12 research outputs found

    Cromogranina A en adenomas hipofisarios humanos

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    Introducción: Las cromograninas son proteínas extensamente distribuidas en el sistema neuroendocrino, y su expresión puede usarse en la caracterización de los tumores neuroendocrinos. Material y métodos: Este estudio analiza mediante inmunohistoquímica la presencia de cromogranina A en 32 biopsias de adenomas hipofisarios humanos, secretores y no secretores. Resultados: Todos los adenomas secretores de FSH y los no secretores muestran inmunoreactividad intensa para cromogranina A, mientras que otros adenomas hipofisarios son negativos o débilmente positivos en escasas células. Conclusiones: La cromogranina A puede utilizarse como marcador de adenomas hipofisarios humanos no secretores

    Development of a new tool for assessing Health-Related Quality of Life in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism

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    Background: Several studies in recent years have evaluated Health Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). No disease specific questionnaires are available to assess the impact of the disease. The aim of this research is to describe the development of a new disease specific Quality of Life (QoL) questionnaire for use specifically with PHPT patients. Methods: A conceptual model was developed describing the impact of the disease and its symptoms on QoL domains. A literature review was conducted to identify the most relevant domains. A focus group with experts was used to validate the domains; 24 patients were also interviewed to complement the information from the patient's perspective. A content analysis of the interviews was performed to identify items related with the impact of the disease, leading to PHPQoL-V.1 which was presented to a sample of 67 patients. Reliability was assessed by Cronbach's coefficient alpha and item-total score correlations. Validity was assessed by a factor analysis performed to determine the number of domains. Rasch analysis was carried out in order to refine the questionnaire items. Results: 259 items were extracted from the interviews that were subsequently reduced to 34 items. Cronbach's coefficient alpha was 0.92. The factor analysis extracted two domains (physical and emotional). After Rasch analysis the questionnaire PHPQoL-V.2 kept 16 items (9 physical and 7 emotional). The questionnaire was developed in a Spanish population and the final version was translated to English through translation and back-translation. Conclusion: The first disease specific HRQoL questionnaire for PHPT patients (PHPQoL-16) has been developed. Validation studies designed to assess measurement properties of this tool are currently underway

    Tratamiento de la hiponatremia secundaria al síndrome de secreción inadecuada de la hormona antidiurética: algoritmo multidisciplinar

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    Introducción: El síndrome de secreción inadecuada de la hormona antidiurética (SIADH) es la causa más frecuente de hiponatremia en el paciente hospitalizado. Sin embargo, faltan protocolos y algoritmos concretos que faciliten su abordaje terapéutico. Nuestro objetivo fue el desarrollo de dos algoritmos de tratamiento de la hiponatremia secundaria al SIADH en el paciente ingresado. Material y método: Un grupo multidisciplinar español compuesto por 2 especialistas en Endocrinología, 1 en Farmacia Hospitalaria, 2 en Medicina Interna y 2 en Nefrología se reunieron durante un año, bajo la tutela del grupo español del European Hyponatremia Network, y de las respectivas sociedades científicas españolas. Las pautas terapéuticas propuestas fueron basadas en recomendacio- nes ampliamente aceptadas, la práctica de expertos, guías de consenso, así como en la experiencia clínica de los autores. Resultados: Se elaboraron dos algoritmos de tratamiento. El Algoritmo 1 se dirige al tratamiento de la hiponatremia aguda como urgencia médica de abordaje inmediato, y es de aplicación al tratamiento de la hiponatremia grave tanto de tipo euvolémico como hipovolémico. Se basa en el uso de sueros salinos hipertónicos al 3 % i.v., con pautas de infusión y monitorización. Se expone cómo evitar la hipercorrección de la natremia y cómo corregirla en su caso. El Algoritmo 2 aborda el tratamiento de la hiponatremia no aguda leve o moderada asociada al SIADH. Expone cómo y cuándo usar la restricción hídrica, solutos, furosemida y tolvaptán, para alcanzar eunatremia en el paciente con SIADH. Conclusiones: Se han elaborado dos estrategias complementarias para el tratamiento de la hiponatremia inducida por SIADH, en un intento de fomentar la toma de conciencia acerca de esa patología, simplificar su abordaje y su tratamiento y, así, mejorar su pronóstico

    Use of healthcare REsources and associated COsts in controlled versus uncontrolled carcinoid SYndrome in patients with neuroendocrine tumours: the RECOSY study

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    Purpose: To report healthcare resource use and associated costs in controlled versus uncontrolled carcinoid syndrome (CS) in patients with neuroendocrine tumours. Methods: A cross-sectional, non-interventional multicentre study was conducted with retrospective data analysis. Resource use was compared between two patient groups: those with controlled CS (> 12 months with no uncontrolled CS episodes) and uncontrolled CS (< 12 months since last uncontrolled episode). Patients were matched for age, sex, and origin and grade of tumour. When no matching patients were available, data from deceased patients were used. Information on healthcare resource use came from review of medical records, patient history and physician reports. Working capacity was assessed using the Work Productivity and Activity Impairment General Health questionnaire. Results: Twenty-six university hospitals in Spain participated, between July 2017 and April 2018. 137 patients were enrolled; 104 were analysed (2 groups of 52). Patients with uncontrolled CS had 10 times more emergency department (ED) visits (mean 1.0 vs 0.10 visits; P = 0.0167), were more likely to have a hospital admission (40.4% vs 19.2%; P = 0.0116) and had longer hospital stays (mean 7.87 vs 2.10 days; P = 0.0178) than those with controlled CS. This corresponded to higher annual hospitalisation costs (mean €5511.59 vs €1457.22; P = 0.028) and ED costs (€161.25 vs €14.85; P = 0.0236). The mean annual total healthcare costs were 60.0% higher in patients with uncontrolled than controlled CS (P = NS). Conclusion: This study quantifies higher health resource use, and higher hospitalisation and ED costs in patients with uncontrolled CS. Better control of CS may result 3in lower medical costs

    Abnormalities of lipoprotein metabolism in patients with the nephrotic syndrome

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    Background and Methods: Patients with the nephrotic syndrome characteristically have multiple abnormalities of lipoprotein metabolism, but the cause and exact nature of these abnormalities are uncertain. In this study, we measured serum lipids and apoproteins in 57 patients with the nephrotic syndrome. We also determined the kinetic indexes of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) metabolism in six patients, and again in three of the six after recovery. Results: The patients with the nephrotic syndrome had elevated serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids, which were confined to the lipoproteins containing apoprotein B. The serum concentrations of high-density lipoproteins and the associated A-I and A-II apoproteins were similar in the patients with the nephrotic syndrome and normal subjects. The relative proportions of lipids and their positive association with the increased serum concentrations of apoproteins B, C-II, C-III, and E suggest quantitative rather than qualitative differences in the lipoproteins. All the patients had lipiduria, which probably reflected the excretion of high-density lipoproteins, although no intact immunoreactive apoprotein A-I was found in urine. Serum albumin concentrations were inversely related to serum lipid concentrations in the patients, the severity of the hypoalbuminemia corresponding to the degree of change in serum lipoprotein concentrations. The kinetic studies of lipoprotein metabolism revealed an overproduction of LDL apoprotein B that returned to normal after recovery. Conclusions: The elevated serum concentrations of LDL cholesterol, other lipids, and apoprotein B in patients with uncomplicated nepnrotic syndrome are due to reversible increases in lipoprotein production

    Abnormalities of lipoprotein metabolism in patients with the nephrotic syndrome

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    Background and Methods: Patients with the nephrotic syndrome characteristically have multiple abnormalities of lipoprotein metabolism, but the cause and exact nature of these abnormalities are uncertain. In this study, we measured serum lipids and apoproteins in 57 patients with the nephrotic syndrome. We also determined the kinetic indexes of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) metabolism in six patients, and again in three of the six after recovery. Results: The patients with the nephrotic syndrome had elevated serum concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, and phospholipids, which were confined to the lipoproteins containing apoprotein B. The serum concentrations of high-density lipoproteins and the associated A-I and A-II apoproteins were similar in the patients with the nephrotic syndrome and normal subjects. The relative proportions of lipids and their positive association with the increased serum concentrations of apoproteins B, C-II, C-III, and E suggest quantitative rather than qualitative differences in the lipoproteins. All the patients had lipiduria, which probably reflected the excretion of high-density lipoproteins, although no intact immunoreactive apoprotein A-I was found in urine. Serum albumin concentrations were inversely related to serum lipid concentrations in the patients, the severity of the hypoalbuminemia corresponding to the degree of change in serum lipoprotein concentrations. The kinetic studies of lipoprotein metabolism revealed an overproduction of LDL apoprotein B that returned to normal after recovery. Conclusions: The elevated serum concentrations of LDL cholesterol, other lipids, and apoprotein B in patients with uncomplicated nepnrotic syndrome are due to reversible increases in lipoprotein production

    Cromogranina A en adenomas hipofisarios humanos

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    Introducción: Las cromograninas son proteínas extensamente distribuidas en el sistema neuroendocrino, y su expresión puede usarse en la caracterización de los tumores neuroendocrinos. Material y métodos: Este estudio analiza mediante inmunohistoquímica la presencia de cromogranina A en 32 biopsias de adenomas hipofisarios humanos, secretores y no secretores. Resultados: Todos los adenomas secretores de FSH y los no secretores muestran inmunoreactividad intensa para cromogranina A, mientras que otros adenomas hipofisarios son negativos o débilmente positivos en escasas células. Conclusiones: La cromogranina A puede utilizarse como marcador de adenomas hipofisarios humanos no secretores

    Evolución de distintos marcadores del remodelado óseo en pacientes hiperparatiroideos sometidos a exéresis quirúrgica de la glándula paratiroides

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    El exceso de paratirina (PTH) en el hiperparatiroidismo primario (HPTP) provoca un aumento del remodelado óseo con pérdida de densidad mineral en el hueso. El presente estudio pretende evaluar la evoluctón de distintos Marcadores del remodelado óseo (MRO): fosfatasa alcalina (FA) y osteocalcina..

    Asociación de polimorfismos del gen del receptor de la vitamina D (VDR) con el hiperparatiroidismo

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    El hiperparatiroidismo (HPT) se caracteriza por el aumento de la secreción de la paratirina (PTH) y se manifiesta por la descalcificación ósea e hipercalcemia. Aunque se desconocen la mayoría de los procesos implicados en la patogenia de esta lesión, diversos autores han descrito una asociación entre los polimorfismos del gen VDR con la presencia de esta enfermedad. El objetivo de este trabajo es comprobar si los polimorfismos del gen VDR se asocian a la presencia de HPT

    Seguimiento de marcadores óseos en pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario sometidos a paratiroidectomía

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    La paratirina actúa sobre el hueso, aumentando su resorción y movilizando iones calcio. En pacientes con hiperparatiroidismo primario (HPTP) se produce un aumento excesivo de la resorción del hueso con pérdida de la densidad mineral ósea. Por ello, para un control evolutivo más exhaustivo del paciente paratiroidectomizado puede hacerse uso, además de la medición de las concentraciones de paratirina y calcio (II), de marcadores óseos como: osteocalcina (OC), C-telopéptido isomerizado del colágeno de tipo I (CTx), fosfatasa alcalina (ALP), el propéptido aminoterminal del colágeno de tipo I {P1NP), entre otros