20 research outputs found

    Spermavétel és mélyhűtés módszerének kidolgozása üregi nyúl ex situ génbank számára

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    A vizsgálat célja egy üregi nyúl (Oryctolagus cuniculus) ex situ génbank létesítése számára megfelelő spermagyűjtési és mélyhűtési eljárás kidolgozása volt. A kísérletben résztvevő állatokat egyedileg, ketrecekben tartottuk. A bakokat a műhüvellyel történő spermavételre szoktattuk, kezdetben színes törpe anyákat használva fantom nősténynek. Később az állatokat átszoktattuk rex gereznából kialakított fantomra való ugrásra. Az ondó koncentrációját Makler kamrával határoztuk meg, a motilis és termékenyítőképes hímivarsejtek arányát Kovács- Foote féle festéssel értékeltük. A mélyhűtési helyszínre történő szállítás körülményeit is vizsgáltuk. A hűtve (16 C) két órán át szállított, Weitze-Trissel 1:1 arányban hígított minták ivarsejtjeinek mozgékonyságát CASA (Computer Assisted Semen Analysis)-val határoztuk meg. A legalább 50% motilitást mutató mintákat módosított Besenfelder- féle eljárással mélyhűtöttük. Az élő és termékenyítőképes sejtek aránya a fagyasztási károsodás hatására 27,3%-tal csökkent. A spermamélyhűtési eljárást üregi nyúlon a házinyúl fajtákhoz hasonló eredményességgel tudtuk végrehajtani

    Na efikasnost H-klopki utjeÄŤe izloĹľenost suncu

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    In recent years, H-trap-type insect traps have been used to reduce horsefly densities. We investigated the impact of the factors affecting the efficacy of H-traps. Catching data of 15 H-traps were analyzed. The traps were deployed at an outdoor equestrian paddock (Sántos, Somogy county) from May to July 2018. In twelve weeks, the traps collected 10,556 horsefly specimens, dominated by Tabanus autumnalis and Haematopota italica. In the first experiment we found that the distribution of caught individuals was inhomogeneous among the samples. According to the amount of caught individuals, trap efficacy showed spatial and temporal inhomogeneity. In the second experiment, after the rearrangement of traps, we found that traps placed in open, sunny places in the centerline area caught significantly more horseflies than those in shady border regions. It can be concluded that the positioning of H-traps in sunny areas significantly enhances their tabanid-catching efficacy.Posljednjih godina za smanjivanje gustoće obada koriste se klopke H-tipa. Istraživali smo utjecaj različitih čimbenika na efikasnost H-klopki. U radu se analiziraju podaci o ulovu 15 H-klopki. Klopke su bile aktivirane unutar ograde za konje (Sántos, županija Somogy) od svibnja do srpnja 2018. u 12 tjedana klopke su prikupile 10.556 primjeraka obada, među kojima su dominirale vrste Tabanus autumnalis i Haematopota italica. U prvom pokusu utvrdili smo da je zastupljenost uhvaćenih vrsta među uzorcima nehomogena. Klopke su pokazivale prostornu i vremensku nehomogenost u odnosu na prikupljene primjerke. U drugom pokusu, nakon preraspodjele klopki, utvrdili smo da su klopke postavljene na otvorene sunčana mjesta na središnjoj liniji plohe uhvatile značajno više obada nego one u sjenovitim graničnim područjima. Može se zaključiti da smještanje H-klopki na sunčana mjesta znatno povećava njihovu efikasnost prikupljanja obada

    Anogenital distance and condition as predictors of litter sex ratio in two mouse species: a study of the house mouse (Mus musculus) and mound-building mouse (Mus spicilegus).

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    The Trivers - Willard hypothesis (1973) suggests that the maternal condition may affect the female's litter size and sex ratio. Since then other factors had been found. Previous findings revealed in the case of some mammalian species, that females with larger anogenital distance have smaller litters, while the sex ratio is male-biased. That has only been demonstrated in laboratory animals, while the genetic diversity of a wild population could mask the phenomenon seen in laboratory colonies. We examined the connection between morphological traits (weight and anogenital distance) and the reproductive capacity of two wild mice species, the house mouse and the mound-building mice. We showed in both species that anogenital distance and body weight correlated positively in pre-pubertal females, but not in adults. Neither the house mouse nor the mound-building mouse mothers' weight had effect on their litter's size and sex ratio. Otherwise connection was found between the mothers' anogenital distance and their litters' sex ratio in both species. The results revealed that females with larger anogenital distance delivered male biased litter in both species. The bias occurred as while the number of female pups remained the same; mothers with large anogenital distance delivered more male pups compared to the mothers with small anogenital distance. We concluded that a female's prenatal life affects her reproductive success more than previously anticipated