177 research outputs found

    News and the city: understanding online press consumption patterns through mobile data

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    The always increasing mobile connectivity affects every aspect of our daily lives, including how and when we keep ourselves informed and consult news media. By studying a DPI (deep packet inspection) dataset, provided by one of the major Chilean telecommunication companies, we investigate how different cohorts of the population of Santiago De Chile consume news media content through their smartphones. We find that some socio-demographic attributes are highly associated to specific news media consumption patterns. In particular, education and age play a significant role in shaping the consumers behaviour even in the digital context, in agreement with a large body of literature on off-line media distribution channels

    The Impact of Disinformation on a Controversial Debate on Social Media

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    In this work we study how pervasive is the presence of disinformation in the Italian debate around immigration on Twitter and the role of automated accounts in the diffusion of such content. By characterising the Twitter users with an \textit{Untrustworthiness} score, that tells us how frequently they engage with disinformation content, we are able to see that such bad information consumption habits are not equally distributed across the users; adopting a network analysis approach, we can identify communities characterised by a very high presence of users that frequently share content from unreliable news sources. Within this context, social bots tend to inject in the network more malicious content, that often remains confined in a limited number of clusters; instead, they target reliable content in order to diversify their reach. The evidence we gather suggests that, at least in this particular case study, there is a strong interplay between social bots and users engaging with unreliable content, influencing the diffusion of the latter across the network

    Immigration as a Divisive Topic: Clusters and Content Diffusion in the Italian Twitter Debate

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    In this work, we apply network science to analyse almost 6 M tweets about the debate around immigration in Italy, collected between 2018 and 2019, when many related events captured media outlets’ attention. Our aim was to better understand the dynamics underlying the interactions on social media on such a delicate and divisive topic, which are the actors that are leading the discussion, and whose messages have the highest chance to reach out the majority of the accounts that are following the debate. The debate on Twitter is represented with networks; we provide a characterisation of the main clusters by looking at the highest in-degree nodes in each one and by analysing the text of the tweets of all the users. We find a strongly segregated network which shows an explicit interplay with the Italian political and social landscape, that however seems to be disconnected from the actual geographical distribution and relocation of migrants. In addition, quite surprisingly, the influencers and political leaders that apparently lead the debate, do not necessarily belong to the clusters that include the majority of nodes: we find evidence of the existence of a `silent majority’ that is more connected to accounts who expose a more positive stance toward migrants, while leaders whose stance is negative attract apparently more attention. Finally, we see that the community structure clearly affects the diffusion of content (URLs) by identifying the presence of both local and global trends of diffusion, and that communities tend to display segregation regardless of their political and cultural background. In particular, we observe that messages that spread widely in the two largest clusters, whose most popular members are also notoriously at the opposite sides of the political spectrum, have a very low chance to get visibility into other clusters

    United-and-Close: An interactive visual platform for assessing urban segregation within the 15-minutes paradigm

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    The ‘15-minute city’ paradigm is an urban model based on the concept of ‘hyper-proximity’: citizens should be able to access fundamental services and facilities (such as schools, shops, parks, doctors, and markets) within 15-20 minutes on foot, by bicycle or by public transport. Compliance with the ‘15-minute city’ paradigm is supposed to reduce pollution and social inequalities. It is supposed to bring the psychological fragility of the citizen back to the center of the urban redevelopment debate. Although the concept has gained great attention and interest from policymakers and urban designers, we still lack tools that can help to validate, on a data-driven basis, the assumption that hyper-proximity is eventually correlated with lower urban segregation, which is one of the driving forces that lead to social inequalities. We aim to define a data-driven methodology to analyze the urban areas where services should be accessible within 15 minutes; network analysis is exploited to estimate services proximity as well as the connectivity of different urban areas with each other, in order to gather signals of the general resilience or exposure to urban segregation. We also aim to compute a set of city-agnostic metrics that will include user-specified parameters and personalized weights for each Point of Interest’s category. United-and-Close is the resulting Web platform designed to be accessible to citizens, policy and decision-makers, and investors, but also for researchers involved in disciplines such as urban informatics that need support to better assess the 15-minute paradigm and its actual impact on our cities

    Bridging Representation and Visualization in Prosopographic Research: A Case Study

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    In the last decade, the research on ancient civilizations has started to rely more and more on data science to extract knowledge on ancient societies from the written sources delivered from the past. In this paper, we combine two well-established frameworks: Linked Data to obtain a rich data structure, and Network Science to explore different research questions regarding the structure and the evolution of ancient societies. We propose a multi-disciplinary pipeline where, starting from a semantically annotated prosopographic archive, a research question is translated into a query on the archive and the obtained dataset is the input to the network model. We applied this pipeline to different archives, a Hittite and a Kassite collection of cuneiform tablets. Finally, network visualization is presented as a powerful tool to highlight both the data structure and the social network analysis results

    Immigration as a Divisive Topic: Clusters and Content Diffusion in the Italian Twitter Debate

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    In this work, we apply network science to analyse almost 6 M tweets about the debate around immigration in Italy, collected between 2018 and 2019, when many related events captured media outlets’ attention. Our aim was to better understand the dynamics underlying the interactions on social media on such a delicate and divisive topic, which are the actors that are leading the discussion, and whose messages have the highest chance to reach out the majority of the accounts that are following the debate. The debate on Twitter is represented with networks; we provide a characterisation of the main clusters by looking at the highest in-degree nodes in each one and by analysing the text of the tweets of all the users. We find a strongly segregated network which shows an explicit interplay with the Italian political and social landscape, that however seems to be disconnected from the actual geographical distribution and relocation of migrants. In addition, quite surprisingly, the influencers and political leaders that apparently lead the debate, do not necessarily belong to the clusters that include the majority of nodes: we find evidence of the existence of a `silent majority’ that is more connected to accounts who expose a more positive stance toward migrants, while leaders whose stance is negative attract apparently more attention. Finally, we see that the community structure clearly affects the diffusion of content (URLs) by identifying the presence of both local and global trends of diffusion, and that communities tend to display segregation regardless of their political and cultural background. In particular, we observe that messages that spread widely in the two largest clusters, whose most popular members are also notoriously at the opposite sides of the political spectrum, have a very low chance to get visibility into other clusters

    Measuring user engagement with low credibility media sources in a controversial online debate

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    We quantify social media user engagement with low-credibility online news media sources using a simple and intuitive methodology, that we showcase with an empirical case study of the Twitter debate on immigration in Italy. By assigning the Twitter users an Untrustworthiness (U) score based on how frequently they engage with unreliable media outlets and cross-checking it with a qualitative political annotation of the communities, we show that such information consumption is not equally distributed across the Twitter users. Indeed, we identify clusters characterised by a very high presence of accounts that frequently share content from less reliable news sources. The users with high U are more keen to interact with bot-like accounts that tend to inject more unreliable content into the network and to retweet that content. Thus, our methodology applied to this real-world network provides evidence, in an easy and straightforward way, that there is strong interplay between accounts that display higher bot-like activity and users more focused on news from unreliable sources and that this influences the diffusion of this information across the network
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