5 research outputs found

    La Responsabilidad Social Corporativa (RSC) y su gestión integrada

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    Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has made a significant comeback in the last decade of the twentieth century and first few years of the twenty-first century. This being the case, social economy organizations must demonstrate their socially responsible behaviour by producing the relevant Sustainability Reports in order to make their economic, social and environmental conduct known to society as a whole. This paper provides a retrospective overview of the origins of Social Responsibility, highlighting the different models that have been proposed over the years, paving the way for current initiatives. It also presents the foremost initiatives at this moment, whilst analyzing the social indicators that enable us to assess and evaluate this behaviour.Social Responsibility, Social Economy, Sustainability Reports, Social Balances, Social indicators.

    Cooperativismo y responsabilidad social

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    El fenómeno de la Responsabilidad Social Corporativa ha experimentado un importante resurgir en la última década del siglo XX y en estos primeros años del siglo XXI. Es necesario que las sociedades cooperativas conozcan y elaboren memorias de sostenibilidad o balances sociales para ofrecer toda la información, actualmente demandada, acerca de su comportamiento respecto a temas económicos, sociales y medioambientales.Realizando una visión retrospectiva de los orígenes de la Responsabilidad Social, se hará hincapié en los distintos modelos propuestos a lo largo de los años y que han sentado las bases de las iniciativas que actualmente existen. Se desarrollan las iniciativas actuales más destacadas, sometiendo a análisis a los indicadores sociales empleados para evaluar el comportamiento de las cooperativas frente a temas de sostenibilidad

    La innovación en el gobierno de las cajas rurales españolas: evaluación de su e-gobierno corporativo

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    The emergence of the economy of knowledge has resulted in, among other consequences, the triumph of globalization and market liberalization, the primacy of the individual as a competitive critical factor and the crisis of the relevance of financial information, its comparability and reliability. The financial scandals we have witnesses during the last decade have highlighted the need for greater transparency in our corporations. Thus, corporate governance emerges as a tool for the company to comply with its social responsibility by providing more reliable information to all its stakeholders. In addition, one of the main features is the knowledge society, which is the availability of information and communication technologies (ICT). Consequently, the reliability of the financial information that companies disseminate over the Internet is relevant, assuming a good example of transparency takes place. This paper analyses the information contained on the websites of Spanish rural saving banks, as a tool for evaluating their corporate e-government (one of the major innovations in corporate governance).Internet innovation, Rural Savings Banks, Corporate Governance, Corporate Social Responsibility.

    The UPV Design Factory. What is it good for?

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    Universities have the challenge and responsibility to society to train good professionals. Moreover, they must adapt to current demands. They must do so not only by improving the contents of the different degree programs but also by incorporating new programs and activities that help students develop soft skills, teamwork, connections between the university and real life, making them the best professionals and excellent citizens. To this end, in 2014, the UPV launched a program called Design Factory to channel and frame initiatives carried out by students to develop their prototypes and participate in student competitions. The program facilitates the creation of interdisciplinary learning communities in which students are committed to their goals, their teams, and the university. The program's spirit is to encourage learning in an eminently practical way. Students have to lead the projects, attract and select candidates, manage a budget, carry out their activities and try to achieve their goals, which involves many soft skills. For the program's operation, the university provides a team including management, technical and administrative staff, facilities, and economic endowment to the teams to carry out their activities. Funds are distributed in terms of the quality proposal, impact on the university, and results from the previous edition. More than 2,000 students participate in more than 60 engaged teams whose coordinators show high satisfaction with their roles in the current academic year

    La innovación en el gobierno de las cajas rurales españolas: evaluación de su e-gobierno corporativo

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    [Otros] L¿apparition de l¿économie de la connaissance a eu pour conséquence, entre autres, le triomphe de la mondialisation et de la libération des marchés, la suprématie de la personne en tant que facteur concurrentiel essentiel et la crise de l¿information financière en ce qui concerne son importance, comparabilité et fiabilité. En relation avec ce dernier aspect, les scandales financiers des dernières décennies ont mis en évidence le besoin d¿une plus grande transparence au sein de nos entreprises. C¿est ainsi que le gouvernement corporatif se présente comme un instrument qui permet à l¿entreprise de respecter sa responsabilité sociale, en offrant des informations plus fiables à ses stakeholders. En outre, un des traits principaux de la société de la connaissance repose sur les technologies de l¿information et de la communication (TIC). Par conséquent, la fiabilité des informations financières diffusées sur Internet par les entreprises sont importantes et indiquent une preuve de transparence. Ce travail propose une analyse des informations divulguées sur les sites Internet des caisses rurales espagnoles, comme un moyen pour évaluer le gouvernement électronique corporatif de celles-ci (une des innovations principales au sein de la gestion de l¿entreprise).[EN] The emergence of the economy of knowledge has resulted in, among other consequences, the triumph of globalization and market liberalization, the primacy of the individual as a competitive critical factor and the crisis of the relevance of financial information, its comparability and reliability. The financial scandals we have witnesses during the last decade have highlighted the need for greater transparency in our corporations. Thus, corporate governance emerges as a tool for the company to comply with its social responsibility by providing more reliable information to all its stakeholders. In addition, one of the main features is the knowledge society, which is the availability of information and communication technologies (ICT). Consequently, the reliability of the financial information that companies disseminate over the Internet is relevant, assuming a good example of transparency takes place. This paper analyses the information contained on the websites of Spanish rural saving banks, as a tool for evaluating their corporate e-government (one of the major innovations in corporate governance).[ES] La emergencia de la economía del conocimiento ha traído consigo, entre otras consecuencias, el triunfo de la mundialización y de la liberalización de los mercados, la preeminencia de la persona como factor competitivo crítico y la crisis de la información financiera respecto a su relevancia, comparabilidad y fiabilidad. En este último aspecto, los escándalos financieros ocurridos durante la última década han puesto de manifiesto la necesidad de una mayor transparencia de nuestras empresas. De este modo, el gobierno corporativo surge como un instrumento para que la empresa cumpla con su responsabilidad social, ofreciendo información de mayor fiabilidad a todos sus stakeholders. Además, la sociedad del conocimiento tiene en las tecnologías de la información y de la comunicación (TIC) uno de sus principales rasgos. Por lo tanto, la fiabilidad de la información financiera que las empresas difunden en Internet es relevante, suponiendo buena muestra de su transparencia. Por ello, el presente trabajo realiza un análisis de la información divulgada en los sitios Web de las cajas rurales españolas, como instrumento para evaluar el e-gobierno corporativo de las mismas (una de las principales innovaciones en el gobierno de la empresa).Segui-Mas, E.; García-Martínez, G.; Romero Civera, A.; Villalonga Grañana, I. (2008). La innovación en el gobierno de las cajas rurales españolas: evaluación de su e-gobierno corporativo. CIRIEC-España revista de economía pública social y cooperativa. (60):155-176. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/2022141551766