2 research outputs found

    The ancient place-name for the village of Torredonjimeno

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    El nombre antiguo (pre-romano o romano) de “Torredonjimeno” (Jaén) sigue siendo objeto de disputa. Para unos sería “Tucci Vetus” y para otros “Abra”. Por otra parte se le atribuye el nombre de “Ossaria” en época visigótica. Finalmente, en el propio “Torredonjimeno” y en general en la provincia de Jaén se da por cierto que su nombre fue “Tosiria”, del que deriva el localicio “Tosiriano” de uso generalizado. En este trabajo tratamos de arrojar luz a este problema toponímico.The ancient (pre-roman or roman) place-name for the village of “Torredonjimeno” (Jaen, in the South of Spain) is actually disputed. For some scholars it would be “Tucci Vetus”, for some others “Abra”. Further on, during the Visigothic time, it would be named “Ossaria”. Finally, in Torredonjimeno and generally speaking, in Jaen province, the names used nowadays are “Tosiria” for the village and “Tosirian” for its inhabitants. The present research work is aimed to bring some light into the problem

    Characteristics and predictors of death among 4035 consecutively hospitalized patients with COVID-19 in Spain

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