1,741 research outputs found

    Tourism In European Union Law

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    Tourism is a very important economic sector within the European Union, while also playing a key role in political, social and cultural integration. Nevertheless, the EU took a late interest in this sector, beginning only in the 1980s. Starting then, EU intervention in matters of tourism began to pass through a series of phases, during which EU performance was alternately more or less intense. A study of these phases reveals the consequences of a certain inefficiency as a result of the lack of sufficient legal support in the European Constitution for the development of a real EU policy in this sector. With the arrival of the 21st century, and as new EU powers in matters of tourism have been incorporated into the Lisbon Treaty, performance by the European Union in the tourism sector has changed its perspective, putting quality and competitiveness within reach through sustainability in the sector, a basic element of performance in matters of tourism

    The Tourist Municipality In The Tourism Regulation Branch Of The Spanish Legislation

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    In the branch of the Spanish legislation that regulates local government, there may be a possibility of articulating a special legal status for those municipalities that have certain specific characteristics, which include intense tourism activity. These municipalities are characterized by having tourism levels that are quite high, which has led to, among other consequences, the existence of many second homes, hotels and other superior lodging establishments, which may include primary residences, and has led to the majority of their populations working mainly in the tourism sector. All of these special characteristics result not only in economic benefits for these municipalities; they also lead to a full range of problems for the aforementioned locales. Among these problems is, for example, the need to provide a high number of obligatory public services, which would be carried out by local residents, including cleaning, protection of citizens, public transport, health services, etc. In many instances, the costs for these services are the direct responsibility of municipal budgets, and in the last instance, it is the locals themselves who pay by way of local taxes. In order to solve these problems, several self-governing laws for tourism structure have anticipated the existence of “tourist municipalities”, which establish certain requisites for their declaration, and which detail a set of obligations and laws for said municipalities

    New Perspectives For Tourism In European Union Law

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    Tourism is the largest industry in the European Union. Its importance as an economically, socially and culturally cohesive element for the entire continent is indisputable.  Still, attention from the European Union was late in coming, and has been based on measures that have been adapted from other local policies that are indirect influences on tourism. This has meant that the intervention of the EU in this sector has been partial, limited and at times, ineffective. The reason can be traced to the lack of a sufficient number of legal powers that were able to outline a common European policy in the Constituent Treaties. The Treaty of Lisbon has managed to fill in this void by providing legal support to a new set of European Union actions on this matter, whose development depends on whether or not Europe is capable of responding to the challenges faced by the tourism sector

    Modified pseudo-likelihood estimation for Markov random fields with Winsorized Poisson conditional distributions

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    In this dissertation we propose a conditional pairwise pseudo-likelihood (CPPL) for parameter estimation in Markov random fields with Winsorized Poisson conditional distributions. The CPPL is defined as the direct product of conditional pairwise distributions corresponding to the pairs of random variables associated with the cliques of size two from the collection of spatial locations on a region of a lattice. Thus the CPPL is a modified version of Besag\u27s pseudo-likelihood (PL) and Huang and Ogata\u27s generalized pseudo-likelihood (GPL). We carry out calculations of the correspondingly defined maximum conditional pairwise pseudo-likelihood estimator (MCPPLE) for Markov random fields with Winsorized Poisson conditional distributions on the lattice. These simulation studies show that the MCPPLE has significantly better performance than Besag\u27s maximum pseudo-likelihood estimator (MPLE), and its calculation is almost as easy to implement as the MPLE. Therefore, we suggest that for situations where each discrete local random variable conditional on its neighbors assumes more than two possible values, as in the Winsorized Poisson case, estimation based on the CPPL may be a computationally more feasible alternative than estimation based on Huang and Ogata\u27s GPL

    The Deficient Concept Of The Tourist In Spanish Regional Legislation On Tourism Management

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    In Spain, the Autonomous Regions have exclusive responsibility for tourism matters and, given this fact, they have adopted general management and regulation laws to govern the sector. These laws have different names but all include the term “tourism” in their titles. Therefore, the concepts of “tourism” and “tourist” are essential for understanding the scope of their application. However, if one studies the content of these laws, they will see that very few of them actually define “tourism” and, more importantly, that the definitions of “tourist” do not correspond to the traditional and historical meaning of this term. The conclusion the author has come to is that said laws regulate tourism only from a partial, limited perspective as a simple lending/receiving of services, especially of private natural areas, and that they make very few references to quality, sustainability and competitiveness as guidelines that are required to spell out a modern concept of tourism
