6 research outputs found

    Influence of Instagram stories in attention and emotion depending on gender

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    The impact of media and social networks on users is growing. The fact that commercial activity is flooding most social networks motivates us to enquire about the success factors of posts, and to try to determine if the impact is greater or lesser depending on gender. Attracting attention and exciting the user or customer are the main objectives of advertising, especially interactive advertising. This quantitative research measures the psychophysiological signals of the attentional level and the emotional level of people taking into account gender, through Sociograph, when they visualize Instagram stories of real influencers. To measure the electrodermal activity by means of two electrodes, a measurement instrument is used which integrates the traditional register of the Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and processes the information of the individuals. A questionnaire, the screen to display the Instagram story, the Instagram stories of the influencers, a registration protocol and a record sheet of the activity sequences are used. We observed that a greater number of followers implies greater emotional activation, although it translates into negative emotions, and a greater emotional activation in men than in women, although it is they who show positive emotions towards the video and would make an act of purchase through Instagram

    Influence of Instagram stories in attention and emotion depending on gender

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    El impacto de los medios y las redes sociales sobre los usuarios es creciente. El hecho de que la actividad comercial est茅 inundando la mayor parte de redes sociales motiva a indagar sobre los factores de 茅xito de las publicaciones, y a tratar de determinar si el impacto es mayor o menor en funci贸n del g茅nero. Llamar la atenci贸n y emocionar al usuario o cliente son los principales objetivos de la publicidad, especialmente la interactiva. Esta investigaci贸n, de car谩cter cuantitativo, analiza los datos de las se帽ales psicofisiol贸gicas del nivel atencional y del nivel emocional de las personas teniendo en cuenta el g茅nero, a trav茅s de Sociograph, cuando visualizan Historias de Instagram de 芦influencers禄 reales. Para medir la actividad electrod茅rmica mediante dos electrodos, se utiliza un instrumento de medici贸n que integra el registro tradicional de la Actividad Electrod茅rmica (EDA) y procesa la informaci贸n de los individuos. Se utilizan un cuestionario, la pantalla para la visualizaci贸n de la Historia de Instagram, las Historias de Instagram de los influencers, un protocolo de registro y una hoja de registro de las secuencias de actividad. Se observa que un mayor n煤mero de seguidores implica mayor activaci贸n emocional, aunque se traduce en emociones negativas, y una mayor activaci贸n emocional en hombres que en mujeres, aunque son ellas las que muestran emociones positivas hacia el v铆deo y realizar铆an acto de compra a trav茅s de InstagramThe impact of media and social networks on users is growing. The fact that commercial activity is flooding most social networks motivates us to enquire about the success factors of posts, and to try to determine if the impact is greater or lesser depending on gender. Attracting attention and exciting the user or customer are the main objectives of advertising, especially interactive advertising. This quantitative research measures the psychophysiological signals of the attentional level and the emotional level of people taking into account gender, through Sociograph, when they visualize Instagram stories of real influencers. To measure the electrodermal activity by means of two electrodes, a measurement instrument is used which integrates the traditional register of the Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and processes the information of the individuals. A questionnaire, the screen to display the Instagram story, the Instagram stories of the influencers, a registration protocol and a record sheet of the activity sequences are used. We observed that a greater number of followers implies greater emotional activation, although it translates into negative emotions, and a greater emotional activation in men than in women, although it is they who show positive emotions towards the video and would make an act of purchase through Instagra

    Role of sex on psychological distress, quality of life, and coping of patients with advanced colorectal and non-colorectal cancer

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    Patients with advanced gastrointestinal cancer must cope with the negative effects of cancer and complications. However, data on psychological distress, quality of life, and coping strategies in patients with advanced colorectal cancer compared to non-colorectal cancer based on sex is lacking. This was a multicenter study conducted in 203 patients that completed questionnaires evaluating psychological distress, quality of life, and coping strategies before starting systemic cancer treatment. Based on these data, the degree of disease acceptance in gastrointestinal malignancies may depend on sex and location of the primary digestive neoplasm

    Comunicar : revista cient铆fica iberoamericana de comunicaci贸n y educaci贸n

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    T铆tulo, resumen y palabras clave en espa帽ol e ingl茅sResumen basado en el de la publicaci贸nEl impacto de los medios y las redes sociales sobre los usuarios es creciente. El hecho de que la actividad comercial est茅 inundando la mayor parte de redes sociales motiva a indagar sobre los factores de 茅xito de las publicaciones, y a tratar de determinar si el impacto es mayor o menor en funci贸n del g茅nero. Llamar la atenci贸n y emocionar al usuario o cliente son los principales objetivos de la publicidad, especialmente la interactiva. Se analiza los datos de las se帽ales psicofisiol贸gicas del nivel atencional y del nivel emocional de las personas teniendo en cuenta el g茅nero, a trav茅s de Sociograph, cuando visualizan Historias de Instagram de 芦influencers禄 reales.ES

    Influence of Instagram stories in attention and emotion depending on gender

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    The impact of media and social networks on users is growing. The fact that commercial activity is flooding most social networks motivates us to enquire about the success factors of posts, and to try to determine if the impact is greater or lesser depending on gender. Attracting attention and exciting the user or customer are the main objectives of advertising, especially interactive advertising. This quantitative research measures the psychophysiological signals of the attentional level and the emotional level of people taking into account gender, through Sociograph, when they visualize Instagram stories of real influencers. To measure the electrodermal activity by means of two electrodes, a measurement instrument is used which integrates the traditional register of the Electrodermal Activity (EDA) and processes the information of the individuals. A questionnaire, the screen to display the Instagram story, the Instagram stories of the influencers, a registration protocol and a record sheet of the activity sequences are used. We observed that a greater number of followers implies greater emotional activation, although it translates into negative emotions, and a greater emotional activation in men than in women, although it is they who show positive emotions towards the video and would make an act of purchase through Instagram

    R脿dio FIMA. Desenvolupament de les compet猫ncies professionalitzadores de l鈥檃lumnat mitjan莽ant la creaci贸 del canal de podcast de la facultat

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    Les noves tecnologies i modalitats pedag貌giques ens permeten estendre l'aprenentatge m茅s enll脿 de les aules. Aquest projecte vol crear el canal propi d鈥檜na facultat per allotjar podcasts de l鈥檃lumnat i el professorat dels 3 graus que s鈥檋i imparteixen. Es combina la creaci贸 d'Open Educational Resources (OER) i l'Aprenentatge Basat en Projectes (ABPr) per millorar les compet猫ncies de l鈥檃lumnat i refor莽ar el sentiment de comunitat a la facult</p