13 research outputs found

    Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Chagas Disease in the United States: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis

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    Chagas disease affects approximately 300,000 patients in the United States. We evaluated a multicenter U.S.-based network to obtain clinical characteristics and outcomes of chronic Chagas disease by disease forms. This was a U.S.-based, multicenter, population-based, retrospective cohort study. We queried TriNetX, a global research network, to identify patients with dual-positive IgG serology for Trypanosoma cruzi. We captured outcomes of interest for up to 5 years. We found 429 patients with evidence of dual-positive T. cruzi IgG out of 19,831 patients with an available test result from 31 U.S. medical centers. The positive proportion for those tested was 2.2%, up to 4.6% among Hispanics. We found a prevalence of a positive Chagas serology of 0.02% among Hispanics. Cardiomyopathy risk reached an annual rate of 1.3% during the initial 5 years of follow-up among patients with the indeterminate form. We found no new events for pulmonary embolism, sudden death, or left ventricular aneurysms at 5 years. Annual risks for arrhythmias and stroke for chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy (CCC) were 1.6% and 0.8%, respectively. The yearly mortality and hospitalization rates for CCC were 2.7% and 17.1%, respectively. Only 13 patients had a documented antitrypanosomal therapy course within 6 months after diagnosis. Of those receiving treatment, 10 patients received benznidazole and three nifurtimox. Chagas disease screening in patients from endemic areas living in the United States remains crucial. Chronic Chagas cardiomyopathy carries a considerable disease burden, translating into increased morbidity and mortality and an enlarging medical health service utilization

    Food Sources of Energy and Nutrients in Infants, Toddlers, and Young Children from the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2012

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    Food sources of nutrients in Mexican children are not well known. To fill the knowledge gap, dietary intake was assessed in 2057 children using a 24-hour dietary recall. All reported foods and beverages were assigned to one of 76 food groups. Percent contribution of each food group to nutrient intake was estimated for four age groups: 0–5.9, 6–11.9, 12–23.9, and 24–47.9 months. Breast milk, infant formula, and cow’s milk were the top sources of energy and nutrients, especially in younger groups. Among infants aged 6–11.9 months, the top food sources of energy included soups and stews, cookies, fruit, tortillas, eggs and egg dishes, and traditional beverages. The same foods plus sweetened breads, dried beans, and sandwiches and tortas were consumed as the top sources of energy among toddlers and young children. Milk, soups, and stews were the top contributors for all nutrients and tortillas, eggs, and egg dishes were among the top contributors for iron and zinc. This study showed that low nutrient-dense cookies, sweetened breads, and traditional beverages were among the core foods consumed early in life in Mexico. This compromises the intake of more nutritious foods such as vegetables and fortified cereals and increases the risk of obesity

    Body mass index associated with hyperglycemia and alterations of components of metabolic syndrome in Mexican adolescents Asociación entre índice de masa corporal, hiperglicemia y alteraciones de los componentes del síndrome metabólico en adolescentes mexicanos

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    OBJECTIVE: This research aims to describe the epidemiology of obesity and its association with alterations in some components of metabolic syndrome, such as serum concentrations of glucose, insulin, and some lipids in a sub-sample of the Mexican Health Survey (MHS) of youth ages 10 to 19 years. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This analysis is based on a randomly selected sub-sample of the MHS of 20% of the youth ages 10 to19 years (n=1977), carried-out in Mexico in the year 2000 and distinguishes differences between national, rural and urban areas as well as four geographical country regions. Serum concentrations of glucose, insulin, triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC) and HDL-cholesterol (HDLc) were measured. The protocol was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Mexican National Institute of Public Health. RESULTS: Overall, 14.8% of the individuals were overweight, 6.7% were obese and 37.5% had a family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM2). The overall mean concentrations of glucose, insulin, total cholesterol, and triglycerides were significantly higher and those of HDLc were significantly lower in obese subjects than in individuals with normal Body Mass Index (BMI) (pOBJETIVO: Esta investigación tiene como objetivo describir la epidemiología de la obesidad y de su asociación con alteraciones de algunos componentes del síndrome metabólico, tales como las concentraciones séricas de glucosa, insulina y algunos lípidos en una muestra de jóvenes con edades entre 10-19 años estudiados en la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (ENSA). MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: El presente análisis está basado en una submuestra de 20% de los sujetos de la ENSA, realizada en México en el año 2000, con edades entre 10-19 años (n=1977) seleccionada aleatoriamente, con poder para distinguir diferencias a nivel nacional, urbano rural y por cuatro regiones geográficas del país. Se midieron en el suero las concentraciones de glucosa, insulina, colesterol total (CT), triglicéridos (TG) y colesterol-HDL (cHDL). El protocolo fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética del Instituto Nacional de Salud Pública. RESULTADOS: El 14.8% de la muestra tuvieron sobrepeso, 6.7% obesidad y 37.5% tenían una historia familiar de diabetes mellitus tipo2 (DM2). La media de las concentraciones de glucosa, insulina, CT y TG fueron significativamente mayores y los de cHDL significativamente menores en los sujetos obesos que en los que tenían índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) normal (p<0.05-0.001). La razón de probabilidades (RP) de estar en el quintil 5 de la distribución de glucosa fue significativamente mayor para los hombres y mujeres con obesidad (RP=2.1, p<0.001) que para sus contrapartes no obesos, para la mujeres con historia familiar de DM2 (1.12, p<0.02), pero no para los hombres. La RP de estar en el quintil 5 de la distribución de insulina fue mayor para los hombres (RP=3.51, p<0.001) y para las mujeres (RP=3.3, p<0.001) con obesidad que para aquellos con IMC normal, así como para los hombres (RP=1.28, p<0.02) y las mujeres (RP=1.27, p<0.02) con historia familiar de DM2. La RP de estar en el quintil 5 de la distribución de triglicéridos fue mayor en los hombres (RP=4.71, p<0.001) y las mujeres (RP=1.75, p<0.001) obesos que en los no obesos. CONCLUSIONES: Se observó una fuerte asociación entre la obesidad y el riesgo de tener altas concentraciones de glucosa, insulina, TG y CT y bajas de cHDL en jóvenes. Tales hallazgos confirman el riesgo que tiene la obesidad de asociarse con anormalidades de algunos componentes del síndrome metabólico en jóvenes

    Concentraciones de proteína C reactiva en adultos mexicanos: alta prevalencia de un factor de riesgo cardiovascular C-reactive protein concentrations in Mexican men and women: high prevalence of a cardiovascular risk factor

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    OBJETIVO: Examinar la distribución y variables relacionadas con las concentraciones de proteína C reactiva (CRP) en adultos mexicanos. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se estudió a 2 194 adultos que participaron en la ENSA 2000. La concentración de CRP en suero se midió por un método de alta sensibilidad. Se obtuvo información sobre características sociodemográficas, enfermedad crónica y hábitos. Se midieron glucosa en ayuno, presión arterial, peso, talla y circunferencia de cintura. RESULTADOS: Se estudió a 730 hombres y 1 464 mujeres no embarazadas. La edad promedio fue de 38.3&plusmn;15.2 años. Los límites de CRP se hallaron entre 0.19 y 255 mg/l (mediana: 2.26; rango intercuartil (RI): 0.96, 5.83 mg/l). La concentración de CRP fue mayor en mujeres (mediana: 2.86; RI: 1.11, 6.68 mg/l) en comparación con los hombres (mediana: 1.63; RI: 0.8, 3.87 mg/l; p<0.001). El 31.2% de los individuos (mujeres, 35.1%; hombres, 23.3%) tuvo concentraciones de CRP >3.0-10 mg/l. En el análisis multivariado de regresión probit, la edad, el IMC, la circunferencia de cintura, la diabetes mellitus, la microalbuminuria y el uso de anticonceptivos hormonales se vincularon de forma positiva con el riesgo de concentraciones de CRP >1 mg/l. El sexo masculino y el consumo moderado de alcohol se relacionaron de modo negativo con el riesgo de concentraciones de CRP >3 mg/l (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONES: Existe una alta prevalencia de concentraciones de CRP >3.0-10 mg/l en adultos mexicanos, lo que indica una considerable proporción de individuos con alto riesgo cardiovascular, al margen de otros factores de riesgo.<br>OBJECTIVE: To examine the distribution and correlates of C-reactive protein (CRP) concentrations in Mexican adults. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Data was analyzed from 2 194 Mexican adults who participated in the 2000 National Health Survey (ENSA-2000). CRP concentrations were measured with a high-sensitivity assay. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, chronic disease and habits was obtained. Fasting blood glucose, blood pressure, weight, height and waist circumference were measured. RESULTS: A total of 730 men and 1 464 non-pregnant women were studied. Mean age was 38.3&plusmn;15.2 years. CRP concentrations ranged from 0.19 to 255 mg/L (median: 2.26; interquartile range (FIR): 0.96, 5.83 mg/L). CRP concentrations were higher in women (median: 2.86; IR: 1.11, 6.68 mg/L) than men (median: 1.63; IR: 0.8, 3.87 mg/L; p<0.001). Thirty-one percent of individuals (35.1% women, 23.3% men) had CRP concentrations >3.0-10 mg/L. Multivariate probit regression analysis showed that age, BMI, waist circumference, diabetes, microalbuminuria and use of oral contraceptives were positively associated with CRP concentrations >1 mg/L. Male gender and moderate alcohol consumption were negatively associated with CRP concentrations >3 mg/L (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: There is a high prevalence of CRP concentrations in the range of >3.0-10 mg/l in Mexican adults, indicating a considerable proportion of individuals at risk for cardiovascular disease, independent of other risk factors

    Many Infants and Young Children Are Not Compliant with Mexican and International Complementary Feeding Recommendations for Milk and Other Beverages

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    Mexican and international authorities provide guidelines for milk and beverage consumption for young children. This study classifies beverages as appropriate or inappropriate by age (0–5.9, 6–11.9, and 12–23.9 months) and details consumption patterns, amounts consumed, and the associated socio-demographic characteristics. Analysis of the Mexican National Nutrition and Health Survey (ENSANUT 2012) was conducted (n = 949). Among 0–5.9 month olds, 66.7% consumed either breast milk, infant formula, or a combination with no other beverages, whereas 29.3% consumed breast milk and/or infant formula with water (mean = 58 g/day) and/or other beverages (mean = 115 g/day), such as 100% fruit juice, milk, and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs). For infants 6–11.9 months, appropriate beverages include breast milk, infant formula, and water; only 40.2% met these recommendations. Many 6–11.9 month olds consumed age-inappropriate beverages, including milk (31%) and SSBs (35%). After 12 months of age, appropriate beverages include water, milk, and a limited amount of 100% fruit juice and SSBs; 32.4% complied fully, 18.3% consumed appropriate and inappropriate beverages, and 49.3% consumed only inappropriate beverages. Among 12–23.9 month olds, 58% consumed milk, 18% juice, and 42% water while 63% consumed SSBs. Many infants and young children are not compliant with Mexican and international breastfeeding and complementary feeding guidelines for beverages. Communication and guidance about age-appropriate beverages should be improved

    Methodology for the analysis of type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease risk indicators in the ENSANUT 2006 Metodologia para el análisis de diabetes tipo 2, síndrome metabólico e indicadores de riesgo cerdiovascular en la ENSANUT 2006

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    OBJECTIVE: To describe: a) the methods used to quantify biochemical indicators of Type 2 Diabetes (T2D), and other cardiovascular risk indicators in the Mexican National Health and Nutrition Survey 2006 (ENSANUT 2006) and b) compare the sub-sample with the non-selected participants in diverse socio-demographic, anthropometric and health characteristics. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A sub-sample of 6 021 fasting adult participants was randomly selected from the total fasting participants (n=39 425). We compared diverse socio-demographic, anthropometric and health parameters between this sub-sample and the rest of the participants. RESULTS: No differences were found in sociodemographics characteristics, except age, between the sub-sample and from the rest of the fasting adults. In addition no difference were found between prevalences of overweight and obesity, central obesity, and previously diagnosed high blood pressure, T2D or hypertrigliceridemia. CONCLUSIONS: The randomly selected sub-sample was not essentially different from the rest of the fasting subjects. Thus, no bias is expected in the interpretation of cardiovascular risk indicators derived from these data.OBJETIVO: Describir: a) los métodos usados para definir Diabetes tipo 2 (T2D), y otros indicadores de riesgo cardiovascular en la submuestra de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2006 (ENSANUT 2006) y b) comparar en características sociodemográficas, antropométricas y otros determinantes de salud a los participantes de la submuestra con los no seleccionados. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Una submuestra de 6 021 adultos fue seleccionada aleatoriamente de la totalidad de participantes en ayuno (n= 39 425). Se compararon parámetros sociodemográficos, antropométricos y de salud entre la submuestra y el resto de los participantes. RESULTADOS: No se encontraron diferencias en ninguna de las variables sociodemográficas, a excepción de la edad; ni en la prevalencia de sobrepeso, obesidad abdominal, diagnóstico previo de hipertensión, T2D, hipercolestrolemia e hipertrigliceridemia entre los adultos de la submuestra y los no seleccionados. CONCLUSIONES: La submuestra no fue estadísticamente diferente del resto de los sujetos no seleccionados. Por ello, no se espera un sesgo en la interpretación de los indicadores de riesgo cardiovascular derivados del análisis de estos datos

    Usefulness and description of the intestinal bypass technique in children with short bowel syndrome: report of a Mexican cohort

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    Background: Short bowel syndrome (SBS) is one of the most frequent causes of intestinal failure, needing parenteral nutrition to maintain an energy-protein and water-electrolyte balance. At the Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (HIMFG), the formation of two stomas is a technique used for intestinal rehabilitation, where the use of residue through the bypass technique (BT) helps to maintain gastrointestinal functionality, water-electrolyte, and nutritional stability. This study aimed to describe the technique of using intestinal residue through BT as a treatment strategy in intestinal rehabilitation and its effect on the biochemical and nutritional status of pediatric patients with SBS. Methods: An analytical and retrospective cross-sectional study was performed in patients hospitalized at HIMFG with SBS who underwent BT during their hospital stay between 2019 and 2020 and then followed up for 8 weeks. Results: A total of 10 patients were included in this study, with a mean age of 24 months; 50% were female. BT was able to reduce the inflammatory process in the liver caused by the continuous use of parenteral nutrition; enteral caloric intake increased from 25.32 kcal/kg/day to 72.94 kcal/kg/day, but it was insufficient to improve their nutritional status. Conclusions: BT is a safe and effective alternative in intestinal rehabilitation in patients with SBS to stimulate trophism and intestinal functionality, allowing a progression of enteral feeding and a decrease in the hepatic inflammatory process that occurs in these patients with prolonged parenteral nutrition

    Responsabilidad social universitaria

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    En un mundo globalizado, caracterizado por la incertidumbre, el individualismo y la competencia mercantil abierto, toda institución tiende a evaluase en función de los "productos" que ofrece el mercado y del costo-beneficio que su desarrollo conlleva. Lo anterior ha originado una serie de cuestionamientos hacia las instituciones universitarias con respecto a las funciones que históricamente les han sido asignadas y aquellas que han venido desempeñando en las últimas décadas. sin embargo las dudas y cuestionamientos, han girado principalmente en torno a los retos y transmutaciones que las universidades deben introducir en su actuar, para lograr adecuarse y sobrevivir a un mundo de cambio prácticamente instantáneo