resort to excavations. Two new flat cemeteries have been discovered, in addition to a form of burial previously unknown in cemeteries around hillforts – a grave, surrounded by a ditch and without a barrow

    Pottery Firing in the Early Iron Age in Western Slovenia

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    The article discusses the possible use of kilns for the firing of pottery in western Slovenia during the Early Iron Age. In the absence of archaeologically attested kilns, their use in this area is studied based on indirect factors, i.e. the analysis of the vessel firing technique, and with the help of experiments from the field of experimental archaeology. The article strives to determine the reasons for the poor state of preservation of the kilns in the area in question. Samples from archaeological experiments and archaeological pottery were subjected to AMS measurements, petrographic and mineralogical analyses (X-ray diffraction), which revealed the importance of considering the soaking time as a criterion for observing the firing processes and use of single-chamber kilns for the firing of pottery, even if they have not yet been discovered

    Investigating the pottery firing techniques in western Slovenia during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages using FTIR and petrographic analysis

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    This study focuses on the analysis of pottery firing techniques during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Karst region of Slovenia. Given the absence of archaeological structures, we adopted an alternative research approach, employing FTIR and ceramic thin-section analysis. The archaeological material underwent study using a model derived from archaeological experiments, which encompassed firing techniques in both pits and pottery kilns. Our research successfully identified that various firing structures were utilized during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages

    Characteristics of Early Iron Age pottery from northeastern Slovenia through the prism of ceramic technology and petrography

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    Pottery technology in the Early Iron Age remains understudied in Slovenian archaeology, especially in the combined use of description on a macroscopic level with the addition of petrographic thin sections analysis. In this study we focused on pottery technology of vessels from two Early Iron Age sites in north-eastern Slovenia, Poštela near Maribor and Novine above Šentilj (NE Slovenia). We analysed the clay pastes, inclusions in the clay, as well as surface treatment, firing properties, vessels shape, and decoration techniques using macroscopic description and ceramic petrography. Within the sites we looked at the different contexts, comparing pottery from settlements, i.e. hillforts, to pottery found within the adjacent cemeteries. The results show that potters from the two contemporaneous sites produced similarly shaped vessels using different pottery recipes from locally available raw materials. The use of grog as a possible chronological marker in the Early Iron Age is also discussed

    Raziskovanje tehnik žganja keramike v zahodni Sloveniji v pozni bronasti in starejši železni dobi na podlagi FTIR in petrografskih analiz

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    This study focuses on the analysis of pottery firing techniques during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages in the Karst region of Slovenia. Given the absence of archaeological structures, we adopted an alternative research approach, employing FTIR and ceramic thin-section analysis. The archaeological material underwent study using a model derived from archaeological experiments, which encompassed firing techniques in both pits and pottery kilns. Our research successfully identified that various firing structures were utilized during the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages.Študija je usmerjena v analizo tehnik žganja keramike v pozni bronasti in starejši železni dobi na Krasu v Sloveniji. Zaradi odsotnosti arheološki struktur smo uporabili alternativni raziskovalni pristop, in sicer FTIR in keramične petrografske analize. Arheološki material smo analizirali s pomočjo modela, ki smo ga razvili pri arheološkem raziskovalnem delu, žganju v jami in žganju v peči. S pomočjo raziskave smo uspešno prepoznali različne tehnike žganja, ki so bile v uporabi v pozni bronasti in starejši železni dobi

    Žganje lončenine v starejši železni dobi v zahodni Sloveniji

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    The article discusses the possible use of kilns for the firing of pottery in western Slovenia during the Early Iron Age. In the absence of archaeologically attested kilns, their use in this area is studied based on indirect factors, i.e. the analysis of the vessel firing technique, and with the help of experiments from the field of experimental archaeology. The article strives to determine the reasons for the poor state of preservation of the kilns in the area in question. Samples from archaeological experiments and archaeological pottery were subjected to AMS measurements, petrographic and mineralogical analyses (X-ray diffraction), which revealed the importance of considering the soaking time as a criterion for observing the firing processes and use of single-chamber kilns for the firing of pottery, even if they have not yet been discovered.V članku obravnavamo potencialno rabo peči za žganje keramike v zahodni Sloveniji v starejši železni dobi. Ker arheološko še niso bile izkopane, je njihova uporaba predvidena na podlagi posrednih kazalnikov, kot so način žganja in poskusi s področja arheologije poskusov. Namen raziskave je prepoznati razloge za slabo ohranjenost peči na tem območju. Na vzorcih, ki smo jih pridobili iz arheoloških poskusov in na arheološki keramiki, smo merili navidezno magnetno susceptibilnost, izvedli petrografske in mineraloške (rentgenska difrakcija) analize. Rezultati teh analiz so pokazali na pomembnost upoštevanja časa žganja kot merila pri opazovanju žgalnega procesa in uporabi enoprostornih peči za žganje keramike, čeprav še niso bile odkrite