10 research outputs found

    Influence of sense of coherence on adolescents' self-perceived dental aesthetics:a cross-sectional study

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    Background Sense of coherence (SOC) is a psychosocial factor capable of influencing perception of health, improving one’s ability to manage life. It is the central construct of salutogenesis. SOC allows for identification and mobilization of resources to effectively manage or solve problems, promoting health and quality of life. Using Wilson-Cleary’s conceptual model we hypothesized that SOC might contribute to self-perception of dental aesthetics. The aim of this study was to investigate whether SOC levels were related to self-perception of dental aesthetics against assessed normative orthodontic treatment need among adolescents. Methods A cross-sectional study was conducted with 615 male and female adolescents aged 12 to 15 years. Data collection comprised socio-demographic and socio-economic characteristics, SOC (SOC 13), self-perceived dental aesthetics (Oral Aesthetic Subjective Impact Scale), and assessment of orthodontic treatment need (Dental Aesthetic Index). Statistical analysis involved Pearson’s chi-square test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney test and multiple linear regression. Spearman’s correlation coefficient was calculated for the determination of the strength of correlations among the numerical variables. The level of significance was set at 5% (p < 0.05). Results 50.1% of the participants were classified as having a high SOC (≥ median). Overall, SOC was associated with self-perceived dental aesthetics (p = 0.048). In the adolescents with no orthodontic treatment need, those with a low SOC perceived their dental aesthetics more negatively than those with high levels of SOC. The multiple regression analysis demonstrated an inverse relationship between SOC and: 1) age (p = 0.007), SOC being higher in the younger age group; 2) self-perceived dental aesthetics (p = 0.001), a higher SOC being associated with those who had a positive dental self-perception. Conclusions SOC was associated with self-perceived dental aesthetics and adolescents with a high SOC were more likely to perceive their dental aesthetics more positively. SOC did not seem to influence self-perception of dental aesthetics in adolescents who were clinically assessed as having an orthodontic treatment need, however, in those where there was no orthodontic treatment need, a low SOC was associated with a negative self-perception of dental appearance

    Nível de conhecimento e percepção de risco da população brasileira sobre o HIV/Aids, 1998 e 2005 Knowledge and risk perception on HIV/AIDS by Brazilian population, 1998 and 2005

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever o nível de conhecimento e percepção de risco da população brasileira sobre o HIV/Aids. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizadas as bases de dados da Pesquisa sobre Comportamento Sexual e Percepções da População, nos anos 1998 e 2005. Utilizou-se um indicador sintético composto de nove questões sobre níveis de conhecimento e percepção de risco acerca de formas de transmissão do vírus e situações de risco, segundo subgrupos populacionais. RESULTADOS: Os homens aumentaram seu nível de conhecimento no período, atingindo o nível de informação das mulheres. Entre os jovens não houve crescimento significativo do conhecimento, e tornou-se praticamente inexistente a diferença entre os sexos em relação a essa dimensão. Quanto à percepção de risco, aumentou a proporção dos que declaram não apresentar risco de contrair HIV/Aids. CONCLUSÕES: Apesar do aumento no nível de conhecimento em geral, os resultados encontrados indicam a necessidade de ações e programas e de prevenção do HIV/Aids para a população em geral, em especial, aos jovens.<br>OBJECTIVE: To describe the level of knowledge and risk perception on HIV/AIDS of the Brazilian Population. METHODS: Data base from a national survey on sexual behavior and HIV/AIDS risk perception in the Brazilian population, in 1998 and 2005, were used. A synthetic indicator was used, composed by nine questions on the level of knowledge and risk perception on the forms of transmission of the virus and risk situations, according to population subgroups. RESULTS: Men increased their level of knowledge in the period, reaching the same information level of women. Among youngsters, there was no significant increase in knowledge, and the difference between sexes was absent in this dimension. Regarding risk perception, there was an increase in the proportion of those that declared they were not under risk of HIV/AIDS contamination. CONCLUSIONS: Despite the increase in the level of general knowledge, the study's results indicate the need for actions and programs of HIV/AIDS prevention in the general population and, especially, with youngsters

    Masculinidade hegemônica, vulnerabilidade e prevenção ao HIV/AIDS Hegemonic masculinity, vulnerability and the prevention of HIV/AIDS

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    O estudo tem como objetivo analisar as relações entre masculinidade, vulnerabilidade e prevenção do HIV/AIDS, com a ancoragem em narrativas de homens jovens pertencentes às chamadas classes trabalhadoras urbanas, levando em conta não só os sentidos atribuídos à prevenção por parte desses sujeitos, mas também considerando a relação dialética entre individuo e sociedade. O referencial conceitual engloba três eixos masculinidade hegemônica, prevenção e vulnerabilidade. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa baseada na perspectiva da hermenêutica dialética que utiliza o método de interpretação de sentidos. A análise produziu dois eixos como resultados: A masculinidade hegemônica como fator de vulnerabilidade; Mitos e preconceitos como fatores de vulnerabilidade ao HIV/AIDS; Em termos de conclusão, reforça-se a necessidade da discussão acerca da prevenção encampar a necessidade de colocar na ordem do dia a construção do sistema sexo/gênero em volta do qual se articulam os significados sociais da masculinidade e da feminilidade que influenciam estruturalmente o plano das relações afetivo sexuais, em geral, e a prevenção do HIV/AIDS, em específico.<br>The study aims to examine the relationship between masculinity, vulnerability and the prevention of HIV/AIDS, based on reports from young men from the so-called urban working classes, taking into account not only the meanings attributed to prevention by these subjects, but also considering the dialectical relationship between the individual and society. The conceptual framework encompasses the three main aspects of hegemonic masculinity, prevention and vulnerability. This involves qualitative research based on the perspective of dialectical hermeneutics that uses the method of interpretation of meanings. The analysis yielded two main results, namely hegemonic masculinity as a vulnerability factor, and myths and prejudices as factors of vulnerability to HIV/AIDS. By way of conclusion, it reinforces the need for discussion of prevention encompassing the need to put on the agenda the construction of the sex/gender system around which to articulate the social meanings of masculinity and femininity that influence the structural plan of affective sexual relations in general and HIV/AIDS in particular

    Saúde e ambiente em sua relação com o consumo de agrotóxicos em um pólo agrícola do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Health, environment, and pesticide use in a farming area in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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    O uso de agrotóxicos na lavoura é uma realidade nacional, assim como é do tamanho de nosso país a dimensão dos problemas relacionados a este uso. Sua ampla e crescente utilização no processo de produção agropecuária, entre outras aplicações, tem gerado uma série de transtornos e modificações para o ambiente, seja através da contaminação das comunidades de seres vivos que o compõem, seja através da sua acumulação nos segmentos bióticos e abióticos dos ecossistemas (biota, água, ar, solo, sedimentos etc.). Também se apresenta como determinante de uma série de doenças e agravos à saúde das populações humanas. O presente trabalho discute algumas implicações do uso de agrotóxicos para a saúde humana e o ambiente da região serrana do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, importante pólo agrícola estadual. Para tanto, apresenta resultados de estudos realizados na região, apontando para os possíveis determinantes do quadro ora vigente na região e alguns dos principais desafios de superação do problema.<br>Pesticide use in agriculture is a nationwide phenomenon in Brazil, and the problem is proportional to this vast country. The widespread and growing use of pesticides for crops and cattle-raising, among other applications, has caused a number of environmental changes and problems, both by contaminating the communities of living beings that comprise the environment and by accumulating in the biotic and abiotic segments of ecosystems (biota, water, air, soil, sediments etc.). Pesticides also cause a number of diseases and health problems in human populations. The current article discusses several pesticide-related implications for human health and the environment in the mountainous region of the State of Rio de Janeiro, an important farming center. The article presents the results of research in the area, identifying possible determinants of the current situation and some of the main challenges for dealing with the problem

    Erratum to: ABC of multi-fractal spacetimes and fractional sea turtles (vol 76, 181, 2016)

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