210 research outputs found

    Purity as a witness for initial system-environment correlations in open-system dynamics

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    We study the dynamics of a two-level atom interacting with a Lorentzian structured reservoir considering initial system-environment correlations. It is shown that under strong system-reservoir coupling the dynamics of purity can determine whether there are initial correlations between system and environment. Moreover, we investigate the interaction of two two-level atoms with the same reservoir. In this case, we show that besides determining if there are initial system-environment correlations, the dynamics of the purity of the atomic system allows the identification of the distinct correlated initial states. In addition, the dynamics of quantum and classical correlations is analyzed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    Research on Long-Term Care Homes for Older People in Brazil: Protocol for Scoping Review

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    LOTUS CONSORTIUM - Improving care in Long-term Care Institutions in Brazil and Europe through Collaboration and ResearchBackground The fast growth of the ageing population in low and middle-income countries, such as Brazil, has allowed little time for social and health care systems to adapt. As the care needs for the most vulnerable and frail older people become increasingly complex, services and governments need to ensure that long term care homes deliver high-quality and evidence-based care to meet their healthcare needs. Aim To examine and map the range of research undertaken in Brazil regarding care homes published in peer reviewed journals. Method This scoping review will consider all relevant peer-reviewed primary studies fully or partly conducted in Brazilian care homes including those which consider workforce (for example, e.g. healthcare professionals, care staff, and management level staff) and care home residents (older people aged 60 years and above), using empirical and original research focused on any health related topic. The searches will be conducted using bibliographic databases (MEDLINE, EMBASE, LILACS and Google Scholar) and manual searching of the reference lists of relevant studies published in English, Portuguese or Spanish from inception up to 2018. Two authors will independently screen each document by title and abstract against the eligibility criteria. In case of disagreement, a third reviewer will be consulted. Data from the included studies will be extracted and reported using tables, graphs, and narrative accounts using elements of content analysis. The Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool will be used to appraise the methodological quality of the included studies

    Emprego do pó de rocha MB-4 sobre a produção do coentro.

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    O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o emprego do MB-4 sobre a produção do coentro

    Structural constraints in complex networks

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    We present a link rewiring mechanism to produce surrogates of a network where both the degree distribution and the rich--club connectivity are preserved. We consider three real networks, the AS--Internet, the protein interaction and the scientific collaboration. We show that for a given degree distribution, the rich--club connectivity is sensitive to the degree--degree correlation, and on the other hand the degree--degree correlation is constrained by the rich--club connectivity. In particular, in the case of the Internet, the assortative coefficient is always negative and a minor change in its value can reverse the network's rich--club structure completely; while fixing the degree distribution and the rich--club connectivity restricts the assortative coefficient to such a narrow range, that a reasonable model of the Internet can be produced by considering mainly the degree distribution and the rich--club connectivity. We also comment on the suitability of using the maximal random network as a null model to assess the rich--club connectivity in real networks.Comment: To appear in New Journal of Physics (www.njp.org

    Algebraic characterization of X-states in quantum information

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    A class of two-qubit states called X-states are increasingly being used to discuss entanglement and other quantum correlations in the field of quantum information. Maximally entangled Bell states and "Werner" states are subsets of them. Apart from being so named because their density matrix looks like the letter X, there is not as yet any characterization of them. The su(2) X su(2) X u(1) subalgebra of the full su(4) algebra of two qubits is pointed out as the underlying invariance of this class of states. X-states are a seven-parameter family associated with this subalgebra of seven operators. This recognition provides a route to preparing such states and also a convenient algebraic procedure for analytically calculating their properties. At the same time, it points to other groups of seven-parameter states that, while not at first sight appearing similar, are also invariant under the same subalgebra. And it opens the way to analyzing invariant states of other subalgebras in bipartite systems.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Squeezing arbitrary cavity-field states through their interaction with a single driven atom

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    We propose an implementation of the parametric amplification of an arbitrary radiation-field state previously prepared in a high-Q cavity. This nonlinear process is accomplished through the dispersive interactions of a single three-level atom (fundamental |g>, intermediate |i>, and excited |e> levels) simultaneously with i) a classical driving field and ii) a previously prepared cavity mode whose state we wish to squeeze. We show that, in the adiabatic approximantion, the preparation of the initial atomic state in the intermediate level |i> becomes crucial for obtaing the degenerated parametric amplification process.Comment: Final published versio

    Bioengineering silicon quantum dot theranostics using a network analysis of metabolomic and proteomic data in cardiac ischemia

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    Metabolomic profiling is ideally suited for the analysis of cardiac metabolism in healthy and diseased states. Here, we show that systematic discovery of biomarkers of ischemic preconditioning using metabolomics can be translated to potential nanotheranostics. Thirty-three patients underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) after myocardial infarction. Blood was sampled from catheters in the coronary sinus, aorta and femoral vein before coronary occlusion and 20 minutes after one minute of coronary occlusion. Plasma was analysed using GC-MS metabolomics and iTRAQ LC-MS/MS proteomics. Proteins and metabolites were mapped into the Metacore network database (GeneGo, MI, USA) to establish functional relevance. Expression of 13 proteins was significantly different (p<0.05) as a result of PCI. Included amongst these was CD44, a cell surface marker of reperfusion injury. Thirty-eight metabolites were identified using a targeted approach. Using PCA, 42% of their variance was accounted for by 21 metabolites. Multiple metabolic pathways and potential biomarkers of cardiac ischemia, reperfusion and preconditioning were identified. CD44, a marker of reperfusion injury, and myristic acid, a potential preconditioning agent, were incorporated into a nanotheranostic that may be useful for cardiovascular applications. Integrating biomarker discovery techniques into rationally designed nanoconstructs may lead to improvements in disease-specific diagnosis and treatment

    Identifying and managing frailty: a survey of UK healthcare professionals

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    Frailty is a common condition that leads to multiple adverse outcomes. Frailty should be identified and managed in a holistic, evidence-based and patient-centred way. We aimed to understand how UK healthcare professionals (HCPs) identify and manage frailty in comparison with UK Fit for Frailty guidelines, their frailty training, their confidence in providing support and organizational pathways for this. An online mixed-methods survey was distributed to UK HCPs supporting older people through professional bodies, special interest groups, key contacts and social media. From 137 responses, HCPs valued frailty assessment but used a mixture of tools that varied by profession. HCPs felt confident managing frailty and referred older people to a wide range of supportive services, but acknowledged a lack of formalized training opportunities, systems and pathways for frailty management. Clearer pathways, more training and stronger interprofessional communication, appropriate to each setting, may further support HCPs in frailty management

    IndicaçÔes técnicas para o cultivo do girassol.

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    Preparo do solo; Semeadura: profundidade, espacamento e densidade, epoca de semeadura; Cultivares; Calagem; Nutricao e adubacao: nitrogenio, fosforo, potassio; Controle de plantas daninhas; Insetos-pragas; Doencas do girassol: mancha de Alternaria, podridao e murcha de Esclerotinia, ferrugem, podridao de Macrophomina, seca da haste por Phomopsis sp.; Colheita e armazenagem; Custo de producao.bitstream/item/60518/1/Documentos-3.pd
