160 research outputs found

    La construcción nacional en América Latina después de las independencias

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    Este trabajo aborda el proceso de la construcción nacional en América Latina. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre la cuestión y se describen algunos de los dispositivos de conformación nacional que forman parte del proceso: el racismo, la etnicidad y la civilización, entre otros

    Erantzukizun solidario aktiboa zehaztugabeko banku kontuetan

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    [EUS] Lan honek ibilbidea egiten du obligaziozko harremanen kontzeptutik, gaur egungo banku-harremanetara. Bezeroek finantzazio-entitatearekin duten harremanak hainbat betebehar dakartza, ikertu egin direnak lan honetan zehar. Horrela, harreman honek dituen berezitasunak ikusi daitezke ohiko obligaziozko harremanekin konparatuta. Ikerketa obligazioarekin hasten da, bere izaera, osagaiak, funtzionamendua...aztertuz eta ikuspegi orokorra bereganatzeko. Ondoren, banku-harremanetan zentratzen da erantzukizun aktiboaren bidez eratuta dagoenean eta gaur egun, gatazka handienak sortzen dituen egoerak aztertzen dira: titularren haserrea edo dibortzioa, titularren heriotza… Honen aurreko legedia falta dela eta, jurisprudentziak irizpide uniformal bat definitzera saiatu da; izan ere, finkatu egin den doktrina, ikuspegia, erabakiak… ikertzen dira lan honetan, gero horren ondorioak ateratzeko

    Cardiovascular Disease and Nutrition

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    Many studies have been published on the relationship between the risk of cardiovascular disease and various nutrients, foods, and eating patterns. Despite the well-accepted concept that diet has a significant influence on the development and prevention of cardiovascular disease, foods considered healthy or harmful have varied over the years. Cardiovascular diseases are one of the main causes of illness and death in Western countries, and cardiovascular drugs are the most commonly used medications. There are two types of factors involved in the development of cardiovascular disease. Some factor can be modified, like lifestyle, diet, environment, or smoking. Others such as genetic factors, gender, history, or age cannot be modified. In this chapter, some food, nutrients, and bioactive compounds that are susceptible to exert beneficial of harmful properties on cardiovascular disease are presented

    La construcción nacional en América Latina después de las independencias

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    Este trabajo aborda el proceso de la construcción nacional en América Latina. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre la cuestión y se describen algunos de los dispositivos de conformación nacional que forman parte del proceso: el racismo, la etnicidad y la civilización, entre otros

    Citrus and Health

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    Citrus has been proposed as an interesting ingredient in the elaboration of food products as soft drinks due to its distinctive aroma and high nutritive value. It is a rich source of nutrients that contains higher amounts of vitamin C, citric acid, minerals, and flavonoids, especially flavanones and flavones (reaching values of 400–600 mg/L) and in lesser amounts flavonols and hydroxycinnamic acids. Citrus flavonoids decrease capillary permeability and are beneficial in the treatment of vascular diseases. Scientific studies suggest that the ingestion of food products based on citrus fruits improves the blood lipid profile, reduces oxidative stress, prevents atherogenic modifications of LDL and platelet aggregation, as well as contributes to the improvement of HDL levels. Other benefits attributed to citrus are antiaging, anticancer, neuroprotective, and antidiabetic. The present revision tries to empathize the most relevant studies regarding citrus and health

    Anthocyanin metabolites in human urine after the intake of new functional beverages

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    Sugar intake abuse is directly related with the increase of metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, and insulin resistance. Along this line, the development of new beverages using alternative sweeteners could help with combatting the pathophysiological disorders associated to the consumption of sugar. To provide evidence on this issue, in the present work, the bioavailability of anthocyanins was evaluated after the acute ingestion of a new maqui-citrus-based functional beverage rich in polyphenols, and supplemented with a range of sweeteners including sucrose (natural high caloric), stevia (natural non-caloric), and sucralose (artificial non-caloric), as an approach that would allow reducing the intake of sugars while providing bioactive phenolic compounds (anthocyanins). This approach allowed the evaluation of the maximum absorption and the diversity of metabolites excreted through urine. The beverages created were ingested by volunteers (n = 20) and the resulting anthocyanin metabolites in their urine were analyzed by UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS. A total of 29 degradation metabolites were detected: Caffeic acid, catechol, 3,4-dihidroxifenilacetic acid, hippuric acid, trans-ferulic acid, 2,4,6-trihydroxybenzaldehyde, trans-isoferulic acid, and vanillic acid derivatives, where peak concentrations were attained at 3.5 h after beverage intake. Sucralose was the sweetener that provided a higher bioavailability for most compounds, followed by stevia. Sucrose did not provide a remarkably higher bioavailability of any compounds in comparison with sucralose or stevia. The results propose two sweetener alternatives (sucralose and stevia) to sucrose, an overused high calorie sweetener that promotes some metabolic diseasesThis research was funded by the Spanish MINECO, grant number AGL2016-75332-C2-1-R and AGL-2016-75332-C2-2-R. VA was funded by a FPI grant (BES-2017-079754) of the Spanish MINECO. The APC was funded by the projects AGL2016-75332-C2-1-

    Effect of ingestion of dark chocolates with similar lipid composition and different cocoa content on antioxidant and lipid status in healthy humans

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    The association between in vitro antioxidant capacity of dark chocolates with different cocoa percentage and the in vivo response on antioxidant status was investigated. In a randomized crossover design, 15 healthy volunteer consumed 100 g of high antioxidants dark chocolate (HADC) or dark chocolate (DC). In vitro, HADC displayed a higher Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) than DC. In vivo, plasma TAC significantly peaked 2 h after ingestion of both chocolates. TAC levels went back to zero 5 h after DC ingestion whilst levels remained significantly higher for HADC. HADC induced a significantly higher urinary TAC in the 5-12 h interval time than DC. No change was detected in urinary excretion of F2-isoprostanes. Plasma thiols and triacylglycerol (TG) levels significantly increased for both chocolate with a peak at 2 h remaining significantly higher for DC after 5 h respect to HADC. Results provide evidence of a direct association between antioxidant content of chocolate and the extent of in vivo response on plasma antioxidant capacity. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Body composition and metabolic status of Italian and Spanish university students: relationship with fruit and vegetable consumption

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    Most university students do not follow recommendations for fruit and vegetable intake, with a consequent increase in the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors. The aim of this study was to compare obesity prevalence and biomarkers of metabolic status between Italian and Spanish university students, in relation with the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Food consumption, adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MD), level of physical activity (PA), blood glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides and ketones, blood pressure, and body composition were evaluated. Among CVD risk factors, only glucose was significantly higher in Spaniards (SP), and only 3.1% of SP presented ketosis. SP had a higher percentage of energy from fat. Although adherence to MD and fruit and vegetable consumption did not differ between Italians and SP, students who consumed at least four servings of fruit and vegetables (FV group) showed better values for pressure and metabolic parameters than the no FV group. We observed an association between consumption of fruit and PA. Students who consumed more vegetables than fruit reported a better body composition profile and lower glucose concentrations. As previously suggested, in addition to PA, two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables per day should be recommended