144 research outputs found

    Autoconciencia, conciencia corporal y trastorno de pánico

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    Segones Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1996-1997

    Conducta de enfermedad y trastorno de pánico

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    Segones Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 1996-1997

    A Longitudinal Examination of Different Etiological Pathways to Alcohol Use and Misuse

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    Background: Sher, Grekin, and Williams (2005) pointed out the existence of 4 main etiological, but not mutually exclusive, models that might explain the development of alcohol use and misuse. The aim of the present study was to explore 3 of these 4 pathways in which psychological (personality and drinking motives) and environmental (child maltreatment) variables may play a relevant role: positive affect regulation, negative affect regulation, and deviance proneness. Methods: Three hundred and fourteen young adults in the 18 to 29 year age range completed different personality, alcoholuse, andchildmaltreatment questionnaires at Time1.Five years later, they responded to drinkingmotives,antisocial behavior, alcohol use, andalcohol-related problemsquestionnaires. Results: The path analyses showed that emotional abuse predicted negative emotionality, which, in turn, prospectively predicted alcohol-related problems through coping-with-depression drinking motives (negative affect regulation). Emotional neglect predicted lesser positive emotionality, and physical abuse predicted unconscientious disinhibition personality characteristics. In turn, these 2 broad personality domains predicted drinking at weekends at Time 2 through enhancement drinking motives (positive affect regulation). Finally, physical neglect predicted disagreeable disinhibition, and both disinhibition domains directly predicted antisocial behavior 5 years later which, in turn, predicted drinking at weekends, drinking on weekdays, and alcohol-related problems (deviance proneness). Conclusions: The findings describe the specific role of distal (maltreatment and personality) and more proximal (antisocial behavior and drinking motives) variables in the different pathways involved in the development of alcohol use and misuse

    Factores psicosociales relacionados con el consumo de alcohol excesivo en la adolescencia: un estudio longitudinal-prospectivo

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    Catorzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2008-2009)Diversos factores biopsicosociales parecen facilitar el desarrollo de un consumo severo de alcohol en la adolescencia. El objetivo del presente trabajo era estudiar qué variables psicosociales eran relevantes para predecir el consumo de alcohol excesivo a los 14 años utilizando una metodología longitudinal-prospectiva. 350 adolescentes (12,03 de edad media en la primera evaluación) fueron evaluados durante tres años consecutivos (T1, T2 y T3). Los cuestionarios utilizados fueron el JS NEO-S (personalidad) y el AIS (consumo de alcohol) en T1, el EMBU-S y el APQ (estilos educativos) en T2, y el AIS y el ACTICOL (actitudes hacia el alcohol) en T3. Los resultados mostraron que nuestra muestra podía agruparse en tres clusters: abstemios, bebedores moderados y bebedores excesivos. El análisis de regresión ordinal mostró que los adolescentes que bebían alcohol en T1, que tenían puntuaciones bajas en responsabilidad (impulsivos y buscadores de sensaciones) en T1, que tenían amigos que bebían alcohol en T1 y en T3, y que poseían unas actitudes más favorables y menos negativas sobre el consumo en T3, mostraban una mayor probabilidad de desarrollar un consumo excesivo en T3 (14 años). Los resultados se interpretaron en base a los procesos sociales con los que se relacionan estas variables

    Five-factor model and internalizing and externalizing syndromes: 4 A 5-year prospective study

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    The main aim of the present research was to study the prospective relationships of the five-factor model of personality and the internalizing and externalizing suprafactors of psychopathology. A sample of 323 young adults completed the NEO-FFI at Time 1 and different scales of symptoms 5 years later. Neuroticism prospectively predicted the internalizing factor, while extraversion, low agreeableness and low conscientiousness predicted the externalizing factor. We found additional paths between introversion and social phobia symptoms, and between low agreeableness and psychopathy symptoms. These relationships remained significant, even when controlling for previous symptoms, except for extraversion. Gender had no moderation effect on the interrelationship between personality and psychopathology factors. The present study extends previous research about personality and psychopathology, and suggests different ways in which they can be related.Funding for this study has been provided by research project P1·1B2011-47 from Bancaixa-Universitat Jaume I

    Relación de la personalidad y los factores de internalización y externalización en niños

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    Dotzenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2006-2007)Existe abundante literatura acerca del papel de la personalidad normal como factor de predisposición o de protección para el desarrollo y modulación de diferentes trastornos psicológicos tanto en adultos como en la infancia (Krueger y Tackett, 2003; Shiner y Caspi, 2003). Achenbach propuso dos síndromes generales de conductas anormales: el factror Externalizante (caracterizado por trastornos de conducta, conducta antisocial, agresividad verbal y búsqueda de atención) y el factor Internalizante (caracterizado por ansiedad, depresión, quejas somáticas y problemas de relación). Con respecto a la personalidad normal, el modelo más utilizado es el modelo de los cinco factores de Costa y McCrae (1992, 1999), que propone las dimensiones de Neuroticismo, Extraversión, Apertura a la experiencia, Amabilidad y Responsabilidad. El objetivo del actual estudio es explorar las relaciones entre la personalidad normal, según el modelo de los cinco factores, y los síndromes psicopatológicos de primer y segundo orden, propuestas por Achenbach en una muestra de niños de 11 a 13 años. Los resultados muestran una relación entre conductas psicopatológicas en niños y ciertos rasgos de personalidad: el Neuroticismo se asoció con el factor Internalizante y baja Responsabilidad y baja Amabilidad con el Factor Externalizante

    Five-Factor Model and alcohol outcomes: Mediating and moderating role 4 of alcohol expectancies

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the relationship between the Five-Factor Model of personality and alcohol expectancies (AEs) with different alcohol outcomes. The sample was composed of 738 participants (63.7% females). Path and regression analyses were performed to test the mediation and moderation effects. The results indicated that Neuroticism was related to alcohol consumption through Positive Alcohol Expectancies, and that Negative Alcohol Expectancies, but also Positive Alcohol Expectancies, partially mediated the relationship of Neuroticism to alcohol-related problems. In addition, Positive Alcohol Expectancies partially mediated the associations of extraversion and low conscientiousness with weekend Standard Drink Units (SDUs), and they completely mediated the associations of these personality variables with alcohol-related problems. Additional direct paths were found from low agreeableness to weekly SDUs and alcohol-related problems; and from low openness to weekend SDUs. Moderation effects of alcohol expectancies on personality and both alcohol use and alcohol-related problems were also found. The present research contributes new evidence on the influence of the five factors of personality on alcohol outcomes, and the mediation/moderation role of alcohol expectancies. These findings can be useful to develop prevention/intervention programmes.Funding for this study has been provided by research projects 386 PNSD2009-019 from the Spanish Ministry of Health, P1·1B2010- 387 40 and P1·1B2011-47 from Bancaixa-Universitat Jaume I

    An Investigation of Five Types of Personality Trait Continuity: A Two-Wave Longitudinal Study of Spanish Adolescents from Age 12 to Age 15

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    The present study investigated five types of personality trait continuity using two measurement waves of Spanish adolescents (N = 234). Personality traits were measured with the short form of the Junior Spanish NEO-PI-R (JS NEO-S) at ages 12 and 15. The results showed stability in the personality trait structure, as well as decreases in the mean levels of agreeableness and conscientiousness. The results also showed moderate rank-order consistency. Individual-level changes were more pronounced for neuroticism and conscientiousness. Approximately 90% of the participants showed ipsative consistency. The findings showed some personality trait changes occurred from age 12 to 15, but the changes were less marked than expected during this period of biological and social development. Our results also support the disruption hypothesis, as we found dips in conscientiousness and, to a lesser degree, agreeableness.This research has been funded by grant PSI2008-05988 from the Spanish Ministry of Science

    Alcohol expectancies mediate and moderate the associations between Big Five personality traits and adolescent alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems

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    Personality and expectancies are relevant psychological factors for the development of adolescent alcohol use and misuse. The present study examined their direct, mediated and moderated effects on different drinking behaviors in adolescence. Personality domains of the Five-Factor Model, positive and negative alcohol expectancies, alcohol use during the week and the weekend, and alcohol-related problems were assessed in a sample of 361 adolescents. Different personality dimensions were directly associated with specific alcohol outcomes: Extraversion, low Conscientiousness and low Openness were associated with weekend alcohol use; low Agreeableness was related to weekday use; whereas low Agreeableness, low Conscientiousness and Extraversion were associated with alcohol related problems. In addition, positive alcohol expectancies mediated the relationship between Extraversion and alcohol use, whereas both positive and negative expectancies mediated the association between Neuroticism and alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems. Finally, both types of expectancies interacted with Extraversion to predict alcohol problems. Our results highlight the importance of examining the complex interplay of comprehensive personality models and alcohol expectancies to gain a better understanding of the development of different alcohol use and misuse patterns in adolescence