42 research outputs found

    Packaging Design with Hidden Near Infrared Colour Separation

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    We present extended visual and infrared colour management with the application in packaging print in this paper. Visual design is a vector graph which is masked by pixel graph according to a plan which altogether allows visibility of packaged product. The hidden information, invisible to the naked eye, is printed on the transparent foil and is identified by an infrared camera. Two independent pieces of pictural information are made with the "dualcolours". Each tone of colour consists of two different process components which respond differently in near infrared spectrum. Duality of graphic design for visual (V) and near infrared (Z) spectrum is designed for the print with process colours. The recipes for dual colorants are achieved by near infrared spectroscopy. A new mathematical regression model is provided for transparent material which is applied in food packaging. The infrared vector graphics increases safety quality of packaging technology; against copying, scanning and subsequent reproduction

    CMYKIR Separations for Printing on Transparent Polymer Materials

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    Hidden information on food packaging are carried out with INFRAREDESIGN technology procedure. The procedure implicates merging of two independent visual RGB images, followed by compound separating in process CMYKIR components. Graphic reproduction embodies picture elements - pixels with two independent appearances in two light spectrum. The first range is a visual space that we see with the bare eye and the other range of the near infrared, that is registered instrumentally. One can distinguish two information using Z glasses that selected by the absorption of light at 1000 nm. Printing on a transparent polymer material, carrying a transparent image that is designed as a protective prints with individualized line forms. Dyes are mixed as twins respecting the norm DIN4 Flexographic rare and transparent dyes viscosity 22 s. The two dyes twins have the same spectrogram in the area of 400 to 700 nm, and different spectrogram Z point near infrared spectrum

    Parallel Motion Images in Visual and Near Infrared Spectrum

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    This paper presents parallel film recording of sunlight reflection from the same matter, in visual (V) and near infrared (Z) spectrum. We have designed a ZRGB-Motion GoPro video camera for parallel high quality motion recording in dual spectrum. Recorded are two parallel video twins, presenting different information in the grey area. The usage of extended reality in the infrared spectrum could be used in artistic as well as identification purposes. The scenography and costume designs give the technical solution in the making of a parallel motion image. The importance of parallel reproduction of motion images lies in the differences that create a new expanded space in communication design

    Black Twin Colors on Topographics Maps in Digital Print

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    Spot dyes join the double feature of the INFRAREDESIGNĀ® theory. A large number of planned colors in graphics of topographic maps, are simulated in the press with only four process colorants. Achieved are seperated infromation for the visible and infrared spectrum. This introduces the protection of printed matter, protection of property, reduces the cost of spot printing of large numbers of layers. For the digital print technology simulation of the merge of "topographical colors" is extended to achieve Infrared graphics. The black color tone, a typical color in cartography, is associated with two dyes with different compositions and different properties in the infrared spectrum. Black twins are programmed for the digital printing form for the printing with CMYK process components, and according to the IRDĀ® procedure

    Modeling of Modern Business Intelligence Analytical Functions Based on Stochastic Simulation

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    A new model of analytical function has been developed for modern Business Intelligence Analysis (BIA). The Croatian model is being used for intelligence investigations of various financial events, markets, subjects or entities, and for financial BIA control methods. The financial BIA functional entropy was predicted utilizing the soft computing process (based on fuzzy logic) and various stochastic simulations. This study explains the simulation-modeling concept of the BIA function. The queuing M/M/s model with priorities was used for solving different stochastic simulations. In practice, the BIA simulation model can be used for measuring analytical capacity

    Near infrared colorants with individualized rasters on drug packaging

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    Safety graphics on drug packaging are presented using infrared colorants according to the recipe for VZ twins for offset printing. The mathematical model of the individual shape of raster (screen) elements, ā€œthe FourHornsā€ (FH), is presented here along with the performance solution in PostScript. Safety procedures have been expanded with linear typography print, but by using low resolution screens on the border of recognition. The design was applied in the print on drug packaging subject to different weather conditions which affect and change the color tone of V and Z twins during longer time periods. The visual design (V) is shown and transformed into near infrared spectrum (Z) using the method of digital animation. The presentation is based on the methods of creating animated movies by combining eight photographs which were made using a forensic camera with light filters for the range from 400 to 1000 nanometers. The visual and near infrared absorption of sunlight is shown in continuity, including the Z1 and Z2 area of wavelengths

    Near-infrared spectroscopy and hidden graphics applied in printing security documents in the offset technique

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    The method of mixing pigments for the printing technology is expanded with the addition of dual states in security graphics. Near-infrared spectroscopy of colorants used in the offset technique has brought about the concept of targeted design by a selective use of colorants that are visible in the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum. High-security documents have been observed in the NIR light based on twin colorants which are differentiated according to their NIR absorption in the range from 800 to 1000 nm. New procedures have been developed based on the innovative creation of documents with hidden information. Two graphics are combined with mutating screen elements. A mathematical definition of the new printing screen and an algorithm in PostScript are given. The designer plans and creates graphics, which originate from the twin colorants, by using the INFRAREDESIGNĀ® method. The dual design was investigated using visual and infrared cameras for the forensic area. The components of colorants are determined by the spectroscopy of light absorption with filters in the visual and NIR spectrum

    Banknote Typography with a Particular Reference to Croatia through the 20th Century

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    Cilj je rada istražiti transformacije oblikovanja informacija na novčanicama tijekom 20. stoljeća, razdoblja najvećih grafičkih inovacija nakon Gutenbergova izuma tiska pomičnim slovima. Računarska grafika preuzela je prostor tipografije upravo kada je ručno graviranje u tvrdim materijalima dosegnulo maksimum umijeća u kreiranju pismovnog reza. Prije 40-ak godina počinje era jetkanja tiskovnih formi za tiskarske tehnike bakropisa i čelikotiska integrirajući ručno nastale crteže te primjena fotosloga kao predstavnika digitalne tehnologije. Finoća pismovnih linija uvela je mikrotipografiju kao posebnu metodu rastriranja u pozadini novčanica. U Hrvatskoj su navedene promjene prisutne kroz autorska djela naÅ”ih tipografa, premda se samo umnožavanje novčanica obavljalo u stranim tiskarama koje su imale primjereno zaÅ”tićenu tiskarsku tehnologiju. Radom se doprinosi znanstvenoj analizi tehničkog segmenta izrade novčanica na tlu Hrvatske tijekom 20. stoljeća, čime se, metodama analize i sinteze, daje jasna slika i kvalitetna preglednost metode izrade novčanica, i to kako s aspekta same tehnologije tako i kroz progresiju razvojnog ciklusa izrade novčanica. S obzirom da se ne istražuju samo hrvatske novčanice već i sve novčanice prisutne u Hrvatskoj u to doba, analizom se doprinosi i komparaciji lokalnih dosega s tehnologijom izrade stranih novčanica iz istog razdoblja.The aim of the paper is the research of transformation of formatting information on banknotes during the 20th century, which is the period of some of the greatest graphical innovations after Gutenbergā€™s invention of movable type printing. Computer graphics had taken over in the field of typography in the exact moment of hand engravingā€™s highest level of art in the creation of the font cut. About forty years ago, the era of etching used in copper etching and steel engraving in hand - made drawings had begun, along with the use of phototypesetting as the representative of digital technology. Quality of the written lines has introduced microtypography as a special method of rasterization in the background of banknotes. In Croatia, the above mentioned modifications are present through the works of our typographers, even though the multiplication of banknotes was done in foreign printing houses that had appropriately protected printing technology. The paper contributes to the scientific analysis of the technical aspect of banknote making on Croatiaā€™s soil during the course of the 20th century, and this, with the methods of analysis and synthesis incorporated, gives a clear picture and transparency into the method of banknote making, both from a technological and development cycle - making aspect. Given the fact that not only the Croatian banknotes are examined, analysis contributes to comparative procedures of local scopes in the field of technological manufacture of other banknotes that belong to the same time period

    Inovacije u tehnologiji tiska i novih bojila

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    Inovacije u tiskarskoj tehnologiji, te inovacije i nagrade za inovacije u grafičkoj tehnologiji zasnivaju se na razvoju novih bojila koja se prikazuju u dualitetu. Za dva bojila koja imaju jednake boje razvijene su dvije različite recepture od komponenata procesnih bojila. Dva bojila imaju različite sastave s ciljem da se različito (zadana razlika DeltaZ) odazivaju u bliskom infracrvenom spektru. Takva dva bojila nazivamo ā€œblizanci boja i bojila"

    ZaŔtita reprodukcije portreta sa sigurnosnim portretom

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    Portret na dokumentima se tiska s dualnim sadržajem koji se odvojeno promatraju u vizualnom i blisko infracrvenom spektru. Individualna grafika se sastoji od (1.) en-face u kolor izvedbi, te (2.) siva slika profila portreta nevidljiva golom oku. Spajanje dviju slika izvedeno je po novoj InfrareDesignĀ® metodi