115 research outputs found

    Novel optically active lead-free relaxor ferroelectric (Ba0.6Bi0.2Li0.2)TiO3

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    We discovered a near room temperature lead-free relaxor-ferroelectric (Ba0.6Bi0.2Li0.2)TiO3 (BBLT) having A-site compositional disordered ABO3 perovskite structure. Microstructure-property relations revealed that the chemical inhomogeneities and development of local polar nano regions (PNRs) are responsible for dielectric dispersion as a function of probe frequencies and temperatures. Rietveld analysis indicates mixed crystal structure with 80% tetragonal structure (space group P4mm) and 20% orthorhombic structure (space group Amm2) which is confirmed by the high resolution transmission electron diffraction pattern. Dielectric constant and tangent loss dispersion with and without illumination of light obey nonlinear Vogel-Fulture relation. It shows slim polarization-hysteresis (P-E) loops and excellent displacement coefficients (d33 ~ 233 pm/V) near room temperature, which gradually diminish near the maximum dielectric dispersion temperature (Tm). The underlying physics for light-sensitive dielectric dispersion was probed by X-ray photon spectroscopy (XPS) which strongly suggests that mixed valence of bismuth ions, especially Bi5+ ions, are responsible for most of the optically active centers. Ultraviolet photoemission measurements showed most of the Ti ions are in 4+ states and sit at the centers of the TiO6 octahedra, which along with asymmetric hybridization between O 2p and Bi 6s orbitals appears to be the main driving force for net polarization. This BBLT material may open a new path for environmental friendly lead-free relaxor-ferroelectric research.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Anomalous change in leakage and displacement currents after electrical poling on lead-free ferroelectric ceramics

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    We report the polarization, displacement current and leakage current behavior of a trivalent nonpolar cation Al cation substituted lead free ferroelectric NBT-BT electroceramics with tetragonal phase and P4mm space group symmetry. Nearly three orders of magnitude decrease in leakage current were observed under electrical poling, which significantly improves microstructure, polarization, and displacement current. Effective poling neutralizes the domain pinning, traps charges at grain boundaries and fills oxygen vacancies with free charge carriers in matrix, thus saturated macroscopic polarization in contrast to that in upoled samples. E-poling changes bananas type polarization loops to real ferroelectric loops.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figure

    Incidence of low bone mineral density in patients with advanced prostate cancer before hormonal manipulation

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    Background: Prostate cancer is the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in men with an estimated 1.3 million cases diagnosed in 2018 according to the most recent International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) report.A large proportion of men still present with advanced disease and in this situation androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) is the mainstay of treatment.Prostate cancer is largely androgen-dependent and responds to endocrine therapy. ADT is an effective treatment modality which decreases the rate of disease progression, alleviates symptoms, and prolongs patients’ survival. ADT can be achieved through surgery (i.e., bilateral orchidectomy) or medical therapy (gonadotropin releasing hormone agonists, antagonists and antiandrogens).Methods: With the approval from institutional ethic committee, a case control study was planned at the urology outpatient department (OPD) at SMS Hospital from April 2019 to March 2020. Based on inclusion and exclusion criteria, 44 patients with newly diagnosed advanced prostate cancer and requiring hormone manipulation were enrolled in study. Age matched control (age±2 years) was selected from patients attending urology clinics with conditions other than prostate cancer. Ratio of cases and control was kept 1:1. Written consent was taken from all participants.Results: Total 88 patients were enrolled in study, 44 in each group. The age of patients ranged from 57 to 86 years among the case group and 55–85 among the control group. Mean age of cases was 65.24±6.8 and control was 64.98±7.6 years (p=0.25). Body mass index which is calculated with standard formula (weight in kg/height in meter square) was significantly high among controls (24.20±2.46) in comparison to cases (23.42±2.84). Statistically significant difference was observed among case and control groups for PSA (p=0.0001) and serum calcium (p=0.005) however difference for alkaline phosphatase (ALP), parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D was found insignificant (p>0.05).Conclusions: Low bone mineral density in patients with advanced prostate cancer before hormonal manipulation is nearly 50%. PSA and serum calcium level were significant different among case and control however this difference was not found for ALP, PTH and vitamin D. Consideration should be given to performing BMD studies in these men before initiating treatment, to avoid or minimize potential bone-related complications in these patients

    Prescription pattern of alpha blockers in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia in India: a paper based survey

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    Background: Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most common urological condition. The treatment of BPH depends on the severity of symptoms which aims to improve symptoms, lower the risk of progression and improve quality of life. The aim of this survey was to understand the prescription pattern of alpha blockers in the treatment of BPH among clinicians of India.Methods: A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was conducted between September to December 2018. Data regarding the management of BPH using α-blockers were filled by clinicians and collated for data analysis using appropriate statistical test.Results: Total of 1764 clinicians’ responses was collected and the result was analysed. According to the survey, 47.68% of clinicians felt that severity of the BPH symptoms is most common deciding factor for medical management of BPH. For the pharmacological management of BPH patients, around 58% of clinicians opted for α blockers monotherapy as a preferred option. Among α blockers, 65.14% of clinicians preferred tamsulosin as first line therapy for management of BPH patients. In this survey, 81.75% of clinicians believed that tamsulosin offers highest persistence rate among commonly prescribed α blockers. Looking at the switching to a second α-blocker, 75.45% of clinicians felt that tamsulosin shows the highest return rate following initiation of a second α-blocker. More than 90% of clinicians felt that favourable efficacy or tolerability of tamsulosin is due to its highest persistence and highest return rates.Conclusions: Tamsulosin is the most commonly preferred and prescribed α-blocker by Indian clinicians due to its favourable efficacy or tolerability

    Giant enhancement in ferroelectric polarization under illumination

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    AK acknowledges the CSIR-MIST (PSC-0111) project for their financial assistance. Hitesh Borkar would like to acknowledge the UGC (SRF) to provide fellowship to carry out Ph.D program.We report optical enhancement in polarization and dielectric constant near room temperature in Pb0.6Li0.2Bi0.2Zr0.2Ti0.8O3 (PLBZT) electro-ceramics; these are doubly substituted members of the most important commercial ferroelectric PbZr0.2Ti0.8O3 (PZT:20/80). Partial (40%) substitution of equal amounts of Li+1 and Bi+3 in PZT: 20/80 retains the PZT tetragonal structure with space group P4 mm. Under illumination of white light and weak 405 nm near-ultraviolet laser light (30 mW), an unexpectedly large (200-300%) change in polarization and displacement current was observed. Light also changes the dc conduction current density by one to two orders of magnitude with a large switchable open circuit voltage (Vocv ∼ 2 V) and short circuit current (Jscc∼ 5 × 10−8 A). The samples show a photo-current ON/OFF ratio of order 6:1 under illumination of weak light.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Optically controlled polarization in highly oriented ferroelectric thin films

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    The out-of-plane and in-plane polarization of (Pb0.6Li0.2Bi0.2)(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3(PLBZT) thin film has studied in the dark and under illumination of a weak light source of a comparable bandgap. A highly oriented PLBZT thin film was grown on LaNiO3 (LNO)/LaAlO3(LAO) substrate by pulsed laser deposition system which illustrates well-saturated polarization and its significant enhancement under illumination of light. We have employed two configurations for polarization characterization; first deals with out of plane polarization with single capacitor under investigation, whereas second demonstrates the two capacitors connected in series via the bottom electrode. Two different configurations were illuminated using different energy sourcesand their effects were studied. The latter configuration shows a significant change in polarization under illumination of light that may provide an extra degree of freedom for device miniaturization. The polarization was also tested using positive-up & negative-down (PUND) measurements which confirm robust polarization and their switching under illumination.PostprintPeer reviewe

    A Randomized Controlled Trial to Compare the Safety and Efficacy of Tadalafil and Tamsulosin in Relieving Double J Stent Related Symptoms

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    Objectives. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of Tadalafil and Tamsulosin in treating Double J stent related symptoms. Methods. In a prospective study, 161 patients with DJ related symptoms were randomized into 3 groups: Group A patients (54), Group B patients (53), and Group C patients (54). They were given Tadalafil, Tamsulosin, and placebo, respectively, at 1st week till removal of DJ stent at 3rd week. All patients completed Ureteral Stent Symptom Questionnaire (USSQ) at 1st week and at 3rd week. The statistical significant difference among groups was determined by the t-test, Kruskal-Wallis test and multivariate analysis were used to assess association of the variables within the three groups, and the level of significance was set at P<0.05. Results. Tadalafil and Tamsulosin were comparable in relieving urinary symptoms, general health, and work performance (OR = 0.65, 1.8, and 0.92). But Tadalafil was more effective in relieving body pain, sexual problems, and additional problems than Tamsulosin (OR = 5.95, 19.25, and 2.69) and was statistically significant as P<0.05. Conclusion. Tadalafil was as effective as Tamsulosin in relieving urinary symptom but more effective in relieving sexual symptoms and body pain

    Massive retroperitoneal tubercular abscess mimicking a leaking abdominal aortic aneurysm: a case report

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    In spite of being a common diagnosis in the patients of Asian origin, atypical presentations of tuberculosis may pose diagnostic challenges. We report a huge prevertebral abscess in a 30-year-old female, mimicking a leaking aortic aneurysm. The patient was managed successfully by emergency decompression and stabilization. The issues related to poor patient compliance to chemotherapy and management of atypical presentations of spinal tuberculosis are discussed here
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