499 research outputs found

    Introduction – Acquis et limites en médecine : le cas du cancer du sein

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    Seasonal phenology of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.), (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), and its parasitoids on canola, Brassica napus (L.), in Gauteng province, South Africa

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    Canola, Brassica napus L. (Brassicaceae), is a relativelynewcrop in SouthAfrica. Several insect pests, including diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae), that attack cruciferous vegetables, also attack canola. The aims of this study were to determine the seasonal phenology of P. xylostella populations on canola, and the composition, relative abundance and seasonal phenology of parasitoids attacking P. xylostella on this crop. Diamondback moth adults were monitored with synthetic sex-pheromone traps. Larval and pupal populations of P. xylostella were monitored weekly for three years at Bapsfontein and Rietondale in Gauteng province. Samples of diamondback moth larvae, pupae and parasitoid cocoons were collected and transported to the laboratory. Parasitoids that emerged were identified and their incidence recorded. Berlese funnel catches were used as an indicator of the accuracy of the visual counts. The infestation level of P. xylostella larvae was high from May to August at Rietondale, while at Bapsfontein it was high from September to December. There was a high correlation (r=0.79, P<0.001) between pheromone trap catches and subsequent larval infestations at Bapsfontein. The pheromone traps indicated that diamondback moth adults were present throughout the year. Berlese funnel catches indicated that a large number of larvae, especially first instars, were overlooked during visual plant scouting. Parasitism rates were often very high, reaching 90–100 %. The following parasitoids were recorded from field-collected P. xylostella: the larval parasitoids Cotesia plutellae (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and Apanteles halfordi Ullyett (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), the larval/pupal parasitoids Diadegma mollipla (Holmgren) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Oomyzus sokolowskii (Kurdjumov) (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae), the pupal parasitoid Diadromus collaris (Gravenhorst) (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae), and the hyperparasitoids Mesochorus sp. (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) and Pteromalus sp. (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae). Cotesia plutellae was the most abundant parasitoid throughout the study

    Phylogenetics of advanced snakes (Caenophidia) based on four mitochondrial genes

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    Phylogenetic relationships among advanced snakes ( Acrochordus + Colubroidea = Caenophidia) and the position of the genus Acrochordus relative to colubroid taxa are contentious. These concerns were investigated by phylogenetic analysis of fragments from four mitochondrial genes representing 62 caenophidian genera and 5 noncaenophidian taxa. Four methods of phylogeny reconstruction were applied: matrix representation with parsimony (MRP) supertree consensus, maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analysis. Because of incomplete sampling, extensive missing data were inherent in this study. Analyses of individual genes retrieved roughly the same clades, but branching order varied greatly between gene trees, and nodal support was poor. Trees generated from combined data sets using maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analysis had medium to low nodal support but were largely congruent with each other and with MRP supertrees. Conclusions about caenophidian relationships were based on these combined analyses. The Xenoderminae, Viperidae, Pareatinae, Psammophiinae, Pseudoxyrophiinae, Homalopsinae, Natricinae, Xenodontinae, and Colubrinae (redefined) emerged as monophyletic, whereas Lamprophiinae, Atractaspididae, and Elapidae were not in one or more topologies. A clade comprising Acrochordus and Xenoderminae branched closest to the root, and when Acrochordus was assessed in relation to a colubroid subsample and all five noncaenophidians, it remained associated with the Colubroidea. Thus, Acrochordus + Xenoderminae appears to be the sister group to the Colubroidea, and Xenoderminae should be excluded from Colubroidea. Within Colubroidea, Viperidae was the most basal clade. Other relationships appearing in all final topologies were (1) a clade comprising Psammophiinae, Lamprophiinae, Atractaspididae, Pseudoxyrophiinae, and Elapidae, within which the latter four taxa formed a subclade, and (2) a clade comprising Colubrinae, Natricinae, and Xenodontinae, within which the latter two taxa formed a subclade. Pareatinae and Homalopsinae were the most unstable clades

    Microinjection of Phycomyces

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    The snake family Psammophiidae (Reptilia: Serpentes): phylogenetics and species delimitation in the African sand snakes (Psammophis Boie, 1825) and allied genera

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    This study constitutes the first evolutionary investigation of the snake family Psammophiidae—the most widespread, most clearly defined, yet perhaps the taxonomically most problematic of Africa's familylevel snake lineages. Little is known of psammophiid evolutionary relationships, and the type genus Psammophis is one of the largest and taxonomically most complex of the African snake genera. Our aims were to reconstruct psammophiid phylogenetic relationships and to improve characterisation of species boundaries in problematic Psammophis species complexes. We used approximately 2500 bases of DNA sequence from the mitochondrial and nuclear genomes, and 114 terminals covering all psammophiid genera and incorporating approximately 75% of recognised species and subspecies. Phylogenetic reconstructions were conducted primarily in a Bayesian framework and we used the Wiens/Penkrot protocol to aid species delimitation. Rhamphiophis is diphyletic, with Rhamphiophis acutus emerging sister to Psammophylax. Consequently we transfer the three subspecies of Rhamphiophis acutus to the genus Psammophylax. The monotypic genus Dipsina is sister to Psammophis. The two species of Dromophis occupy divergent positions deeply nested within Psammophis, and we therefore relegate Dromophis to the synonymy of Psammophis. Our results allow division of the taxonomically problematic Psammophis 'sibilans' species complex into two monophyletic entities, provisionally named the 'phillipsii' and 'subtaeniatus' complexes. Within these two clades we found support for the status of many existing species, but not for a distinction between P.p. phillipsii and P. mossambicus. Additionally, P. cf. phillipsii occidentalis deserves species status as the sister taxon of P. brevirostris

    The honeybees, Apis mellifera Linnaeus (Hymenoptera: Apidae) of woodland savanna of southeastern Africa

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    The morphometric characters and sting pheromones of worker honeybees, Apis mellifera Linnaeus, were analysed by multivariate methods to identify discrete populations in the southeastern woodland savanna of Africa. A discrete population in Mozambique is classified as A. m. litorea Smith, a second in Zimbabwe as A. m. scutellata Lepeletier and a third group in southwestern Zambia as A.m. adansonii Latreille. A zone of introgression between the last two subspecies occurs in south-central Zambia and in the Zambezi Valley

    A global study of forensically significant calliphorids: implications for identification

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    A proliferation of molecular studies of the forensically significant Calliphoridae in the last decade has seen molecule-based identification of immature and damaged specimens become a routine complement to traditional morphological identification as a preliminary to the accurate estimation of post-mortem intervals (PMI), which depends on the use of species-specific developmental data. Published molecular studies have tended to focus on generating data for geographically localised communities of species of importance, which has limited the consideration of intraspecific variation in species of global distribution. This study used phylogenetic analysis to assess the species status of 27 forensically important calliphorid species based on 1167 base pairs of the COI gene of 119 specimens from 22 countries, and confirmed the utility of the COI gene in identifying most species. The species Lucilia cuprina, Chrysomya megacephala, Ch. saffranea, Ch. albifrontalis and Calliphora stygia were unable to be monophyletically resolved based on these data. Identification of phylogenetically young species will require a faster-evolving molecular marker, but most species could be unambiguously characterised by sampling relatively few conspecific individuals if they were from distant localities. Intraspecific geographical variation was observed within Ch. rufifacies and L. cuprina, and is discussed with reference to unrecognised species

    Clinal morphometric variation in wild honey bees (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in South Africa

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    As a result of side effects of the accidental dispersal of the Cape honey bee, it has become of agroeconomic importance to delineate the region within South Africa where thelytokous worker honey bees occur so that apicultural movement of bees does not exacerbate the problem. Thelytokous workers are believed to be unique to Apis mellifera capensis, so that the problem is to find morphological markers distinguishing this race from its A. m. scutellata neighbours. However, no evidence of the expected hybrid zone demarcating races could be found. Factor analysis revealed only one spherical cluster of samples. Trend surfaces of the local mean morphometric factor scores showed a cline that paralleled latitude, with distortions relating to montane and continental effects. Discriminant function analysis implicated certain mountain ranges in amplifying the effects of latitude. Trend surfaces of local intercolony factor variance showed morphometric homogeneity across most of the country. We conclude that there is only a single population of honey bees in South Africa, and that it shows climate-correlated clinal variation. If the transportation of bees for commercial apiculture is to be successfully regulated to solve the `capensis calamity', further research should focus on the geographical distribution of thelytokous workers rather than on the capensis phenotype. Such workers have a wider distribution than capensis, occurring also at high frequencies around the type locality of A. m. scutellata

    Troubles climatériques après cancer du sein

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