6 research outputs found

    Beer and Consumer Response Using Biometrics: Associations Assessment of Beer Compounds and Elicited Emotions

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    Some chemical compounds, especially alcohol, sugars, and alkaloids such as hordenine, have been reported as elicitors of different emotional responses. This preliminary study was based on six commercial beers selected according to their fermentation type, with two beers of each type (spontaneous, bottom, and top). Chemometry and sensory analysis were performed for all samples to determine relationships and patterns between chemical composition and emotional responses from consumers. The results showed that sweeter samples were associated with higher perceived liking by consumers and positive emotions, which corresponded to spontaneous fermentation beers. There was high correlation (R = 0.91; R2 = 0.83) between hordenine and alcohol content. Beers presenting higher concentrations of both, and higher bitterness, were related to negative emotions. Further studies should be conducted, giving more time for emotional response analysis between beer samples, and comparing alcoholic and non-alcoholic beers with similar styles, to separate the effects of alcohol and hordenine. This preliminary study was a first attempt to associate beer compounds with the emotional responses of consumers using non-invasive biometrics.Land and Food Systems, Faculty ofOther UBCNon UBCReviewedFacult

    Chemical Profile and Safety Assessment of a Food-Grade Acetogenin-Enriched Antimicrobial Extract from Avocado Seed.

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    Acetogenins are bioactive fatty acid derivatives found in avocado tissues. Their efficacy as antimicrobials has been documented and initiated interest to use them as replacements of synthetic food additives. The present work focused on evaluation of multiple analytical methodologies for detection and quantification of organic solids present in a food-grade acetogenin-enriched extract (AvosafeŸ), and on its safety evaluations using bacterial reverse mutation (AMES) tests and acute oral toxicity to rat assays. Results confirmed chemical structures of two acetogenins as present in AvosafeŸ (AcO-avocadyne-(0) and AcO-avocadiene B-(3)), and together with seven other previously known compounds, quantified 94.74 ± 5.77% w/w of its solids as acetogenins. Safety evaluations indicated that AvosafeŸ was non-mutagenic and had an acute median lethal oral dose (LD50) to rats higher than the maximum concentration tested (>2000 mg·kg-1), with no signs of macroscopic abnormalities in organs. Mean body weight and hematological and biochemical parameters were normal after 14 days of a single oral dose of 2000 mg·kg-1. The results advance scientific information on the safety of avocado seed acetogenins and also generate new knowledge on profiles and concentrations of individual acetogenins found in avocado tissues (seed, pulp, and leaves) and in AvosafeŸ

    Chemical Profile and Safety Assessment of a Food-Grade Acetogenin-Enriched Antimicrobial Extract from Avocado Seed

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    Acetogenins are bioactive fatty acid derivatives found in avocado tissues. Their efficacy as antimicrobials has been documented and initiated interest to use them as replacements of synthetic food additives. The present work focused on evaluation of multiple analytical methodologies for detection and quantification of organic solids present in a food-grade acetogenin-enriched extract (Avosafe®), and on its safety evaluations using bacterial reverse mutation (AMES) tests and acute oral toxicity to rat assays. Results confirmed chemical structures of two acetogenins as present in Avosafe® (AcO-avocadyne-(0) and AcO-avocadiene B-(3)), and together with seven other previously known compounds, quantified 94.74 ± 5.77% w/w of its solids as acetogenins. Safety evaluations indicated that Avosafe® was non-mutagenic and had an acute median lethal oral dose (LD50) to rats higher than the maximum concentration tested (>2000 mg·kg−1), with no signs of macroscopic abnormalities in organs. Mean body weight and hematological and biochemical parameters were normal after 14 days of a single oral dose of 2000 mg·kg−1. The results advance scientific information on the safety of avocado seed acetogenins and also generate new knowledge on profiles and concentrations of individual acetogenins found in avocado tissues (seed, pulp, and leaves) and in Avosafe®

    Insights into Drivers of Liking for Avocado Pulp (Persea americana): Integration of Descriptive Variables and Predictive Modeling

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    Trends in new food products focus on low-carbohydrate ingredients rich in healthy fats, proteins, and micronutrients; thus, avocado has gained worldwide attention. This study aimed to use predictive modeling to identify the potential sensory drivers of liking for avocado pulp by evaluating acceptability scores and sensory descriptive profiles of two commercial and five non-commercial cultivars. Macronutrient composition, instrumental texture, and color were also characterized. Trained panelists performed a descriptive profile of nineteen sensory attributes. Affective data from frequent avocado adult consumers (n = 116) were collected for predictive modeling of an external preference map (R2 = 0.98), which provided insight into sensory descriptors that drove preference for particular avocado pulps. The descriptive map explained 67.6% of the variance in sensory profiles. Most accepted pulps were from Hass and Colin V-33; the latter had sweet and green flavor notes. Descriptive flavor attributes related to liking were global impact, oily, and creamy. Sensory drivers of texture liking included creamy/oily, lipid residue, firmness, and cohesiveness. Instrumental stickiness was disliked and inversely correlated to dry-matter and lipids (r = −0.87 and −0.79, respectively). Color differences (∆Eab*) also contributed to dislike. Sensory-guided selection of avocado fruits and ingredients can develop products with high acceptability in breeding and industrialization strategies

    Trends and outcome of neoadjuvant treatment for rectal cancer: A retrospective analysis and critical assessment of a 10-year prospective national registry on behalf of the Spanish Rectal Cancer Project

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