4 research outputs found

    Biochronostratigraphy and paleoenvironment analysis of Neogene deposits from the Pelotas Basin (well 2-TG-96-RS), Southernmost Brazil

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    This paper presents the integration of micropaleontological (palynology and foraminifera) and isotopic (87Sr/86Sr) analysis of a selected interval from the well 2-TG-96-RS, drilled on the onshore portion of the Pelotas Basin, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. A total of eight samples of the section between 140.20 and 73.50 m in depth was selected for palynological analysis, revealing diversified and abundant palynomorph associations. Species of spores, pollen grains and dinoflagellate cysts are the most common palynomorphs found. Planktic and benthic calcareous foraminifera were recovered from the lowest two levels of the section (140.20 and 134.30 m). Based on the stratigraphic range of the species of dinoflagellate cysts and sporomorphs, a span age from Late Miocene to Early Pliocene is assigned. The relative age obtained from the 87Sr/86Sr ratio in shells of calcareous foraminifers indicates a Late Miocene (Messinian) correspondence, corroborating the biostratigraphic positioning performed with palynomorphs. Paleoenvironmental interpretations based on the quantitative distribution of organic components (palynomorphs, phytoclasts and amorphous organic matter) throughout the section and on foraminiferal associations indicate a shallow marine depositional environment for the section. Two palynologicals intervals were recognized based on palynofacies analysis, related to middle to outer shelf (140.20 to 128.90 m) and inner shelf (115.75 to 73.50 m) conditions

    Técnica hidropônica para triagem de genótipos de tomateiro quanto à eficiência de absorção de fósforo Hydroponic technique for screening of tomato genotypes for phosphorus uptake efficiency

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    O fósforo (P) é um dos nutrientes mais limitantes ao crescimento e ao desenvolvimento das plantas, especialmente em solos ácidos das regiões tropicais e subtropicais. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estabelecer uma técnica, em solução nutritiva (hidroponia), de triagem de genótipos de tomateiro quanto à eficiência de absorção de fósforo. Utilizou-se uma área de 160 m² dentro de uma estrutura de proteção coberta com película de polietileno de 150 micra de espessura. Foram utilizados canais de cultivo de alvenaria com 20 cm de largura por 15 cm de altura espaçados de 0,80 m. O delineamento experimental foi em esquema de parcela subdividida com fatorial nas parcelas, com 4 repetições. Nas parcelas foram utilizadas duas concentrações de P na solução nutritiva (0,50 e 60 ppm) e, nas subparcelas, dois genótipos de tomateiro contrastantes quanto à eficiência de absorção de P [PI 121665 (eficiente, crt/crt) e TOM-598 (normal, crt+/crt+)]. Em um ensaio subsequente, os dois genótipos foram novamente cultivados em delineamento experimental inteiramente ao acaso com quatro repetições, na mesma estrutura, sob concentração de 0,20 ppm de P em solução nutritiva. Foram feitas as avaliações de massa fresca da parte aérea, massa seca da parte aérea, massa fresca da raiz, massa seca da raiz, comprimento, área e volume da raiz. Concluiu-se que a técnica hidropônica é eficiente para triar genótipos de tomateiro com resistência ou tolerância à deficiência de fósforo. A concentração de 0,50 ppm de P na solução nutritiva em sistema hidropônico NFT é adequada para esse fim.<br>Phosphorus (P) is the most limiting nutrient to plant growth and development in acidic soils of tropical and subtropical regions. The objective of this study was to establish a nutrient solution (hydroponics) technique for screening of tomato genotypes for efficiency of phosphorus absorption. An area of 160 m² within a protective structure covered with 150 micron polyethylene film was used, with masonry-built channels 20 cm wide x 15 cm in height spaced 0.80 m apart. The experimental setup was a split plot design with factorial treatments and four replications. Plots comprised two concentrations of P in nutrient solution (0.50 and 60 ppm), whereas subplots comprised two tomato genotypes with contrasting P absorption efficiencies [PI 121665 (efficient, crt/crt) and TOM-598 (crt+/crt+)]. After this test, the two genotypes were again grown in a completely randomized experimental design with four replications, under the same structure, under concentration of 0.20 ppm P in nutrient solution. We evaluated the fresh mass of aboveground part, dry mass of aboveground part, fresh mass of root, dry mass of root and length, area and volume from the root. The hydroponic technique was effective to screen tomato genotypes for resistance or tolerance to phosphorus deficiency. The concentration of 0.50 ppm P in nutrient solution in NFT hydroponic system was suitable for this purpose