32 research outputs found

    Literacy difficulties 'self-perception in advertising students

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    In the last years, university professors have detected an increase in misspellings, even in degrees where proficiency in communication is essential. There is a need to analyse how writing and reading problems prevalence has enlarged, but also the reason why this has happened. This re-search starts from the assumption that in some countries students with literacy difficulties might be reaching the university without a proper diagnosis or support intervention. In the frame of Advertising studies, a creative career with requirements of high knowledge of oral and written communication, the study compares in Spain actual literacy problems diagnoses to literacy self-perception. It also explores the awareness and attitudes toward dyslexia through an online questionnaire. Results show, on one hand, a quantitative discrepancy between actual diagnosis and self-perception struggles. On the other hand, a qualitative discrepancy with those pupils with dyslexia diagnoses reporting lower punctuations in the literacy struggles than the rest. Finally, a practical discrepancy, as there is widespread theoretical knowledge about dyslexia that does not correspond to practical interventions for this problem. Causes and consequences of these discrepancies in communication students require further research

    Print advertising of cosmetics in Spain and its visual characteristics

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    El presente estudio utiliza el análisis de contenido para conocer los aspectos visuales de la publicidad gráfica de la categoría “Tratamientos faciales de belleza” de las principales marcas en España. Los datos indican que la estructura más utilizada es la imagen de una mujer que personifica el ideal de belleza a la izquierda mientras que a la derecha se encuentra un texto explicativo junto con el producto, generalmente representado de forma expresiva. Además, cada marca se caracteriza por una combinación específica de estrategias visuales. Los resultados tienen implicaciones tanto para el sector publicitario como para los estudios sobre cultura visual.This study uses the content analysis to understand the visual aspects of print advertising in the category "Facial beauty treatments" of the main brands in Spain. The data indicate that the most used structure is the image of a woman who personifies the ideal of beauty on the left, while on the right is located the explanatory text together with the product, usually represented in an expressive way. In addition, each brand is characterized by a specific combination of visual strategies. The results have implications both for the advertising sector and for visual culture studies

    How should companies that receive R&D&I funds communicate? Legal requirements in Spain

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    Companies receiving funds for their research, development and technological innovation (R&D&I) activities must comply with communication obligations so that citizens are informed of the projects that are financed using public funds. The information requirements are defined both in the European and Spanish legal framework. The objective of this paper is to compile this legislation and analyse the communication and data sharing obligations that are required for these funding recipients. The results indicate that the communication obligations of the subsidised projects are very general. It is compulsory to standardise the terms used, the actions requested and the content of these, and to promote data sharing in companies, all through a repository that brings together the R&D&I projects funded

    Communication of innovation through online media

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    The communication of innovation through online media is a subject that has not been studied much. This article examines the communications of Spanish companies that have received grants for their Research, Development and Technological Innovation (R&D&I) projects from the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial, CDTI). The companies that received funding in January 2016 are reviewed and an analysis performed of the quantitative and qualitative content of the websites and blogs for the subsequent 2 years has been. We have observed whether the companies communicate their innovations, if so, how, and whether they are complying with their communication obligations. Our conclusions indicate that the communication is insufficient, dispersed and not homogeneous. The regulations should better specify in which section the information should be published and which elements it should consist of, in order to improve transparency

    Communication policies for innovation financed with public funds in Spain: the experts’ view

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    Companies that receive public funds for research and development and technological innovation (R&D&I) projects must comply with certain communication obligations in accordance with relevant Spanish and European laws. The aim of this work is to assess these requirements (including their advantages and limitations) based on the opinion of experts in the field. Interviews were conducted with R&D&I managers in national and regional agencies; innovation, transparency, and scientific dissemination specialists; and company directors. The results confirm the value of communicating innovation, in accordance with the current trends of innovation dissemination and the principles of transparency. Experts consider that the required communication requirements are insufficient and that their means and formats must be adapted to enhance the dissemination of innovation and improve transparency by promoting accessible content in a unified repository. They propose the measurement and assessment of the social impact of subsidized projects, as well as the possibility of subsidizing communication actions, as in European projects. Moreover, there is an urgent need to standardize the communication obligations of all proposals

    Product placement analysis in three Netflix original series

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    La publicidad ha encontrado un obstáculo con la proliferación de plataformas como Netflix y esto ha provocado el impulso del emplazamiento de producto. Mediante un análisis de contenido, este estudio exploratorio examina el uso del emplazamiento de producto en tres series originales de Netflix, para comprender cómo se comporta en esta plataforma. Los resultados indican que se trata de una fórmula asentada, pero que el tipo de emplazamiento o el número de marcas están determinados por la trama. Igualmente, que la audiencia no se restrinja a un país concreto parece favorecer la presencia de marcas globales.Advertising has encountered an obstacle with the proliferation of platforms like Netflix and this has sparked a boost in product placement. Through a content analysis, this exploratory study examines the use of product placement in three of Netflix’s original series, to understand how it behaves on this platform. The results indicate that it is a settled formula, but that the type of location or the number of marks is determined by the plot. Likewise, the fact that the audience is not restricted to a specific country seems to favor the presence of global brands

    European Funds at the Level of the Spanish Autonomous Communities: Is Administrative Communication Discouraging Open Innovation?

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    Spain is at the bottom in the absorption of European funds, and there is a need to research why. This paper starts from the idea that the problem could, among other issues, be related to the ineffectiveness of administrative communication, both in terms of transparency and dissemination. These dimensions are key for the innovation and open government principles endorsed by the better regulation initiative of the EU and have hardly been studied in this respect by academics. For the period 2021–2027, Spain will receive more than 34,692 million euros from the ERDF and ESF+ funds. The autonomous communities and cities must report on this aid based on communication plans and strategies for the operational programs. After compiling them, assessing their ease of access and analyzing some of their characteristics, such as the levels of execution of their budgets, this research analyzes how the 19 official websites inform about the ERDF and ESF. In several cases, the results point to inefficient institutional management of budgets for communication, as well as obstacles to accessing online content, which is key to transparency. The extent to which these shortcomings may be related to the lack of demand for European funding could be analyzed in future studies

    Narrative strategies of the Ibero-American Festival of Advertising Communication El Sol’s winning ads

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    Los anuncios narrativos cuentan una historia relacionada con el mensaje publicitario (Phillips; McQuarrie, 2010). Distintas investigaciones apuntan a que ayudan a construir relaciones favorables con el consumidor (Woodside; Sood; Miller, 2008) y que son más persuasivos que los que presentan las características del producto de forma analítica (Escalas, 2004a; 2004b; Chang, 2009). Sin embargo, existen relativamente pocos trabajos que analicen este tipo de publicidad en el ámbito iberoamericano. Esta comunicación presenta un análisis de contenido de los anuncios narrativos galardonados en la sección Film del Festival Iberoamericano de la Comunicación Publicitaria El Sol en los últimos cinco años con el objetivo de conocer sus características más relevantes. Los resultados indican que este tipo de anuncios predominan sobre los anuncios no narrativos, que su duración es mayor, que presentan tramas arquetípicas, que usan el humor y que la emoción más frecuente que generan es la diversión.Narrative ads tell a story related to the advertising message (Phillips; McQuarrie, 2010). Different studies have suggested that they help build favorable relationships with the consumer (Woodside; Sood; Miller, 2008) and that they are more persuasive than those in which the characteristics of the product are presented analytically (Escalas, 2004a; 2004b; Chang, 2009). However, there are relatively few studies that analyze this type of advertising in the Ibero-American sphere. This communication presents a content analysis of the award-winning narrative advertisements in the Film section of the El Sol Ibero-American Festival of Advertising Communication in the last five years with the aim of determining their most relevant characteristics. The results indicate that these types of advertisements predominate over non-narrative advertisements, that they last longer, that they present archetypal plots, that they use humor, and that the most frequent emotion they generate is fun

    Narrativa audiovisual aplicada a la publicidad: cuaderno de prácticas

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    Cuaderno de prácticas de la asignatura Narrativa Audiovisual Aplicada a la Publicidad

    Manual de edición rápida con Final Cut

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    Consideraciones generales. Gestión de archivos. La interfaz. Edición básica. Títulos y transiciones. Efectos. Audio. Compartir un proyecto. Problemas frecuentes. Funciones rápidas. Iconos principales. Tutoriales. Fuentes consultadas