210 research outputs found

    Problems of the Koszider Period in Transdanubia

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    Bronze Hoard from Zalaszabar. New Data on the Study of the TolnanĂ©medi Horizon – Part 2

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    Transformations in the Carpathian Basin around 1600 B. C.

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    Um die Zeit des Vulkanausbruchs von Thera fanden wichtige VerĂ€nderungen im Karpatenbecken statt. Diese sogenannte Koszider Epoche korrespondiert mit der letzten Phase der mittleren Bronzezeit in der ungarischen Terminologie und stellt den Übergang zur spĂ€ten Bronzezeit dar. Die Untersuchung dieser Epoche hat sich bisher als kontrovers erwiesen – sowohl unter ungarischen als auch mitteleuropĂ€ischen Wissenschaftlern. Erst in den letzten Jahren ist diese Epoche nicht mehr als kurzer Zeitraum, mit der ein bestimmtes historisches Ereignis verbunden werden kann, interpretiert worden. Vielmehr sieht man sie nun als eine lĂ€nger dauernde Periode an, welche die BlĂŒtezeit der mittleren Bronzezeit im Karpatenbecken markiert und die mit einschneidenden VerĂ€nderungen endet. Die Hauptelemente dieses Wandels sind allerdings noch unklar. Unser Ziel ist es, den Wandel durch den Vergleich verschiedener Aspekte dreier aufeinanderfolgender Phasen zu untersuchen. Am Ende sollen einige neue ErwĂ€gungen stehen, die die bisherigen Interpretationen dieser VerĂ€nderungen erweitern können. | Around the time of the Thera eruption important transformations occurred in the Carpathian Basin. This is the so-called Koszider Period, which corresponds to the last phase of the Middle Bronze Age (MBA) in the Hungarian terminology and represents a transition to the Late Bronze Age. The assessment of the period has been controversial among both Hungarian and central European scholars. In the past few years this period has been interpreted not as a short »horizon« connected to a specific historical event, but as a longer period that represented the heyday of the MBA in the Carpathian Basin, which ended with significant transformations. The main elements of this transformation, however, are still unclear. Our aim is to investigate this transformation through the comparison of several aspects of three subsequent phases and to amend the previously offered interpretations of the changes with a few new considerations

    MĂ©nfƑcsanak-83. Ășt sok korszakos lelƑhelyĂ©nek feldolgozĂĄsa = Analysis of the multi-period site of MĂ©nfƑcsanak road n. 83.

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    KutatĂĄsunk sorĂĄn a MĂ©nfƑcsanak-83. Ășt nyomvonalĂĄn feltĂĄrt közĂ©psƑ bronzkori, kelta Ă©s langobard temetƑ, illetve rĂ©zkori, kelta, rĂłmai, avar Ă©s ÁrpĂĄd-kori telepĂŒlĂ©s feldolgozĂĄsĂĄt Ă©s publikĂĄciĂłra elƑkĂ©szĂ­tĂ©sĂ©t tƱztĂŒk cĂ©lul. Az elnyert pĂĄlyĂĄzat csökkentett költsĂ©gvetĂ©se miatt az eredeti munkaterv mĂłdosĂ­tĂĄsĂĄra kĂ©nyszerĂŒltĂŒnk, Ă­gy a lelƑhely Ƒskori anyagĂĄnak feldolgozĂĄsa kĂ©szĂŒlt el. A kĂ©sƑ rĂ©zkori telepĂŒlĂ©srĂ©szlet adatokat nyĂșjt a Kisalföld, DK-SzlovĂĄkia Ă©s AlsĂł-Auszria telepĂŒlĂ©störtĂ©netĂ©hez Ă©s kapcsolataihoz a bolerĂĄzi kultĂșra idƑszakĂĄban. A közĂ©psƑ bronzkori temetƑ 60 sĂ­rja a mĂ©szbetĂ©tes kerĂĄmia kultĂșrĂĄja Ă©s a tokodi csoport a legjelentƑsebb temetkezĂ©si helyei közĂ© sorolhatĂł, feldolgozĂĄsuk alapvetƑen jĂĄrul hozzĂĄ a korszakrĂłl rendelkezĂ©sre ĂĄllĂł informĂĄciĂłhoz. A halomsĂ­ros kultĂșra kĂ©t tovĂĄbbi sĂ­rja a közĂ©psƑ bronzkor vĂ©gĂ©n-kĂ©sƑ bronzkor kezdetĂ©n lezajlott kulturĂĄlis vĂĄltozĂĄsok jobb megĂ©rtĂ©sĂ©hez szolgĂĄl adatokkal. A vaskori temetƑ a keltĂĄk legkorĂĄbbi megtelepedĂ©sĂ©nek bizonyĂ­tĂ©ka MagyarorszĂĄgon Ă©s a kĂ©sƑbbi idƑszakban is hasznĂĄlatban volt (La TĂšne B1-tƑl-C/D fordulĂłjĂĄig). Az ugyanitt feltĂĄrt telepĂŒlĂ©s a temetƑ kezdetĂ©nĂ©l fiatalabb korszakra (La TĂšne B2-B2/C1 idƑszakra) tehetƑ. A kora csĂĄszĂĄrkorban tovĂĄbbĂ©lƑ bennszĂŒlött lakossĂĄg ĂĄltal lakott, valamint az avar kori Ă©s ÁrpĂĄd-kori (XI-XIII. szĂĄzadi) telepĂŒlĂ©srĂ©szletek, tovĂĄbbĂĄ a langobard temetƑ feldolgozĂĄsa folyamatban van. UtĂłbbiak befejezĂ©sĂ©nek lehetƑsĂ©gĂ©t egy Ășjabb pĂĄlyĂĄzattĂłl remĂ©ljĂŒk. | Our research is focused on evaluating and preparing to publish the finds of the middle Bronze Age, Celtic and Langobard cemetery and the settlements from the Copper Age, Celtic, Roman, Avar period and the ÁrpĂĄdian Age that has been discovered at MĂ©nfƑcsanak road Nr. 83. Due to the depressed grant the processing of the prehistoric phases of the site have been completed. The processing of the small part of a late Copper Age settlement gives data on the settlement history of the Kisalföld in the period of the BolerĂĄz culture. The analysis of the 60 middle Bronze Age burials as one of the most important cemeteries of the Transdanubian Incrusted Pottery culture and the Tokod group gives basicly new information about the funerary rites of the period. Two other graves of the Tumulus culture helps to understand the cultural changes in the end of the middle and the beginning of the late Bronze Age. The Iron Age cemetery is the evidence of the earliest Celtic settlement in the territory of Hungary. It has been used in the later phase (from La TĂšne B1 until the turn of La TĂšne C/D) as well. The settlement which was also found here can be dated to a bit younger period (La TĂšne B2-B2/C1) of the Celtic Age. The evaluation of the villages from the early Roman, the Avar period, the Arpadian Age (XI-XIII. century), and cemetery of the Langobards have also been proceed. Finishing the latter one can be expected with the help of another grant

    A Drosophila Atg9 autofågia gén szerepe az aktin citoszkeleton szabålyozåsåban

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    In our study, we focused on the role of the Drosophila Atg9 autophagy gene. The Atg9B5 null allele was generated using CRISPR/Cas9. In Drosophila, lack of Atg9 led to typical autophagy defects regarding shorter lifespan, neuromuscular defects and reduces stress tolerancy, moreover, Atg9B5 mutation led to reduced fertility of females. In germline cells, Atg9 localized in the plasma membrane closed to tip of actin cables, as well as lack of Atg9 caused abnormal actin cable formation. Atg9B5 females often laid smaller eggs suggesting the “dumpless” phenotype, that could be the result of the defective actin organisation in nurse cells. These observations raised the possibility, that Atg9 was involved in actin regulation. Genetic interactions were identified between Atg9, and two actin regulators, ena and chic. Due to the actin organization takes place on a similar way organism-wide, it may explain why Atg9B5 led to defective neuron growth, similarly to some of ena or chic mutant alleles. Atg9 is a highly conserved protein and is present in many organisms, e.g. mammals, thus our results propose a similar actin-regulatory role for Atg9 in higher order organisms, as well

    Transformations of Metal Supply During the Bronze Age in the Carpathian Basin

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    Növényi víruskórókozók szisztemikus mozgåsånak vizsgålata korszerƱ védekezési stratégia kialakítåsåhoz = Investigation of the systemic movement of cucumoviruses in order to develop new defence strategies

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    A cucumovĂ­rus nemzetsĂ©gbe tartozĂł uborka mozaik vĂ­rus az egyik legszĂ©lesebb gazdanövĂ©nykörrel rendelkezƑ növĂ©nyi vĂ­rusoknak. Genomja hĂĄrom RNS-en elosztva, összesen öt fehĂ©rjĂ©t kĂłdol. Ezek közĂŒl korĂĄbban a vĂ­rus hosszĂștĂĄvĂș mozgĂĄsĂĄban a köpenyfehĂ©rjĂ©nek tulajdonĂ­tottak kulcsszerepet. OTKA pĂĄlyĂĄzatunk keretĂ©ben bizonyĂ­tottuk. hogy a köpenyfehĂ©rje bĂ©taB-bĂ©taC hurok rĂ©giĂłjĂĄnak van központ szerepe a vĂ­rus hosszĂștĂĄvĂș mozgĂĄsĂĄban uborka növĂ©nyen, valamint nem egy-egy aminosav meglĂ©te vagy hiĂĄnya a meghatĂĄrozĂł, hanem a vĂ­ruspartikulum felĂŒletĂ©nek töltĂ©seloszlĂĄsa fontos. KĂŒlönbözƑ cucumovĂ­rus-növĂ©ny rendszereken sikerĂŒlt bizonyĂ­tanunk, hogy az RNS 2- kĂłdolĂłdĂł fehĂ©rjĂ©knek is szerepe van a vĂ­rus szisztemizĂĄlĂłdĂĄsĂĄban. FöldimogyorĂł satnyulĂĄs vĂ­rus izolĂĄtumok vizsgĂĄlatĂĄval bizonyĂ­tottuk a rekombinĂĄns vĂ­rus nagymĂ©rtĂ©kƱ elterjedĂ©sĂ©t hazĂĄnkban, valamint az RNS 2-n kĂłdolĂłdĂł fehĂ©rjĂ©k szerepĂ©t a vĂ­rus hosszĂștĂĄvĂș mozgĂĄsĂĄban. A kĂŒlönbözƑ, babon lokĂĄlis illetve szisztemikus tĂŒneteket indukĂĄlĂł CMV izolĂĄtumok esetĂ©n a szisztematikus fertƑzĂ©sĂ©rt felelƑs rĂ©szt sikerĂŒlt a 2a fehĂ©rje egyetlen aminosavĂĄra lokalizĂĄlnunk (631Y) amiben nagy valĂłszĂ­nƱsĂ©ggel a fehĂ©rje foszforilĂĄciĂłja jĂĄtszik szerepet. A CMV 2a fehĂ©rje alanin scanning mutĂĄnsai segĂ­tsĂ©gĂ©vel hat mutĂĄnst azonosĂ­tottunk melyek Nicotiana clevelandii növĂ©nyen a vad tĂ­pusĂș vĂ­rustĂłl eltĂ©rƑen viselkedtek. Ezek közĂŒl nĂ©gy a gĂ©ncsendesĂ­tĂ©s szupresszĂĄlĂĄsĂĄban nem volt hatĂ©kony, mĂ­g kettƑ a vĂ­rus növĂ©nyen belĂŒli terjedĂ©sĂ©ben bizonyult sĂ©rĂŒltnek. | Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) belonging to the genus Cucumovirus has an extremely wild host range. Its genome consists of three genomic RNA and codes for five proteins. Previously the coat protein of cucumoviruses was described as a key factor in long-distance movement. In our present project we have proved, that the betaB-betaC loop region of the coat protein has the central role in long distance movement on cucumber. We have showed that not the presence of specific amino acids is required, but the general electrostatic potential pattern of the particle surface is important. We have also proved the importance of the viral proteins coded by the RNA2 in the long distance movement on different virus-host systems. In the case of peanut stunt virus we have demonstrated the dominance of the recombinant strains in Hungary, and the role of the proteins encoded by RNA 2 in viral long distance movement. Using different CMV isolates we have proved the role of a single amino acid (631Y) of the 2a protein in the systemic movement of the virus on bean and the role of protein phosphorylation could have a function in this case. Using alanin scanning mutatnts of the 2b protein, we have identified six mutants with different pathological characteristics. Four of them were defective in the suppression of gene silencing, while two was defective in viral movement

    A cemetery of the Gáta–Wieselburg culture at Nagycenk (Western Hungary)

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    The 29 individuals found in 27 graves at Nagycenk were buried there in the time period between 2000–1700 BC, according to radiocarbon dates – i.e. at the beginning of the Middle Bronze Age in Hungary. The cemetery is of unique importance, both because of the richness of burial assemblages (altogether 30 bronze objects, 5 gold jewelries) and the scarcity of known Gáta–Wieselburg cemeteries. 15 percent of the ca. 180 burials in total, which relate to this culture in Hungary, are in this cemetery, and because of the few published burial sites, the cemetery at Nagycenk represents about one fourth of the materials published so far in the whole distribution area of the culture. Pottery style, typology and raw material of metal artefacts, as well as the radiocarbon dates (with the earliest among the published radiocarbon dates in context of this culture) support the dating of the cemetery section to the early phase of the Gáta–Wieselburg culture. The oval arrangement of burials around grave 55 and grave 1 suggest that each of these correspond to a household of high status men representing a few generations of the population living in the settlement excavated in the vicinity of Nagycenk
